• 2 days ago
"Black" is a horror drama centered around a demon child who possesses terrifying powers and a dark destiny. The story delves into the mystery of this child, whose origins are shrouded in evil. As the child grows, strange and disturbing events begin to unfold in the small town where they live, leading to a series of horrifying incidents. Those around the child, including their family, neighbors, and local authorities, struggle to understand the nature of the menace that surrounds them.

As the child becomes more aware of their demonic nature, they start unleashing chaos, manipulating the fears and darkest desires of those who cross their path. With elements of suspense, psychological tension, and supernatural horror, "Black" explores the boundaries between innocence and evil, forcing characters to confront their own moral dilemmas and the inevitable doom that looms.

The series builds an eerie atmosphere, blending real-world terror with the supernatural, making the audience question what is truly behind the child’s powers: is it an ancient curse, a possession, or something even more sinister? As the story progresses, secrets unravel, leading to a chilling conclusion.

