Adorable Baby Boy And Malamute Puppy Are Inseparable! (Cutest Ever!!)Nathan is such a little boy already looking for the rough and tumble and always wanting the thrill of the chase! Before anyone comes commenting, puppies mouth, dogs chew, this is how they play. Yes you train it out of them to varying degrees depending how interactively you want to play with your dog. Dogs learn boundaries from pack mentality and play. Their interaction with us isn't vastly different. We would train Titan quicker to stop than we would Nathan to ask to play and be chased, in the video you can see Nathan offering his hand to start play several times when Titan is chilling and this is how the two communicated. Nathan and Titan would play for hours and these are just snippets of their play always supervised. Titan would always stop if Nathan showed signs of discontent or we intervened, but as you see in the video it was Nathan that would tell him when it was enough! Anyway this is a boy and his puppy happily playing and learning and this isn't biting, it's mouthing which is a sign of affection and play. Nonetheless it shows the bond between the two and how Nathan adores nothing more than to tease and be chased! #dog #pat #kids #animal #funny #funnyanimal #funnykids #animal&kidsplay #funnyanimal #puppy