En este video conocerás los escándalos de las celebridades latinas en el siglo 21, como la separación de Shakira y Piqué, la denuncia al youtuber Rix o los incumplimientos de contratos de Luis Miguel.
00:00Some celebrities are famous for their talent, their sympathy, their prestige and others
00:08in addition to that for different reasons.
00:15Hello and welcome to Watchmojo Spanish, I am Jackie and in this list we will know the
00:20scandals of Latin celebrities in the 21st century, we will not include politicians because
00:26they deserve their own list.
00:30Number 10.
00:31Gloria Trevi in jail.
00:33After being accused of rape, corruption and abuse, Gloria Trevi and her ex-partner Sergio
00:39Andrade fled to Brazil.
00:41After more than 10 months in prison, they were arrested in Rio de Janeiro.
00:46Gloria Trevi spent almost 5 years in jail, but regained her freedom as there was not
00:51enough evidence against her.
00:54She was also considered another victim of Sergio Andrade.
01:04Recently Trevi decided to denounce Sergio Andrade for the first time.
01:16Number 9.
01:17Luis Miguel and millionaire contracts.
01:20The sun of Mexico has not only canceled concerts, it has also had problems with contracts.
01:31One of his ex-managers, William Brockhouse, filed a lawsuit for breach of contract in
01:37which he asked the singer 1.4 million dollars for not wanting to pay his services.
01:42As Luismi decided to ignore this complaint, he was given an arrest warrant, so he quickly
01:49paid his debt.
01:50But this happened again, and this time with Alejandro Fernandez, with whom he had signed
01:55a contract for a tour together.
02:03Luis Miguel had to pay him millions of dollars after reaching an agreement.
02:14Number 8.
02:15Kate del Castillo and El Chapo Guzmán.
02:18While El Chapo Guzmán was the most wanted fugitive in the world, actress Kate del Castillo
02:24managed to reunite with him.
02:26It all started with a tweet where del Castillo suggested that she use her power to contribute
02:31positively to society.
02:42Thanks to that message, El Chapo contacted her to make a movie about his life.
02:48The meeting took place in 2015 in Sinaloa, along with actor Sean Penn, who later published
02:54the interview he gave in Rolling Stone magazine.
02:58This brought many legal and media problems to the actress, and attracted the attention
03:02of Mexican authorities.
03:04El Chapo was captured shortly after this controversial event.
03:17Number 7.
03:18Celia Lora's accident.
03:20It was 2010 and the actress, daughter of the well-known rocker Alex Lora, was involved
03:25in an accident where a person died.
03:28His car collided with a truck and it hit a public phone, where there was a man
03:33working who was the one who died.
03:36Although it was an accident, how did Celia collided with that truck?
03:47Celia admitted that she had drunk.
03:49As it was the daughter of a famous character, it was thought that there would be no consequences.
03:54However, the actress was accused of imprudent homicide and was in jail.
04:03Years later, she got her freedom after paying a bail.
04:06Number 6.
04:07The complaint against Juan D'Artes.
04:10A well-known actor in his country, Argentina, participated in the young telenovela Patito
04:16Feo, with which he made tours in different countries.
04:19Years later, Thelma Fardín, also an actress of the series, would come out to make a terrible
04:25The actress describes in detail the sexual violence that the actor exercised against
04:42D'Artes went out to deny everything, and many of his ex-colleagues on the set defended him
04:47and did not believe what he had done, but Thelma's was not the only complaint.
04:52Finally, justice was done and he was sentenced to six years in prison, although it has not
05:07yet been made effective.
05:19Number 5.
05:20The true face of Rix.
05:22Ricardo González Méndez became famous on a platform called Vine, where he made
05:27comic videos.
05:28When he went to YouTube, his popularity grew, he became friends with other content creators,
05:34including YouTuber Nath Campos.
05:37Years later, Nath published a video denouncing Rix for sexual abuse, he said that they had
05:42left the party, that they had drunk and that Rix offered to take her to his house.
05:57Rix apologized and exposed his point of view, but was sentenced to three years in prison
06:09and finally obtained freedom under bail.
06:13Number 4.
06:14Where is José José?
06:15When the prince of the song passed to a better life, there was a whole controversy, since
06:21it was not known exactly what had happened.
06:37José José lived with his youngest daughter Sarita, who refused to give explanations,
06:43even to her half-brothers José Joel and Marisol.
06:46This caused the hashtag where is José José to become a trend in X.
06:51For several days it was not known where his body was.
07:01But after a lot of confusion, insistence and without further explanation, the brothers
07:06located him in a funeral home in Miami.
07:09The singer's remains were cremated and his ashes divided between Miami and Mexico.
07:15Number 3.
07:16Cristian Nodal and his multiple relationships.
07:19Love is a powerful and intoxicating force, if not ask Nodal.
07:24In 2020 he crossed paths with Belinda on the program La Voz and a romance arose.
07:30His relationship was so powerful that Nodal tattooed the name of his beloved and his eyes
07:35on his body.
07:36And he even asked her to marry him.
07:38But the love ended at the beginning of 2022 and a few months later Nodal was again
07:45in love with another singer, the rapper Kazoo.
07:48Soon Kazoo was pregnant.
08:00The baby was born at the end of 2023, but that relationship also ended.
08:09The next day of announcing it, Nodal invited Ángel Aguilar to participate in one of his
08:15Shortly after, they announced their relationship and the month they got married.
08:20A total scandal.
08:22Number 2.
08:23Jocelyn Huffman goes to jail.
08:25The controversial YouTuber was known for creating videos and giving acidic opinions
08:31on different topics that her followers suggested.
08:34But once she went too far when she spoke of certain explicit sexual material that she
08:40had received and qualified the participant of the video as promiscuous.
08:45In this video you can see that they are putting a bottle there while the guys are laughing
08:51and it is supposed that he did it in exchange for three cigarettes.
08:53What Joss did not know was that this video was a real proof of abuse to a minor.
08:59For this and for having said video in his power, Jocelyn was sent to jail.
09:04And it came out after several months marking a before and an after in Mexican justice
09:10and in the world of influencers.
09:13Her first statements after abandoning the penalty of Santa Marta to Gatit were,
09:17I am happy because I am already free.
09:19One of the cautious measures that Joss Stop will have to comply with will be to take training
09:23to prevent violence, discrimination and humiliation against anyone.
09:28We are already reaching the end, but first make sure to subscribe to our channel and activate
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09:38Now we continue with ...
09:40Number 1.
09:41Separation of Shakira and Piqué.
09:43The rumors of separation began when the singer released the song
09:48I congratulate you that you act well, there is no doubt about that.
09:54Shortly after they announced their breakup, we saw Shakira going through her separation process
10:00through another song where she blamed the monotony and narcissism of Piqué.
10:06It was your fault and neither mine, it was the fault of the monotony.
10:13But then things got spicy because it was revealed the real reason for the end of the relationship
10:20and it had a name and last name, Clara Chia.
10:32One of the most controversial separations of the century that left us disappointed in love,
10:37but at least it left us some good songs.
10:41And you, did you remember these scandals?
10:43Do you have others in mind that we have not mentioned?
10:46Tell us in the comments and don't forget to see these other original videos of Watchmojo Español.