• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie sentimentale réalisé par Natalie Krinsky.
Avec Geraldine Viswanathan (Lucy Gulliver), Dacre Montgomery (Nick), Utkarsh Ambudkar (Max Vora), Molly Gordon (Amanda), Phillipa Soo (Nadine), Suki Waterhouse (Chloe), Sheila McCarthy (Cheryl Gulliver), Bernadette Peters (Eva Woolf), Nathan Dales (Jeff), Ego Nwodim (Harvard), Megan Ferguson (Randy), Nikki Duval (Willhemina), Emma Hunter (New York Woman), Taylor Hill (Taylor), Roy Choi (Randy Choi), Tattiawna Jones (Dr. Amelia Black), Arturo Castro (Marcos), Tricia Black (Goodwill Worker), Ray Kahnert (Butler), Elon Gold (Schmuli), Raymond Ablack (Clayton), Nicholas Carella (Karaoke Emcee), Trent Pardy (Yan), Bernard Kay (Joe), Jack Newman (Richard), Mel White (Lev - Gallery Owner), Ng Stephanie (Real Estate Agent), Melanie Leishman (Bookstore Owner), Celeste Bruno (Cigarette Girl), Smith Izaak (Cigarette Guy).

Synopsis :
Lucy Gulliver, jeune assistante dans une galerie d'art new-yorkaise, a vécu trop expériences amoureuses décevantes. Après une nième rupture, bouleversée mais pas abattue, elle se rend compte qu'elle a conservé de nombreux souvenirs de ses anciens amants, que toute autre femme aurait jetés à la poubelle. Du moins, le croit-elle. Elle décide alors de consacrer une exposition à tous ces bibelots. Le concept connaît un certain succès. La notoriété aidant, l'exposition s'enrichit d'objets apportés par des inconnus, qui ont tous une histoire différente et pourtant très semblable à raconter. .

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L'actualité du cinéma : https://www.telerama.fr/cinema
Les films de la semaine : https://www.telerama.fr/cine/film_datesortie.php

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00:00Welcome to the Broken Heart Gallery.
00:06Lucy, do you think you want to try getting out of bed today?
00:09We're getting smell complaints from the city.
00:11Have you just been masturbating and braiding your hair for three weeks?
00:15My vibrator will never break my heart.
00:17Well, it will break your vagina.
00:20Lucy, listen, we're in completely different places.
00:23You need to get a grip. He's with someone else now.
00:25How do you get over someone?
00:28Why are you getting into my car? What are you doing?
00:30Hi, for Lucy, Lyft, Silver Prius.
00:32Adolfo, I have had the worst night of my life.
00:34This isn't a Lyft, this is my car.
00:36Hello? I'm sorry. No, I'll cancel.
00:39You're not Adolfo? Who are you?
00:42My name is Nick.
00:43Okay. Good night. Peace.
00:47You can't have a good relationship because you're constantly mourning the old one.
00:50You keep something from every relationship.
00:53At least get rid of the ex-memorabilia.
00:55Adolfo Nick!
00:56You just magically show up everywhere. Are you my stalker?
00:59You just hit her?
01:03The car was just pre-game. This is where you actually murder me.
01:07I'm turning it into a boutique hotel.
01:08We're never alone.
01:09Do you see this, Ty? It's the only thing I have left from my last relationship.
01:13Why didn't you leave it here?
01:14A nail, perfectly placed.
01:16Look at that.
01:17It's like art in a gallery.
01:18I can help with the hotel in exchange for gallery space.
01:20Of course, we could use the help. You start tomorrow.
01:22Get us the coffee.
01:23Nothing with actual dairy.
01:25He gets really sensitive in his tummy.
01:27I hate both of them.
01:30Can I come in?
01:31How did you get in here?
01:32You're roommates. I want to show you something.
01:36And you are not wearing any pants.
01:38Ah, those bitches.
01:42This map was here this morning?
01:44This is amazing. There are broken people out there like me.
01:47People who need to let go and move on.
01:49Is this the heartbreak thing?
01:50You're in the right place. Welcome!
01:51Are you ready to hand it over?
01:53It has an odor.
01:55We're in business, baby.
01:58Love makes you do crazy, stupid, irrational things.
02:02Remember me?
02:04What's this guy doing here?
02:10Welcome to the Broken Heart Gallery.
02:12Heartbreak is the loneliest feeling in the world.
02:15And the truth is, it happens to us all.
02:17I think you should put your penis in his vagina.
02:22Oh, I should put my penis in his vagina?