• 2 months ago
Brrrr ! 🌨️❄️ Salut les amis ! Nous sommes pratiquement gelés ici, et tout cela parce que notre reine des neiges préférée, Elsa, est un peu en désordre. Vous voyez, ses amis et ses proches sont venus lui rendre visite dans son château de neige, donc maintenant, la pauvre Elsa n'a même pas le plus petit espace rien que pour elle. Il semble que nous n'ayons pas d'autre choix que de lui construire une petite maison parfaitement tranquille - sinon, notre duo rusé risque de se transformer en glaçons.

Passons aux affaires ! Tout d'abord, nous avons besoin de notre fidèle carton pour faire la base de la maison. Après quelques mesures et découpages appropriés, nous nous occuperons des textures parfaitement hivernales. Ensuite, viennent les cadres de fenêtres et la porte, bien sûr. Regardez ! La nouvelle maison d'Elsa pousse lentement et régulièrement. Oh, vous devez jeter un coup d'œil au toit que nous avons fait - il est magnifique et tellement scintillant ! ✨

L'étape suivante consiste à traiter le porche et quelques meubles aussi. OK, pas plus de mots ; appuyez juste sur play et profitez de l'intégralité du tutoriel de bricolage étape par étape. Donnez un pouce en l'air à cette vidéo si elle vous plaît, et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner à la chaîne. Elle regorge d'idées de bricolage amusantes qui n'attendent que VOUS pour les découvrir :

Transformation De Poupée DIY : Edition Sorcière Maléfique Étape Par Étape ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r5h5BG1vKIE
Créez Un Mini Bateau Pour Moana ⛵ || Idées De Bricolage En Carton Amusantes ✂️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=huOrWo80Vzg&t
Créez Votre Propre Sonic 💙 Guide De Diorama Étape Par Étape https://youtu.be/JXoDzJasGfY Abonne-toi à la chaîne de Sam et mets-lui un pouce bleu pour le motiver à faire plus de vidéos pour toi ! https://bit.ly/2EAEJdV

Tous les produits et noms de compagnies apparaissant dans cette vidéo demeurent les marques commerciales™️ ou marques déposées®️ de leurs propriétaires respectifs. Leur utilisation ne suggère aucune affiliation ni approbation de leur part.

Musique par TheSoul Sound: https://thesoul-sound.com/

Liste du matériel : https://www.depositphotos.com

OPENING THEME Title: Cuckoo Source: https://audiojungle.net/item/cuckoo/20801073

Coucou les fans de Sam ! Découvrez nos chouettes nouveautés avec Sam sur la boutique de Sam le Slime 🎉 https://amzn.to/39dmkxX


00:14It's starting to get cold here!
00:18It was just me or it was warmer a minute ago.
00:21Even started snowing!
00:23Hey guys, can you imagine? My sister Anna and our friends came to visit us, but there are so many of them, I don't have any personal space.
00:37Do you think that's normal?
00:39I understand you my sister, it's spandalous.
00:42Fortunately, I can stay at home until they leave.
00:46This can make a great room.
00:50Hey Sam!
00:52What's up Suzy?
00:54If it's like that, we're going to turn into ice cream before winter.
00:57You think?
00:59What if we built a separate house for Elsa?
01:03Just to not freeze to death, you know?
01:07Hey, I like this idea Sam, let's do it!
01:12Very well, let's start. Here is the base of our house.
01:16Yes, I think it's not big enough. And if someone comes to visit Elsa, he won't come back.
01:21No way, this house is just for me, my personal space.
01:27No guest is allowed here.
01:30So it's the perfect size. By the way, who can help me divide this cardboard into four pieces?
01:35Me! My magic will do the trick!
01:41It doesn't work!
01:43Oops, sorry!
01:44My method is more reliable.
01:48Let's take some seeds.
01:53You see, I told you.
01:55Ok, but I don't really like this color. It's boring.
01:59No worries Elsa, we'll cover everything with beautiful patterns.
02:04Yes, let me help you with that.
02:06Help me please!
02:09Oh Samy, not again!
02:12Stay calm, it's just paper.
02:15Give me a second.
02:17Don't rush, ok? Let's take advantage of the process.
02:27Here you go, Sue. And don't tell me we didn't help you.
02:31That's right!
02:32Here you go, Sue. And don't tell me we didn't help you.
02:35That's right! Here you go, Sue.
02:38Guys, you're a great help. Our house is slowly but surely growing.
02:46Wait, wait, wait. I don't think these walls are high enough.
02:50No kidding! Actually, it's a little different. Look, it's the floor.
02:57Interesting! A house without walls. Great design idea!
03:03Be patient, the walls will be here soon.
03:06These windows will just let the wind in. Trust me, I'm an expert.
03:10That's why we need these window frames.
03:15Ok, I understand now. Let me help you.
03:20Why doesn't it stay in place?
03:23It doesn't work.
03:25Don't give up and try another way.
03:27You're right, the glue will work.
03:31First, let's take some glue and then apply it carefully like this.
03:38Ha! Great!
03:40Your turn, Sue.
03:42I'm already on it, Sammy.
03:45No house can do without doors.
03:48You call that a door?
03:51Sam, the builder, will show you the door.
03:56Ta-da! Now it's much better.
04:00Great job, Sammy! Now, can you bring me the base of the house?
04:05I think I've wasted all my super power. And why is it so heavy?
04:10So heavy!
04:14Move faster, Sammy! Come on, what's taking you so long?
04:19Oh, my cheese! It's you since the beginning! How dare you?
04:24Come back here!
04:25It looks like Elsa enjoyed her walk.
04:28Now it's time to build the walls.
04:32I really like how it looks, Sue.
04:35Let's ask Elsa to build the last wall.
04:38I'm totally ready. Can you hold the wall for me?
04:42Of course. Here you go.
04:44Come on! Come on! Wow!
04:48Wow! It's really strong! Good job, Elsa!
04:51Let's keep going. There's still time. Don't leave yet.
04:57Wow! Without the roof, I can see the stars.
05:01Elsa, you don't want your house to be wet in the rain, do you?
05:06These pieces will make a great roof.
05:09Wow! I'm doing the most dangerous job here.
05:12But the slimes are brave and I'm no exception.
05:15Wow! Wow!
05:18Wow! Wow!
05:22Yes, you're very brave, Sammy.
05:25But let me help you, okay?
05:28There you go.
05:31We can help each other, Suzy. It's even better, isn't it?
05:34Of course. Look!
05:36The roof is almost ready.
05:38Why is it taking so long?
05:41I can't take it anymore.
05:43I need my new house.
05:48Is it me or is it getting even colder?
05:51Oh no!
05:55Oh! Wow!
05:57Elsa must be worried.
06:01We'd better speed up.
06:03I don't want to work with snow up to my waist.
06:06You're right. Fortunately, we're almost done.
06:09It's going to be the final touch.
06:12Ta-da! The house is ready.
06:15Don't you forget something?
06:16The door doesn't look very safe.
06:19That's true. Thank you, Sam.
06:21What do you say we use this?
06:23Good idea, Suzy.
06:25Don't go away, friends.
06:27There are many more fun things to come.
06:34I think the house is still a bit too simple.
06:36Let's add a personal touch.
06:38Like columns that look like ice cream cones.
06:43Okay, okay. I'd better not interfere.
06:46Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
06:48Oh, thank you, Sam.
06:50Friends, give us a like to boost Sam's energy.
06:58This house is going to be as pretty as a winter fairy tale.
07:05Now we have one, two, three, four nice columns on a porch.
07:11And I have an improved version of the protection against the snow, see?
07:15Great! How did you come up with this great idea?
07:19I promise to tell Elsa that I made it!
07:23Oh, new stones have arrived so fast!
07:33Sammy, they are great!
07:35What would we do without you?
07:37These shelters fit perfectly.
07:39I know! I love it!
07:41Everything looks so good!
07:43Oh no! We missed this part over there!
07:47I know how to fix it perfectly.
07:49With half of a circular piece.
07:51That's great, but I don't know which piece is better.
07:54Both seem perfect.
07:56Yes, choose!
07:58Hmm, can we really take both?
08:00Look, we glue one here and the other there.
08:05All we have to do is add this beautiful shelter.
08:12So, we're almost done here.
08:15Great! Elsa?
08:17Come, I have a quick look.
08:19Where are you? Your house is so cool!
08:21Wow! Guys, you did a great job here!
08:24I love it! If you don't mind, let's add this piece on the porch too.
08:28It reminds me of my palace at home.
08:30Certainly, it will look great here.
08:34And I also need stairs.
08:36The porch is too high for me now.
08:38Oops! Sorry, I'll make the stairs right away.
08:42There you go, it's done. It's safe and solid now.
08:45Are you sure? It doesn't look safe enough to me.
08:48Hmm, you know what? You're right.
08:50We need reinforcements.
08:54There you go.
08:57By the way, I'm going to need a place to feed my birds.
09:01No problem, we'll make window supports.
09:04I hope you like this color.
09:06They're big enough for the birds to sit on.
09:10Come, come, little birds.
09:12There's food for you.
09:15Oh, look, they love this place.
09:21Oh, adorable!
09:23So, what do you think of the house now, Elsa?
09:26Well, it still doesn't look like a palace.
09:29I think I know how to solve this problem.
09:32What's that noise?
09:33Choo-choo! I don't need any more seeds!
09:36Oh, these birds!
09:38Sorry, Sammy, but we don't need any more.
09:41Just like in a real palace, we'll also need window supports.
09:52You know, I was thinking,
09:54what if Olaf came to visit me?
09:56He's so clumsy, he could fall.
10:00I thought you wanted to live alone.
10:02Don't worry, I'll make sure of that.
10:04We don't have much time.
10:06Well, I could change my mind and invite people.
10:09It looks good, by the way.
10:11Well, it looks good, but also lonely,
10:14to stay here all alone.
10:16I guess you're right.
10:18What would you say to embellish it with a little snow?
10:20That's a great idea, Suzy!
10:24Voila! A beautiful house surrounded by snow.
10:27Very appropriate for Elsa.
10:28Wait, I have another cool idea!
10:30Oh yeah!
10:32Look at that! Fascinating, isn't it?
10:41So, what do you think? Do you like it?
10:44It looks amazing, Sammy!
10:46And actually, your idea gave me another idea!
10:49What would you say to a beautiful Christmas tree?
10:59And some wonderful Christmas decorations!
11:02Wow, that's magical!
11:04Sammy, could you also bring Olaf's favorite stool, please?
11:08I don't think it's here,
11:10but I can bring it from a sling pretty quickly.
11:13Sammy, wait! We can make it!
11:15Oh, well...
11:17I really hope he'll be back soon.
11:24Even with my superpowers, I couldn't reach a sling.
11:26It's too far away!
11:28Sorry, Elsa!
11:32It's the cutest rocking chair I've ever seen!
11:35I'm glad you like it!
11:38What? How did you do that, Suzy?
11:40That's impossible!
11:44You forgot that I also have superpowers,
11:46even if I don't run fast!
11:48Thank you so much, guys!
11:50I'm so happy!
11:56I'm so happy!
11:58I'm so happy!
12:00I'm so happy!
12:02I'm so happy!
12:04I'm so happy!
12:06I'm so happy!
12:08I'm so happy!
12:10I'm so happy!
12:12I'm so happy!
12:14I'm so happy!
12:16I'm so happy!
12:18I'm so happy!
12:20I'm so happy!
12:22I'm so happy!
12:24I'm so happy!
12:26I'm so happy!
12:28I'm so happy!
12:30I'm so happy!
12:32I'm so happy!
12:34I'm so happy!
12:36I'm so happy!
12:38I'm so happy!
12:40I'm so happy!
12:42I'm so happy!
12:44I'm so happy!
12:46I'm so happy!
12:48I'm so happy!
12:50I'm so happy!
12:52I'm so happy!
12:54I'm so happy!
12:58I have news for you!
13:03Hello my dear Elsa!
13:05We've finally found you!
13:09What are you doing here?
13:11Wow! What a palace!
13:13I'm going to stay in this room.
13:15It's the coldest.
13:17We missed you so much, sister!
13:19We decided to spend Christmas with you.
13:21It's very nice of you.
13:23I'm so lucky!
13:24But how?
13:27Elsa, how are you?
13:29Friends, subscribe to our channel if you want to know
13:32how Anna's visit will be this time.
13:34And like this video!
13:36It's getting cold!
13:38I guess Elsa's getting cold again!
13:54It's cold!
13:56I'm cold!
13:58It's cold!
13:59I'm cold!
14:01It's cold!
14:03It's cold!
14:05It's cold!
14:07It's cold!
14:09It's cold!
14:11It's cold!
14:13It's cold!
14:15Everything must be perfect!
14:19We must get rid of all this mess we made!
14:21Elsa is coming!
14:22Elsa is coming, hurry up!
14:23What are you going to treat our guest with?
14:27My speciality is the smoothie with ice cream.
14:29Ah! What a waste of calories, what did I do?
14:32It was my favorite dress.
14:33You know how hard it is to get rid of stains.
14:36No worries, I know how to clean it, it will work.
14:39Oops, I mean, we're going to cut it.
14:42No stains, no problem, no way.
14:47Don't cry Elsa, I have savings.
14:50Enough for a new rent.
14:51Wait Sammy, everyone can be clumsy.
14:54We're going to make a new dress for Elsa.
14:59Can you bring everything we need for the dress, Sammy?
15:02Yes, we're cursed, it's all we have as fabric.
15:05Hmm, I like this color.
15:07We'll use it to decorate your dress, okay?
15:10And instead of fabric, we can use something even better.
15:13Um, yes, but it's clay.
15:15I know.
15:17Get ready to have magic performed.
15:20Magic? I'm a renowned magician, you know.
15:22Okay, mister magician, then make this piece rectangular.
15:29No! What's going on?
15:31That's not what I meant.
15:33I'll try again.
15:36Wow, good job, Sam.
15:40I'm going to cut a piece of clay to the size I need.
15:44Is that Sam's voice?
15:46Help! Yes, I'm stuck!
15:48I was just getting ready to take measurements,
15:50but then it went wrong.
15:53Sam? Oh no!
15:55I wasn't your best suit.
15:56Oh, I look like a model.
15:59You really look like a model, Sammy.
16:03Any sewing shop would open its doors to you.
16:06Let's get back to our dress.
16:08We'll need this piece for the top.
16:10Let me see.
16:11Hmm, it looks simple.
16:13Let's make it full of little pleats to make it more breathtaking.
16:17Wow, Sam, your idea is really excellent.
16:19Now it looks more creative.
16:22It's very important to try on clothes while making them.
16:26Sam is absolutely right.
16:28Let's try this pretty top.
16:30We just need a little patience.
16:31We're going to attach one piece to the front
16:34and the other to the back.
16:38Do you want some water?
16:39It's so refreshing.
16:40Oh no, it's too refreshing.
16:42I'm going to be very cold.
16:44I'm going to get a blanket.
16:45Give me a second.
16:47Yes, take care of the skirt.
16:49The transparent one.
16:50Don't you think it's a little too fashionable, Sammy?
16:53Don't worry, we're going to improve it.
16:55Just help Elsa put it on.
16:56Don't worry, Sammy.
16:57I'm going to do it now.
16:59Let Tibidaba be praised.
17:02Phew, it wasn't easy to find the right fabric.
17:05I'm going to try on the skirt.
17:07Phew, it wasn't easy to find the right fabric.
17:10I'm going to try on the skirt.
17:12I'm going to try on the skirt.
17:14You know, you should be more careful, Sammy.
17:16And you should work faster.
17:18We need ten of them.
17:20What? How many?
17:23Oh no, it's irregular now.
17:27Don't worry, Sue.
17:28We need it.
17:30Look at me.
17:31We'll start with the hem of our future skirt.
17:35I don't think Elsa will be against my design solutions.
17:40Now I want as many pleats as possible to give volume.
17:44Your wishes are my orders.
17:47You're doing great, Sue.
17:48But we need more passion, more energy.
17:52Here, we have six pieces in total.
17:55Now we just have to put them together one by one, like this.
18:01And that's it.
18:02I love it.
18:03It looks like it's floating.
18:04It's crazy for clay.
18:07Sam, you look like someone I know.
18:10No way.
18:11Who could it be?
18:13A very famous designer.
18:15Not a cheese.
18:17Sam is not an imitator.
18:21I found some resin fabric in the attic to make the skirt prettier.
18:25Great, Sammy.
18:28I'm going to put it here and there.
18:31The more layers there are, the better.
18:32Now the skirt is gorgeous.
18:34It's up to the client to decide, so are you satisfied with this idea?
18:38It's a beautiful dress.
18:41You'll be even more impressed in no time.
18:44That's for sure.
18:46What is it? A new accessory?
18:48No, not exactly.
18:50I think we should add more sparkle to our masterpiece.
18:54Of course, why not.
18:57We're going to make it a sublime belt and highlight Elsa's thin waist.
19:02She really looks incredible.
19:06Elsa loves flowers.
19:08We can also use them to decorate her dress.
19:11It's a wonderful idea, Sammy.
19:13And it's very creative.
19:14Okay, I'll be right back.
19:15Wait, where are you going?
19:17To cut some flowers for the dress, of course.
19:21But cut flowers don't live long.
19:23We don't want to ruin such a beautiful dress.
19:26I don't want to damage the flowers or ruin the dress.
19:28What should I do?
19:29Why don't we do it ourselves?
19:32What do you mean?
19:35I'm going to show you how to make white and blue roses.
19:40We need a piece of blue crepe paper.
19:42Should I destroy them?
19:46To water the roses, of course.
19:48Our roses are made of paper.
19:50They don't need it.
19:52Apparently, I don't know anything about flowers.
19:54Help me with that.
19:56Well, I'm a professional assistant.
19:59Is that enough or do we need more?
20:01I think it's just the right amount.
20:03Good job!
20:05I'm sorry, but it doesn't look like flowers.
20:07Wait, you'll see.
20:10You have to be very careful when handling them.
20:12These petals are extremely fragile.
20:15Oh no!
20:17These petals are sticky.
20:19They look different.
20:21Don't worry.
20:23They don't need to look perfect.
20:25This is how we make a rose bud
20:27by assembling a few petals one by one.
20:29Wow! It really looks like a real flower!
20:31I can't wait to show it to Elsa!
20:33I mean, to put it on her dress.
20:37It's ready!
20:39It's so pretty!
20:41Can I try decorating Elsa's dress with it?
20:43Show me what it should look like.
20:45A little glue.
20:47Let's place them like this.
20:49You got it.
20:53Sammy, it doesn't bother me anymore
20:55that you spilled this smoothie on her.
20:59Sometimes you exaggerate too much.
21:01Don't worry.
21:03We can always use these petals.
21:05Add more petals right here
21:07between the rose buds.
21:09We can also use them to decorate the waist.
21:12It looks great!
21:14You really have great ideas!
21:16Elsa is beautiful!
21:18If you like this design and agree with it,
21:20like this video
21:22and I'll make this dress shine like a diamond!
21:24Look at my creativity at work!
21:27I couldn't help it.
21:29The glitter tickled my nose.
21:31Well done, Elsa!
21:33You look like a Christmas tree now.
21:35It's perfect.
21:37I've never seen a dress more beautiful than this one.
21:391, 2, 20!
21:41What are you counting?
21:43My future income per day.
21:45This dress is so perfect
21:47that I'll receive tons of orders.
21:49I hope Sam won't forget
21:51that he helped me do most of the work.
21:53Very good!
21:55I'm so proud of you!
21:57Thank you, Elsa!
21:59I'm so proud of you!
22:01Thank you, Elsa!
22:03Thank you, Elsa!
22:05Thank you, Elsa!
22:07Thank you, Elsa!
22:09Thank you, Elsa!
22:11Thank you, Elsa!
22:13Thank you, Elsa!
22:15Thank you, Elsa!
22:17Thank you, Elsa!
22:19Thank you, Elsa!
22:21Thank you, Elsa!
22:23Thank you, Elsa!
22:25It's true that it's much more beautiful than my old dress.
22:28Does that mean you like it?
22:30No, I love it.
22:32You should come back soon.
22:34I have another smoothie recipe.
22:36I promise.
22:38But it will be my turn to offer you a smoothie, Sammy.
22:42See you later.
22:44Like this.
22:46A little longer here.
22:48What are you doing?
22:50I'm creating.
22:52This collection will be a success.
22:54You can see the result of your work in another video.
22:57We have to say goodbye to our viewers now.
22:59Goodbye, friends!
23:01And remember, we love you!
23:06Ah, it's a dream that becomes reality.
23:09Let's repeat after me.
23:15Okay, you want to party with your friends.
23:17Something else?
23:19Don't fall asleep before we finish making the list of your dreams.
23:21Focus so that we can create your ideal world.
23:24Oh, no! Not like that!
23:26No, no!
23:28What if we put it in his head to discover his dreams?
23:30That's a great idea! Let's go to Barbie's world!
23:34What's going on?
23:38What a crazy trip to the world of dreams!
23:40Where is Barbie?
23:44Here is my guide to Barbie's world.
23:48Hey, wait for me!
23:50Ah, I've always dreamed of walking on the beach every morning.
23:52Okay, that's done.
23:54What else?
23:56Well, I'm going to play volleyball.
23:58My dreams come true so quickly!
24:00I'm busy. What else do you want?
24:02A swimsuit!
24:04I want a nice vintage swimsuit.
24:06Let's go!
24:08Cool! Don't worry about that.
24:10You and me, let's take the relay.
24:12Take this, please.
24:14Sam is right.
24:16I have the patterns of all the fabrics for the perfect swimsuit.
24:20Are you going to sew it?
24:22Yes, for a very long time.
24:24Barbie, it's time to change.
24:26Go behind the screen and fast!
24:30Your swimsuit is ready.
24:32Here you go.
24:34What do I look like?
24:38Wow, you look great!
24:40Pink is my favorite color, just like Barbie.
24:43Oh, thank you! I'll be right back.
24:45I'm coming!
24:47Barbie's world beach!
24:50It's free!
24:52Now I really want to swim!
25:09I would like to dive in the pool too.
25:11Barbie, what are we going to do after the swim?
25:13I'm going to take a sunbath.
25:15It's so relaxing!
25:16Oh, but it's too hot!
25:18And I lost my hat!
25:20We can fix it, we have no time!
25:22Yes, help me!
25:24Of course, I have an idea.
25:26We're going to make a fantasy hat with a wide edge.
25:28What do you think?
25:30It doesn't look like a hat to me.
25:32Hey, what?
25:34You took a piece of me?
25:36It's just a bottle cap.
25:38It will be used to make the top of the hat.
25:40All we need is a piece of rope and a fantasy decoration.
25:44Don't you think the inside of the hat is a little weird?
25:46There you go!
25:48With that, we're sure not to get sunburned.
25:50What should I do next in my ideal world?
25:52After a sunbath, I need a good care of beauty.
26:00What is it?
26:04Oh no!
26:06Sorry, the tubes look so much alike.
26:08Here, take this to wipe yourself.
26:10I think our Barbie needs to relax in a spa.
26:12And I know where we're going to take her.
26:14I'll take care of the decorations.
26:16A little magic trick and the walls are done!
26:18And here is a perfect place for the bathtub.
26:20Here it is!
26:22Come on, be nice and put a like!
26:24Thank you!
26:26Look at that!
26:28It's just the right size.
26:30Don't you think we should add a pattern on the floor or something like that?
26:32You mean colored tiles?
26:34There you go!
26:36And I also found this pretty ottoman.
26:38We need more furniture.
26:40I ordered a new closet.
26:44We should be able to put everything away.
26:46It's not me!
26:48Sam, are you hiding something in there?
26:50Are you really asking me?
26:52I can't live without surprises!
26:56We're going to cover it so that the fireflies don't escape.
26:58We're also going to build some nice columns.
27:02Did I do that for nothing?
27:04What am I going to do with them now?
27:06Sam, we have two closets.
27:08We're going to put your decoration on this one.
27:10It's perfect.
27:12Barbie also wanted a sofa.
27:14Look, I have one.
27:16And a chair.
27:18We absolutely need to add cushions.
27:21Wow, this place looks great!
27:23I've always wanted to have a spa.
27:25Yeah, there are even lights inside.
27:27Thank you very much!
27:29I'm glad you like it.
27:31I wish you a good time relaxing.
27:33So, what is missing from your ideal day?
27:35It's the feet!
27:37Isn't that right, friends?
27:39I'm going to party!
27:41Let's invite my friends and dance all night!
27:43Let's see, I don't have any food.
27:46Think, Barbie, think!
27:48You can always order something.
27:50You're right, problem solved.
27:55Hello, I would like to order the best baths you have.
27:57The most delicious.
27:59Very good, Miss.
28:01Order for Miss Barbie.
28:03It's noted.
28:05Here is the recipe for Barbie's succulent baths.
28:08Could we cook the baths over time?
28:10Like marshmallows?
28:12We can try.
28:14Great, I'm going.
28:16Grill my little baths.
28:18I think they're ready.
28:20Yes, take a bite, I'll cover you.
28:22And Barbie?
28:26Holy Sam!
28:28Let's keep cooking.
28:30I'm going to add colorful and delicious garnishes.
28:34Over here, the baths!
28:39Take the packaging and put it inside.
28:41Barbie is waiting.
28:43Okay, I understand.
28:45But wait, where is Ken?
28:47It's delivery time.
28:51I'm in charge now.
28:53Thank you, hello, delivery service.
28:55You're the best!
28:57Oh, sorry, it was very embarrassing.
29:00Your laugh is beautiful.
29:02Can I invite you to go on a trip?
29:04I have the impression that we are made for each other.
29:06We are brothers and sisters.
29:08Of course, I will go out with you.
29:10See you later.
29:11I can't wait to be...
29:13Ouch! I'll call you.
29:15He's cute.
29:17I have an appointment.
29:19This guy, Ken, invited me to the party.
29:21Almost all my dreams have come true.
29:23You should wear your most beautiful dress.
29:25That way, he'll be subjugated.
29:29Oh, no!
29:31I have nothing to wear.
29:33What am I going to do?
29:35Don't worry, I'll help you.
29:37Everything will be fine.
29:39First, we'll do your hair.
29:41Here we go!
29:43Barbie, take a deep breath.
29:45Make the most beautiful curls you can.
29:47It will be splendid.
29:49Oh, thank you, Sam.
29:51I'll do my best not to disappoint anyone.
29:53And you can watch other transformations of Barbie on our channel.
29:55Listen to me carefully.
29:57I know how to speed up the transformation.
29:59Watch this.
30:01Stay with us, it's not over yet.
30:03I'll be late.
30:05You already took a step closer to the dress of your dreams.
30:09I'll take care of the next step.
30:13It already looks so cool.
30:15But we need glitter.
30:20Glitter is my thing.
30:22I'm going to add some.
30:24Let's get rid of the excess glitter.
30:26But not too much.
30:28Look how beautiful the dress is.
30:32So, what am I wearing?
30:34We're not done yet.
30:36The Fairy Queen brings you shoes,
30:38but no glass shoes.
30:39The gift from the fairies has arrived.
30:41I hope nothing will turn into a pumpkin today.
30:44Your relooking is finished.
30:46Go ahead, look.
30:48It's incredible.
30:50It's the perfect look for a date.
30:54I feel like I'm dreaming.
30:56She came to get you.
31:00Oh my God, it's all real.
31:02Thank you, Sam.
31:04Ciao, have a good evening.
31:06Thank you, Sam.
31:07Did our therapy session with the dream help you?
31:10All my wishes came true.
31:12I just had to decide
31:14and take the first step.
31:16It's okay, Sam.
31:18Everything is fine.
31:20She's so happy.
31:22I'm glad I was able to contribute to her happiness.
31:24Slimes are so sensitive.
31:26Like the video if you enjoyed our magical trip
31:28to the world of Barbie.
31:30And send me your dolls for a therapy session with the dream.
