• 2 months ago


00:00Welcome to Mojo Plays, and today we're revealing our picks for The Elder Scrolls' strongest
00:10enemies and bosses.
00:15Before we get started, we post new videos all week long, so be sure to subscribe to
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00:24Ebony Warrior, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim
00:31After getting to level 80, you'll be greeted by the Ebony Warrior.
00:34They're a formidable opponent, dressed in intimidating ebony armor, hoping the Dragonborn
00:39can send them to Sovngarde.
00:40His armor is heavily enchanted, giving him regeneration and a bunch of resistance.
00:45He has a whopping 2000 health, multiple immunities, and knows two shouts.
00:50It is possible to kill him easily.
00:52For example, Mehrunes Razor has a 2% chance to instantly kill anyone, which applies to
00:57the Ebony Warrior.
00:58Alternatively, you can use Unrelenting Force to fling him off of a cliff, but beating him
01:03honorably is maybe the most satisfying fight in Skyrim.
01:07Vivec, The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind
01:13The warrior poet Vivec is one of the four main gods you'll meet in Morrowind, who spends
01:18his time sitting in Vivec not doing anything useful.
01:22He has 3000 health and 10,000 magicka, which is impressive for a god, but not quite unbeatable.
01:28Given how abusable the mechanics of Morrowind are, it's quite easy to beat him once you
01:32become the Nerevarine, finally getting revenge for his betrayal thousands of years ago.
01:37Interestingly, you can finish the game after killing him, despite the warning flashes
01:41on the screen.
01:42The ancient dwarf Ygrom Begarn is the only character required for completion, so feel
01:47free to destroy Vivec and take your vengeance.
01:51Giant Slaughterfish, The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion
01:58Slaughterfish are potentially the most annoying opponents in the series, second to only cliff
02:03Well, fascinatingly, it turns out the Giant Slaughterfish is one of the hardest enemies
02:08in Oblivion.
02:09Its health is 20 times your current level, meaning at level 50 it will have an insane
02:131000 HP.
02:15It can be found during the Arrow of Extraction quest, part of the Thieves Guild questline.
02:19An extra level of difficulty comes from fighting underwater, where it's possible to drown
02:24and you'll have barely any visibility.
02:26It just highlights Oblivion's ridiculousness, with Morrowind's hardest enemies being literal
02:31gods, but Oblivion's being a big fish.
02:36Ancient Lich, The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall
02:39Daggerfall is one of the most difficult games in the series, primarily because of its age.
02:43The first dungeon is notoriously difficult, but things get somewhat easier after completing
02:49You'll quit before this point, making Daggerfall, and similarly Arena, the least accessible
02:54in the franchise.
02:55If you're hardcore enough to power through it, you'll probably come across an Ancient
03:00These are incredibly dangerous and have a plethora of extreme spells they'll throw
03:03at you.
03:04Ranged attacks are essential, and bring plenty of potions.
03:07On the bright side, their spells are so powerful they'll regularly blow themselves up.
03:12If you're not lucky enough for this, then you're in for one hell of a fight.
03:16Almalexia, The Elder Scrolls III Tribunal
03:22After finding Sotha Sil's corpse, the Nerevarine will have to battle Almalexia, the third killable
03:27god in the game.
03:29She has 3,000 health, and is completely insane once the player meets her.
03:33This is a stark contrast to how she's presented in the lore, where she's used to being caring
03:37and compassionate.
03:38Almalexia is indeed tough, but she doesn't feel much worse than most enemies in the game's
03:45This is a testament to how difficult the expansions themselves are, requiring you to thoroughly
03:49explore the base game before starting them.
03:59Gatekeeper, The Elder Scrolls IV Shivering Isles
04:05Shivering Isles provided Oblivion with some of its greatest content.
04:09Sheogorath's realm is home to many oddities, but the Gatekeeper is easily the most powerful.
04:14He's a behemoth tasked with guarding the realm, with his body being created out of
04:18his victims.
04:19There are two variations of the Gatekeeper, with the second being ridiculously overpowered.
04:24His power comes from his enormous health pool, which peaks at 1,800.
04:28Also it's constantly regenerating, and his physical and magical attacks are both overwhelming,
04:33with enormous range.
04:35The first variation can be killed during a quest, but you need special bone arrows to
04:39defeat him.
04:40Without these, it's nigh on impossible.
04:46Ancient Vampires, The Elder Scrolls II Daggerfall
04:50While not as powerful as the Ancient Lich, the Ancient Vampires are harder.
04:55They appear more frequently, and can detect you even when you're invisible.
04:58The primary reason they're more challenging is because they don't blow themselves up,
05:02lacking any ranged spells.
05:04You would assume ranged weapons would be the way to go, however they're phenomenally fast,
05:09being able to close the distance between reloads.
05:12Spell reflection is the way to go, or you can use the Etiquette skill, convincing them
05:16to chill out and stop trying to kill you.
05:18It's a real shame they took out this feature, since it's pretty hilarious using charisma
05:22to befriend enemies.
05:24Jaegar Tharn, The Elder Scrolls Arena
05:30Arena is generally considered tougher than Daggerfall, making it the hardest in the series.
05:35The combat is less refined, making it more punishing, and the enemy scaling isn't optimal.
05:40If you make it out of its hellish starting dungeon and then complete the game, Jaegar
05:44Tharn will be your final opponent.
05:46He's the Imperial Battlemage of Uriel Septim VII, famously portrayed by Patrick Stewart
05:51in Oblivion.
05:52The Staff of Chaos is his weapon of choice, which he used to banish Uriel Septim briefly
05:57into the Oblivion realm.
05:58Your best chance of beating him is using spell reflection and chucking his own medicine right
06:03back at him.
06:04If you manage to win, then you're rewarded with massive bragging rights for finishing
06:09Gaeanor, The Elder Scrolls III Tribunal
06:17It's kinda ridiculous that Gaeanor, a Bosmere pauper, is arguably the strongest enemy in
06:23But it's also exactly what we'd expect from Bethesda.
06:26Gaeanor is capable of killing Almalexia, a level 100 foe who's also a god.
06:31He lingers outside Mournhold Temple and will ask you for a few Septims.
06:35He'll keep asking for more, even asking for a million Septims, which you can give
06:40him, but it'll still make him mad no matter what you do.
06:43The next time you bump into him, he'll be wearing a complete set of ebony armor and
06:49Even the highest level characters can perish in a couple of hits from him, causing many
06:52to consider the most powerful of skills, alchemy.
06:57Karstog, The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Dragonborn
07:01Skyrim's Dragonborn expansion added the formidable opponent Karstog, who can be considered
07:09the toughest in the entire series.
07:11His stats are absurdly high, with 4000 health, insane damage output, health regenerations,
07:17and complete immunity to frost.
07:19Maybe the easiest way to beat him is to snipe him from a distance with either spells or
07:24It's not that fun to take him out this way, but taking him out other ways isn't
07:28fun either.
07:29With such strength, he's an absolute grind to win, and it isn't even that rewarding.
07:33All you get for beating him is the ability to summon his ghost to fight for you for only
07:37two minutes, which can only be activated three times total.
07:42Which Elder Scrolls enemy did you struggle the most to overcome?
07:45Let us know in the comment section.
07:54Be sure to check out these other fun clips from Mojo Plays, and if you enjoy our content,
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