Every 10,000 years, teams from all over the universe are gathered by the mysterious Avatar to compete in the Great Race | dHNfVTJfTHF6QU4xMEE
00:00君が笑う 風が見える 繋いだ空 時の向こう 世界の果てで待ってる
00:14舞い上がれ 惜しみな夕焼けに 命は目覚めて絶えた
00:28きっと届く You will get your chance to shine 諦めないで
00:36ジャンプして 走り出せ 想いはきっと叶う
00:42Someday you will get your wings 始まりは今
00:48You can fly through blue blue sky
00:54You can touch the blue blue sky