Phil Connors enrage. Comme tous les ans, parce qu'il présente la météo sur une chaîne de télévision de Pittsburgh, il doit se rendre à Punxsutawney pour une fête locale, le "Groundhog Day", qui célèbre tous les 2 février la fin de l'hibernation des marmottes. Un cameraman, Larry, et une belle productrice, Rita, l'accompagnent. Une tempête de neige les empêche de rentrer le soir même. Furieux, Phil se couche tôt. Le lendemain, il semble être le seul à s'apercevoir que la journée de la veille recommence. Mêmes paroles, mêmes incidents. Chaque matin, le 2 février recommence. D'abord dérouté par ce piétinement du temps, Phil y prend bientôt un certain plaisir. Plus rien n'a de conséquence au-delà du délai d'une journée...
Court métrageTranscription
00:30Juste stuck in Punxsutawney
00:31Will you be checking out today, Mr. Connors?
00:33Chance of departure today, 100%
00:36He's stuck
00:37It's Groundhog Day!
00:40In Groundhog Day
00:42I'm reliving the same day over and over
00:47Ned Ryerson?
00:49Do you ever have déjà vu, Mrs. Lancaster?
00:52I don't think so, but I could check with the kitchen
00:54Well, it's Groundhog Day
00:57At first, he was a little anxious
01:01Will you be checking out today, Mr. Connors?
01:03I'd say the chance of departure is 80%
01:07But now
01:09We could do whatever we want
01:13He's discovering the possibility
01:15Don't you worry about cholesterol?
01:18And living life like there's no tomorrow
01:21Bill Connors!
01:24Because there isn't
01:26I am an immortal
01:27I have been stabbed, shot, burned
01:30frozen, electrocuted
01:32I'm a god
01:33You're a god
01:34I'm a god
01:35I'm not the god
01:36He's out of his gourd
01:38But to get what his heart wants most
01:40What are you looking for, Phil?
01:41A date for the weekend?
01:42means living this day over again
01:44till he gets it right
01:46Believe it or not
01:47I studied 19th century French poetry
01:50What a waste of time
01:53I studied 19th century French poetry
01:56I studied 19th century French poetry
01:58You speak French?
02:00Bill Murray
02:01Andy McDowell
02:04To the Groundhog
02:06I always drink to world peace
02:09What should we drink to?
02:12I like to say a prayer and drink to world peace
02:16Don't drive angry
02:17Don't drive angry
02:22He might be okay
02:25Groundhog Day!
02:27Life has a funny way of repeating itself
02:30What did you do today?
02:32Oh, same old, same old