The Thinking Gamechronicles the extraordinary life of visionary scientist Demis Hassabis and his relentless quest to sol | dG1fSjVYRllNc2N6eTg
Short filmTranscript
00:00How do you keep power, forever, over something that's much more powerful than you?
00:07Hi Alpha.
00:09Hello there.
00:11My whole life goal is to solve artificial general intelligence.
00:16I think this is a hugely critical moment for humanity.
00:20There's no time to waste.
00:22Will you not be listening to what I'm saying?
00:26I actually got into AI through games.
00:30I was the second highest rated chess player in the world for my age.
00:33So I've always been thinking about thinking.
00:36So you're going to study neuroscience.
00:38What's the end game?
00:40I wanted to explore the edge of the universe.
00:43That's not a normal person you find in a tech company.
00:48They introduced the idea that they could beat the top level Go players
00:52in a game that was thought to be incomputable.
00:56It's amazing.
00:57It's discovered its own attacking style.
00:59They had a little chart of how much better they were getting.
01:01Oh, holy monkey.
01:03And I said, when does this stop?
01:05The ultimate goal was to crack real world challenges.
01:08I've never stopped thinking about the protein folding problem.
01:11The potential to help solve Alzheimer's, dementia, and drug discovery is huge.
01:16I thought it would need AI to do it.
01:19I did think to myself, well, good luck.
01:21If you are at the forefront of science.
01:23This makes no sense.
01:24You will fail a great deal.
01:27We were the best in the world at a problem the world's not good at.
01:30We sucked.
01:33And then suddenly...
01:37We've done this thing and it might be kind of a big deal.
01:40It's very, very cool.
01:41I was gobsmacked.
01:42I was just excited.
01:43It'll be the biggest thing ever.
01:45These are gifts to humanity.
01:47There's so many things that are going to be cracked.
01:50But I won't give up until it's done.
01:52What is it that you like about this game?
01:56It's just a good thinking game.