• il y a 2 mois
Film Thriller réalisé par Joe Lynch.
Avec Frank Grillo (Abe Guevara), Anthony Mackie (Paul Booker), Marcia Gay (Regina Lewis), Teyonah Parris (Taryn), McGiver Boris (Masterson), Christian Cooke (Mateo Guevara), Markice Moore (Big D).

Synopsis :
Un truand prend en otage la femme enceinte d'un infirmier qui est obligé d'aider le frère du bandit, blessé et pris dans une machination..

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L'actualité du cinéma : https://www.telerama.fr/cinema
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00:00What are you, recreating the Sistine Chapel in this boy's room?
00:04Not bad, right?
00:05You should be knee-deep in that sofa in there with some great-as-ice cream.
00:11Don't move.
00:19Sam, baby, where are you?
00:21Hello, Paul.
00:22What do you want?
00:26Last night a man was taken to your hospital.
00:28I need you to get him out.
00:31Wherever he goes, I go.
00:33Whatever you say, officer.
00:41What's happening?
00:42His heart. Give me the defibrillator.
00:52You don't want to get involved in this, Paul. Let me handle it.
00:55Who took my wife?
00:56Dirty cops.
00:59Where are you going?
01:00I'm gonna kill them.
01:02All of them.
01:07Cops want you dead, homie.
01:21This is some real Grand Theft Auto shit.
01:24The fuck is that?
01:25It's a video game.
01:26I'm a fucking grown-up, man.
01:27I don't play video games.
01:29Maybe you should try to help you with your aggression.
01:32Everybody's always saying I'll do anything for my family.
01:34This is as fucking anything as it gets.
01:36Bring him to us and you'll get your wife back.
01:38You got an hour.
01:41You're going to jail.
01:42You just say stupid shit all the time.
01:44I'm going to jail. You're coming with me, pal.
01:58J'ai besoin d'une peinture en plastique et des détails sur les roues.
02:01Tu peux sortir de la voiture, s'il te plaît ?
02:02J'ai du spray de piment dans mon sac.
02:04J'ai un fusil dans mes pantalons.
02:06C'est quoi ce bordel de carwash ?