• 2 months ago
President Joe Biden condemned the deadly attack on New Year’s Eve in New Orleans, expressing grief and promising full federal support. The FBI is investigating the suspect's ties to ISIS, as videos from the attacker revealed inspiration from the terror group. The attack left 15 dead and dozens injured, with authorities uncovering explosives in the suspect's vehicle.

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00:00I know I can speak for all Americans when I say our hearts are with the people of New
00:22Orleans after a despicable attack that occurred in the early morning hours. To all the families
00:30of those who were killed, to all those who were injured, to all the people of New Orleans
00:36who are grieving today, I want you to know I grieve with you. Our nation grieves with
00:41you. We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
00:52We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
01:22We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
01:52We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
02:22We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
02:52We're going to stand with you as you mourn and as you heal in the weeks to come.
03:22Don't miss out. Log on to OneIndia.com for more updates.
