Ultraman Cosmos is a Japanese tokusatsu TV show being the 17th show in the Ultra Series. Produced by Tsuburaya Productio | dHNfMnRqVmx0blN0SjQ
00:00Cosmos, 強くなれる It's alright
00:20愛って何なんだ What is love?
00:29正義って何なんだ What is justice?
00:33力で勝つだけじゃ何かが足りない It's not enough to win by force
00:40時に拳を時には花を Sometimes fists, sometimes flowers
00:46戦いの場所は心の中だ The place to fight is in the heart
00:54Cosmos, 強くなれる It's alright
00:59優しさから始まる Power
01:07Cosmos, どんな時も Wanna be right
01:12自分にだけは決して負けない I will never lose to myself
01:17ウルトラの誓い I swear to Ultra