In der US-amerikanischen Krankenhausserie Doc verliert die Ärztin Dr. Amy Larsen durch eine Hirnverletzung die Erinnerungen an die letzten acht Jahre ihres Lebens. Das stellt sie beruflich und privat vor zahlreiche Herausforderungen, während sie weiterhin im Krankenhaus von Minneapolis praktiziert.
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00:00Dr. Larson was in a car accident last night.
00:07She suffered a brain injury.
00:15Hello, sunshine.
00:17Wait, where's my family?
00:19They weren't with you.
00:21They were...
00:23in the cabin.
00:25In the cabin.
00:28She has no recollection of the last eight years.
00:32You have partial retrograde amnesia.
00:34What are...
00:35You want to get my memories back?
00:37It's the brain.
00:38Nobody knows.
00:41Babe, what's wrong?
00:42We're not together anymore.
00:44We got divorced.
00:46She looks at me like she used to, you know?
00:49Before everything happened.
00:52The woman created a toxic work environment.
00:54Get out of this room right now.
00:56If we don't figure this out, you could be dead in a month.
00:58What is your problem?
00:59You can't speak to people like that.
01:03What did I do?
01:04You built up walls.
01:05You shut everyone out.
01:06I didn't leave.
01:08You did.
01:10You were an incredible doctor.
01:12You saved hundreds of lives.
01:14You know you're the reason?
01:18You're the reason I became a doctor.
01:22I don't know what I did or who I am now.
01:28But I wanted to be a doctor my entire life,
01:31and I don't think I can give that up.
01:34If she'd ever remember what I did,
01:37this could ruin my life.
01:38Then make sure she feels.
01:41We're together, Amy and me.
01:43How has she not figured it out yet?
01:46You can't leave her in the dark forever.
01:48So I'm obligated to put myself through this again?
01:51She needs to know there's something good on the horizon,
01:53even if she's not ready.
01:55But the accident has given you something the rest of us never get.
01:58Oh, yeah? What's that?
02:03You have to do things differently.
02:05Don't waste it.
02:07Doc, series premiere Tuesday, January 7th on Fox.