A FIR was registered in Meghalaya against a social media influencer after a video showing him and two companions chanting religious slogans at a church went viral. The incident came to light after the influencer, #AkashSagar, posted the video on his Instagram account, which boasts a following of over 1.5 million users.Watch Out
#AkashSagar #Meghalaya #ReligeousSentiment #Church #Shriram #siyaram #socialmediainfluencer #Hindu #Christians #akeynews #news #kannadanews #trendingnews #breakingnews #localnewspaper
#AkashSagar #Meghalaya #ReligeousSentiment #Church #Shriram #siyaram #socialmediainfluencer #Hindu #Christians #akeynews #news #kannadanews #trendingnews #breakingnews #localnewspaper
Bigg Boss 18: Munawar ने Karanveer के तलाक पर ली चुटकी, Chum Darang के उड़े होश ! FilmiBeat
DU Professor Ratan Lal Arrested By Delhi Police For Post On "Shivling", Out On Bail |
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