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#EncourageTV #FullMovies
On Christmas Eve, the sheriff arrests a jolly old fellow with a little white beard. While behind bars, the old man brings kindness and wisdom to the town. By the end of the evening, even the sheriff believes he might be the real Saint Nick.
Directed by Joel Paul Reisig
Starring Dean Cain, Christine Lakin, Joel Paul Reisig, Linda Boston
00:02:00Sheriff Langston. Hi Daddy, it's Kara. Hi pumpkin. You haven't called me that in a long time. I
00:02:16remember when you used to call me that. It doesn't feel like a long time to me. Daddy, can you come
00:02:23over for Christmas? I wish I could, sweetheart, but your mom and me... Kara, I hear you on the phone in there. Go to sleep. She's driving me insane.
00:02:35Honey, your mom, she loves you. Okay, she's got a very, very difficult job to do and
00:02:41not everything was her fault. I did a lot of things wrong too. Okay, but just
00:02:45remember that she does love you. Can I call you tomorrow? I would like that.
00:02:53Good night, Dad. Good night, sweetheart.
00:03:15Oh, hello, Kara. We haven't seen you here in a long time. Where am I? By the North Pole, of course. Santa's house. But, what am I doing here? Well, what do you think you're doing here? I think I'm dreaming.
00:03:45You are. But, that doesn't mean dreams aren't real. Hey, want to talk to Santa? I don't believe in Santa anymore. I'm too old. This is your dream.
00:03:59Hello, Kara. Why don't you tell me why you're here? Oh, that is a tall order and so close to Christmas. Oh, I'm very busy already. So, you can't do it? Oh, no, I didn't say that. I will see what I can do.
00:04:59Not thinking about running, are you? No, sir. I imagine that's you under that mask, isn't it, Evan? Yes, sir. Well, boys, I guess we better head out downtown. Have a little talk with the sheriff.
00:05:29I don't know why you picked me to stay here, or how much longer you're going to make me stay. But, I know you're taking good care of my Emma, and I did some foolish things when I was young, even some bad things, and I'm sorry for it.
00:06:00But, I just hope I've done enough good so that I can see her again. So, if I've got a month, or two, or even five or ten years, you just tell me what you want me to do, Lord, and I'll do it.
00:06:25Well, well, well. Here for the show, Mr. Harold. What show is that? The Christmas Pageant, of course. Is that tonight? Yeah, it's tonight. Oh, yeah. You're teasing me again. I get it.
00:06:42Just having a little fun. Yeah, I'll be at the show. But, right now, I just want to talk. Oh, sure. I'm always available to chat. What would you like to talk about? What year were you born? 1968. Why?
00:07:001968. I remember it like it was last week. Me and my boy drove over to Detroit and sat in Tiger Stadium, the old Tiger Stadium, and watched them win the World Series. My son can't make it for Christmas this year.
00:07:191968. Yep. No disrespect, Pastor, but you're just a boy. Here we go again. Why don't you go and get your sheep, or your angel wings, or practice your songs?
00:07:49I'll just sit here and have a conversation with another old man. Alright. See you tonight, Mr. Harold.
00:07:58He'll be there when he gets there. He'll be there when he gets there. Alright.
00:08:28I see Tweedledee is back. Who is Tweedledum? Lose the mask, Evan. What did I tell you about staying out of trouble?
00:08:47Sean, how's your mom? Fine. How's she gonna feel about coming down here to the station to pick you up? Look, I'm really sorry. Yeah? Well, sorry ain't gonna cut it. Whoa, Tom, easy. I say we lock him up. Nothing more fun than spending Christmas in jail, huh, boys?
00:09:12It was just eggs. Just eggs? I don't think so. We got littering, vandalism, destruction of public property. I think you might have broken a farming ordinance. Looks like it's about 30 days in the slammer for you guys. Plus, you're both gonna get kicked off the basketball team.
00:09:29Please, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Yeah, me too, Sheriff Langston. Look, please don't lock us up, alright? My dad just lost his job and my paper route is the only money we have coming in right now. Just, just please.
00:09:48It's not up to me anymore, guys. Yeah, I'm going to the big city next week. Tom's the one that's gonna be in charge, so Tom's gonna be the one making the calls. I do? I mean, yeah, that's right. I do. Plus, these are some pretty serious offenses, boys. Alright, guys. Put your hands over your head. Let's move it to the cage. No, wait. One second, Tom.
00:10:18You both know where Mr. Harold lives, right? First thing you're gonna do is you're gonna go to Mr. Harold's house and you're gonna clean the outside of his house. Get those eggs off completely. Now, Mr. Harold, he's kind of an old guy now. He has trouble shoveling a sidewalk. I want you two to make sure that Mr. Harold's sidewalk is clear of snow for the entire winter.
00:10:44If Tom drives by one time and sees some snow on that sidewalk, consider your parole revoked and you're going down. Parole? Parole! Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. I hope you boys know exactly how generous this offer is. We do. Sir. Yeah, we do. Sir. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.
00:11:12I think I saw some snow on his sidewalk today. Now, go on! Hustle!
00:11:26Well, another major case cracked here in Rockford. You know you're gonna miss it when you leave for the big city, Rick.
00:11:33Uh, not likely. A couple of hardened criminals off the streets and onto the sidewalk. Let's go tell their parents.
00:11:41Oh, come on. I mean, it's up to you, but they're good kids. They're just bored here in Rockford. They needed something productive to do.
00:11:51Well, they got that now. Why don't you go get back out on patrol?
00:11:56Oh, come on, Sheriff. It's freezing out there. You know the heater's not working in my car. Besides, there's no crime here anyway.
00:12:04Yeah, boss.
00:12:06Not till next week.
00:12:15I thought I told you to go away.
00:12:17I stole the statue of the baby Jesus from the nativity scene from the church, and earlier I came in to turn myself in. But Shirley wouldn't lock me up.
00:12:30Can't have you stealing from the church, Rainer. In you go.
00:12:39Tom, gather up the evidence.
00:12:48I... I... It's the only replacement I could find. Who in the heck would steal the baby Jesus?
00:12:56I'm sorry about the language. Forgive me. Well, do you have any swaddling clothes? Yeah, the clothes that a baby swaddles in. I don't...
00:13:04Fine. I'll take it.
00:13:07I'm sorry about the language. Forgive me. Well, do you have any swaddling clothes? Yeah, the clothes that a baby swaddles in. I don't...
00:13:16Fine. Yep. I'll do it myself. Dang it. I'm sorry. Yep. Sorry. Forgive me. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
00:13:32This has got to be blasphemous.
00:13:38That's a good boy. Oh, yeah. Look at that. That's a good boy.
00:13:51Shirley, thought you didn't like dogs. I don't like dogs. And what in God's name are we locking Rainer up for? That old drunk is just looking for a warm bed and a hot meal.
00:14:02Shirley, he stole the baby Jesus. Then he can go put it back. Shirley. He's lucky I didn't slap him. Oh, you're real tough when I'm in handcuffs.
00:14:13You ain't in handcuffs, you old fool. Can I slap him? No, you can't slap him, Shirley. Police brutality? Oh, I'll show you some police brutality. Oh, yeah.
00:14:24Shirley, any messages for me today? No messages from your big new job, if that's what you're asking. That's not what I'm asking, but thank you very much.
00:14:33And your ex-wife called. What would she say? Is she going to bring Carrie by tomorrow?
00:14:42She said, and I quote, I got custody this Christmas so he can take his thoughts of hesitation and his stupid new job and cram them up his tight little ass.
00:14:55Okay, I get the gist of it. Thank you very much. Sorry. Whatever. That's just not right, Sheriff. In fact, it's so wrong, I think you ought to arrest her.
00:15:09Out of my jurisdiction, or I just might. It doesn't matter, I hate Christmas anyway. It's just a fabricated holiday so they can sell a bunch of garbage to people that don't really need it.
00:15:20Don't let that evil woman get to you. Christmas is a celebration of all that's good in the world. I agree.
00:15:31Hey Shirley, did you find that Commando Dutch action figure for me?
00:15:35Wherever the action is the hottest, that's where you'll find him. Commando Dutch. He's got wooden shoes and he's bringing the bad news.
00:15:43Yes, I get my Commando Dutch this year, Sylvia, since you're bringing me two of them.
00:15:48With muscles like that, maybe I'll ask Sienna to bring me two of them.
00:15:53I looked every place. Nobody has any left. It's the hottest toy this Christmas. They actually laughed at me for thinking that I could get one on Christmas Eve. They've been sold out for months.
00:16:04Why didn't I read Christopher's letter sooner? Listen to this.
00:16:10Dear Santa, all I want for Christmas is Commando Dutch. P.S. Please bring two if you can. I've been a very good boy this year. That's great. I get to go home and break his heart.
00:16:23Don't worry, I'm sure he's going to enjoy all the other gifts this year.
00:16:27Please bring two if you can. I've been a very good boy this year. That's great. I get to go home and break his heart.
00:16:35Don't worry, I'm sure he's going to enjoy all the other gifts this year.
00:16:40Have you met my son?
00:16:42Yeah, you're probably right.
00:16:44It's Commando Dutch or nothing.
00:16:46I tried to get it. Don't blame me that you waited until Christmas Eve to shop.
00:16:52I'm not blaming you, Shirley.
00:16:54Hey, will you hold it down? I'm trying to sleep.
00:16:57You don't know. Listen, if you don't know what's good for you, keep on flapping in there and I'm going to come in there and in a minute to the moon rail, I'm going to squash you into summertime.
00:17:16Shirley, how'd your toy drive go this year?
00:17:19Well, we only reached about half our goal, but it's still good.
00:17:25Reaching that goal was my Christmas wish for those children, but we'll get it next year.
00:17:32Alright, it's Christmas Eve. Tom, Shirley, you guys go home.
00:17:38And Shirley, if you wouldn't mind, please drop baby Jesus back off at the church for me.
00:17:43I ain't got time to drop that off at the church. I gotta go home and get dressed and then I'm off to church.
00:17:52Fine, I'll take it back.
00:17:55You hear that, old man? I'm covering your behind.
00:17:59I love you, Shirley.
00:18:01Hush up, you old fool.
00:18:07Hey, I overheard what the ex said about your daughter.
00:18:13That's no big deal.
00:18:15No, it's not right. A father ought to be able to spend Christmas with his kid.
00:18:19Diane is a cold-hearted woman.
00:18:24Gave you a great daughter, though.
00:18:26Yes, she did.
00:18:28Pretty girl, too. You know, on the ride over here, I heard Evan and Sean talking about her.
00:18:33See, Tom, that's why I have a gun.
00:18:36There's no need to be alone tonight.
00:18:39I'm having my little Christmas party. Why don't you come over?
00:18:42I don't think so.
00:18:44Come on. Me, you, the wife and kid, couple friends.
00:18:48Oh, and my mother-in-law. You remember her?
00:18:50Yeah, that sounds like a blast, but I think I'm gonna have to pass.
00:18:55No, no. Plus, I don't want to listen to Christopher Wine all night.
00:18:59Daddy, where's my Commando Dutch?
00:19:01Yeah, I don't want to listen to it either.
00:19:03I'll go.
00:19:05I like hearing kids whine. I like any kind of whine.
00:19:09Ooh, hey, maybe me and the mother-in-law will hit it off.
00:19:12I thought you were trying to sleep.
00:19:14You know, she does like to drink.
00:19:17Ooh, I like her already.
00:19:19Sorry, Renner, you can't go.
00:19:21You are busted for stealing baby Jesus.
00:19:24I didn't do it.
00:19:26Oh, no? Who did?
00:19:28I saw Shirley with him.
00:19:30Who did?
00:19:32I saw Shirley with him.
00:19:34Nice try.
00:19:36All right. I guess I'm gonna get out of here, but you're sure?
00:19:40You don't want to stop by for one quick drink?
00:19:42I just bring the party down.
00:19:44All right, bud. Well, Merry Christmas anyway.
00:19:53I hate Christmas.
00:19:55I heard that.
00:19:59All right, Max, old buddy.
00:20:01Looks like it's just you and me, partner.
00:20:18I remember that Christmas.
00:20:23Carol likes the family already in the house.
00:20:27Carol, be careful.
00:20:35Get this thing off of me!
00:20:45Merry Christmas, Care Bear.
00:20:49Why don't you just call her?
00:20:52Renner, if you don't keep quiet in there,
00:20:54I'm gonna go get that baby Jesus statue and beat you with it.
00:20:57Police brutality.
00:20:59Or on second thought, I could just let you out,
00:21:02put you back out in the cold winter wonderland.
00:21:05No, I'll be quiet.
00:21:08I'll be quiet, quiet as a church mouse.
00:21:23Get this thing out of my face!
00:21:26Help me!
00:21:32Sheriff Langston.
00:21:34Daddy, it's Kara.
00:21:36Oh, hey, sweetheart.
00:21:38How you doing?
00:21:40I was just watching a video from Christmas Past.
00:21:44Merry Christmas.
00:21:49Daddy, are you coming over?
00:21:51I've got lots of presents, and there's one for you.
00:21:54And I promised not to knock over the tree this year.
00:21:57Honey, it wouldn't be Christmas if you didn't knock over the tree.
00:22:00But you know I'm working.
00:22:02I can't make it this year,
00:22:04but I want you to know that I love you and I miss you.
00:22:07Who's that on the phone?
00:22:09It's Daddy.
00:22:11Hang up.
00:22:35I'm home.
00:22:40How was your day?
00:22:42Oh, it was miserable.
00:22:45The heater went out on my car again.
00:22:47I was freezing all day.
00:22:49Well, any day where you don't get shot is a good day for me.
00:22:53Not for me.
00:22:55Mom, stop.
00:23:00Hey, bud.
00:23:02Hey, there.
00:23:08I did Colonel Dutch, two of them.
00:23:10Two of them, huh?
00:23:12So, did you get them?
00:23:22I looked everywhere. I couldn't find them.
00:23:25Of course not.
00:23:27I told you, you should have married the dentist.
00:23:29That's okay.
00:23:31We have plenty.
00:23:33Sylvia, what are you guys talking about?
00:23:36Oh, honey, just your father's latest failure.
00:23:39Nothing, buddy, just dinner.
00:23:42Why don't you go help Grandma fix herself another drink?
00:23:45Don't call me Grandma!
00:23:48Now, I have an early present for you.
00:23:51It's something very warm that you're going to look very cute in.
00:23:57Don't even try to say no.
00:23:59I bought one for everybody, and we're going to take pictures by the tree.
00:24:03All right.
00:24:05Now, go get changed.
00:24:07I have hot soup waiting for you, and I'm going to put on some water for tea.
00:24:14I love you.
00:24:16I love you.
00:24:26Now, go. Go, go, go.
00:24:28I have hot food waiting for you.
00:24:37I'm heading out, Rainer.
00:24:39You hold down the fort.
00:24:41Could you get me some dinner?
00:24:43It's too late for dinner. You have to wait for breakfast in the morning.
00:24:46But I didn't get any dinner.
00:24:48Check into the hotel earlier next time. You know the rules.
00:24:51Come on, Max.
00:24:53That's cruel, Rick.
00:24:55Bah humbug.
00:24:59Good tidings we bring to you and your kin
00:25:04Good tidings for Christmas and a happy new year
00:25:27White Christmas?
00:25:29I'm not dreaming about a white Christmas.
00:25:31Who wants a white Christmas? It's just cold.
00:25:34It's the big deal.
00:25:36One more week, and I'm out of here.
00:25:41Why are you looking at me like that?
00:25:43Tom will take good care of you, buddy.
00:25:45He will.
00:25:53What is this?
00:25:59Hey. Hi, guys.
00:26:01Okay, yeah. Merry Christmas. Sure.
00:26:21Hey! What are you doing?
00:26:23Knock it off! You know how dangerous that is?
00:26:26We're sorry, Sheriff.
00:26:28We were just having a little fun.
00:26:30I guess it got a little out of hand.
00:26:32Well, how would you guys like to spend the night in the clink?
00:26:35How would that be for Christmas?
00:26:38I think I've had a little too much eggnog.
00:26:41Merry Christmas, Sheriff.
00:26:43Merry Christmas.
00:26:45Just quit throwing snowballs.
00:26:47Go home.
00:27:04One message.
00:27:06Hi, Sheriff Langston.
00:27:08This is Jim Miller from the city of Grand Rapids.
00:27:11Listen, I hate to be the one to tell you this,
00:27:14but the chief of police job for which you applied,
00:27:17and I know you were accepted,
00:27:19well, it's no longer available.
00:27:21Our current chief has decided to renew his contract
00:27:24for another three years.
00:27:26We really hope this isn't going to cause you
00:27:28too much of an inconvenience,
00:27:30and, well, you have yourself a Merry Christmas.
00:27:35Merry Christmas.
00:27:45Hey, Rick.
00:27:47Hey, you know, if you put the red police cruiser lights on,
00:27:50people passing by might mistake them for Christmas lights.
00:27:53Oh, interesting.
00:27:55I was thinking that I might throw you in the back of my squad car
00:27:58and you might be out by New Year's Eve.
00:28:00Ah, geez, Rick.
00:28:02I'm only kidding.
00:28:04I mean, everybody else's house on the block's lit up,
00:28:07and I was just thinking that, you know, maybe...
00:28:12Yeah, well, why don't you just go home
00:28:14and enjoy paying your stupid electric bill?
00:28:24You don't have any milk, and you didn't lay out any cookies.
00:28:27I don't keep cookies in the house,
00:28:29and I said freeze!
00:28:31Holiday's got you down.
00:28:33Job troubles.
00:28:36Put my bread down,
00:28:38and put your hands where I can see them.
00:28:40Fine. I'm done with it anyhow.
00:28:46Tom, come in. Are you there?
00:28:48Hey, Rick. You had your way over. Did you change your mind?
00:28:51Look at this. I've got a B and E at my house.
00:28:54I have one suspect in custody, and there may be others.
00:28:57No one else.
00:28:59It's just me, Rick.
00:29:01Excuse me if I don't take your word for it.
00:29:03May I put away the mayonnaise?
00:29:05I wouldn't want it to go bad.
00:29:07Don't move.
00:29:19You've got to be kidding me.
00:29:21This is a nice dog, Rick.
00:29:36Rick, I'm here. I'm here, buddy.
00:29:39I'm here.
00:29:41I'm here, buddy. I'm here.
00:29:46Rick. Rick, I'm here, buddy.
00:29:49What happened?
00:29:51I found this old coot rummaging through my fridge.
00:29:54You picked the wrong house to break into, pal.
00:29:56Lucky I didn't shoot him.
00:29:58Is he armed?
00:30:00Well, he had a loaf of my bread in his hands.
00:30:02And what are you wearing?
00:30:04Footed pajamas.
00:30:06Wendy got a pair for the entire family.
00:30:08Is this the house you're in?
00:30:10Of course I do, Tom.
00:30:12He's Sheriff Rick Langston.
00:30:16You know my name.
00:30:18How do you... Who are you?
00:30:20Ho, ho, ho.
00:30:22This guy's creepy, Rick.
00:30:24I'd better come on down to the station with you.
00:30:26No, no, no. It's Christmas Eve.
00:30:28I'm sorry I even called you in to begin with.
00:30:30It's fine. I got it handled.
00:30:32That's all right. He looks dangerous.
00:30:34What, you're avoiding going home?
00:30:40Go home.
00:30:42But be sure to tell Christopher
00:30:44that I read his letter.
00:30:46You know about that letter.
00:30:48Why do you know my son's name?
00:30:50Whoa, whoa, whoa. Tom, he's obviously a local.
00:30:52He's just a local.
00:30:54Go home.
00:31:02Nice lights, guys.
00:31:04Red, blue.
00:31:06Get off my porch.
00:31:08Joking, Rick. Just joking again.
00:31:10What's going on?
00:31:12Are you arresting Santa Claus?
00:31:14No, we're not arresting Santa, sir.
00:31:16Go home, please.
00:31:18Now is not a good time.
00:31:28Hello, Rainer.
00:31:30I made you a sandwich.
00:31:34Oh, no problem, Rainer.
00:31:36Merry Christmas.
00:31:38Merry Christmas.
00:31:40All he wanted for Christmas was a meal.
00:31:44I frisked you.
00:31:46Where did you hide...
00:31:50Oh, no.
00:31:52I'm good.
00:31:54Do I look like I need a sandwich?
00:31:58I'm saving myself for milk and cookies.
00:32:00Oh, lots of milk and cookies tonight.
00:32:04Hold it down in there.
00:32:10Why do you think you're so miserable?
00:32:14What are you, Dr. Santa?
00:32:16Oh, Dr. Santa.
00:32:18Oh, no, I'm no doctor.
00:32:20And I'm not miserable.
00:32:22Did you bring me a sandwich?
00:32:26Then you're miserable.
00:32:28I'll tell you why, Rick.
00:32:30You miss your daughter.
00:32:32Excuse me?
00:32:36What did you just say to me?
00:32:38What do you know about my daughter?
00:32:40I know if Kara's been naughty or nice.
00:32:44You don't talk about my daughter
00:32:46or Tom's son
00:32:48or anyone's kids.
00:32:50Do you understand me?
00:32:52You keep your mouth shut.
00:32:54Not talking about it won't fix the problem.
00:32:56You leave Kara out of it.
00:32:58Like you always did.
00:33:00I'm a good father.
00:33:02Okay, okay, calm down.
00:33:04But are you really, Rick,
00:33:06a good father?
00:33:08Well, let's say
00:33:12And even that may still be open to debate.
00:33:14But you were always
00:33:16a lousy husband.
00:33:18I am warning you, pal.
00:33:20That's why your ex-wife Diane is with Federico.
00:33:24Who's Federico?
00:33:26A good man
00:33:28that loves Christmas.
00:33:30I am a good man
00:33:32who likes
00:33:36Are you buying any of this, Rainer?
00:33:38I don't know.
00:33:40Whatever. Good luck to Freddie, then.
00:33:42That Diane's a real handful,
00:33:44huh, Ricky?
00:33:46Hush, Rainer.
00:33:48Oh, Rick.
00:33:50You wouldn't know love
00:33:52into your arms.
00:33:54Yes, I would.
00:33:56No, you won't.
00:33:58Yes, I would.
00:34:04How old are you two?
00:34:06Excuse me.
00:34:10Not a word.
00:34:12I didn't say anything.
00:34:14Yeah, you were thinking it.
00:34:16Uh-uh. That was me, Sheriff.
00:34:18Hi. How you doing, ma'am?
00:34:20Oh, gosh. I'm sorry.
00:34:22I'm sorry.
00:34:24Well, Sheriff,
00:34:26I think you just did.
00:34:28Rick wants love
00:34:30for Christmas.
00:34:32Sandwiches are better.
00:34:34It's okay.
00:34:36I'm the Sheriff.
00:34:38And that means?
00:34:42It means that you can trust me.
00:34:44I'm sorry, Sheriff.
00:34:46I apologize for my daughter's behavior.
00:34:48She just moved to town,
00:34:50and she is testing the limits
00:34:52of her new surroundings here.
00:34:54My name's Rick. Rick Langston.
00:34:56You don't have to keep calling me Sheriff.
00:34:58Okay. Well, Rick, it's nice to meet you.
00:35:00I'm Lucy.
00:35:02This is my daughter, Alana.
00:35:04Yeah, my daughter, Kara.
00:35:06She tested the limits of her new surroundings
00:35:08when we first moved here, too.
00:35:10Oh, you have a daughter.
00:35:12Yeah. Not married anymore.
00:35:14Not what she asked.
00:35:16As Alana here.
00:35:18That kid, Alana, she wants love, too?
00:35:22She wants a friend.
00:35:24Oh, I see.
00:35:26Lucy, the mom, she wants love.
00:35:30Oh, I'm sensing a theme here.
00:35:32Why are those two locked up?
00:35:34They don't look too dangerous.
00:35:36Uh, well,
00:35:38the little guy for stealing
00:35:40and then the fat one for breaking and entering.
00:35:42It's not nice to call people fat, Rick.
00:35:44And I'm not so little.
00:35:46Uh, anyway, um, the reason for stopping by
00:35:48is we just wanted to drop off these canned goods
00:35:50and some toys to those who are less fortunate than us
00:35:52this holiday season.
00:35:54Mom, we're the least fortunate people I know.
00:35:56Okay, Alana, you may go sit in the car. Thank you.
00:36:00I apologize for my daughter's behavior.
00:36:02She's really having a tough time
00:36:04with this transition.
00:36:06She just doesn't have any friends yet,
00:36:08so you know how it is.
00:36:10I totally understand.
00:36:12It's really difficult at her age, especially.
00:36:14Maybe you want to try the church service tonight.
00:36:16There's going to be a Christmas pageant
00:36:18and probably a lot of kids Alana's age.
00:36:20Oh, really?
00:36:22Oh, is your daughter going to be there?
00:36:24No, no, no, she won't. Long story.
00:36:26Um, actually, short story.
00:36:28Her mother, swan of Satan.
00:36:32Well, tell me how you really feel.
00:36:34I'm sorry, that's bad taste.
00:36:36No, it's fine.
00:36:38Honestly, I don't think I could get Alana to go anyway.
00:36:40I mean, I could help her just to get her to come here
00:36:42and hand out canning goods, so...
00:36:44Oh, she'll go.
00:36:46Uh, I beg your pardon, sir,
00:36:48but I don't think you know my daughter.
00:36:50Sure I do, and she will.
00:36:52And then afterward, why don't you go over to Tom's?
00:36:54Who's Tom?
00:36:56Uh, Tom is my deputy here.
00:36:58He's having a party tonight.
00:37:00Just friends and family.
00:37:04Oh, well, no, I couldn't.
00:37:06Oh, Tom wouldn't mind.
00:37:08Well, uh, are you going?
00:37:12Yeah, yes, I am.
00:37:14Okay, well, maybe we'll stop by.
00:37:16Will I see you at church, too?
00:37:18Uh, no, not church.
00:37:20Church and I, that's probably not a good mix.
00:37:22Oh, well, I'm sorry to hear that.
00:37:24Yeah, but, uh,
00:37:26I'll see you here at eight.
00:37:28Okay, um, so where is it?
00:37:30Uh, Tom's.
00:37:32And where is that?
00:37:34Sorry, it's, uh,
00:37:3627 Lilac Lane.
00:37:38Okay, 27, you know,
00:37:40I don't think I know where that is.
00:37:42I'm sorry, I'm new in town.
00:37:44Maybe it's just best if we meet here.
00:37:46Okay, great, we'll meet here at eight after church.
00:37:48It's a date.
00:37:50A date, oh.
00:37:52I just meant that, you know, it's just a rhyme.
00:37:54It's like eight, date.
00:37:56Okay, I'm gonna go,
00:37:58because Alana's probably terrorizing the entire parking lot by now.
00:38:00Thank you for the food, Lucy.
00:38:02I'll make sure it goes to good use.
00:38:04You are so welcome.
00:38:06You know, he really doesn't seem like the type
00:38:08who would break and enter.
00:38:10Yeah, well, have him break into your house,
00:38:12and then let me know how you feel.
00:38:14I'll take your word on that one.
00:38:16I'll see you later, Rick.
00:38:26Well what?
00:38:28I told you he wouldn't know it.
00:38:30Well, you called it, Santa.
00:38:32It's a date.
00:38:34Bye, Ricky.
00:38:36You know, Rick, I'm not a lawyer,
00:38:38but I believe I'm entitled to one phone call.
00:38:42Who do you want to call?
00:38:44Mr. Harold.
00:38:46Mr. Harold here in town?
00:38:48No, no, I'd like to speak to his son in Chicago.
00:39:02Merry Christmas, Sheriff.
00:39:04Yeah, uh, can I have a, uh, a beer,
00:39:06a couple hot dogs, and some fries, please?
00:39:08I will have that right out to you.
00:39:16Evening, Sheriff.
00:39:18Hello, Mr. Harold. How are you, sir?
00:39:20Well, I'm old, but I'm fine.
00:39:22How are you, Mr. Harold?
00:39:24I'm fine.
00:39:26How are you, Mr. Harold?
00:39:28I'm fine.
00:39:30How are you, sir?
00:39:32Well, I'm old, back hurts, feet aching,
00:39:36old, achy body,
00:39:38just too much standing.
00:39:40Uh, you know what I mean, Sheriff?
00:39:44Would you like to sit down?
00:39:48that would be nice, thank you.
00:39:50Yes, sir.
00:39:52That would be nice.
00:39:54You know, I've known you for a long time.
00:39:56I knew your father.
00:39:58I was there that day
00:40:00when you ran those three touchdowns
00:40:02against East Grand Rapids.
00:40:04I remember
00:40:06when you were elected Sheriff.
00:40:08Sir, I don't have a whole lot of time tonight.
00:40:10Well, that's all great.
00:40:12I have plenty.
00:40:14You know, I've been watching you, Rick.
00:40:16And you're just
00:40:18not yourself these days.
00:40:20Sir, does your son have a friend in town
00:40:22that thinks
00:40:24he's Santa Claus?
00:40:26That's what I'm talking about, Rick.
00:40:28You're cracking up.
00:40:30And you're grumpy.
00:40:32That just isn't you.
00:40:34Can I get you anything, Mr. Harold?
00:40:36No, uh, what did he order?
00:40:38Two hot dogs, fries, and a beer.
00:40:40What? Oh, no, no, no.
00:40:42We're not in our 20s anymore.
00:40:44You can't eat that kind of stuff, Rick.
00:40:46Give us two salads with chicken.
00:40:48And two coffees.
00:40:50We might be here a while.
00:40:52Coming right up.
00:40:54Do you know what religion is, Rick?
00:40:56Hmm? Religion?
00:40:58Yes, yes. Look, I'm going
00:41:00over to the church tonight.
00:41:02And the pastor, he's going to tell me one thing.
00:41:04And another church
00:41:06in a small town somewhere,
00:41:08the priest is telling his people
00:41:10another thing.
00:41:12And three weeks ago, there was
00:41:14at a temple somewhere, there was a rabbi
00:41:16that was telling his people something else.
00:41:18Now, they're all three right.
00:41:20But they're all three
00:41:22wrong, too.
00:41:24Now, wait, hold on, hold on.
00:41:26Religion is making the people
00:41:28around you happy.
00:41:30It's making the whole world
00:41:32a better place to live in.
00:41:34See, that's what it's all about
00:41:36when you get right down to it.
00:41:38But you can't do that
00:41:40if you're not happy.
00:41:42You gotta get
00:41:44your smile back, Rick.
00:41:46So you and I,
00:41:48we're gonna figure it out.
00:42:00You may have noticed some Christmas lights.
00:42:02Yeah, I did.
00:42:04May we come in?
00:42:06I plugged them in
00:42:08at my house next door.
00:42:10Do you think that really matters to me?
00:42:12I mean, do I look like I'm in a Christmas mood?
00:42:14Wasn't my idea.
00:42:16Okay, whose idea was it, then?
00:42:20What the...
00:42:24I brought my own milk and cookies.
00:42:26Lots of people have left
00:42:28them out for me tonight.
00:42:30You know, you just added a felony escape charge, right?
00:42:32Ho, ho, ho.
00:42:34Better answer it.
00:42:36Could be important.
00:42:40stay here.
00:42:48Hello, Rick.
00:42:50Who is this?
00:42:52Cyan, you ignorant fool.
00:42:54She's gone.
00:42:56Kara is gone?
00:42:58She's run away, and it's all your fault.
00:43:00How is that my fault?
00:43:02I'm not even there.
00:43:06I'll find her.
00:43:08You'd better.
00:43:12a dollhouse it is, then.
00:43:14But you have to promise me
00:43:16Oh, Miss Harrison
00:43:18may not have seen it, but I did.
00:43:20But I think
00:43:22we'll let it slide this year.
00:43:24Thank you, Elizabeth.
00:43:26Go home now.
00:43:28And you, come with me.
00:43:46Merry Christmas, everyone.
00:43:48Hello, everyone. Merry Christmas.
00:43:52That's not Jesus.
00:43:56All right.
00:43:58Everyone, please stay calm.
00:44:00Little boy is correct.
00:44:04this evening, there was an unforeseen
00:44:08in which the baby Jesus was stolen.
00:44:10So, tonight,
00:44:12we will be having
00:44:14this stuffed monkey
00:44:16playing the role of the baby Jesus.
00:44:18And everything will be fine.
00:44:22I found Jesus!
00:44:28No, no, no.
00:44:30Not that way.
00:44:34Baby Jesus.
00:44:36Thank you, Jesus.
00:44:42Thank you, Shirley.
00:44:56Let us pray.
00:45:02How did he get out of here, Renner?
00:45:04Was this door locked?
00:45:06Did I forget to lock this cell door?
00:45:08How should I know? I was asleep.
00:45:10I see him when he's sleeping.
00:45:12He knows when I'm awake.
00:45:14I know when he's been bad or good.
00:45:16Stop it. Stop it, you two.
00:45:18I've had enough nonsense from you.
00:45:20I've got to go find my daughter.
00:45:22You should go to church.
00:45:24You should mind your own business.
00:45:26Go to church, Rick.
00:45:28Good night, nutjobs.
00:45:30And so it came to pass.
00:45:32Everyone will be counted
00:45:34and must return to their native towns.
00:45:36Let this be known to everyone.
00:45:38Mary, I know you're heavy with the child,
00:45:40but we have to get to Bethlehem
00:45:42to be counted.
00:45:44Yes, Joseph.
00:45:46Mom, I need to go.
00:45:48Okay, you know what, young lady?
00:45:50I don't want to hear another word
00:45:52about what you're going to do.
00:45:54I'm going to go to church.
00:45:56I'm going to go to church.
00:45:58Young lady, I don't want to hear another word
00:46:00about what you're going to do
00:46:02or what you're not going to do, all right?
00:46:04Mom, I meant to go to the bathroom.
00:46:06Oh, okay. All right, that's fine.
00:46:08I'm going to get us some good seats.
00:46:12You need a place to stay.
00:46:14You can use our stable out back.
00:46:16My wife is in need of rest.
00:46:18The stable will be fine.
00:46:20Well, then, follow me.
00:46:24I know God is with us.
00:46:26I know God is with us, Mary.
00:46:28In here is better than out in the cold.
00:46:30Behold, I bring good news
00:46:32of great joy.
00:46:34For today, in the city of David,
00:46:36there is born to you a Savior
00:46:38who is Christ the Lord.
00:46:40And this will be the sign for you.
00:46:42You will find a baby wrapped in cloth
00:46:44and lying in a manger.
00:47:12Stop screaming.
00:47:14If you don't stop screaming,
00:47:16someone's going to come down here,
00:47:18and then we'll both get in trouble.
00:47:20I'm not supposed to be down here.
00:47:22Who are you?
00:47:24I'm Kara.
00:47:26I'm Alana.
00:47:28Pretty cool stuff down here.
00:47:30I guess.
00:48:08Worst Christmas ever.
00:48:12First, I lose my job that I don't have, really, at all.
00:48:16I can't be with my daughter.
00:48:18I can't find her.
00:48:22Go to church, stupid Santa.
00:48:28You don't think that...
00:48:32Should I go to church?
00:48:34All right, fine.
00:48:36I'll go to church. I'll check it.
00:48:40I don't feel very well.
00:48:42I think the baby is about to be born.
00:48:44Please, Mary, lie down.
00:48:46It won't be long now.
00:48:50some shepherds were watching their flocks at night
00:48:52when suddenly an angel appeared
00:48:54right before them.
00:48:56Let's go to Bethlehem
00:48:58and see what the Lord has told us about.
00:49:00Where's Alana?
00:49:02Let's tell our friends to go.
00:49:04Praise God for this good news.
00:49:14Where are you?
00:49:16Honey, you almost ready to eat?
00:49:22Where did you go?
00:49:30Merry Christmas!
00:49:34She does this every year.
00:49:52Where are you?
00:50:00You were just in here.
00:50:02Where are you?
00:50:04Merry Christmas!
00:50:06Sometime later,
00:50:08three wise men saw a bright star in the sky.
00:50:10Look, a star.
00:50:12Look how bright it is.
00:50:14It is the sign, a wonderful sign.
00:50:16The king is born.
00:50:18Let us go and worship him.
00:50:20Quick, we need gifts to bring.
00:50:22I know what I will bring him.
00:50:24I will bring him gold
00:50:26for he is royalty.
00:50:28My gift will be extra special.
00:50:30It's the gift of birth.
00:50:32Frankincense will be my gift.
00:50:56Holy Mother of God!
00:51:00Stop that!
00:51:02Stop that now!
00:51:20Hi, Daddy.
00:51:32Are you pleased with yourselves?
00:51:38You've ruined the Christmas pageant.
00:51:44In all fairness, it really was pretty funny.
00:51:46The Lord does not find anything funny.
00:51:48Never has, never will.
00:51:50Get out.
00:51:54All right, you know what?
00:51:56Get out, all of you, get out.
00:51:58You've done your damage.
00:52:00Leave the cow head.
00:52:02That's evidence now.
00:52:04Leave the cow head.
00:52:20What do you think
00:52:22we should do with him?
00:52:26hay and water for 30 days
00:52:28in the county fair lockup.
00:52:30Oh, you're funny.
00:52:32I haven't been
00:52:36I'm sorry to hear that.
00:52:38I'm a pretty good listener.
00:52:42I don't think I want to expose this town
00:52:44to any more of my daughter tonight.
00:52:46She seems like a nice girl.
00:52:48We're only saying that because she's your daughter's co-conspirator.
00:52:50That's why.
00:52:52They are kind of two peas in a pod.
00:52:54You know, I'm sorry you didn't get
00:52:56that big city police chief job, Rick.
00:53:00Yeah, well, I hear your job got cancelled
00:53:02and their loss is our gain.
00:53:04Where did you hear that?
00:53:08Well, by
00:53:10now that I think on it, I
00:53:12can't recall
00:53:14what his face looked like.
00:53:16That's strange.
00:53:18But he was wearing a Santa suit.
00:53:22I have to go.
00:53:24I thought we were going over to Tom's.
00:53:26I have some business I have to take care of first.
00:53:28I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.
00:53:30Look at him, rushing out of here
00:53:32and leaving me all alone
00:53:34with a pretty young lady.
00:53:36Now, my name is Mr. Harold,
00:53:38but you may call me Joe.
00:53:40Nice to meet you, Joe.
00:53:42I'm Lucy.
00:53:46You like eggnog?
00:53:48Oh, I love eggnog.
00:53:50I make the best eggnog.
00:53:54Yeah, I'm bringing a batch of it
00:53:56over to Tom's party.
00:53:58Now, the sheriff,
00:54:00he's been kind of down.
00:54:02And if,
00:54:04maybe if I bring my eggnog
00:54:06and you bring, well,
00:54:10maybe the two of us
00:54:12can cheer him up a bit.
00:54:16Oh, Alana.
00:54:18My daughter.
00:54:20She's in the back of the car.
00:54:22I'm sorry, Joe, I gotta...
00:54:24It was really nice to meet you, though.
00:54:26Oh, look at her go, too.
00:54:28The whole generation's off
00:54:30in a big hurry.
00:54:34That guy is unbelievable.
00:54:40Um, I forgot you guys were in here.
00:54:42Uh, jump out and walk back to the church.
00:54:44Dad, it's freezing.
00:54:46And really far.
00:54:48Well, you should have thought about that
00:54:50before you became a cow.
00:55:08Did he just call you a cow?
00:55:12He can be kind of a...
00:55:16But he's cool.
00:55:18I think so.
00:55:20So, which way to the church?
00:55:26I don't know.
00:55:32Stupid kids.
00:55:36Ruined my Christmas pageant.
00:55:40I'm a cow.
00:55:42I'm funny because I'm a cow.
00:55:44I'm a cow.
00:55:46You're telling me
00:55:48that I'm trusting a cow
00:55:50to lead me to my salvation?
00:55:52Lord, I'm in some trouble.
00:55:54Ha, ha, ha, ha.
00:56:10Sheriff Langston.
00:56:12Have you found her?
00:56:14Uh, yes, I found her.
00:56:16Put her on the phone.
00:56:18Uh, I can't.
00:56:20Rick, put her on the phone now.
00:56:22I can't.
00:56:24I sort of put her out on the street.
00:56:26You left her alone?
00:56:28In the middle of the road?
00:56:30She's not alone.
00:56:32She's got Alana with her.
00:56:34Who's Alana?
00:56:36I'm coming down there,
00:56:38and I am going to kill you.
00:56:40You know what? Bring it on.
00:56:42I got bigger problems than you.
00:56:44I got Santa Claus to kill.
00:56:46What does he say?
00:56:48He's going to kill Santa.
00:56:52I do not believe
00:56:54this is in the spirit of the season.
00:57:00Whoa, Rick!
00:57:04I only took one cookie.
00:57:06What the...
00:57:08Language, Rick.
00:57:10Where did you get this?
00:57:12He had a red Santa suit
00:57:14and wanted to spread good news for Christmas.
00:57:16Looks more like spread-eagle
00:57:18than spread-eagle.
00:57:20I don't know what you're talking about.
00:57:22I don't know what you're talking about.
00:57:24Merry Christmas.
00:57:26Looks more like spread-eagle.
00:57:30Merry Christmas.
00:57:32Get out of here!
00:57:34Merry Christmas, Santa.
00:57:36Really glad you're staying, Rick.
00:57:38You want to be in the cell with those guys?
00:57:42What exactly would have been the charge, Rick?
00:57:44He didn't break into the station.
00:57:46You forgot to lock the door again.
00:57:50Having a gal on your mind
00:57:52can make a man forgetful.
00:57:54I don't know. Littering.
00:57:56It doesn't matter.
00:57:58I have nothing on my mind.
00:58:00Oh, he's tough.
00:58:02Ho, ho, ho.
00:58:06Isn't this guy the best, Ricky?
00:58:10You never really wanted to leave.
00:58:12Don't tell me what I wanted.
00:58:14You just want love.
00:58:18Did you hear what I just said?
00:58:22Be quiet.
00:58:30May I ask you a personal question, Rainer?
00:58:36Why aren't you working?
00:58:40Well, I was.
00:58:42I have a real estate license.
00:58:46It's tough to get listings.
00:58:50So I started
00:58:52working less.
00:58:54And drinking more.
00:59:02I want to straighten myself out, Santa.
00:59:04I really do.
00:59:08But it's tough.
00:59:12I guess that's the only suit I have.
00:59:14It's just hard
00:59:16to get a second chance.
00:59:20I see.
00:59:24you hang in there.
00:59:28Sometimes luck
00:59:30can change.
00:59:34Quiet now.
00:59:36Looks like the sheriff
00:59:38is having a little nap.
00:59:40Looks like the sheriff
00:59:42is having a little nap.
01:00:10Why do you think you're so miserable?
01:00:12You miss your daughter.
01:00:16You miss your daughter, Rick?
01:00:28You're everything to me.
01:00:30You're everything to me.
01:00:34You're everything to me.
01:00:36You're everything to me.
01:00:38Your ex
01:00:40is with Frederico.
01:00:42Did you bring me a sandwich?
01:00:44You didn't put any lights
01:00:46up, Rick.
01:00:48You're miserable.
01:00:50You were always a lousy husband.
01:00:52All he wanted was a meal.
01:00:56We wish you a merry Christmas.
01:00:58We wish you a merry
01:01:02You're going to need to believe again,
01:01:06Believe again, Rick?
01:01:08We believe
01:01:10in you, Rick.
01:01:12Ho, ho, ho.
01:01:14You just leave him on the side of the road?
01:01:16Lucy, no.
01:01:18I thought you were the town good guy.
01:01:20I am.
01:01:22Please stop.
01:01:24I'm so sorry.
01:01:26There's so much going on
01:01:28in my life right now.
01:01:30There was this job that I thought I had
01:01:32and then I didn't get it.
01:01:34Oh, my God, Dad. Are you going to cry?
01:01:36What? No. I'm not...
01:01:40please, please come to Tom's party
01:01:42tonight. I'll make it up to you.
01:01:44I promise. Okay.
01:01:46But only because you are really
01:01:48cute when you're flustered.
01:01:52Oh, my God. He's not going to kiss her,
01:01:54is he?
01:01:56Not yet, Rick.
01:01:58In the police station? Get a room.
01:02:02This is, um...
01:02:04Lucy. You don't even know her name.
01:02:06It's Lucy.
01:02:08I heard. I'm going to go.
01:02:12I think you should.
01:02:14Merry Christmas, Santa.
01:02:16Merry Christmas, Frederica.
01:02:18Why you look up Santa on the Christmas Eve?
01:02:20He's not been put on the row of death,
01:02:22I hope. Death row?
01:02:24No. No, no, no. Rick, you're...
01:02:26You were... Oh, you're just such a...
01:02:28Oh, good luck with Lucy.
01:02:30Diane, wait.
01:02:32Diane. Bye, Rick. Come on.
01:02:34It was nice to meet you.
01:02:36Merry Christmas.
01:02:38Frederica, here's your
01:02:40Christmas present. But I already
01:02:42received this beautiful sweater.
01:02:44You don't need to do this. Of course I do.
01:02:46I'm Santa Claus.
01:02:48Ho, ho, ho.
01:02:50Merry Christmas.
01:02:52Merry Christmas, Frederica.
01:02:54Ha, ha, ha.
01:02:58Ah, a good man
01:03:00who loves Christmas.
01:03:02One man in the whole world.
01:03:04Big deal.
01:03:06Doesn't make my life any less terrible.
01:03:08Oh, now, Rick.
01:03:10You know that's not true.
01:03:12Yeah, Rick. Your life's like Coco Vaughn
01:03:14compared to my chicken nugget of a life.
01:03:20I found a
01:03:22French cookbook in the trash.
01:03:26You two just leave me alone.
01:03:28Stay in your cell.
01:03:38What do we do now?
01:03:40Watch the show.
01:03:48Everything all right?
01:03:50We just came to thank you.
01:03:52Uh, for what?
01:03:54You, uh, sent me
01:03:56to Mr. Harrell's house.
01:03:58When he told me about his dad losing his job,
01:04:00I said I'm looking
01:04:02for a manager to run one of my hardware
01:04:06I'm thankful that you did.
01:04:08So I came to thank you, Sheriff,
01:04:10you know, for sending my boy over
01:04:12to his place there and also for your
01:04:14willingness to do a good deed.
01:04:16Because without that,
01:04:18this could have happened.
01:04:24I was very happy that
01:04:26Evan volunteered to go over to
01:04:28Mr. Harrell's house and keep his sidewalk shoveled.
01:04:30You know, not many
01:04:32children are willing to work anymore.
01:04:34Now, when I was a
01:04:36child, we had to...
01:04:38Yes, I remember you, uh, walked
01:04:40uphill to school, ten miles in the snow,
01:04:44I had shoes.
01:04:46Okay, well, thank you.
01:04:48We should get going now. He's got work to do.
01:04:50Sean says hi.
01:04:52Yeah, uh,
01:04:54send him my best.
01:04:56Oh, yeah, that, uh,
01:04:58reminds me, ever since I've got a job
01:05:00now, I'm gonna ask
01:05:02Sean's mother, Lisa, to marry me.
01:05:04Oh, Dad!
01:05:08All right, now, let's go.
01:05:10Come on.
01:05:18Some old man
01:05:20offers Evan's dad a job
01:05:22and that changes everything?
01:05:24A job
01:05:26gives a man hope
01:05:28and hope
01:05:30makes him a better man
01:05:32and a better man
01:05:34a better father
01:05:36and a better father
01:05:38a better family
01:05:40and a better family
01:05:42a better world.
01:05:44A better world.
01:05:52I love you, Santa.
01:05:54I love you too,
01:06:00Phone rings.
01:06:02Sheriff Langston
01:06:04speaking. I heard.
01:06:06Yeah, Evan's dad
01:06:08got a job. No, I
01:06:10mean your job.
01:06:14uh, yeah, I guess, uh...
01:06:16Rick, I just wanted you to know
01:06:18as far as I'm concerned, the sheriff's
01:06:20job is yours. The sheriff's
01:06:22job will always be yours.
01:06:24Tom, you don't have to do that.
01:06:26Rick, I want you here. You're my
01:06:28best friend. Besides,
01:06:30nobody would listen to me anyway.
01:06:32You coming over tonight?
01:06:36I don't know. I don't know.
01:06:38Um, things just got
01:06:40worse, so...
01:06:42Hey, that's all the more reason to come.
01:06:46I'll think about it.
01:06:50I love you, man.
01:06:56I'll talk to you later, bud.
01:07:00Aw, sweet.
01:07:02Yeah, yeah,
01:07:06He meant it.
01:07:08You're like a big brother to him.
01:07:10I don't want to
01:07:12talk to you.
01:07:18Same old, same old.
01:07:22Brand new,
01:07:24brand new.
01:07:26All right, you know, Rick, sit.
01:07:28Just listen for a minute, please.
01:07:32Look, you, I've got
01:07:34a lot of things going for you.
01:07:36Oh, insight doesn't
01:07:38seem to be one of them. Okay.
01:07:42This town loves you.
01:07:44Oh, there are people
01:07:46in this town that would do anything
01:07:48for you, and all you can do is,
01:07:54You need to change
01:07:56your whole attitude and outlook.
01:08:00is right here,
01:08:02under your nose.
01:08:04And you are going to lose it.
01:08:08Your daughter thinks the world
01:08:10of you, and you are going to lose her,
01:08:14This town will put up with a lot,
01:08:16but eventually
01:08:18they will tire of the sheriff
01:08:20who refuses to be...
01:08:28Can I speak?
01:08:30I think you
01:08:32just did.
01:08:34I understand
01:08:36what you're saying,
01:08:38but I don't know how
01:08:40to change.
01:08:42Ah, but that's
01:08:44the first step.
01:08:46Being willing
01:08:48to change,
01:08:50wanting to change,
01:08:52and you will find
01:08:54having that,
01:08:56you will
01:09:00I want to change.
01:09:02I really do.
01:09:04I know you do, Rick.
01:09:06And you will.
01:09:26Hey, Rick.
01:09:28We've got something to tell you.
01:09:34Now, we know that
01:09:36you're not leaving, and we know
01:09:38that your new job fell through.
01:09:40But we want you to know
01:09:42that it
01:09:44makes it the best Christmas this
01:09:46town has ever known.
01:09:48Oh, I...
01:09:50I really appreciate that.
01:09:54And we want you to know we decorated
01:09:56your whole house, whether you like it
01:09:58or not. And if you don't like it, you can just
01:10:00arrest all of us.
01:10:04Why would I mind?
01:10:10Having a man like you
01:10:12as our sheriff is the kind
01:10:14of thing that deserves a toast.
01:10:16Does everybody have some eggnog?
01:10:18Well, we don't.
01:10:22Well, here you go.
01:10:30Mine doesn't have booze in it.
01:10:32Maybe that's for the best.
01:10:34Maybe you should quit for good.
01:10:36I don't know if I
01:10:38can do that.
01:10:40Just think about it.
01:10:46Now, I'd like to propose a toast.
01:10:50Through thick and thin, he helps us
01:10:52when we're down. And it's only
01:10:54when we acknowledge him,
01:10:56Rick Langston, the pillar of our
01:10:58community, and
01:11:00we're happy you're staying
01:11:02right here in Rockford.
01:11:04The big city can go and
01:11:06eat a bag of stale popcorn.
01:11:14We wish you a Merry Christmas
01:11:16We wish you a Merry Christmas
01:11:18We wish you a Merry Christmas
01:11:20And a Happy New Year
01:11:22Good tidings we bring
01:11:24To you and your kin
01:11:26Good tidings for Christmas
01:11:28And a Happy New Year
01:11:34I'm pulling over to the
01:11:36Tom's party, all right?
01:11:38This is some great
01:11:40eggnog, Rick.
01:11:42Well, thank you very much, Mr. Harold, but you know,
01:11:44I didn't make it. You brought it.
01:11:46Of course I remember.
01:11:48I'm just letting you know that I
01:11:50know that it is great!
01:11:52Yes, sir. Yes, sir.
01:11:56Okay, designated drivers.
01:11:58Be safe.
01:12:02Oh, I remember him as a child.
01:12:04He was always the
01:12:06nicest little person.
01:12:08And he always liked his eggnog.
01:12:12Thank you, Santa.
01:12:14You're welcome, Rick.
01:12:20You can go.
01:12:24You've got a lot of work to do.
01:12:30Farewell, Rainer.
01:12:34I believe in you.
01:12:36Now you
01:12:38have to believe in yourself.
01:12:42Thank you, Santa.
01:12:44Merry Christmas, Rick.
01:12:50Ho, ho, ho.
01:12:56What's this?
01:12:58That's the toys for
01:13:00the underprivileged children of Rockford.
01:13:02Shirley does it every year.
01:13:12it's time for me to fly, Rick.
01:13:14Mustn't keep the children waiting.
01:13:20Merry Christmas, Santa.
01:13:22Oh, his bag.
01:13:28Santa, wait!
01:13:36Santa, wait!
01:13:42Santa, wait!
01:14:12Commando Dutch.
01:14:14Two of them.
01:14:22Rainer, did you put a suit in this?
01:14:26Do I look like I own multiple suits?
01:14:30It's got your name in it.
01:14:36Why don't you put this on?
01:14:38Get ready for Christmas.
01:14:40Why don't you put this on?
01:14:42Get ready for the party.
01:14:46You want to know
01:14:48my philosophy on Christmas?
01:14:58What are you doing back here?
01:15:00Well, Merry Christmas to you, too, Rick.
01:15:02Merry Christmas?
01:15:04Yes. Merry Christmas.
01:15:06Frederico got two first-class tickets
01:15:08as a gift, along with a five-star hotel stay,
01:15:10and we have to leave immediately.
01:15:12That's a little bit quick, isn't it?
01:15:14Well, it was a really unexpected gift.
01:15:16From Santa.
01:15:20I'm sure, actually, it was.
01:15:22Anyway, I was thinking that maybe
01:15:24Kara could spend the holiday with you after all,
01:15:26if you still want that.
01:15:28Want that?
01:15:30I would like that more than anything in the whole world.
01:15:34Thanks, Mom.
01:15:36Merry Christmas, sweetheart.
01:15:38Merry Christmas.
01:15:40Not you, Rick. Kara.
01:15:44Why not?
01:15:52Nice sweater.
01:15:56You're a good man.
01:15:58I know that.
01:16:00Be safe,
01:16:02and have a Merry Christmas.
01:16:04God bless you,
01:16:06Mr. Sheriff Rick of Rockford.
01:16:14Where's Santa?
01:16:18North Pole, I guess.
01:16:20Oh, come on, Dad. I'm not seven anymore.
01:16:22Neither am I.
01:16:24He was just
01:16:26a nice old man.
01:16:28He was a bit crazy.
01:16:30Yeah, but, uh...
01:16:34You're probably right.
01:16:38He really was Santa.
01:16:40And you know it, Rick.
01:16:52Hey, you made it.
01:16:54Hey, Kara. How you doing? Tom...
01:17:00Come on in. Come in.
01:17:02Hey, hey.
01:17:04Have we come bearing gifts?
01:17:06Well, aren't you the man?
01:17:08You want to talk about gifts?
01:17:10I put the down payment on this house
01:17:12because rent-a-cop there
01:17:14doesn't make any money.
01:17:16All right. That's very nice of you, ma'am.
01:17:18Yeah, yeah. Don't call me ma'am.
01:17:20Well, who are you,
01:17:22and what do you do?
01:17:24Rainer Jeffries.
01:17:26Real estate agent.
01:17:28Well, hi. Let's have a drink.
01:17:30Well, one day sober,
01:17:32thank you, but how about a dance
01:17:36I mean, yeah.
01:17:46You look good.
01:17:50How was your Christmas Eve, Shirley?
01:17:52Blessed. Do you know that somebody
01:17:54made an anonymous donation to our toy drive?
01:17:56We hit our goal.
01:17:58That's just fine, honey,
01:18:00but you need to beat it. Move along.
01:18:02You should thank Santa Claus.
01:18:04Merry Christmas, Shirley.
01:18:06Merry Christmas.
01:18:08You know, Rainer, I must admit,
01:18:10I am well in my 30s.
01:18:14Thank you so much
01:18:16for having me over.
01:18:18Are you leaving us already?
01:18:20Well, I just got a call from my son in Chicago,
01:18:22and at the last minute,
01:18:24he's decided to bring the whole family
01:18:26for Christmas.
01:18:28He said he got a call from a friend of mine.
01:18:30I don't know who,
01:18:34I'm going to see my son,
01:18:36my granddaughter,
01:18:38and my daughter-in-law.
01:18:40It is truly
01:18:42a beautiful
01:18:46Have a very merry Christmas.
01:18:48Good night, Mr. Harold.
01:18:50Christopher, look what
01:18:52Santa Claus brought for you.
01:18:54What do you got, pal?
01:18:56A Commando Dutch.
01:18:58That's right, a Commando Dutch.
01:19:00High five, buddy.
01:19:02Merry Christmas, pal.
01:19:04Rick, I know you don't like to be thanked.
01:19:06Thank you, brother.
01:19:08Thank you, Rick,
01:19:10and welcome.
01:19:12Merry Christmas.
01:19:14Merry Christmas.
01:19:16I think
01:19:18you know our guests.
01:19:22What's up?
01:19:24Got a phone for Christmas?
01:19:26Me too. Cool.
01:19:32Whoa, whoa, whoa.
01:19:34Turn around.
01:19:40All right.
01:19:42I got the tall one.
01:19:44Fine with me.
01:19:46Which one's the tall one?
01:19:50You made it.
01:19:52Yes. So did you.
01:19:54Yeah, well, you invited me.
01:19:56Yes, I did.
01:19:58I see Cara made it too.
01:20:00Yes, she did.
01:20:02How'd that happen?
01:20:04I finally took someone's very good advice.
01:20:08Excuse me.
01:20:10Excuse me, everybody,
01:20:12if I could have your attention just for a moment.
01:20:14Um, I have a very
01:20:16special gift.
01:20:18A very special girl.
01:20:20Merry Christmas.
01:20:28would you marry me?
01:20:30Oh, heaven.
01:20:34Yes, of course I will.
01:20:42I can't believe this.
01:20:44I am so excited.
01:20:46I have so many things to do.
01:20:48I have to sell my house.
01:20:52I happen to be a real estate agent,
01:20:54so I think I can handle
01:20:56one more listener.
01:20:58Oh, that'd be great. Thank you.
01:21:02Sorry I'm so long.
01:21:04That looks like the spirit of Christmas
01:21:06has gotten into everybody this year.
01:21:08Well, it certainly has grabbed me.
01:21:16Merry Christmas.
01:21:20Merry Christmas.
01:21:22Merry Christmas.
01:21:28Daddy, Daddy!
01:21:30Hey, what's up, buddy?
01:21:32I saw Santa Claus with all those
01:21:34reindeer. You saw Santa Claus?
01:21:36All right, high five. You hungry?
01:21:38All right.
01:21:40I'll catch you guys later. Hey, honey,
01:21:42do we have any more of that ham?
01:26:01When's it gonna start?
01:26:03I don't know. When's it gonna end?
