• 2 months ago
The renowned journalist, Ignacio Ramonet, interviews the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro. This is the tenth time that Ignacio Ramonet has interviewed the Venezuelan president on January 1st.


00:00:00Mr. President, allow me first to wish you a happy New Year's, and thank you.
00:00:23And on the other hand, to thank you for accepting to doing this interview, which is the 10th
00:00:29interview since we started with these first-year meetings, which are a classic already.
00:00:38Last week an article came out in France, for example, in a weekly, and making an article
00:00:44against me, and in particular focus on the fact that I am the journalist who interviews
00:00:48you every January 1st.
00:00:51So they are afraid of the interview?
00:00:53Yes, because it's a very frank conversation, to tell the truth, that covers them.
00:00:59An interview to tell the truth, they cover up, thus you can review those 10 interviews,
00:01:0510 consecutive years, what we said about the year that passed, and the projections of the
00:01:10coming year.
00:01:12What has been done too, and each time these interviews have also a character that allows
00:01:17you to make a balance of the year that finished, and open perspectives on the new year.
00:01:24To those who do not like the debate to open, then we open a debate.
00:01:28We like the debate a lot, the debate of ideas, the battle for truth against so much manipulation.
00:01:35Therefore, I am the one who thanks you for opening me this window of opportunity.
00:01:40When we started, these interviews had been issued on paper.
00:01:45It was another century, another world, and now these interviews run very hard on the
00:01:51known social media and platforms.
00:01:54President, the interview is going to be like every year, this time divided into four parts.
00:02:02We are going to talk about domestic politics, the very important topic, also the economy,
00:02:08a fundamental topic.
00:02:09We are going to talk about technology and society, precisely because of what you just
00:02:14said about social networks.
00:02:17And we will end up by talking about international politics, correct?
00:02:21So, I wanted to start with the question about democracy in Venezuela.
00:02:28In Venezuela, the year 2024, the year that just ended, has been a very electoral year.
00:02:33There have been presidential elections on July 28th.
00:02:37There was also the referendum for the Guayana Esequiba.
00:02:40There was also the popular consultation on August 25th on participatory budgets.
00:02:48There was also the election of the judges of peace in the communes.
00:02:51And also, this year that begins, there will be local and regional elections.
00:02:59There will be also a whole set of parliamentary elections.
00:03:02In other words, Venezuela, since 25 years ago, when the Bolivarian Revolution began,
00:03:08has been characterized by the high intensity of these elections.
00:03:13But recently, you have said that you are thinking of an eventual constitutional reform to inject
00:03:17more democracy in Venezuela.
00:03:23So I consider that there is already enough democracy.
00:03:28What do you think is necessary to add to the Venezuelan democracy?
00:03:31Well, indeed, there are several issues.
00:03:33First of all, the account given now that the constitution turned 25 years on December 15th
00:03:43is very auspicious, very positive, because despite so many conspiracies and so many
00:03:51attempts of coup d'etat that we were able to reverse in April 2002 of the economic war
00:04:00in different phases of the psychological cognitive war, of the national, international, political
00:04:08war, we have been able to see blooming the main proposal of the 1999 constitution, the
00:04:17construction of a participatory and leading democracy.
00:04:22It was said by that time at the end of the 90s, Commander Chavez began to work on the
00:04:27idea of overcoming the old exhausted democracy of parties, representative democracy, because
00:04:39supposedly being a democracy, well, it is without the democracy, well, it is a great
00:04:46limitation truly to the one who is the owner of the sovereignty of the power, which is
00:04:50the sovereign people.
00:04:51And we can say that the ideas and proposals of 25 years ago were fulfilled widely and fully.
00:04:59We have had 31 constitutional elections, 31 elections, regular, permanent, on due time,
00:05:12and flawless elections, presidential elections held on due time despite all the wars and
00:05:22There have never been excuses to postpone any presidential election, elections for governorates
00:05:29and legislative councils, which is the state power, elections for mayors and municipal
00:05:34councils, municipal power.
00:05:37We have had seven referendums, including the referendum of the Guayana Sequiba to address
00:05:45key fundamental issues.
00:05:46We have to recall a referendum that was very significant in 2007 for a constitutional reform,
00:05:53which we lost by 20,000 votes, and we immediately recognized the result.
00:05:58We have to remember the referendum of February 2009 to make an amendment to the constitution,
00:06:05because in Venezuela, you cannot change a single comma, dot word of the constitution
00:06:10without bringing it to the referendum.
00:06:12It is a constitutional mandate and a constitutional right of the people.
00:06:18Now beyond that, Commander Chavez initiated in 2006, 2007, the construction of a direct
00:06:26popular democracy with the foundation of the first communal councils, then the development
00:06:33of the concept of commune, which is adding the communal councils and giving the neighbors
00:06:38of the power of self-government.
00:06:42We have strongly resumed the idea of direct democracy, of neighborhood community democracy.
00:06:50In this case, the construction of what our people call a new communal state, a new modern
00:06:55state within the idea of Bolivarian socialist modernity of the 21st century, not within
00:07:03the idea of the failed modernity of the Western world, not of post-modernity, which was a
00:07:11critique of modernity.
00:07:13In this case, we are trying to build up a new concept from the constitution of 1999,
00:07:20and the results have been and are extraordinary.
00:07:23This year, in the year 2024, we have done three direct consultations with communities,
00:07:33two consultations for projects, for allocating budgets for community projects, which were
00:07:41decided, defined, planned, voted, and approved by the popular vote that I describe as direct,
00:07:49secret, broad, majoritarian.
00:07:51This involved the approval of thousands and thousands of neighborhood projects to solve
00:08:00many times acute problems that the bureaucratism of the old state does not address, does not
00:08:10sort out.
00:08:11I was a witness in a region called Guatira, here in the state of Miranda, of a project
00:08:18of a containment wall for a main access road to a productive area in the route of La Margarina.
00:08:26And how they were asking the mayor there for years, the containment wall, because all the
00:08:32access road was going to fall, and the mayor never gave them an answer.
00:08:38And we, the community, in one of the consultations, the first one approved the project, the direct
00:08:45resource was allocated around $10,000, that is equivalent of $10,000, and the community
00:08:51has built up the wall in just four months.
00:08:55They made the wall in a fantastic way.
00:08:58It was completed, a safe wall, and they had money left to repair a medical center and
00:09:03to recover a school, which shows you that direct democracy, neighborhood democracy,
00:09:10with the participation of the people's eye, is infinitely higher, much more efficient
00:09:16than the old and obtuse bourgeois worn-out state, which we still have out there, which
00:09:23is like a strange coexistence between that old state, which does not end up solving problems
00:09:31locally, and that tell your strength of a new state that is emerging from the foundations.
00:09:40We also did, at the end of the year, on December 15th, a beautiful experiment, because the
00:09:48National Assembly approved the organic law of communal peace justice, and they were elected
00:09:55in Venezuela with a direct popular vote, 15,000 justices and peace justices of the territory
00:10:04of the neighbors, 15,000 principals, 15,000 substitutes.
00:10:11This is not disseminated in the world, because in the world, what interests them is to repeat
00:10:16that there is a dictatorship in Venezuela, that there is no democracy, and that the only
00:10:21democracy that exists is their democracy.
00:10:23From the north, from the west, this degraded, decomposed collective empire, and already
00:10:29in the final stage of decadence, and not to say that here in the south, in the global
00:10:36south, in South America, there is an experience that has been born, beautiful, of popular
00:10:41democracy, direct democracy, the democracy of the neighbors.
00:10:45So we have had a wonderful time to prove that it is possible to build up another way of
00:10:52doing politics, that is possible, necessary, and urgent for humanity to propose new models.
00:10:59And from there, from that debate, a very powerful proposal emerged.
00:11:05It has been very well received by the entire Venezuelan society that from January 2025,
00:11:12we advance towards a constitutional reform that democratizes the entire state, that democratizes
00:11:18the entire society, and that advances towards a process of strengthening a new way of doing
00:11:24politics of a new democracy.
00:11:27That is where it is headed for, and also with the dialogue method that is inclusive, I am
00:11:34making up a special team of, we could say, experts, advisors, counselors.
00:11:44I am focused on the forms of consultations to the popular power that we apply so much
00:11:51permanently, and also a group of advisors, international counselors, who have offered
00:11:58themselves to support us, and very soon...
00:12:01To translate into law, to a certain extent?
00:12:04Yes, because the constitutional reform, to be valid, a project has to be made first.
00:12:12The reform has to go to the National Assembly, the legislative power of Venezuela, the parliament,
00:12:19the only one that exists in Venezuela, the parliament elected by the people in 2020.
00:12:24Once the parliament approves a project, that project has to go to the streets, to the people,
00:12:31to the debate, to the referendum, and the one that has the last word in Venezuela to
00:12:35approve the reform, to change the constitution, is the sovereign, it is the direct democracy,
00:12:41it is the people.
00:12:43And Mr. President, the whole world at this moment is looking forward to two takeovers
00:12:51that will take place in the next few days.
00:12:55On one hand, that of the elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, in Washington,
00:13:01that will take place on January 20th, and yours, which will take place in a few days
00:13:08on January 10th.
00:13:10Now, the question is, how do you explain that for so many international observers, there
00:13:17is the same interest between the takeover in the first power of the world and the change
00:13:26of command, which in this case does not occur because you have been re-elected, in Venezuela?
00:13:32What does Venezuela have in particular to be the center of global attention?
00:13:39Because there is a dispute over the control and domain of Venezuela.
00:13:45Venezuela was the axis of the anti-colonialist, independentist struggles exactly 200 years
00:13:54Here we have with us the sword, the saber, liberator of Carabobo, with which the liberator
00:14:04Simon Bolivar led on June 24, 1821, the victorious battle that made the Spanish Imperial Army
00:14:11retreat from lands of today's Venezuelan territories.
00:14:15Here we have with us the sword that the people of Lima gave them, the poor people of Lima,
00:14:21the indigenous people, the artisans, to declare Bolivar their liberator, their saver.
00:14:27These are two swords of great symbolic importance in our history, of great significance.
00:14:34Likewise, here we have a dagger that belonged to the great Marshal of Ayacucho, the winner
00:14:42200 years ago in Ayacucho, who ended up expelling the imperial armies of Europe and Spain from
00:14:49this territory, from South America.
00:14:53All these symbols, the gun of the liberator Antonio José de Sucre, mark with great strength
00:15:02the struggles that we are waging nowadays.
00:15:06It must be said, President, that we are in the presidential office.
00:15:09Yes, this is office number one of the Miraflores Palace, which is a house, the house of the
00:15:15people, and precisely these symbols accompany us daily, permanently, and it is a permanent
00:15:23reminder, Ramón, of where we come from, of what our project is, of where all the strength
00:15:30and energy of ours for the 21st century comes from.
00:15:34So look, the empire believed that in 2024 it could make a definite coup in Venezuela,
00:15:46and they played a double game.
00:15:49On the one hand, what I have called the diplomacy of deception, which is practiced a lot by
00:15:55the empires and the U.S. empire in the world, with its different modalities, the diplomacy
00:16:01of deception with false attraction, false offers, to try to win space and stab you in
00:16:09the back.
00:16:10Or they also apply at other times the diplomacy of deception based on blackmail, on the threat
00:16:18of invasion, of economic wars.
00:16:21We know how the U.S. and its allies act, all their ways of acting, they thought that 2024
00:16:30was the definite year, so they pursued the diplomacy of deception grounded in negotiations
00:16:37that we developed with the outgoing government, Joe Biden, which they fully did not comply with.
00:16:43What were called the talks of verbatim, right?
00:16:46And the signing of the agreements, documents are there, which they do not comply with in
00:16:52a coarse, shameless way.
00:16:55On one side, they favored, financed, supported, and promoted the resurgence of a far-right
00:17:09fascist bloc that controlled a good part of the Venezuelan opposition, so they would
00:17:18pave the way for a great conspiracy, the Trojan horse they needed to destroy countries.
00:17:26And they believed, once again, as they believed in the coup d'etat of 2002, underestimating
00:17:33us, underestimating the people of Venezuela.
00:17:36They believed they had the perfect plan, but a small detail, they did not count up
00:17:42with the immense power of the historical bloc of the Bolivarian revolution.
00:17:47They did not realize that in Venezuela there is a powerful historical bloc, and that Venezuela
00:17:52has a perfect fusion among the popular power, the military power, and the police power.
00:17:58This is what we call the Union and the Civil-Military-Police fusion, which I have been describing as the
00:18:04popular-military-police fusion of the great historical bloc, taking into account Granchi's
00:18:10concept of the Bolivarian revolution developed by Chavez.
00:18:14So this year, we have shattered to pieces the imperialist plan in its attempt of destroying
00:18:23the Bolivarian revolution.
00:18:25And they keep up their target, a star-born, obsessed of destabilizing Venezuela.
00:18:35And then they try to become, just as they turned the July 28th presidential elections
00:18:40into a global election, and now with social media, even more the manipulation of social
00:18:47How many elections were there in 2024 in the world?
00:18:51Hundreds of elections.
00:18:52Dozens at least.
00:18:54One of the most electoral years in history.
00:18:56But there were only two elections, the one in Venezuela on July 28th and the United States
00:19:02in November.
00:19:03They turned it into a global election.
00:19:06Now they want on January 10th to be a global election, a global office, trying to do what
00:19:15they haven't achieved, nor will they achieve, which is to destabilize our homeland, to destabilize
00:19:22our democracy, to rail Venezuela, and try to take it down to the path of chaos, division,
00:19:28take it down to the path of confrontation and with chaos, division, violence, to make
00:19:34a call to a foreign military intervention, which is the ultimate dream of this mindless
00:19:42idea of Venezuelan fascism, of the far right, to try to pursue a method of maximum pressure
00:19:52violence and destruction of the revolutionary forces of chavism.
00:19:58Plainly, Venezuela is at peace, tranquility, calm, sure of its destiny, sure of its path.
00:20:09And just as we have known to tear down, to demolish, to dismantle internal conspiracies,
00:20:17internal fascism, external pressures, conspiracies, mercenaries, terrorists, during these 25 years,
00:20:27we have already had the learning and the capacity to guarantee to the people of Venezuela and
00:20:32to the peoples of the world who support us, who love us, who love the people of Venezuela,
00:20:38that Venezuela will follow its path of independence, peace, and revolution.
00:20:42Be sure of that.
00:20:44And as you were saying, President, the media campaign against Venezuela has been going
00:20:50on for 25 years, and this campaign, we have seen it intensify after your electoral victory
00:21:00on July 28th.
00:21:02In particular, the international conservative media have modified without hesitation the
00:21:10story of what happened the next day of the elections, what happened on July 29th.
00:21:16In other words, when organized armed groups attacked a series of official institutions
00:21:23and caused about 30 deaths.
00:21:26The version that has been given in the international media and the social networks, that the social
00:21:33networks have spread, is that the victims have been caused by the authorities.
00:21:37So the world is a bit upside down, as Eduardo Galeano said.
00:21:42You have reacted against these lies and you have launched, not only you have relaunched
00:21:49the revolutionary movement, in particular with the historical bloc, but also with a
00:21:54great anti-fascist offensive.
00:21:57You have organized in Caracas a series of anti-fascist congresses, of anti-fascist movements.
00:22:08International anti-fascism has now taken place in Caracas, in support of the Bolivarian Revolution.
00:22:16And I wanted to ask you, on the one hand, your opinion about this international campaign,
00:22:23although you just said it to a certain extent, and what is your opinion about these anti-fascist
00:22:28congresses that have been taking place in Caracas in the last few months?
00:22:33The anti-fascist congresses in Venezuela have shown the huge support that we have in
00:22:40all the global movements, anti-colonialist, anti-fascist, progressive, left-wing, revolutionary,
00:22:48in all the humanist movements.
00:22:50Here in Venezuela, people have come together of the immense civilizational diversity of
00:22:56all continents, of all countries, and what are they looking for?
00:23:01They are looking for an alternative, an alternative so that the unipolar world does not return,
00:23:09so that hegemony ends.
00:23:11And they are also telling the owners, the private companies, owners of social medias,
00:23:17of websites, of the great global media, that a different world is possible.
00:23:22And we support the world of reality in Venezuela.
00:23:26That's firstly.
00:23:27Secondly, the immense support of the people of Venezuela to the anti-fascist congresses.
00:23:33I was a witness of several experiences where, let's say, visitors, delegates of social movements,
00:23:42of intellectuals, politicians of the world, of Asia, of Africa, of Europe, of the United States,
00:23:49of Latin America and the Caribbean, went to visit the communities of different states of the country.
00:23:58They were able to circulate through the streets of the different cities and towns, and they
00:24:03could see on the streets the will of the Venezuelan people of tranquility, of stability, of peace,
00:24:09of their will to be respected, that nobody gets involved in the internal affairs of Venezuela,
00:24:14so that the empires leave Venezuela alone, that this is the homeland of Bolivars.
00:24:18So, secondly, I repeat, they could see the immense support and admiration of the people
00:24:23of Venezuela to the anti-fascist congresses.
00:24:27Thirdly, I can tell you that in Venezuela the future of the progressive movements of
00:24:33the world is being decided, of the revolutionary movements of the world, and I am convinced
00:24:40that such message, such awareness and alert are in the minds of millions of men and women
00:24:47from all continents, from all countries, from all religions, from all cultures, because
00:24:54they know that Venezuela has a very powerful voice to denounce global crimes.
00:25:00It has a very powerful voice to denounce the decadence of the Western world.
00:25:05It has a very powerful voice to make proposals that allow the approach of the peoples of
00:25:13the civilizations in function of new, more egalitarian development models that propose
00:25:21the greatest social happiness, as was the approach of the liberator Simon Bolivar.
00:25:27So people were watching, just as there is manipulation of social media, of the mercenary
00:25:38hitmen who write articles here and there, on websites, on media outlets, be certain,
00:25:46as I have seen it, and we have seen it, that just as there is an immense manipulation,
00:25:52there is also an immense operation to defend the truth in our country, and people know
00:25:59what it meant in the conspiracy to use the elections on July 28 and to spread violence
00:26:09nationwide to strike a coup with the foreign intervention.
00:26:13People are aware of the immense value of the effort of Venezuelan people that in 48 hours
00:26:18restore tranquility and peace to do justice.
00:26:22The justice entities in Venezuela, the public prosecutor's office, the judicial system,
00:26:27you know that they have advanced a deep professional investigation abided by internal law, even
00:26:37abided by international law, to find and hold those responsible for the acts of violence,
00:26:44for the hate crimes that were committed.
00:26:47All the people killed in the violent incidents on the fascist outbursts on July 29 and 30,
00:26:55all were victims of these groups called the comanditos, of these groups of payoff criminals,
00:27:02of these groups that went out to the streets to burn, to break, because they intended,
00:27:09once again, it is not the first time, they intended with this warimba, this uprising,
00:27:14this 2024 version uprising, to trigger a commotion of such magnitude that it would give justification
00:27:23to the U.S. government and its right-wing allies to try to put military force in Venezuela
00:27:29and to turn Venezuela into an area of combat, of conflict.
00:27:37But there is strength, there is awareness, there is capacity, and in 48 hours peace was
00:27:43re-established constitutionally, justice has been done, justice will continue to be done,
00:27:48and I can tell you with absolute conviction that if you go out to the streets of any community,
00:27:56anywhere in the country, and you ask Venezuelans, do you want the warimba uprisings to return,
00:28:03do you want violence to return, do you want hate crimes to return, attacks, intolerance,
00:28:11more than 90% of this country will answer you in one voice, we don't want intolerance,
00:28:17we don't want hate, we don't want division, we don't want violence, we are headed towards
00:28:22peace, and I can assure you that this man who is here, that you know very well, Nicolás
00:28:33Maduro Moro, re-elected president, is the greatest guarantee together with our people
00:28:39of peace, stability, and independence of Venezuela.
00:28:43In a few days, from the 7th to the 12th of January, there will be an immense anti-fascist
00:28:50congress of the world's youth, and there will be the second chapter of the anti-fascist
00:28:56congress of social and political movements, so we are waiting for the arrival of over
00:29:002,000 leaders, men and women of social and political movements from all continents, who
00:29:09come together with Venezuela to celebrate the victories of anti-fascism, because in
00:29:13Venezuela the future is being decided of the struggle against this macabre model that is
00:29:19trying to emerge.
00:29:22Mr. President, we are going to talk about the economy, it is an extremely important
00:29:27issue, and I wanted to ask you, a few days ago the Executive Vice President, Delsi Rodríguez,
00:29:34announced that you had decided to change the name of the Ministry of the Popular Power
00:29:41of Petroleum, which will now be called the Ministry of the Popular Power of Hydrocarbons,
00:29:50and Delsi Rodríguez said that this change translated a strategic turn in the way of
00:29:55addressing the energy issue.
00:29:57I would like to ask you to explain this strategic turn, and what does it consist of?
00:30:02Well, we defined in 2016 18 engines, 18 drivers, then came all the criminal sanctions, all
00:30:13the economic, commercial, and financial persecution against Venezuela, and we were very patient
00:30:19with the breakthrough of all these 18 boosters.
00:30:24One of these drivers is the hydrocarbon engine, Venezuela is a power in terms of energy, we
00:30:32have the largest oil reserve on earth, we have the fourth largest gas reserve, we have
00:30:38a powerful petrochemical industry, so we are addressing the hydrocarbon drive as a very
00:30:46important engine in our development, so with the vision not depending again, or just breaking
00:30:55the dependence on hydrocarbon engines, so we want it to be a powerful engine for the
00:31:00development of the country's economy, a powerful lever, but without depending again on it,
00:31:07because we have already made the decision to build a productive economy that sustains
00:31:11itself far beyond oil, and I think we have made good progress, more diversified, with
00:31:18diverse properties, or let's say potential development capacities, to guarantee and meet
00:31:27internal needs, and enhance the portable vocation and substitution of imports that
00:31:35the country needs.
00:31:37And Mr. President, for a few years now, Venezuela has been experiencing what analysts have described
00:31:44as an economic miracle, according to figures from independent and reliable international
00:31:49organizations, Venezuela saw a growth of 12% in 2022, last year in 2023 the growth
00:31:57was 5%, and probably when the figures are published, the growth of the year 2024, which
00:32:14has just ended, will be 6%.
00:32:17And all this with a country besieged, a country subjected to dozens of criminal, coercive,
00:32:22unilateral measures.
00:32:25Analysts are wondering, how do you do it?
00:32:27What is your recipe?
00:32:28First of all, we have a plan.
00:32:34Here I have, look, the review, this is my work document, my work agenda.
00:32:44I am not going to show it to you, and here we permanently follow the economic strategy.
00:32:54The first thing was to establish in 2016, with great clarity, the real boosters for
00:33:00national breakthrough, national development.
00:33:03The second thing was to establish the need to build macroeconomic balances, typical of
00:33:11a productive effort.
00:33:14And thirdly, it was to build a development strategy that would allow us, in a self-sustaining
00:33:23way, with our own effort, I always quote Artigas, the great liberator of the Eastern Band of
00:33:31Luwai, when I say, let's not expect anything but ourselves, that look, I have it here,
00:33:39I have it in our, I kept it in our mind, in my mind, in the development strategy of each
00:33:44sector of the national economy.
00:33:46We set ourselves great goals, here we are ratifying them.
00:33:51A fundamental goal was to produce food.
00:33:54I did a re-engineering of the great Agro-Venezuela mission that Commander Chavez created, and
00:34:02we did a re-engineering in debate with the national farmer movement, and we assume in
00:34:08practice actions that allow to free the productive forces of the field.
00:34:13Venezuela went from an 80% dependence on food products from abroad, we had 120 years buying
00:34:22all the food from overseas, why?
00:34:25Because look, the oil check.
00:34:28We went from an 80% dependence, we surpassed from an 80% shortage to a 100% supply of
00:34:40agro-ecological products, of organic products.
00:34:45Looking for answers with the productive movement of the field, with the farmer movement, with
00:34:49the field entrepreneurship, it is fundamental what is the development of the field, of the
00:34:56land, of food, and we have been recovering the capacity of the Venezuelan industry, which
00:35:02was up to 80%.
00:35:05Venezuela has an important industry in all sectors, with a good level, Commander Chavez
00:35:11made a good industrial investment in the country through credit systems, et cetera, et cetera,
00:35:17we got to have the Venezuelan industrial system at 80%.
00:35:22This year, globally, we are closing at 45%, and next year I have proposed to the Vice
00:35:28President, to the Director of the Economy, Delsi Rodriguez, that we have to get to 70%
00:35:33to complete the cycle of substitution of imports, which is a necessary cycle to break the negative
00:35:43cycle of imports, of things that we can produce here, we can produce everything here, and
00:35:51in that way, strengthen the new cycle of import vocations, which allows for the entry
00:35:56of convertible currencies to strengthen this changed system of Venezuela, to have money
00:36:03for many other things.
00:36:04Here I have the plan.
00:36:05On this, I am going to have already proposed the seven transformations, the first of all,
00:36:13the great economic transformations of Venezuela, to continue advances in the development of
00:36:17a strong economy.
00:36:19Notice that we have developed a strong internal market, right now, we had an 80% upsurge in
00:36:28national internal trade in the last quarter, this is what I have described as an overheating
00:36:33of internal consumption, which shows you great purchasing and consumption capacity of the
00:36:39population, and shows you a high level of supply by internal producers, but also by
00:36:45So we have to find a balance there, that is not so much imports, that everything is produced
00:36:54It is a fundamental element, we have good economic figures, we are talking about the
00:36:58year 2022, 12% growth, I correct you if you allow me, we had 15% growth in the year 2022,
00:37:11it was the first year of growth after the missiles, the economic criminal sanctions,
00:37:16the missiles fell and we endured, resisted, and the first year of real economic growth
00:37:21was in 2022, 15%.
00:37:24The second year was 2023, in 2023 we had 5.5% in 2024, according to all data, scientific,
00:37:37statistical, technical data, we will exceed 9% of the growth of gross domestic product,
00:37:46with a very high level of growth in the real economy, and also in the economy of hydrocarbons,
00:37:50which we are recovering, Ramonet, with our own investment, with our own technology, with
00:38:00the immense effort, wisdom, and preparation and training of the working class of the Venezuelan
00:38:06hydrocarbons with their knowledge, because you must know that we continue to suffer the
00:38:14economic persecution against our oil industry, our gas industry, so there are good elements,
00:38:21we are having in 2024 the lowest inflation in the past 20 years, we are having in 2024,
00:38:32we have closed with 14 trimesters of growth, so it is all auspicious to assume six years,
00:38:44as we are going to assume, to take of building up an economic self-sustaining productive
00:38:49model that supplies the country, that develops its sporting vocation capacity, and that generates
00:38:55wealth to recover all the social and labor rights of our working class and our people.
00:39:01Mr. President, continuing what you were just saying, now that the economic situation is
00:39:09improving remarkably, what measures can you announce at this time of celebration to improve
00:39:18the daily life of Venezuelans in the year 2025?
00:39:22Well, here I have the plan. First of all, to consolidate the food self-sufficiency and
00:39:32integrity of the country and the sporting capacity, we are making great investments
00:39:37in the Venezuelan field to advance in such a goal. Secondly, to consolidate the stability
00:39:43of the Venezuelan exchange system and the fight against inflation. This is vital to have the best
00:39:49conditions for the country's economic and social breakthrough. Here, there is a set of elements
00:39:59that are well articulated, well activated. We must continue to guarantee investments in our
00:40:07own technology with our allies around the world to stabilize the electric service and to continue
00:40:16to stabilize the internal fuel consumption, the recovery of the entire Venezuelan refining system.
00:40:23These are fundamental issues, elements within the social level plan.
00:40:30Regarding the social level, in 2023, I created the formula for the investment of the workers'
00:40:38total income. And in the year 2024, we deepened it and took it beyond what we could because the
00:40:49incomes depend on the country's incomes. I could tell you that we have only recovered 10% of the
00:40:57country's incomes. And with that, we have to invest and recover everything. But this year,
00:41:042025, we will advance in strengthening the concept of indexation and the recovery of real incomes
00:41:12to continue to grow to the same extent that the generation of national wealth is growing, is
00:41:20ramping up. Also, the plan to complete this year, 2025, the recovery of 100% of the country's health
00:41:28establishments and health centers with full guarantee of operation technology. We have
00:41:34advanced with military community brigades, which has been a miracle. And also, this year, 2025,
00:41:41we are going to recover 100% of the schools and high schools throughout the country with this
00:41:46wonderful formula, the BRICOMILES, to work in all directions. What I was telling you, for me,
00:41:52is of great importance. And I put it in my priorities. This year, we are going to do six
00:41:59consultations to deliver direct resources to communities. Four of those consultations for
00:42:06general community projects. One of those consultations, the fifth one, for projects
00:42:13specifically for youth. And another one for projects for cultures, for those promoting
00:42:22culture, everything that has to do with the great mission, Long Live Venezuela, my beloved country,
00:42:29and the application of the new budget, communal budget, which has a modality that people will
00:42:34begin to know. And I believe in the budget fund for community projects. And we estimate that fund,
00:42:41we project that it will have the equivalent of $600 million more. It is the budget of the nation
00:42:51put directly to the communities, and they decide, they will decide over their priorities.
00:42:59That is going to have an immense impact on the quality of life in the territory,
00:43:03in the communities. And well, we are also going to move forward,
00:43:10as we started in 2024, in the development of the great missions of the new generation.
00:43:16The great missions of the new generation, taken into account the original concept of
00:43:22Commander Chavez of the missions, great missions of the new generation are designed from the
00:43:28structural strategic point of view towards sectors that were the most hit in the economic war,
00:43:34with the criminal sanctions of the U.S. government. The great mission, Venezuela
00:43:40woman, which will continue to advance in the axis of the integrating women in a specific,
00:43:48particular way in the construction of that immense movement of women in the country.
00:43:52The great mission of Venezuela, the youth, the right of the young people to study, to work,
00:43:58to culture, to education. The great mission, grandparents, grandmothers, and grandfathers
00:44:04of the homeland. That is my great mission, because I am a grandfather of the homeland,
00:44:09of the human homeland. The great mission, long live Venezuela, my beloved homeland,
00:44:14identity, culture, independence of the spirit, of the soul, of the
00:44:19of the great mission of equality. And next to this, well, what has to do with the housing and
00:44:25habitats, that is the empowerment and unification in a single effort of the great mission,
00:44:30housing Venezuela, and the great mission, new neighborhood, tricolor neighborhood. That is
00:44:36already beautiful. It is well elaborated, and I think that we are going to advance with new
00:44:41methods that people want, new methods to build up housing, fix housing. We have very clear
00:44:49priorities. We have the plan, we have the will, we have the support of the people,
00:44:53and I think that the year 2025 and these years that will pass will be truly exceptional, wonderful.
00:45:02President, we are now going to move to the subject of technology and society.
00:45:09I know you're very interested. Will you accept a cup of tea, a cup of tea,
00:45:13maloguillo with lemon and ginger? With great pleasure. Very good for health.
00:45:21So, I would like to address a subject that I know you are very interested in,
00:45:26the subject of social networks and their influence on our societies.
00:45:31Recently, several governments have taken measures to limit access to social networks. For example,
00:45:38Albania decided to ban TikTok for a year. For example, Brazil decided to ban access to
00:45:50electronic devices, smartphones, in school establishments. And Australia
00:45:59has decided to ban social networks for everyone under 16. So, I would like to ask you
00:46:08if your government in Venezuela is thinking about adopting any of these measures.
00:46:13Well, the first thing is that we have to understand the global phenomenon of social media
00:46:20and how private companies are owners of the immense power of communication that no one
00:46:27has ever had before in the history of humanity. So, they reach you through the phone, through
00:46:34the telephone to millions of thousands of millions of men and women on earth. And the
00:46:41capacity they have created, first for economic and commercial reasons, to influence on people's
00:46:49minds. Capacity that they have already developed with the marketing that we know. We know you
00:46:56studied that very well in this book. This is your 2007 book where you studied the capacity
00:47:05of manipulation and influence on radio, press, and television at the moment.
00:47:11And right now, they have taken this to a level that we have never thought. And
00:47:23they know your personal taste, Ramonet, and yours too. What do you like? If you like kittens or
00:47:31puppies, or you like a kind of soda or meal, they know all your personal likes,
00:47:41but they don't stay there. They have already taken this to the political level for manipulation of
00:47:49electoral processes, for manipulating political processes, for destabilizing countries. In fact,
00:47:57the great powers of the world have taken over social media of their countries. The People's
00:48:04Republic of China, India, Russia, and the United States, which controls the large private companies
00:48:12of billionaires, owners of Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, and now TikTok. Because
00:48:24in the end, TikTok has ended up succumbing to blackmail and control of the powerful
00:48:32United States. First, we have to understand, and I have studied a lot about the subject,
00:48:37because it is not easy. Indeed, I have seen people who understand it theoretically,
00:48:43but they are victims of social media. Because many people know about social media, but they are
00:48:55a victim too. I started reading this book by Juan Carlos Monedero. Well, Juan Carlos Monedero
00:49:00brought it to me in the days of the fascists of breaking Caracas. I recommend it to you all.
00:49:05I was reading them, journalism at the service of the extreme right, and you read this book,
00:49:18and you think I wrote it to interpret what happened in Venezuela on July 27, 28, 29, and 30.
00:49:26This book was applied in Venezuela for a coup d'etat by the fascists. We know the book by heart,
00:49:32and in practice, it is a very valuable book. There is a book that also fell into my house.
00:49:40They gave it to me by Jonathan Heath, a US citizen. I do not know him, but it is a very good
00:49:48book, bestseller of the New York Times, The Anxious Generation. Why are social media
00:49:53are causing an epidemic of mental illnesses among our young people? It was written by
00:49:58a US intellectual. I recommend it. The word of the year has been brainwashed.
00:50:07The social media just brought the reactions of the brain, and I have another book,
00:50:16The Enemy Knows the System, Manipulations of Ideas. So, this is a group of Venezuelans,
00:50:24two officers, a captain of the Navy, Francisco Felipe López, and the mayor, José Gregorio Silva
00:50:34Fernández, The War of Information in the 21st Century. Extraordinary book, extraordinary about
00:50:38this phenomenon of Venezuelan military. Well, I have a book that fell early in my hands,
00:50:44my Michel Desmorgues, more books and less screen. How to End the Digital Criminals.
00:50:54Really, there is a lot of research material, and we are forced to understand it,
00:51:02because we are forced to protect the mental health of our countries, but especially we are very
00:51:09compelled to protect the mental health of children, of the youth that is growing,
00:51:15because that concept that they call brain rot,
00:51:22it is already studied. It is affecting cognitive development of brain functions of our children
00:51:32dedicated to screens, to telephones. Here in Venezuela, in these days,
00:51:36the Constitutional Court of the Supreme Court of Justice, which deals with this issue,
00:51:41a group of parents, schools, and high schools, filed an appeal as a result of one of the vital
00:51:51TikTok challenges. There were two deaths of a boy and a girl due to these vital challenges,
00:52:00and lately another person was burned down and had 70% destruction of his body,
00:52:08live, transmitted live, a vital TikTok challenge. The Venezuelan state acted through the competing
00:52:14authority CONATEL, which is the National Telecommunications Council. This group of
00:52:20parents acted before the Constitutional Court. The Constitutional Court called a set of hearings,
00:52:27judicial events, and issued a first sentence clear, resounding, to force TikTok to open an
00:52:38office in Venezuela and submit to Venezuelan laws. Secondly, it has imposed a fine for the
00:52:49equivalent of 10 million dollars, and thirdly, it has said that in case this is not fulfilled,
00:52:56it will take more severe measures of protection in the Venezuelan space.
00:53:05All I can say is that I put myself at the service of those in humanity who want to defend the right
00:53:12to mental health and the Constitutional Court of Venezuela to do what must be done to protect our
00:53:18children, girls, young people, and all society. We have already seen the fascist outbreak.
00:53:28TikTok was the main campaign tool for the fascist outburst in Venezuela on July 27, 28, 29, and 30.
00:53:38I can tell you that I was in the same office. I was sitting right here on July 29 and 30,
00:53:45and I logged into my TikTok account. I have a TikTok account. You've seen it,
00:53:50Robin Jones. I logged into my TikTok account, and I opened it. I'm going to open it so you can see.
00:53:58I'm going, and here I have a very nice video of Alberto Ibarretto. Well, here in the TikTok
00:54:04account of every 10 videos that came to me, eight were promoting violence on the streets.
00:54:12Are you going to tell me that TikTok didn't know?
00:54:17Are you going to tell me that they use what is called selective censorship?
00:54:21They censor whoever they want. They rip to your account. They take your video away,
00:54:30but when it was violence against Venezuela, they promoted. Now they are promoting these
00:54:34vital challenges that have made Albania suspended for a year. That in Australia,
00:54:39they have taken radical measures as well, and I'm sure that in 2025, we will see in the world
00:54:48how laws and decisions to safeguard citizens from the infections of
00:54:56anti-values that go against the mental health that not only TikTok promotes,
00:55:04but many social networks boost. And Mr. President, in the same perspective,
00:55:09not exactly the topic, but in that way. Bon appétit. Thank you very much.
00:55:16I would like to know your reflections, since I know you have worked a lot on the subject,
00:55:23on the issue of artificial intelligence, because above all, the type of international framework
00:55:31in the perspective of what you were saying at the end of your intervention,
00:55:37what international framework should be defined to, on the one hand, not prevent technological,
00:55:45scientific reflection on artificial intelligence from continuing, which can contribute a lot to
00:55:51society, but on the other hand, to limit the harmful effects of artificial intelligence and
00:55:57the threats that they can represent in the future. Many scientists are warning against this.
00:56:04Artificial intelligence, without a doubt, is a technological breakthrough that surprises
00:56:15humanity. They say that there are four sources of artificial intelligence worldwide,
00:56:23two have the United States, China has another, and the other Europe. That is what is known so
00:56:29far. I have studied the subject a lot, yet I have some books that I recommend. This one was given
00:56:35to me by H.R. Rodriguez on my birthday. No, by Christmas. I am already reading it. The era of
00:56:43artificial intelligence and our human future. It has several writers, Eric Kissinger, who wrote it
00:56:49before dying, Eric Smith, and Daniel Huttenlacher. I am working on them, and here they explain how
00:57:01artificial intelligence began, emerged, what were the first supercomputers, how were they fed.
00:57:10Here I also have a book that was given to me. I am reading the non-intelligence of the
00:57:17outline of the human background. Yes, I know Mariano Zegnam very well.
00:57:24An Argentinian boy, a very brilliant scientist. Right, and here a descendant of the Japanese,
00:57:33Michio Kaku, Quantum Supremacy, the technological revolution that will change everything.
00:57:40Quantum computers can do thousands of millions of operations, where it used to take centuries,
00:57:46now it takes seconds. It is what they are already calling
00:57:53the artificial super intelligence, and our countries have the obligation to know this
00:57:59technology, to know it very well. Now it is combined, even Ramonet, I have said it a lot,
00:58:07but you know that it covers up a lot of things that one says. They combine artificial intelligence
00:58:13beyond the big data to get to know the countries, and social media are already directed
00:58:21by artificial intelligence for influencing segments and bots. For example, they know
00:58:30your social media, they know all your history, all your life, and now everything you publish
00:58:39fundamentally, when you get comments, you get particular comments.
00:58:46I was telling an artist the other day, an artist who started attacking from Miami,
00:58:53the far right, because he spoke nicely of Venezuela, a famous artist from Venezuela,
00:58:58he spoke nicely of Venezuela, he came to Venezuela, and then afterwards he complained.
00:59:04He, I received thousands of messages, and I told him the messages that came to you,
00:59:11they were bots, but bots and robots are no longer a warehouse where there are a few people with
00:59:16phones sending messages. No, that was already said, that was already deleted. Now it is
00:59:21artificial intelligence applied to social media, and they know all your backgrounds,
00:59:26and they know where to hit you, so they threaten a daughter, they threaten a loved one,
00:59:30they tell you something that can offend you, so when you read the messages they send you,
00:59:35it is a cognitive war, it is a psychological massacre what they are trying to do.
00:59:41We are working on artificial intelligence. I recently opened the University of Science
00:59:48Humberto Fernandez Moran. It has a four-year major in artificial intelligence engineering
00:59:56and artificial intelligence technology. There we are also giving courses, we are training the
01:00:03national staff, and also with collaboration with Cuba, with China, with Iran, with Russia,
01:00:09because we have to train, we are in the world of artificial intelligence, and what President
01:00:14Xi Jinping says, that I have read about him, a leader as enlightened as President Xi Jinping,
01:00:21just as it is a threat, and it poses a threat, let's take care of ourselves of it,
01:00:28and it is also an opportunity, it is a great issue for the years to come.
01:00:33President, let's now move to the last segment of our conversation about international politics.
01:00:40You have traveled a lot to the Middle Eastern region, you know the Arab world well. On the
01:00:46other hand, here in Venezuela there is an important Arab community, in particular there is a community
01:00:51of Syrian origin, which is very important, and I wanted to ask you,
01:00:59were you surprised by what happened on December 8th, when insurgent forces
01:01:07entered Damascus almost without resistance, and the Bashar state was overthrown?
01:01:13What analysis do you make of this? Well, I think that we are still assessing.
01:01:17I don't think those who came to power know how they got there, or why they got there.
01:01:26We see permanent statements and actions. Let's hope that peace be reached, and we would be able
01:01:38to know the truth about what happened. It is known that there were very powerful forces that acted
01:01:44with the greatest technology, with the cutting-edge technology. All those days,
01:01:49I was in communication with our ambassador, a great ambassador, a great comrade.
01:01:56He was there until just a few days ago, when he left Damascus, because of the threats of
01:02:04assassination of diplomats, and I was aware of all the incidents.
01:02:15It drew my attention how they took over social media, and how the Syrian state did not have
01:02:24the tools to prevent it, and how they managed to impose digital terrorism on social media.
01:02:34And paralyzed the entire society. There are many ways to explain what happened.
01:02:41Let's wait for the right time. All this leaves lessons for us, for those fighting for freedom,
01:02:47for independence, for a world for us, the men and women of the south. It teaches us lessons,
01:02:54very important lessons, about the consolidation of a democratic, deep state, with people, with
01:03:00unity, the consolidation of military forces, well-trained, well-prepared.
01:03:07So, it teaches us lessons about the management of social media.
01:03:12The Syrian society is a complex society. In Venezuela, we have a large community.
01:03:18We have a deep friendship, a great respect towards the Syrian people, because the Syrian
01:03:26people have one of the original civilizations. The civilization was born there, between the
01:03:32Tigris and the Euphrates, in that wonderful land, between that today's Iraq, what today's Syria,
01:03:41Egypt, the wonders of the world, and next to all of them, the Persian culture,
01:03:49and the sacred lands of Palestine, Lebanon, where our Lord Jesus Christ was.
01:03:57So, it is a wonderful history, from the human, civilizational point of view, from the cultural,
01:04:02religious point of view, of a region. What we hope, aspire, is that that region finds its own way,
01:04:09and consolidates its own model, sooner or later, that is going to happen. And those who take
01:04:17account of victories, will regret it, because that Syrian people is a people that we know is
01:04:25wonderful, and it also has a telluric strength, deep military strength, and they will not be able
01:04:31to subdue it. Mr. President, a few weeks ago, in Baku, Azerbaijan, not far from the Middle East,
01:04:38the COP29 was closed, the World Climate Summit. I remember that you were at a climate summit
01:04:46in Copenhagen. One of the conclusions of the climate summit is that we have to reduce the
01:04:52emissions of greenhouse gases, in particular those emitted by the carbonated energy, such as oil, gas,
01:05:00coal. Now, the question is, how does Venezuela, which is a great producer of hydrocarbons,
01:05:10contribute to the collective effect to try to reduce the possibility of climate change?
01:05:19Here, those who have to contribute are the countries that consume the most,
01:05:23the United States, the European countries that have destroyed climate, and that wanted to create
01:05:30a kind of carbon bonus from Copenhagen, which was a false, deceitful offer,
01:05:37bid, the diplomacy of deceit. They offered to create a carbon bonus fund for them to pay
01:05:44for the pollution that they created there in the north to the countries that do not pollute.
01:05:52Venezuela is not a country that has an emission of greenhouse gases. On the contrary,
01:06:00the entire Amazon rainforest is a producer of oxygen.
01:06:05Humanity has to start moving forward without a doubt towards non-polluting forms of energy.
01:06:12We are fully incorporated in that. We have a group of scientists in the highest government
01:06:18that are moving forward as a country towards decarbonizing sources and producing all our
01:06:27power grid, our electricity. Now, we produce 75% of our electricity from hydrological sources,
01:06:33and that percentage is going to grow in the years to come. We are also investing in solar energy,
01:06:39which is called photovoltaics, and I put a little name so that people do not understand energy
01:06:45cost and produced by the sun, which is an ultra clean energy, the solar panel that is advancing
01:06:51so much now on the solar panel that produces electricity. I believe that humanity right now
01:07:01has the conditions to move forward in gigantic steps towards alternative sources of non-polluting
01:07:08energy production. You can see that lately our vice president, Elsie Rodriguez, was in China
01:07:15in several cities, and they showed her a technology, Ramonette, that drives you crazy.
01:07:23For energy production? Yes, and China has advanced, for example,
01:07:31in what vehicles are. It has advanced in vehicles that are supported by direct solar energy.
01:07:39You don't even have to connect them for them to consume. We are already negotiating with
01:07:46one of the Chinese companies for the production of electric vehicles to assemble in Venezuela
01:07:51to produce electric vehicles with solar energy. There are wonderful things that technology allows,
01:07:59and it is also very important. I have explained to a group of young people these days what it
01:08:05has to do with regenerative agriculture. They are applying it in some places in Africa
01:08:12to recover totally deserted areas. As we recover forested areas, defending them like the Amazon,
01:08:23as we generate areas that are already desertified, as we strengthen micro-habitats through a green
01:08:32regenerative process, I believe that we will be able to balance the importance of the immense
01:08:39damage that in 150 years predatory capitalism has done to rivers, forests, seas, and to the
01:08:47whole environment in general. It is one of the priority lines of our action. Mr. President,
01:08:53on November 24th, in Uruguay, the candidate Yamandu Orsi of the Brat Front won the second round
01:09:05of the election, and consequently the left is returning to power in this country.
01:09:10With the left in power in Uruguay, there are already, in Latin America, 11 countries governed
01:09:18by the left-wing parties. On the other hand, a few days ago, the 20th anniversary of Aoba was
01:09:24celebrated, this regional integration mechanism that Commander Chavez and Fidel Castro have founded.
01:09:33How do you see the issue of regional integration today? Do you think that with more left-wing
01:09:38governments in Latin America, that for a long time the issue of regional integration can advance more
01:09:45quickly? I think that this new process that is taking place has an explanation for the
01:10:00premature, rapid, early emergence of the alternatives that the right-wing has created.
01:10:07Oligarchies, social media, it is a tremendous exhaustion. What alternatives have they created
01:10:15in the face of the exhaustion of a social democratic formula, the so-called, namely,
01:10:23progressive fascism? What is Millet? Millet is an extremist response to the failure of a model
01:10:32that they tried to apply. Neoliberalism. Still within the limits of neoliberalism,
01:10:41and Millet can be an alternative for the Argentinian people. Millet, with his madness,
01:10:48his histrionism, his extremism, his sadistic insensitivity against the people, his model of
01:10:57destruction of the state of the Argentinian economy, can he be an alternative for Argentinians?
01:11:04No, never. So, surely, Millet will have to come up with an own alternative for Argentina with
01:11:17ideas of advancements, with ideas of social justice, of equality, of more democracy to
01:11:21the Argentinian people. This is happening in all countries, and I think that the long
01:11:28for the first spring that the progressive movement had taught many lessons.
01:11:35I lived up close. I was the foreign minister of Commander Chavez, and I saw the first spring
01:11:43with our boss, our commander. I saw how the Alba emerged in 2004, how Petro-Caribbean emerged,
01:11:54how the strengthening of the Alba to Petro-Caribbean recovered the peoples of the continent,
01:11:59how the medical mission emerged, which served over 8 million poor people in our country,
01:12:06how the mission of literacy emerged, how the health missions emerged for all our peoples,
01:12:14how Petro-Caribbean gave stability to the whole continent. Practically,
01:12:18a thing stays favored by Petro-Caribbean, and how from that union between Fidel and Chavez, the Alba
01:12:26then expanded the return of the Sandinista front and Commander Daniel Ortega, and the triumph of
01:12:34Morales in Bolivia, the triumph of Correa, the triumph of Lula, the arrival of Nestor Kirchner,
01:12:44and of Peronism, which was a great surprise. The leadership was brave, very brave, determined,
01:12:49transforming Nestor Kirchner. The emergence and arrival of the broad front with Tabaret,
01:12:55then with Pepe, and how the whole of Central America and South America, it was the arrival
01:13:07of the Farabundo Martí front in El Salvador, and the unification of President Meselaya and the Alba,
01:13:18how a fresh spring took place that had a main characteristic, the union in diversity,
01:13:25respect among all leaderships and national projects. Surely, there are always differences.
01:13:32How can we all be equal in political thought, in doctrines? But it was achieved
01:13:39under the leadership of Commander Chavez and the leaders of that moment, a level of coexistence
01:13:45that allowed the birth of UNASUR. It must be remembered, because I recall it perfectly,
01:13:53on April 17, 2007, on the island of Margarita, when the concept of UNASUR was born. We must
01:14:01recall that Alan Garcia was there, the right-wing president in Peru. We must recall that in that
01:14:08meeting, the birth of UNASUR, there was Álvaro Uribe Vélez, paramilitary leader of the Colombian
01:14:13far-right. The union in diversity of left-wing progressive movements and the union in diversity
01:14:20of other ideologies of the continent. And then I recall it perfectly, Caracas, Venezuela.
01:14:28On December 2nd and 3rd, 2011, Commander Chavez was already sick, being treated,
01:14:36and the Latin American Caribbean state community was founded with the 33 states of Latin America,
01:14:45from Mexico to Patagonia, and all the Caribbean. For the first time united,
01:14:51we could say the great dream of the congress of the liberator Simon Bolivar, a great unitary
01:14:59dream. So let's draw lessons from that first spring, from what is emerging now,
01:15:06that allows tolerance, understanding, and most of all, understanding in depth that
01:15:14we need to unite Latin America and the Caribbean to be able to build up a block of forces,
01:15:20a confederation of forces of countries and governments that allows us to move to the
01:15:26rest of the 21st century. There is a lot of intrigue, Ramonet, a certain word.
01:15:33There is a lot of intrigue to split us, to try to say that the good left and the bad left,
01:15:42the good progressives and bad progressives, let's put aside the intrigue. Let's face it and
01:15:49have a clear plan for the union of Latin America and the Caribbean.
01:15:53Mr. President, the elected president for the United States, Donald Trump,
01:15:58has announced a few days ago that he appointed a former ambassador, Mr. Richard Grenell,
01:16:05as presidential envoy for special missions, and in particular, he has entrusted him
01:16:12with monitoring relations with Venezuela. What opinion does this initiative deserve for you?
01:16:19I think it's fine. I have said, let's hope that the U.S. elected president, Donald Trump,
01:16:31takes office on January 20th, and after he arrives in the White House, we will see.
01:16:41If you asked me, what is the policy of Bolivarianism in the 21st century,
01:16:51we, the Bolivarians in the 21st century, what is the policy that Commander Chavez taught me,
01:16:59and what is the policy that I have practiced with the United States, I would tell you,
01:17:04dialogue, respect, and understanding. Here on this side, in this presidential chair,
01:17:13will be Nicolás Maduro Moro, with experience of all these years, and I'm always going to be ready
01:17:21to move on for relations of respect, of dialogue, of cooperation with the government of the United
01:17:28States, with the U.S. society, and, well, all the people of Venezuela. I hope
01:17:37that that is the direction, the destiny of our relations.
01:17:43You'll receive him if he comes.
01:17:45Well, let's hope that Donald Trump arrives first at the White House, and then we will see.
01:17:51All right, Mr. President. So, last question. The international situation is very worrisome.
01:17:58Today, we have already talked about some of these issues. A genocide has been committed
01:18:03for the past 15 months, and the wars are multiplying, not only in the Middle East,
01:18:10in Lebanon, in Syria, in Yemen, but also in Africa, in Sudan, in the Sahel,
01:18:16the Congo, inequalities, migrations, the issue of climate, and the general sentiment
01:18:26of the citizenship around the world is that there is no international authority.
01:18:30The world works without a guide, and to continue to believe in the United Nations system,
01:18:38do you think there's reason in other international institutions?
01:18:44I think we are in a transition, the transition of the hegemonic imperial world
01:18:49that has lasted centuries, I could say millennia, but particularly,
01:18:56the world we know now is a world that emerged from the Second World War.
01:19:03There was a great change in the 90s, because the great power was the union of Soviet Socialist
01:19:10Republics, and the world of real socialism, which was neither socialism nor real,
01:19:16was nothing. It collapsed. Now, a new correlation of forces has emerged, where there are great
01:19:26superpowers. The superpower of the 21st century is called the Chinese People's Republic. Other
01:19:33superpowers have emerged. The Russian Federation is another of the superpowers. India, which in
01:19:40the past was called Bharat, a legendary name of the people that I love a lot, the people of India,
01:19:47are like the three most important superpowers, and a set of intermediate and advanced powers,
01:19:54such as the Islamic Republic of Iran, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates,
01:20:04Turkey, the Republic of South Africa,
01:20:10which are intermediate powers in the process of development, and independent countries and
01:20:17regions have emerged in Africa. Africa is said to be the continent of power of the future,
01:20:23with its economic growth that it will have, and at the forefront, there are important countries,
01:20:28such as Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria, among others, Ethiopia, Nigeria, the whole process of the
01:20:37colonization of the old French colonies, the new axis that is emerging, and here in Latin America,
01:20:43we also have Brazil, which is the continental country that is destined to condemn Brazil to
01:20:52be the great South American and Latin American superpower. Mexico too, Mexico, which has an
01:20:59excellent driver, it had an excellent driver for six years, a president, President López Obrador,
01:21:06now it has an excellent president, Claudia Sheinbaum, so there is a rearrangement of the
01:21:12workforces, of the correlation forces, and that has its effect on the multilateral organism
01:21:18that we have, which is the United Nations. The United Nations currently experiences a serious
01:21:23exhaustion process due to the dispute over power, because the Western empires have decided to use
01:21:33their military power, their military technology, to threaten the world, to attack the world,
01:21:39and to try to create conflicts in general. The conflict that they created, Ukraine and Russia,
01:21:46the massacre against the Palestinian people, which is a war of extermination, as Pope Francis
01:21:51said, it is not a war, it is a genocide. The massacre against the people of Lebanon,
01:21:58now the shellings on the people of Syria, the latent threats against the people of Iraq,
01:22:04of Iran, of Jordan, of Yemen, so there is a rearrangement. Let's see what will arise from
01:22:15this stage. We believe in international law. We denounce when they use the mechanism of the
01:22:21United Nations to favor the interests of the United States or the global Western empire,
01:22:27and we are in a dispute, in a struggle, I am sure, that in the end, universal values will prevail,
01:22:34international law, and in the end, the interests of the peoples of the world, but most of all,
01:22:42at the end of this path, the historical legacy of the peoples of the global South will prevail,
01:22:50so let's understand that we are in a transition, in a very hard fight for power. Let's embrace
01:22:57the great causes that defend our peoples, and from Venezuela we say, with Bolivar,
01:23:02let's advance towards the balance of the world, where we can insist with our identity,
01:23:08with our project, and our pride of being Venezuelans, Latin Americans, and Caribbeans,
01:23:15so we have a lot of elements in the historical legacy to be able to understand and grasp
01:23:20the future that belongs to us. Chavez said, Ramonet, he told us exactly 30 years ago,
01:23:31I recall it on these days of December in 1994, we were elaborating ideas for the future, and he
01:23:40started talking about the multipolar world, and that youth, so young that we were there,
01:23:46by that time we were elaborating the concept of the multipolar world, and then he told the people
01:23:53when we went out to the streets, we went from neighborhood to neighborhood, from square to
01:23:58square with him, and he said, they stole from us the 20th century, the 19th century, but the 21st
01:24:07century will be ours, and it will be a multipolar century. Here we are in the middle of the battle,
01:24:12it is our century, no one is going to take it away from us, let's have the security.
01:24:17Thank you very much, Mr. President, and again, Happy New Year to you, to the people of Venezuela,
01:24:24and well, Happy New Year to you, as we say now. Of course, and here at your service, I greet to
01:24:33all of those who are listening to us on social media, and here in battle and victory, thank you
01:24:41very much.
