Actress Dia Mirza, who was recently seen in the streaming series ‘I.C 814: The Kandahar Hijack’, is enjoying the festive season on a holiday. On Monday, the actress took to her Instagram and shared a series of pictures and videos in which she can be seen having a gala time on her holiday. She can be seen swinging, enjoying an ice-cream, listening to Christmas carols, and walking down the beach in the pictures and the videos. She wrote in the caption, “Small joys”.
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00:00Actress Diya Mirza is currently enjoying a well-deserved holiday and she giving her fans
00:05a glimpse into her festive celebration.
00:07On Monday, the actress took to Instagram to share a series of pictures and videos showcasing
00:11her fun-filled holiday from sewing and enjoying ice cream to listening to Christmas carols
00:17and strolling along the beach.
00:20Diya's posts are filled with joy and cheers.
00:23Diya's holiday posts are a perfect reflection of her captioned small joys.
00:27The actress is clearly soaring every moment of her break and is grateful for the little
00:33thing in life.
00:34Her fans are loving the glimpse into her personal life and her posts are filled with comments
00:39and likes.
00:40On the work front, Diya was recently seen in the streaming series, IC814, The Kandhar
00:47Hijack where she shared the screen with actor Vijay Verma.
00:50Diya has been praising Vijay's performance in the series, particularly his ability to
00:54deliver a convincing portrayal of his character despite being confined to a single space.