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Full Video: Message for the youngsters || Acharya Prashant, IIM-Konversations (2023)
00:00What is discipline? Discipline in the real sense means challenging your own patterns.
00:04Related to the word disciple. Who is a disciple? Someone who follows.
00:08Who is to be followed? Someone who is worthy of being followed.
00:11The truth is to be followed. Freedom is to be followed.
00:14So, if you are a disciple with discipline, then you challenge your own patterns,
00:19which are your bondages, because freedom beckons.
00:21So, you say, I am not going to tolerate my bondages.
00:23I will do everything to challenge my own inner structures.
00:27That's discipline. Discipline is not about obedience.
00:30Discipline is not about obeying commandments from outside.
00:34Discipline is first of all realizing who you are.
00:36What is it that you have fallen in love with?
00:39What really calls you?
00:40And therefore, what is it within that you must conquer?
00:43Correct. That's discipline.