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00:00All the staff and all the stalls are very very friendly and willing to help each other out.
00:05I think they could do with a bit more advertising for it to make them aware because half the people
00:10don't even know it's here do they? They'll come in they'll go yeah I've lived here so and so and
00:15didn't even know it was here. I would say in Sunderland Jackie Wright's is very very famous
00:20yeah very famous yeah definitely probably more so for the Sunderland people than the
00:25Granger market for the Newcastle people I would say. The North Stand, the top part of that did
00:31not exist when the stadium first opened in 1997. It came about three years later which took the
00:37capacity of the stadium up from about 42,000 to around about 48,000 depending on segregation.
00:44I started at 13, 13 doing my duke of Edinburgh there and so that was good bronze silver and
00:49gold that was just the shore crew and enjoyed my time doing that and then when I become the age
00:54that I could join I joined there and as crew went through a trainee program and then now full crew.
01:12Seeing that the way in which when he finished at Newcastle everybody being there was overwhelming
01:21yet the one person that he wants to be there isn't so it's always that bittersweet moment.
01:31It's only really when my when my mum lifted my top up and she gasped and everyone was saying
01:37how bad it was that's when I really realized it was a big problem. And he had this gaping hole in
01:42his chest just a big gaping hole in his chest he's always had it there but always just slight
01:48and it wasn't until kind of his adolescent years and it's the beginning of the lockdown and he had
01:54a massive groin spurt we weren't away on holiday or anything so we never tended to see his chest
01:59and he always had it covered so we didn't realize anyway this gripping hole in his chest so
02:05obviously straight away got on the doctors. Well Dr Aitken kind of knew what it was and she says
02:10yes there is an operation that can be done for this. I thought because after I'd seen what your
02:15chest was supposed to look like I thought there was no way they could fix that because it was this
02:20giant dip it was like a it was like somebody had like scooped out just a piece of my chest.
02:25So you know it's like an hour and a half in either direction before you get into any other clubs so
02:30we have a quite a big area that we cover. As a rugby club being not even 20 years old is so so
02:36young for a club. We like founded Hadrian Cop. Hey welcome to Percy Perk RSC this is Newcastle
02:43Ravens Hadrian Cop 2024 and it's an absolutely fabulous day. When it started it was four teams
02:52and since then it's the last one that's just been was 36 teams. It's five weeks today that we'll be
02:57flying over to partake in what is our World Cup and to be able to meet like-minded people and
03:06like-minded players from New Zealand, America, all over Europe. People tend to revisit Mary-Anne
03:13Cotton when you type into Google famous female serial killer she comes up and she's credited as
03:18the first UK serial killer. The first female serial killer in in England in the UK. It's a
03:25point of contention. Is she the first one? She's certainly worthy of the crown I think. I think
03:30she's the most famous for Victorian poisoners but there were a lot of Victorian poisoners.
03:39Everyone needs to make peace with that. It was a hell of a time for invention and incredible
03:44feats in art and culture and poison did really well in the Victorian era. Had done for centuries
03:50beforehand. So if there's a queen as a female I guess that Mary-Anne Cotton would be up there for
03:56the sheer number of victims. In the last year of Michael's life Michael was taken ill I think
04:03September-ish something like that and I think he knew what was going on and one of his visits
04:11up to the northeast he asked if he and I could go for a long walk together which we did.
04:16I was still living at home at the time close to where Michael's family home was. We went for a
04:21long walk and we talked about all sorts of things. He was telling me about his life in London,
04:26his career, how it was going and he approached a subject in which he was talking about HIV and AIDS
04:34and he said you know I'm a bit nervous, I'm a bit afraid that I might have it and my reaction to
04:41that was to say oh don't worry. I said I'm sure you'll be fine you just need to go along and get
04:46a test and it'll be okay so you don't need to worry you'll be fine and Michael said no no I do
04:51think I do think I might be at risk and I could really kick myself because now with hindsight I
05:00can see Michael was trying to tell me. I get in my car and I went to come home and I just felt like
05:07like yeah I just felt like oh I don't feel well. I wonder have I ate something funny you know I just
05:15don't feel right. Anyway I comes down and I comes in and Titch said oh yeah my niece had phoned so
05:23I said oh I'm going to sit on the chair for a few minutes I don't feel too good I sits on the chair
05:28my niece phones and then the next thing when I know his friends to come but he kept staring he
05:34wasn't saying anything he just keep looking at me so I come off the phone I said what like what's
05:38going on is there something the matter. In April 2017 the force announced that it's dedicated a
05:43new forensics team to finding Nikki's killer out of the 25th anniversary of her death. Sharon
05:49meets with Chief Constable Steve Ashman and senior officers from the team here at the force headquarters
05:53in Middle Engine Lane in Walls End to discuss the latest developments in the case. The new team
05:58made good progress. In October 2017 comes confirmation that new DNA belonging to an unknown male
06:03has been recovered. Police appealed for anyone who came into contact with Nikki before she went
06:08missing to come forward and give a mouth swab sample so they can be ruled out of the inquiry.
06:12In April 2018 comes the news the family has been waiting for for almost a quarter of a century.
06:17A man has been arrested on suspicion of Nikki's murder.
06:20He is, it later emerges, former neighbour David Boyd by now a convicted paedophile.
06:29I was really lucky also with regards to the research and my poor mum you know I just kind
06:35of mined her for information and what I did do because again going back to that sort of wanting
06:42a really authentic feel to the book, mum was brought up in Hendon on Tayton Street and so
06:51what I did was I set the the main family as living in Tayton Street and I even had the same number
06:57and everything. So Ma, are you going to tell me where we're going or is it a mystery? Belle tried
07:03to inject some humour into her voice as they turned right down Tayton Street. Pearl huffed by
07:08way of reply. They had left at what was probably the busiest time of the day when the shipyards
07:13had just sounded out the end of the day's shift and hundreds of workers were hurrying either
07:17straight home or to their local for a quick pint before their tea. Saving people from the holocaust
07:22is what Ida and Louise are best remembered for but it was the combination of novel writing, opera
07:26and bottomless charm which serendipitously combined to help them save the lives of 29 Jews.
07:33In 1934, a year after Hitler took over Germany, an Austrian conductor called Clemens Krauss
07:39introduced them to a Jewish woman who, for obvious reasons, wished to move to Britain. The woman was
07:44Frau Meier-Lissmann, a lecturer who gave talks on opera. The introduction led to the sisters doing
07:49what they could before World War II began in 1939. They felt compelled to help the desperate
07:54and went to extreme lengths to do so. In order to communicate with both the German authorities and
07:59refugees, Louise taught herself German. They smuggled very valuable jewellery out of Germany
08:04by hiding it in plain sight, wearing expensive brooches, pearls and the like as though they
08:09were ephemeral knickknacks bought from Jackie White's market.