• 2 months ago
👉 La búsqueda de Facundo Adrián Toro continúa sin resultados. La prefectura y buzos tácticos trabajan incansablemente en la zona conocida por su peligrosidad y profundidad. A pesar de las más de 27 horas transcurridas desde su desaparición, no se ha recibido ningún comunicado oficial por parte de las autoridades argentinas.

👉 Seguí en #ElNoticieroDeA24
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00:00This unfortunate story, where a young woman, two young women actually,
00:03fell into the water, one of them couldn't get out,
00:06they went to rescue her, three more young people, four more young people
00:10who had problems, the prefecture that acted,
00:13and finally the boys told us, one is missing, Franco is missing, he is not with us.
00:18Well, since yesterday they are looking for him there in Aguas de Punta del Este.
00:21And we are with Gustavo Descalzi again.
00:23Gus, good morning.
00:26Well, the search continues, dear Javier, Anorita, Mercedes,
00:31tell them that there, what you are seeing is one of the boats of the prefecture,
00:35there are four at the moment working in the area,
00:37this must be in the first ring of the 100, 150 meters,
00:42there is one that goes behind and another that comes in a much closer ring.
00:46Tell them that the search continues here in Aguas de la Playa del Emir
00:51and that unfortunately we still have no news to give.
00:55I say unfortunately because I always want to look for something to tell you.
00:59Further back you can see the second boat that is already in the other ring
01:03and to the other side I want to tell you that there is one of the little boats
01:05that is working on the beach.
01:07At this moment I am from the Emir to Los Dedos.
01:10Let's turn there, Nicolás.
01:11There you can see the finger surf school, the boys who are learning,
01:15that we were far away, as you can see.
01:18The area enabled for bathrooms.
01:20We are going to try to find, give me a second because this is important.
01:23They asked me several times.
01:25Let's try to do it there, there, there, there, there.
01:27Let's see if we can find the flag.
01:29Let's see, Nicolás, there it is.
01:30Can you see the flag there?
01:32Yes, but the flag looks red.
01:35Well, it is, no, but that flag marks the area where the bathrooms go.
01:41Up to there some, of course, up to there people can get in.
01:44But here, on this side, on the beach, people can perfectly go to the beach,
01:48but you can't get into the water.
01:50So, that's why I was telling you that,
01:53although we have delimited the place where one can get in,
01:57people have to understand that from here you can't get into the water.
02:01Now, come here, Nicolás.
02:03Now, what I see is that many times people
02:06are going to get their feet wet there in the rock area.
02:09They do it because, obviously, they are close, but no one can get in.
02:13However, the imprudence of that lady who got into the prohibited area
02:18behind this first line of rock
02:21caused that, in the search, in the rescue,
02:23the young man got in and was sucked by the sea.
02:27We are talking about the open sea, this is the Atlantic Ocean.
02:30The sea today seems to want to congratulate us.
02:36That's why today the sea is calm, calm.
02:39Today the ocean wants to apologize
02:43for putting us in this crisis situation
02:46here in the Rio de la Plata, here in the Atlantic Ocean,
02:49in this bathroom where people come to seek happiness.
02:51And in this place, in this celebration,
02:54this young man found a sad ending,
02:57and that's why we are looking for him.
02:58Yes, I'm listening to you, Norita.
02:59Yes, no, I wanted to ask you if the area extends,
03:02because at first they had said that the area where they were looking
03:05was closer to the stones, to the rocks,
03:09and that as the hours passed, it would extend.
03:11Is this true?
03:13Yes, every hour that passes, the ring, the circle,
03:17the semicircle is getting bigger.
03:19I would tell you that today they are looking
03:21up to the line of the kilometer, kilometer and a half,
03:24because, evidently, with the force that the sea had yesterday,
03:28it is possible that it has been dragged far.
03:31And I want to tell you that as the minutes pass,
03:34as the hours pass, we are already 27 hours, 28 hours from the disappearance,
03:39my hopes are extinguished.
03:41We are still here in the search,
03:43and the technical staff, the tactical buses,
03:46are still doing their job, stone by stone,
03:48looking hole by hole,
03:50with 11 in the area of the cliffs.
03:51Let's turn there, Nicolás,
03:53to show you that all that area of stones,
03:56historically, historically, they have sunk ships.
03:59I'm going to tell you that there must be more than 200 shipwrecks here,
04:02since the time of La Colonia,
04:05since the time of the first advanced,
04:07because it is treacherous and dangerous.
04:10It is not only deep, because the deepest seabed is on the Uruguayan side.
04:14Remember that the deepest seabed of the ocean and the Río de la Plata is on this side.
04:19And over there, at the beach, there is the beach of the fingers.
04:22It is a quiet beach, it is a flat, beautiful beach, suitable for swimming,
04:27but from the flag over there, it is prohibited,
04:29you cannot enter.
04:31Surely they will say that there is a lack of a sign.
04:33Yes, there is a lack of a sign.
04:35Surely there is no proper information.
04:38Yes, there is no proper information.
04:40In fact, there is a red sign that was put yesterday.
04:43Ah, look, just yesterday.
04:44Look, it's going to make me angry.
04:46It's going to make me angry.
04:48I'm seeing that they put it a while ago.
04:50Why is it going to make you angry, Gustavo?
04:53Yes, because there should be signage with the money they have to inform.
04:57They could put a big sign saying,
04:59this area is prohibited from bathing.
05:01We, those of us who know the area,
05:03we know that no one is going to get into an area where there is rock,
05:07because we know that it is dangerous.
05:09But the imprudence of this lady, the ignorance of this lady.
05:12The same, Gustavo.
05:13There are many people who come from the north of Argentina.
05:16Yes, I hear you a lot.
05:17It is good to put signs, of course, and so on,
05:19but there are certain places where, the truth,
05:22I don't know, in a fishing dock,
05:26down here there is rock,
05:29and if you see the rocks,
05:31putting a sign that says, don't pull your head,
05:33because you are going to kill yourself,
05:33the truth is that it is ridiculous,
05:36even though it has to be done,
05:37because there are people who, just like that,
05:38to take a picture or something, do it.
05:41Here, you will see, Gustavo,
05:43there was a combination of celebration,
05:46of joy, alcohol, and you will see that,
05:50and they said, let's go to the water,
05:52it's hot, and it was 7 in the morning, you know, right?
05:57We don't know,
05:58what we do know is that the sun comes out from that side,
06:00and the 25th, the year 25,
06:02many people come to this beach to wait for the first sun,
06:05the sun welcomed us to this 25th,
06:08and in that plan is that this group of 6 people,
06:12workers, workers, people who come to do the summer,
06:14to do the mango, dear Nora,
06:16here in Punta del Este, in a restaurant,
06:18they decided to come to celebrate, to wait for that sun.
06:21Unfortunately, the misinformation of this girl,
06:24or the imprudence made her get in,
06:26and this boy went to the rescue.
06:28Gustavo, do you know if the family of this young man has already approached?
06:33Look, let's see, let's see, the family is already aware,
06:36and I don't want to give too much information,
06:38they asked me not to give too much information,
06:39we are not going to bother the family,
06:41imagine the circumstances he is living,
06:43what catches my attention are the Argentine authorities,
06:48of diplomacy, the police station,
06:50and above all, let's say, the consulate here,
06:55that they should impersonate, burn like us,
06:58be here, be attentive,
07:00because he is an Argentine citizen and deserves protection.
07:02I hate cocktail diplomats,
07:05who are wearing ties and Italian sacks,
07:07I like the guys who come in sweaters, like I am,
07:10to see what happens and to get ready.
07:14I say it slowly, so that we can understand,
07:17that so far I have no official statement,
07:21no official statement, neither from the ambassador,
07:23nor from the consulate here in Punta del Este.
07:25I hope to have them, I hope to have them,
07:27I hope to ask them why they are not here,
07:29sweating like us.
07:31Well, dear friends, I am in search of...
07:34Today I was talking on the radio,
07:37with El Chango Figueredo,
07:38El Chango Figueredo, Gustavo knows him,
07:40is the photographer of the newspaper El País.
07:42Yes, maestro.
07:43And he is the photographer who was there yesterday,
07:44at the moment when the girl could not get out of the water.
07:47When he saw that image,
07:49before they took a picture,
07:52he called the prefecture,
07:54telling them, look, this is happening,
07:56I am seeing that there are some boys who are in the water,
07:58a girl who cannot get out,
08:00let's see if she comes.
08:00And there, and there they arrive later,
08:03the two prefects that Gustavo spoke to yesterday,
08:06with the boss of one of them,
08:09to rescue them, right?
08:11But how did the sequence happen?
08:13Because, of course, they were alone in the water.
08:15Who called, who called the emergency?
08:20El Chango Figueredo is 50,
08:21I am 37, working here,
08:23he is over 50 years old, working.
08:25He sees the wind and knows where it comes from.
08:27He saw the situation from afar.
08:29He was the first to call.
08:31And what amazes me,
08:32that this is the most guarded area,
08:34full of cameras,
08:35and that no one has noticed this situation.
08:38If El Chango does not call,
08:39maybe we have, maybe,
08:41look at what I say.
08:42More people looking.
08:43Maybe we are talking about a worse situation,
08:46even worse.
08:46That is why I tell you that
08:48when there is an incident,
08:49it is important that the operative,
08:52one of the things that caught my attention
08:54is why the helicopters were not flying early.
08:57It caught my attention.
08:58We have helicopters, we have.
09:00Why don't I shoot them before?
09:01I asked the mayor.
09:03Why don't I shoot the helicopters?
09:04No, no.
09:05I considered that it was not necessary.
09:07Well, you can see that
09:08his consideration is out of another protocol.
09:11But if we are talking about someone,
09:13look at the immensity of the sea.
09:14Let's show, Nicolás.
09:15Look at the size of the feet.
09:17What was it?
09:18Seven in the morning.
09:20When you start giving notice,
09:22when the first girl comes out.
09:23The mayors who throw themselves as they were,
09:25because with the clothes they had,
09:26no bus or anything.
09:27They saw, they saw and they threw themselves and they saved them.
09:30There they lose this boy.
09:32There they escape.
09:34But all that time.
09:36And I'm going to tell you more, Nora.
09:39The courage of the two mayors,
09:41a girl and a boy, young.
09:44They took off that vest,
09:45which is an anti-bullet vest.
09:46They took off the boots,
09:47they took off the gun
09:49and they threw themselves.
09:50And they threw themselves.
09:51Without any kind of protection.
09:52Yes, yes.
09:53They threw themselves and they didn't hesitate.
09:54They didn't hesitate.
09:55In a dangerous area too.
09:56Well, Gus, listen to me.
09:57If you can, if you can.
09:59If there is a possibility.
10:00Call Chango, Figueroa.
10:03Let's see if you can come a little closer now.
10:06He must be walking around taking pictures.
10:08Let's see if he can talk to you for a little while.
10:10Now in a while.
10:11And we'll make a note with you.
10:14Let's see if we can find him.
10:16Thank you, Gus.
10:17See you later.
10:17Maybe we'll find him.
10:18I'll be back in a while.
10:20See you later.
10:20Gustavo, rest there in Punta del Este.
10:22Obviously we are.
10:23We are very expectant of.
10:26Hopefully we'll find him alive.
10:27It's unlikely, but hopefully.
10:29Of course we don't lose hope.
