• il y a 2 mois
Film d'espionnage réalisé par Mikael Marcimain.
Avec Alexander Dreymon (Jackson), Pearl Mackie (Pascale), Jumayn Hunter (Samuel), Allison Williams (Sara), Keith David (Freddy Wyman), Privilege Magezi (Solomon), Stephano Honore (l'ami de Solomon), Brendon Pirogue (l'ami de Solomon), Christian Louis (l'ami de Solomon), Denis Allehany (l'ami de Solomon), Amanda Khan (Nadia), Anouchka Massoudy (Theresa).

Synopsis :
En vacances à l'île Maurice, Sara et Jackson sont invités à un mariage sur l'île de Rodrigues mais ratent le dernier bateau s'y rendant. Ils se retrouvent seuls passagers d'un avion monomoteur survolant les eaux bleues de l'océan Indien. Quand Wyman, le pilote, décède d'une crise cardiaque, Sara, novice en pilotage, prend les commandes de l'appareil, dont le pilotage automatique est défaillant. Les deux jeunes gens se battent pour rester en vie..

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00:00Hello, this is a distress call.
00:03Can you fly this plane?
00:14True love.
00:19That's a gift unlike any other.
00:22It's all scary.
00:24Until you just do it.
00:27So why not just do it?
00:36This is your captain welcoming you to YMED Air Flight 227.
00:41You remember those lessons I used to give you?
00:43You ready to give it a go?
00:45Make sure that the horizon stays level, right here.
00:47I'm going to turn off the autopilot.
00:50Look, Ma!
00:55He's having a heart attack!
00:56It's okay, it's okay.
01:03Put us down!
01:08We have no pilot.
01:09The autopilot's broken.
01:10We have no idea where we are.
01:12Neither of us can land a plane.
01:14Hello? Can anyone hear me?
01:15This is a distress call.
01:18227, you in?
01:19This is 227.
01:20You still got her in the air, so keep doing what you're doing.
01:22Holy shit, look at that.
01:25I see the storm.
01:26It's too big to go around. You're going to have to fly through it.
01:31That's our shot.
01:32No going back.
01:33Let's get off this plane.
01:35Come in! Come in!