Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya are known for sharing snippets of their happy moments on social media. The couple is reveling in the wedding celebrations of Divyanka's brother in Bhopal. The actress took to Instagram to share a series of photos from the baraat ceremony, where she's seen having a blast with Vivek and other family members. The photos showcased the vibrant atmosphere of the wedding procession, with Divyanka beaming with joy. She captioned the post, "Best year-end gift the family got," highlighting the significance of this special occasion. The couple's chemistry was palpable in the photos, and fans couldn't get enough of their adorable moments.
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#DivyankaTripathi #Trending #2024 #BollywoodCountry #BollywoodNews #BollywoodGossips #BollywoodUpdates #BollywoodNews #Bollywood #Bollywoodcelebrity #BollywoodHindiNews #ians
00:00TV actor Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dahiya are known for sharing snippets of their happy
00:07moments on social media.
00:09Currently, the couple is reveling in the wedding celebration of Divyanka's brother in Bhopal.
00:15The actress took to Instagram to share a series of pictures from the baraat ceremony where
00:20she is seen having a blast with Vivek and other family members.
00:25The photos showcase the vibrant atmosphere of wedding procession with Divyanka beaming
00:30with joy.
00:31She captioned the post, best year and gift the family got, highlighting the significance
00:37of this special occasion.
00:39The couple's chemistry was palpable in the photo and fans could not get enough of their
00:44admirable moment.
00:46Recently, Divyanka shared a video from the baraat ceremony where she is seen dancing
00:51with a bandit alongside Vivek.
00:54She captioned the video as, Bhai ki baraat pe divani behen.
00:58Perfectly captured the essence of the video, in the clip, Divyanka stunned in a gorgeous
01:03maroon velvet saree paired with a heavily embellished blouse.
01:08Vivek complimented Divyanka's look in a matching maroon blazer and golden turban.
01:14The couple's coordinated outfit added to the festive atmosphere and their energetic dance
01:20move had fans cheering them on.
01:23The video was a testament to the couple's love and enthusiasm for life's special moment.