Suriye'de Esad rejiminin devrilmesinin ardından yılbaşı öncesinde Türkiye'deki Suriyelilerin Hatay'daki Cilvegözü Gümrük Kapısı'ndan ülkelerine dönüşü sürüyor.
00:00On üç. Türkiye'de çok mutluyum. Eee ülkeme dönmek çok istiyorum.
00:07Eee mutluyum. Nenem, akrabalarımız var. Dayım. Nerede
00:18oturuyorsunuz? İdlib. Evet üzgünüm. Üzgünüm eee yedi
00:26yıllık arkadaşlarım var. Onları bıraktım. Eee çok üzgünüm.
00:30Şuraya da ne yapacaksın? Eğitimine devam edecek misin?
00:34Evet. Inşallah.
00:56I'm Bilal Şeraş.
01:09I swear I was in Maksim. I've been here for five and a half years.
01:16I was in the Turkish market, I swear. I swear I'm going to Damascus.
01:24Yes, thank God, thank God. I swear I want to say we thank the Turkish people.
01:31We thank the Turkish government because I mean, thank God,
01:35they have been with us all this time. And may God give them
01:39security and safety. And I hope Syria will return as before
01:44. And I hope that in the future, God will give them all, I mean,
01:50whether it is Syria or Turkey. For the prosperity of both countries, I hope.
01:56I have my wife and children. This is my son, he was born here in Turkey.
02:02This is my son, he was six months old. He studied in Turkish schools.
02:10Gurul or Turkish?
02:20What is the name of the school?
02:40What is the name of the school?
02:46What is the name of the school?
02:52What is the name of the school?
03:10What is the name of the school?
03:18What is the name of the school?
03:24What is the name of the school?
03:32What is the name of the school?
03:40What is the name of the school?
03:50What is the name of the school?
04:00What is the name of the school?
04:04What is the name of the school?
04:16What is the name of the school?
04:24What is the name of the school?
04:28What is the name of the school?
04:36What is the name of the school?
04:48What is the name of the school?
04:58What is the name of the school?
05:08What is the name of the school?
05:18What is the name of the school?
05:28What is the name of the school?