• 2 months ago
An affectionate look at life in 1970s Britain - the news, fads, fashions, music and more. | dHNfSmthVnN6MUFKeWc


00:00when somebody says 1970s I come alive it was the best decade ever I mean the
00:11seventies to me really was like 30 years 50 years on and we're still making sense
00:17of it a decade of huge societal change she's not being chased around by Benny
00:22Hill so good for her explosive creativity here in the bottles going off
00:27in the night like gunshots creating a soundtrack that was of the people for
00:32the people by the people punk rock and some downright strangeness ten years
00:38that loomed large at the British psyche in this series we'll celebrate with
00:43those that were actually there if you're young you might not realize there was a
00:46time when Noel Edmonds was cool really disco arrived when the disco finish
00:52your hair look rubbish but you're giving it large that night
00:55lads at school will be turning up them with a bit of eyeliner on
00:57we'll ponder the stars the cars I bought a Rover 2000 and frankly it was the
01:03worst car I ever had the foods make a sort of dog's dinner on it at this stage
01:08did look like flipping artwork and facts the good I thought I'd gone to heaven I
01:16couldn't take my eyes off it and the bad just always power cuts and reflect on
01:21how the 70s changed Britain forever there's a genuine fight going on for the
01:25moral soul of Britain so kick off your platforms and crack open a baby shampoo
01:30for a nostalgic romp through the era of three TV channels the three-day week and
01:35the three degrees as we go back to the seventies
