"Beast Games" is a reality competition series created and hosted by Jimmy Donaldson, known as MrBeast. Premiering on December 19, 2024, exclusively on Amazon Prime Video, the show features 1,000 contestants competing for a record-breaking $5 million cash prize—the largest single prize in television history.
The series comprises ten episodes, with new episodes released weekly on Thursdays until February 13, 2025. The challenges are designed to test participants' physical, mental, and social abilities, including evading U.S. Navy SEALs and enduring a "literal insane asylum."
The series comprises ten episodes, with new episodes released weekly on Thursdays until February 13, 2025. The challenges are designed to test participants' physical, mental, and social abilities, including evading U.S. Navy SEALs and enduring a "literal insane asylum."