• il y a 2 mois
Film Comédie réalisé par Billy Crystal.
Avec Billy Crystal (Charlie Burnz), Tiffany Haddish (Emma Payge), Badgley Penn (Rex), Laura Benanti (Francine), Chad Jennings (Police Officer), Friel Dierdre (Marge), Alex Brightman (Justin), Matthew Broussard (Roger), Sharon Stone (Iris / Sharon Stone), Gordon Max (Brad), Susan Pourfar (Paula), Gianmarco Soresi (Lenny).

Synopsis :
Emma Payge, une chanteuse new-yorkaise qui se produit dans de petits cabarets, est l'heureuse gagnante d'un déjeuner avec Charlie Burnz, une légende de la comédie. En peu de temps, la jeune femme et le célèbre humoriste se lient d'amitié, malgré un début de relation extrêmement difficile. Sans accorder d'importance à leur grande différence d'âge, ils nouent des liens d'amitié profonds, tous deux persuadés d'avoir trouvé en l'autre son âme soeur....

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00:00Want to have some laughs?
00:30Oh my God, are you allergic to seafood?
00:34She doesn't have insurance and she really shouldn't be leaving here by herself.
00:37Your daughter is going to be fine.
00:39Why did you tell the doctor that I was your father?
00:41I was a little loopy by then.
00:44Are you doing anything right now?
00:46Want to have some laughs?
00:47Come on Queen, smile girl, smile.
00:49Marilyn Monroe from the seven year itch.
00:52I'd be itchy too if I had hot subway air blowing up my ass.
00:56Doctor, thanks for seeing me so late.
00:57How's the writing going?
00:58It's all of these young kids.
00:59In the tradition of George Carlin and Richard Pryor.
01:02Somebody's got to talk to Roger about his inflections.
01:05Come on, sub-peanut, what is that, a very small peanut?
01:09Are you doing what we talked about?
01:10I try not to vary my routine.
01:12You have medicines to help you.
01:13I was backed up for like eight days.
01:15You can always give yourself an enema.
01:17I'm saving that for my birthday.
01:20Who are they?
01:22That's my family.
01:23If they're your family, why do you have their names written down?
01:26Charlie, you can't be alone anymore.
01:28If you ever need my help, I'm here.
01:30I'm writing something and I have to finish before my words run out.
01:33I'll take care of him.
01:34May I ask what your relationship is?
01:36I don't know.
01:46Do you live here?
01:47I'm his friend.
01:48But your dad needs you right now.
01:49I mean, this young woman is full of surprises.
01:51This is no time for jokes.
01:54It's the perfect time for jokes.
01:56You're funny, old man.
02:04I want to have fun.
02:05I want to laugh.
02:06I want to not be scared.
02:08And I want to write the book.
02:09And I want to do all of that with you.
02:11Hell yeah!
02:18I didn't want for this to happen.
02:19That this? It didn't happen.
02:22Your little frail body would not be able to handle all these groceries.
02:25I'd break your back.
02:26Then you'd die.
02:27Can't have that.