• 2 months ago
00:00I've been a cop for years. Yeah, but five-minute crafts starts to do some regular. Yeah, it's like how to cut paper
00:06All right, how to drink water? Okay. What else do we wipe your butt? Maybe not that one. That's okay. That's nice
00:14It's gonna be weird texture when you rub your hand on it, but okay, but who cares who cares about that?
00:19It's only a five-second video
00:21No, I mean if you resort to your bucket with this plastic zip tie
00:25Oh, yeah, exactly not. Oh, what is this? Oh a wire splitter
00:32Okay, nice
00:36Sometimes I'm watching our videos
00:46Sorry guys that you it's okay. Yeah, it's it's it's a hormonal thing
00:54You know, I'm getting to that age
00:57Things start changing
01:02Yeah, all right, so
01:07Wire crimp
01:09For what? Oh
01:11Wow for your torch. Ah, so you can solder thing. Wow, that's kind of cool
01:15Yeah, you don't have a proper soldering thing. Then there you go
01:19The only thing what I want to say don't
01:22Smell this thing. Oh, yeah, keep away from the smoke because that is toxic. Yeah, don't do that. Oh
01:29It's nice. Wow
01:32That's cool, that's awesome. Oh, well, they actually hit their hand that that sucks
01:42Yeah, I've fallen victim victim to the hammer before so
01:47Okay pencil, uh-huh. Yep. Okay practical enough. It's good
01:55Is it the right center? Oh harder. Come on. Put some muscle into it. Geez. Oh boy, and he brought just a gadget
02:03That's quite satisfying. I mean dinner first, right? Yeah, geez, come on. Okay, so we're heating it up
02:10This is this is how to take nuts off
02:11Okay, yep protect your nuts from five-minute crafts because they're gonna show you how to take them off
02:17All right, a nice gadget with this
02:20Yeah, yeah, I mean, but it's hard to you know to break to crank it. Yeah
02:25That makes sense. You need another another
02:28Mechanism just you know, hold it to brace it exactly. It's not worth it
02:32You know, ooh hammer holder, but we found out that you can actually just use the back of a hammer depending on the size of the nail
02:38Come on, there is this one tricky thing. Watch the video to know it
02:43Right, there is there is a tricky thing. Oh
02:49Okay, ah, this is yeah I've seen this a lot these these are so cool I want one of those
02:56Okay, yeah
02:58You could do that or I feel like you could just probably use your fingers. I don't know
03:01Yeah, sometimes it's gonna get complicated but you the thing is you can use the same
03:08Which I will be attached on your drill. True. Yeah. Yeah, so but this is practical. Oh
03:13To be called the holes too big. What are we gonna do?
03:18Fill it in fill it in let it on fire. No, okay. Not today
03:24That's not bad. Actually. Yeah
03:27That'll do the job
03:29Okay, your keys stuck down the drain. What are you gonna do? We have a flashlight. Okay. Yeah
03:33You can look at it being stuck down the drain or you can use a magnet Wow
03:37That's pretty handy, but only at certain distances right because drains are usually deeper than that. Yeah, and if
03:44Some flow in there, you know, it's just gone forever, but it's my one of my third, you know, yeah
03:51Yeah, I meant to yeah
03:52Whenever I'm like walking over a drain I check I clutch my my phone as hard as possible
03:58Exactly, and I hope the phone like so yeah
04:01No, you're not gonna drop if you ever see someone yelling at their phone and holding it really tightly it's because of that
04:06Yeah, I don't know. She can't lift it. What are we gonna do here? Wow, she pulled out a level thing. No, I have a gadget
04:11Ah, yes, that's handy. That's handy for sure. Oh or the old-fashioned way
04:17Now I got the idea they compare a life hack with the gadget thing. Exactly
04:21Yeah, I think the life hack is easier probably like cheaper, you know, yeah, but it's not gonna be the same for both of those
04:30It's gonna it's like a giant circle that it's making so it's like slightly different angle
04:36So we have a drill we have a lock nut
04:39the lock nut monster
04:42And that will prevent you from drilling too deep
04:47All right, isn't it beautiful it's beautiful but the only thing why you you know make the
04:54hole with
04:55Drill bit for the wood. Mm-hmm. And before that you screw it up the screw doesn't matter
05:06Screw it up. Yeah, you screw it up
05:09Try to guess why you know, yeah you guys fill in the blanks
05:14It's a guessing game. All right, so we have a magnet
05:19Don't apologize to them
05:22They know what they're getting themselves into when they get this far in the video
05:35Okay, oh
05:38But a knife moussat, what's a moussat?
05:45Never heard of that before
05:47And now it's sharp. It can not only cut butter but bananas and other B words
05:53Okay, it's actually nice that they show us that on the hard part of the banana, yeah, okay
06:01What is this what is this so I don't know
06:05again, ah
06:07That's kind of cool, but probably not gonna work
06:09Why it just looks like it's gonna dull the blade. It's on the fence. It looks pretty easy, too
06:16Have a light on your cap. Now. You have a cap light. I'd be good for reading at night
06:21Yeah, do some reading with that
06:23but the thing is there was a light on your
06:28Glove. Yeah here which would be more useful. I like the old-fashioned mechanic way
06:34They just hold it in their mouth
06:40That's the main goal, yeah, don't swallow. Yeah
06:45All right, so
06:47It's in our opener
06:49Okay, yeah, we've done quite a few of these yeah ruin your key
06:54Don't want to get in the house anymore. No, no, no, actually, you'll not broke the key. We'll try it this
06:59I think it depends on the key though. Some of them are really nice, but it's not that easy to
07:03Break you open the bottle like so. Oh, yeah. Okay, but easy to broke it
07:10Be careful with your fingers wear some gloves or something. Ah, why are your fingers so close to the knife? Stop it. I
07:17Don't know like I feel like in practice it's not going to be that accurate, you know, it's gonna move a bit
07:23Yeah, maybe maybe but you know, that's what I'm worried about
07:27You can use it
07:30Yeah, you're right this could be
07:32Oh how to make your scissors sharp again. I thought it was how to cut a piece of paper
07:40Wow, I'm saying
07:42After a couple of our I did a couple years. Yeah, five-minute crafts starts to do some regular
07:48Yeah, it's like how to cut paper. All right, how to drink water
07:52Okay, what else do we need how to wipe your butt? Maybe not that one. That's that's not safe
07:57Cable tie. All right
08:00We sir. Oh, it's a mixer. Nice. Yeah, but you screw it up with your
08:05Yeah, it's not so great is it worth it. All right. What do we got next?
08:11Is it a Leo
08:13Looks like it Wow. Wow. How is it blue inside? That looks awesome
08:18Because it's it's smiles. It was I like how smart all right, that's subjective. Okay
08:27So we got some flints
08:29Some me some you a little bit more of me. What are we gonna do?
08:36Okay, it's good work. I think it has to be at a certain angle though. I'm not sure if it's the right angle Wow
08:44Wow, I don't know how to make
08:48Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay, that's pretty good. Not that deep bed. Yeah, they could have made it a lot neater actually
08:56One more second of effort would have done it. Oh how to market? Yeah to make the perfect mark that's
09:03And yeah, yeah
09:06Smart enough smart
09:09Okay, we stick in these things. I forgot what the drum is
09:14No, I forgot what they're called
09:16Guys, let us know what those things are called because we keep forgetting what they're called
09:20Only Doc knew we got Doc's gone now
09:23He left so we have only you. Yes
09:28You have to replace Doc's scientific knowledge, yep
09:32And I think you can I think you can too you personally watched it. Yeah. Yeah, you've got it
09:37You've got the stuff kid. You got it in you
09:39We're proud of you
09:42Maybe it's not a kid that time. No, I mean, I'm just referring to anyone as kid. Ah, okay. It's like a
09:47I don't know. I see what you do. Just a nickname
09:50Anyway kid. Yeah, you got the stuff
09:55Okay, what is these
09:57All right. We're just gluing pieces of wood together. What are we gonna do? Oh, it's a
10:03It's a gadget. Oh, it's a clamp them together. Yeah. Yeah, while they while they dry. Okay, it was a homemade gadget. Yeah
10:14I wish they followed it more so I could see the close-up of the blue, but all right
10:21Is it legal it's not legal
