• il y a 2 mois
Film Biographie réalisé par Gerard Barrett.
Avec Chloë Grace (Susannah Cahalan), Thomas Mann (Stephen Grywalski), Richard Armitage (Tom Cahalan), Carrie-Anne Moss (Rhona Nack), Jenny Slate (Margo), Tyler Perry (Richard), Alex Zahara (Allen), MacLean-Angus Jenn (Giselle).

Synopsis :
Susannah Cahalan, une journaliste, est atteinte de divers symptômes mais aucun médecin n'arrive à poser un diagnostic fiable..

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00:00My name is Susanna Cahalan
00:02I'm 21 years old and here I am with my dream job at the New York Post gross. Why are you smiling this early in the morning?
00:09It's unnatural and disgusting. You look ridiculous
00:12You're gonna interview that creepy sinner. You'll have a Thursday night. I know I will cuz I can always count on you
00:18I had my whole life in front of me
00:21And I had absolutely no idea what was waiting for me
00:31You're very very late you got to get your ass in here you're gonna miss the 10 o'clock meeting
00:37I feel really sick, you know, my head hurts, my stomach hurts, my hands are numb. I've never felt this before
00:48We've tested Susanna for every infectious disease all of the results are negative
00:52We're gonna get to the bottom of this together
00:55Her EEG is completely normal, her MRI is normal, her neurological exam is normal, it's all normal
01:01Her condition continues to regress
01:04Manic behavior, paranoia
01:07Each of them is giving us a different diagnosis, one is saying bipolar, next one is saying schizophrenic, then they're saying psychotic
01:15We should look at hospitals that are better equipped to deal with her
01:19Just take the pills
01:21She needs all of us
01:23We will find the answer
01:26Her life is in your hands
01:27Tell me what is wrong with my daughter
01:30You must be the famous Susanna
01:32I'm scared
01:33I know she's still in there
01:35She's just trapped
01:38I promise you, I'm going to do everything I can to find you
01:41No, no, no
01:43Time is of the essence, we are losing her
01:52To be continued