• last year
My Billionaire Husband is an Ex Convict Full Movie
00:00:03Papá necesita $50,000.
00:00:05Mamá necesita urgentemente el trasplante.
00:00:08Su riñón izquierdo ya no aguanta más.
00:00:10Natalia, el asunto es que las condiciones de hoy día
00:00:13ya no son las mismas que las de tiempo atrás.
00:00:16Qué vergüenza, niña, venir a pedir dinero.
00:00:19Laura, pero es que les juro que se los devolveré.
00:00:22Papá, se los juro.
00:00:23Laura, podríamos prestárselos.
00:00:25Su mamá está enferma.
00:00:27¡Ella no es responsabilidad tuya!
00:00:29¿O es que piensas mucho en ella?
00:00:31Pues, no, obvio que no.
00:00:32No se trata de mi hermana, la perdedora, ¿o sí?
00:00:35Ay, sí.
00:00:37¿No te da vergüenza, Natalia,
00:00:39venir a pedir dinero como... como un mendigo?
00:00:44Esto fue un error. Disculpen la molestia.
00:00:47Espérate, si te vamos a dar el dinero.
00:00:49Si te casas con Sebastián de la Torre por mí.
00:00:54Eres brillante, mi amor.
00:00:57¡Qué buena idea!
00:00:59¿Cómo así?
00:01:00¿Sebastián de la Torre,
00:01:02el hijo ilegítimo de la familia de la Torre?
00:01:06¿Pero él no está en la cárcel ahora mismo?
00:01:08Sí, él mismo, un inútil, un fracasado,
00:01:11un bueno para nada, un hijo bastardo.
00:01:14Obviamente yo no me puedo casar con él, pero tú sí.
00:01:17Así mismo.
00:01:18Natalia también es hija tuya,
00:01:20así que tú serás la que se case con Sebastián.
00:01:23No, no, yo no me voy a casar.
00:01:25No, que era muy urgente lo de tu mamá,
00:01:27que se está muriendo, y no sé qué cosas.
00:01:31Está bien.
00:01:34Me casaré con Sebastián de la Torre.
00:01:49Sebastián, levántese, puede irse.
00:01:51Maldita sea, Sebastián, muévalo.
00:01:55¿Por qué tanto escándalo, oficial?
00:01:58Porque la gente, la normal,
00:02:00quisiera irse más rápido de la cárcel.
00:02:11Si vuelve a conducir de manera imprudente,
00:02:14la próxima vez no serán solo tres días.
00:02:19No puedo prometerle nada, oficial.
00:02:22No puedo prometerle nada, oficial.
00:02:45Bienvenido de nuevo, señor.
00:02:47Tu traje está en el maletero.
00:02:49Gracias, Daniel.
00:02:50Sí, señor.
00:02:51De hecho, tu estancia en la prisión
00:02:53ha sido la cortada perfecta.
00:02:55Tu padre no sospecha de nada.
00:02:56¿Qué ha pasado con la familia de Santa María?
00:02:58¿Algún problema?
00:03:00De hecho, ya accedieron a casar a su hija contigo.
00:03:05¿Cumplieron con su parte del trato?
00:03:13Aún lo tienes, jefe.
00:03:15La última pieza del rompecabezas.
00:03:18Así comienza.
00:03:20Vamos, Daniel.
00:03:21Hay una boda a la que asistir.
00:03:31Natalia, no te preocupes.
00:03:33Estoy seguro que el novio llegará pronto.
00:03:35Yo solo quiero estar segura, papá.
00:03:38Si me caso con él, me darás el dinero.
00:03:44Ya, Natalia.
00:03:46Simplemente termina tu boda
00:03:49y te entregamos el dinero.
00:03:52Más te vale que cumplas con tu palabra.
00:03:54No puedo creer que la familia de Natalia
00:03:56le haya permitido casarse con Sebastián de la Torre.
00:03:59Lo sé, ¿no?
00:04:00La familia de la Torre es muy poderosa.
00:04:02Pero Sebastián es un hijo basterdo, un paria.
00:04:05Y se la pasa todo el día rodeado de matones.
00:04:08Además, no logra conservar ningún trabajo.
00:04:11Fuera de eso, ¿qué tal el descaro?
00:04:13¿Llegar tarde hasta el día de su propia boda?
00:04:16¿Estás feliz por tu boda?
00:04:18¿Qué se siente casarse con un hijo bastardo
00:04:21que no sirve para nada?
00:04:22Mira, ni sus familiares asistieron a la boda.
00:04:26Eso quiere decir que ni lo valoran.
00:04:28Ay, además, me dijeron que es horrible.
00:04:32¿Te quieres callar?
00:04:34Estamos en una iglesia.
00:04:35Muestra un poco de respeto, por favor.
00:05:02Perdón por llegar tarde.
00:05:04Tú debes ser la novia.
00:05:07Soy tu novio, Sebastián de la Torre.
00:05:13Buenos días, damas y caballeros, familiares y amigos.
00:05:16Nos reunimos hoy aquí para presenciar y celebrar
00:05:19un profundo acto de amor entre los novios.
00:05:22No sabía que la familia Santamaría tenía dos hijas.
00:05:25Pensé que me iba a casar con Catalina Santamaría.
00:05:29Yo soy la mayor.
00:05:31Mi papá se separó de mi mamá cuando yo tenía tres años.
00:05:35Entonces eres como yo, la oveja negra de la familia.
00:05:38No es extraño que la familia Santamaría
00:05:40accediera tan fácilmente.
00:05:42¿Casaron un peón?
00:05:43No me digas que estás decepcionado
00:05:45porque no soy la heredera de la familia Santamaría.
00:05:48No podría decir eso.
00:05:50Tú estás decepcionada porque tienes que casarte
00:05:52con un perdedor inútil.
00:05:57No, realmente.
00:05:58Y no deberías de tratarte de esa manera.
00:06:01Sebastián de la Torre,
00:06:03aceptas a Natalia Santamaría como tu legítima esposa
00:06:07para serle fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,
00:06:10en la salud y en la enfermedad,
00:06:12hasta que la muerte los separe?
00:06:16Natalia Santamaría,
00:06:17aceptas a Sebastián de la Torre como tu legítimo esposo
00:06:21para serle fiel en lo próspero y en lo adverso,
00:06:24en la salud y en la enfermedad,
00:06:26hasta que la muerte los separe?
00:06:32Intercambian anillos como símbolo de amor.
00:06:41Los declaro marido y mujer.
00:06:44Por favor, puedes besar a la novia.
00:06:46¿Y entonces qué sigue?
00:07:03¿Qué quieres decir?
00:07:04Eres mi esposa, por supuesto que te vienes a vivir conmigo.
00:07:21Este será nuestro hogar a partir de ahora.
00:07:25No es la gran cosa.
00:07:26Lo siento si no cumple con tus expectativas.
00:07:34Para nada.
00:07:38acogedor y ordenado.
00:07:41Ponte cómoda, esposa.
00:07:44¿Cuál habitación puedo tomar?
00:07:47Solamente hay una habitación,
00:07:50así que claramente dormirás conmigo.
00:07:54¿O no es eso lo que hacen los esposos?
00:07:56Oye, no estoy lista.
00:07:58Es que apenas nos conocemos.
00:08:00¿Será que podemos esperar un poco antes de...?
00:08:05Solamente estoy bromeando contigo, Natalia.
00:08:07Mira, ninguno de los dos quiere estar en esta situación,
00:08:11así que fijamos en una pareja frente a los demás
00:08:15y nos mantenemos alejados de los asuntos del otro.
00:08:17Y cuando liberen el dinero de la fiduciaria, nos divorciamos.
00:08:22¿Te parece?
00:08:27Eso sí,
00:08:30no quiero enterarme de que mi esposa está embarazada
00:08:33de otro hombre mientras estemos casados.
00:08:37Para nada.
00:08:39Mientras estemos casados, honraré nuestro matrimonio
00:08:42y seré una buena esposa para ti.
00:08:45Bien, puedes tomar la habitación.
00:08:47Yo dormiré en el sofá.
00:09:10¿Me hiciste desayuno?
00:09:14Yo ya voy a devolver el vestido,
00:09:16así que no te alcanzo a acompañar a desayunar.
00:09:22¿Tu papá no te compró el vestido?
00:09:24¿Tuviste que ir a alquilarlo?
00:09:26Pero yo pensé que tu familia era rica.
00:09:30Bueno, pues es que es un desperdicio
00:09:32comprar un vestido tan costoso para usarlo solo una vez.
00:09:40Nos vemos luego.
00:09:50Daniel, averígame todo lo que sepas
00:09:52sobre Natalia Santamaría.
00:09:58¿usted de verdad va a vivir en esta chosa
00:10:02con la señorita Santamaría?
00:10:09Y también le decimos mi verdadera identidad, ¿no?
00:10:14Parece que Natalia Santamaría creció con una infancia difícil.
00:10:20¿Y a dónde vas?
00:10:22¿A dónde vamos?
00:10:24A ver a mi nueva esposa.
00:10:36Señorita, vengo a devolver mis alquileres.
00:10:39Con gusto.
00:10:50El satín de los zapatos está dañado.
00:10:52Son de diseño.
00:10:54Hay que pagar una tarifa de restauración.
00:10:56Pero esos zapatos son para alquileres de boda.
00:10:59Por supuesto que va a tener un desgaste normal.
00:11:01Sí, bueno, estos están demasiado dañados.
00:11:05Serían 500 dólares.
00:11:07¿500 dólares?
00:11:09Pero con eso me podría comprar un par de zapatos nuevos.
00:11:12Señorita, por favor, revíselos bien
00:11:14porque esos zapatos están en perfecto estado.
00:11:16Claro, la tarifa de venta al público es de 7000 dólares.
00:11:20Puedes pagarlos.
00:11:22No te cases si no tienes dinero.
00:11:25Esos zapatos son demasiado feos.
00:11:28No me gustan para mi esposo.
00:11:31¿Por qué no te pruebas esos?
00:11:34Ese par con incrustaciones de brillante son edición limitada.
00:11:39Cuestan 7000 dólares.
00:11:41Los tomaremos.
00:11:44Cuestan 7000 dólares.
00:11:46Los tomaremos.
00:11:48Sebastián, 7000 dólares es demasiado dinero.
00:11:53No malgastes tu dinero así.
00:11:55Es mi regalo de bodas para ti.
00:11:57Ay, por favor, siéntese, señora.
00:12:00¿Qué talla de calzado es?
00:12:04Ella es un siete.
00:12:06¿Cómo lo supiste?
00:12:08Soy tu esposo.
00:12:09Por supuesto que sé estas cosas.
00:12:11¿Te vas a quedar ahí parada?
00:12:13Ve por un siete y ayuda a mi esposa a probárselos.
00:12:17Un par siete.
00:12:19Por favor, pruébeselos, señora.
00:12:22Ayúdaselos a probar.
00:12:25O si hay mucho problema, llámame al gerente.
00:12:43Te quedan hermosos.
00:12:55Esto parece en vacaciones.
00:12:57O mejor, una luna de miel.
00:13:00Una sorpresa.
00:13:02Quería agradecerte.
00:13:04Pero, Sebastián, sé que no tienes dinero.
00:13:09Bueno, yo creo que no deberíamos de malgastarlo así.
00:13:13¿Y cómo sabes que no tengo dinero?
00:13:16No, no quise decir...
00:13:18¿Has oído los rumores?
00:13:20De que no puedo mantener un trabajo,
00:13:21de que me junto con matones,
00:13:23de que soy un bastardo...
00:13:25No, no quise decir eso, Sebastián.
00:13:30Los rumores en realidad no me importan.
00:13:32Solo que si nosotros queremos mejorar nuestras vidas,
00:13:36pues no podemos estar malgastando el dinero así.
00:13:39Debemos manejar mejor nuestras finanzas.
00:13:42Y no te preocupes porque yo ya me estoy postulando
00:13:44a varios trabajos.
00:13:46Así que pronto tendré dinero.
00:13:47¿Y me vas a ayudar?
00:13:49Por supuesto que sí.
00:13:51Esta casa es tuya y, bueno, yo debo colaborar.
00:13:55Y, después de todo, estamos casados.
00:13:58Qué chica más interesante.
00:14:11¿Qué pasa?
00:14:14No, no es nada.
00:14:22¿Dónde está papá?
00:14:23No está.
00:14:25¿Por qué?
00:14:26¿Te gusta mi nuevo bolso?
00:14:28Me lo acaba de regalar papá.
00:14:30Es edición limitada, súper caro.
00:14:33Ustedes acordaron en pagar las facturas de mi madre
00:14:35tan pronto me casara.
00:14:37¿Por qué siguen apareciendo como no pagas?
00:14:39Sí, nosotros quedamos de darte el dinero,
00:14:42pero no dijimos cuándo.
00:14:43¿Cuál es la prisa?
00:14:45¿Sabes lo altas que son las tasas de interés?
00:14:47Y yo me estoy ahogando en deudas tratando de pagar
00:14:49las facturas médicas de mi madre.
00:14:51Ese no es nuestro problema.
00:14:53Me casé con Sebastián de la Torre por ti.
00:14:55¿Cómo que no es tu problema?
00:14:57¿Dónde está papá? Necesito hablar con él.
00:14:59No está.
00:15:01Ay, los pobres y los orgullosos.
00:15:03Y si tu papá está trabajando, ganándose la vida,
00:15:07¿cómo deberías hacer tú y dejar de ser un parásito
00:15:11que vive de nosotros?
00:15:13Deja de aprovecharte de él.
00:15:17Si ni siquiera mi madre lo hizo.
00:15:19Nunca le pidió ni una cuota de manutención infantil.
00:15:22Y yo trabajé como un perro mientras pagaba
00:15:24mis estudios universitarios.
00:15:26Y peor aún, mientras que Catalina aquí se llevaba
00:15:2820 mil dólares en un bolso.
00:15:30Dame mi dinero.
00:15:32Él ha acordado y me voy ahora mismo de aquí.
00:15:38Nadie se atreve a gritarme en mi casa.
00:15:41Pequeña perra malagradecida.
00:15:55Ven, déjame hacerlo.
00:15:56Está bien.
00:15:57Podemos dividirnos las tareas.
00:15:59Yo cocinaré esta noche.
00:16:01¿Qué te pasó en la cara?
00:16:07¿Quién te golpeó?
00:16:09Nadie, Sebastián.
00:16:11No vi una pared y choqué con ella.
00:16:14Voy a darme una ducha antes de cenar, ¿bueno?
00:16:35La cena estaba buenísima.
00:16:39Gracias, no me lo esperaba.
00:16:43¿Puedo saber quién te enseñó a cocinar?
00:16:46Mi madre me enseñó.
00:16:49Bueno, tu madre debe ser una gran chef.
00:16:55Ella falleció cuando yo estaba en la secundaria.
00:16:59Y como era el bastardo de la familia de la Torre,
00:17:01nunca tuvimos acceso a sus mansiones,
00:17:04los sirvientes y todo eso.
00:17:08Así que me enseñó a cocinar desde muy joven.
00:17:13No te preocupes.
00:17:15Sé lo que es eso.
00:17:18Ahora me tienes a mí.
00:17:20Yo cocinaré para ti.
00:17:25Yo lavaré los platos esta noche.
00:17:30Voy al dormitorio.
00:17:38Boss, I've looked in the traffic cameras.
00:17:41It seems that Miss Santamaría was at her father's house today.
00:17:44So her own family hit her.
00:17:47Daniel, put pressure on the business.
00:17:50I want us to teach her a lesson.
00:18:00Sara, it's 7 in the morning.
00:18:03Can you go to a meeting at BM Enterprise today?
00:18:09Can I go to an interview at BM Enterprise?
00:18:13Of course.
00:18:16Sara, you're the best. Thank you.
00:18:19There's just one problem.
00:18:23Pamela and Juan Pablo from the university
00:18:26also work at BM.
00:18:28Juan Pablo is the vice president there.
00:18:30Ah, Juan Pablo.
00:18:33Of course.
00:18:35The one who invited me to go out like 300 times
00:18:37and didn't accept anything in return.
00:18:39That same Juan Pablo.
00:18:41And now he's engaged to Pamela.
00:18:46Well, that's great.
00:18:48Just what I need.
00:18:53Good morning.
00:18:54You got up early.
00:18:55Yes, I have to go.
00:18:57My best friend is talented and she got me a job interview.
00:19:00Really? Where?
00:19:02At BM Enterprise.
00:19:03I wish you luck.
00:19:04Good luck.
00:19:05Thank you. Bye.
00:19:21It's been so long since I've seen you since college.
00:19:27I didn't know you were going to be my interviewer.
00:19:31Yes, I know.
00:19:32Life takes a lot of turns.
00:19:34It's so fun.
00:19:35When Juan Pablo told me you wanted to apply for this company,
00:19:38I said no.
00:19:39I have to be the one interviewing you.
00:19:41How kind of you.
00:19:45And you're engaged, right?
00:19:51And you got married too, right?
00:19:54With Sebastián de la Torre.
00:19:57Everyone talks about that.
00:20:00He wasn't in jail?
00:20:03Let's continue with the interview.
00:20:05This is your resume.
00:20:10Natalia, you don't have a serious job here.
00:20:14Did you work at Starbucks?
00:20:20Pamela, I'm applying for an entry-level position.
00:20:24And, well, in the profile of the position,
00:20:26they said you don't need experience.
00:20:28I'm a fast learner.
00:20:29And I have an average grade of...
00:20:31Natalia, please.
00:20:33No one cares about your average grade
00:20:35after you graduated from college.
00:20:37It doesn't matter what the doctor says.
00:20:39Just seeing you, I know perfectly well
00:20:41that you were the best student.
00:20:43Unfortunately, you don't apply for this role.
00:20:51Oh, Ami.
00:20:52She's a daring witch.
00:20:54Ami, she did that interview just to humiliate me.
00:20:58It was obvious she wouldn't give me the opportunity.
00:21:01I'm sorry.
00:21:02I shouldn't have contacted you.
00:21:05But don't worry.
00:21:06I have other companies ready to help you, okay?
00:21:09Oh, Ami.
00:21:10Don't worry.
00:21:11I know you only did this
00:21:13because you want to help me get a quick job.
00:21:18By the way, how's it going with your new husband?
00:21:24Well, he's really...
00:21:27He's an interesting guy.
00:21:31But my dad hasn't kept his promise.
00:21:36And I don't pay medical bills at the hospital.
00:21:39Sara, right now I have a lot of debts.
00:21:44Your mom still doesn't know you married someone
00:21:47to pay her bills, right?
00:21:51No, and I'm not going to tell her.
00:21:54Because, I don't know,
00:21:55I think that would make her very nervous.
00:21:59Oh, Ami, you're going through a very complicated time.
00:22:03I don't know.
00:22:04Don't you have something to sell?
00:22:06Something that can give you money fast?
00:22:09I have something saved up and I can lend it to you.
00:22:12I don't know.
00:22:13I don't know.
00:22:14I don't know.
00:22:15I don't know.
00:22:17I have something saved up and I can lend it to you.
00:22:19No, no, Ami, don't worry.
00:22:22You've done a lot for me.
00:22:24But selling something can be a good idea, you know?
00:22:31The problem is that I don't know what to sell.
00:22:40Ami, I have to go.
00:22:43You're going to leave me alone.
00:22:46Thank you for everything.
00:22:47I love you.
00:22:53Boss, Juan agreed to sell you the shares.
00:22:56Now we only have Tony and Jacob.
00:23:00Maybe I can sell them in a luxury store.
00:23:04I'll get them back when I get a job.
00:23:07Isn't that Miss Santa Maria?
00:23:11And take the shoes you bought her.
00:23:16Follow her.
00:23:20Good afternoon.
00:23:21Yes, good afternoon.
00:23:23Sir, how much can I get for these shoes?
00:23:31Perfect condition.
00:23:34Excellent brand.
00:23:35I could give you $2,000.
00:23:40But these shoes are new.
00:23:43And they cost me $7,000.
00:23:45Look, ma'am.
00:23:46The best thing I can do for you is the $2,000.
00:23:49Take it or leave it.
00:23:57She's insisting on the shoes you bought her.
00:24:03Are they her shoes?
00:24:06They are her shoes.
00:24:08She can do whatever she wants with them.
00:24:12She really needs money.
00:24:14Why didn't she ask me for help?
00:24:20I don't like them for my wife.
00:24:29Forget it.
00:24:30I'm not going to sell them anymore.
00:24:35I'll give you $3,000.
00:24:37I think that money would be good for you.
00:24:39I'll help you.
00:24:43These shoes mean a lot to me.
00:24:45I'm not going to sell them.
00:24:48Don't be greedy.
00:24:50$3,000 is a lot of money.
00:24:52You should sell them now that you have the opportunity.
00:24:55It's not about the money.
00:24:56I'm sorry.
00:24:58So you're here to waste my time.
00:25:00Get out of my store!
00:25:03I'm sorry.
00:25:04I'm sorry.
00:25:14Hello, beautiful.
00:25:16What's in that box?
00:25:21She's pretty, isn't she?
00:25:22Get away from me.
00:25:24We should have fun with her first.
00:25:26We should hurry.
00:25:27It's not funny.
00:25:29Hurry up.
00:25:30Let's do it quickly.
00:25:32Take that.
00:25:33I'll stay and have fun with her for a while.
00:25:35No, brother.
00:25:36To what we came for.
00:25:37Let's go.
00:25:38She's very pretty, isn't she, my love?
00:25:40Come on.
00:25:41Let her look at you.
00:25:42That little face.
00:25:43Get your hands off my wife!
00:25:53Natalia, are you okay?
00:25:55Yes, I'm fine.
00:25:57If you don't want me to break your face,
00:26:00you'd better get out of my sight.
00:26:02Sebastian, please be careful.
00:26:04Don't worry.
00:26:15How dare you touch my wife?
00:26:18I said, how dare you touch my wife?
00:26:21No, please.
00:26:22Please, don't hurt me.
00:26:24Just don't hurt me.
00:26:25I'm just following orders.
00:26:28Orders from who?
00:26:31Well, it looks like we're going to have to break something.
00:26:36The owner of the antique shop, Nicolas Rossi.
00:26:39He's from the Italian mafia.
00:26:41He told us to do this because he didn't want to sell anymore.
00:26:45Well, you're going to tell Nicolas Rossi
00:26:47that Sebastian de la Torre is going to get him.
00:26:54I'm sorry.
00:26:56Why are you apologizing?
00:27:00I shouldn't have tried to sell your gift.
00:27:03But then I changed my mind.
00:27:07I couldn't do it.
00:27:09Is that why you're apologizing?
00:27:12Isn't that why you're mad?
00:27:14I'm mad because...
00:27:16If you had money problems, you should have told me.
00:27:19I'm your husband.
00:27:20And if something had happened to you there,
00:27:22and if I hadn't been there,
00:27:24what the hell were you thinking?
00:27:26My husband?
00:27:28If you were the one who said this was just a farce
00:27:31and that we would soon break up,
00:27:34what other option did I have?
00:27:37Today I was rejected at V&M because the interviewer hated me.
00:27:41And I'm married to a stranger
00:27:43because my mother is in the hospital and I don't have money for her treatment.
00:27:48I'm drowning in debt, Sebastian.
00:27:51And I have no other way out.
00:27:57I'm drowning in debt, Sebastian.
00:28:00And I have no other way out.
00:28:13I'm sorry.
00:28:16I shouldn't have gotten so excited.
00:28:22What were you saying about marrying me for your mother's treatment?
00:28:28Last week I went to ask my dad for money.
00:28:34So your father's family hasn't given you the money they promised you yet.
00:28:39Then they sabotaged your interview at V&M.
00:28:42And that's why you tried to sell your shoes.
00:28:49But my friend Sara has some scheduled interviews for me.
00:28:55And I'll work very hard and I know that soon something will come out.
00:29:00And, well, I don't know, maybe they'll give me a unification to sign.
00:29:05Why don't we move to the city tomorrow?
00:29:10Why don't we move to the city tomorrow?
00:29:15That way it will be easier for you to get a job.
00:29:18And then we'll take care of the rest.
00:29:21But how can we afford to do that?
00:29:25I have a friend who has been studying abroad for a year.
00:29:30And he asked me if I could take care of his apartment.
00:29:37That's amazing.
00:29:43Natalia, I'm your husband.
00:29:47You can trust me.
00:29:59Sebastian is very beautiful.
00:30:06Sebastian, your friend's house is very beautiful.
00:30:10I imagine he must have a lot of money.
00:30:13Yes, he is a child of a fiduciary fund.
00:30:16This is simply one of his many houses.
00:30:19Well, then tell your friend that his house is in very good hands
00:30:23and that when he returns he will find it exactly as I left it.
00:30:26Okay, I'll take care of transmitting it.
00:30:32I'm sorry. I have to answer this call.
00:30:35Yes, of course.
00:30:40Once I finish my plan, I'll tell you the truth.
00:30:46Dr. Saroyan?
00:30:48Is everything okay with my mom? Did something happen?
00:30:52Natalia, everything is fine.
00:30:54Your mother's treatments are going very well.
00:30:57Well, I guess it must be because of the payments, right?
00:31:02Doctor, I'm going to pay. I just need...
00:31:06No, but I see here that it has already been paid in full.
00:31:12Paid in full?
00:31:15By whom?
00:31:16Let's see. It says Jorge Santamaria.
00:31:22Thank you very much, Doctor.
00:31:31And what the hell are you doing in my house?
00:31:35If you came to ask for money, we don't have any.
00:31:38No, I didn't come to ask for money.
00:31:41I came to thank Dad for paying the hospital bills.
00:31:45The thing is, he didn't answer the phone.
00:31:49That bastard is going to hear me.
00:31:52Jorge! Jorge!
00:31:55Natalia, daughter.
00:31:56What are you doing acting behind my back?
00:31:58Paying your ex-wife's medical bills.
00:32:03We are going through financial problems and you are thinking about her.
00:32:07What do you want? Divorce?
00:32:09Financial problems, Dad?
00:32:13Financial problems, Dad?
00:32:16Yes, daughter. Things have been difficult.
00:32:19My contracts have been canceled everywhere for no reason.
00:32:22Did you hear? Did you hear well?
00:32:25If you have any decency left, get out of this house because we don't have money.
00:32:29Or why don't you tell your husband to help us?
00:32:32Even though he's a bastard, he's still from La Torre.
00:32:36He can be more useful than you.
00:32:38Don't talk like that about my husband.
00:32:40And no, it's not money because the bills are already paid.
00:32:43What? No.
00:32:45No, no. I swear. I swear.
00:32:48Natalia, I swear I didn't pay your mother's medical bills.
00:32:51I swear.
00:32:58Honey, you told me that there was someone from the secret police who had invited you to go out, right?
00:33:03Yes, and what about that?
00:33:05I need you to contact him.
00:33:07And ask him to find out who is paying the medical bills of that Natalia's mother.
00:33:13Because if I find out that your father lied to me,
00:33:17I'm going to finish him.
00:33:20Let's see, it's not clear to me.
00:33:22Does your father pay the bills, yes or no?
00:33:25Honey, I honestly think so.
00:33:28Only he told me no because he's afraid of Laura.
00:33:31That's the only explanation.
00:33:33Well, as long as the bills are paid, that's the only thing that matters.
00:33:38Yes, cheers.
00:33:40Because I feel like I've lost a ton of weight.
00:33:44And now I just have to get a job in the city and live in peace.
00:33:51Don't worry, I have two interviews next week.
00:33:55Forget about BM, they don't deserve you, okay?
00:33:59I know.
00:34:01But I'm still disappointed because BM is the company of my dreams.
00:34:07In just three years, it has managed to conquer Silicon Valley.
00:34:11The founder is a genius.
00:34:13Genius and mysterious.
00:34:15Because no one knows anything about him, only that his name is Benjamin Montenegro.
00:34:19But it is said that he trades weapons with the Italians.
00:34:23That's why he has a low profile and that's why he was able to finance his company without external investment.
00:34:29No, of course not, no way.
00:34:33Wait for me.
00:34:37Oh my God.
00:34:40I just got an email from the Department of Human Resources of BM.
00:34:47You're hired, honey.
00:34:53Oh my God.
00:34:56We are closed.
00:35:01Check this shit, don't you understand?
00:35:03I said we are closed, man.
00:35:09Who the hell are you?
00:35:11Let me go or I'll kill you.
00:35:18You should have been waiting for me.
00:35:21I told you I would come.
00:35:23I don't know who the hell you are.
00:35:27Oh, one minute.
00:35:30Piece of shit.
00:35:33You're the little fox's boyfriend.
00:35:44Never talk about my wife that way in front of me again.
00:35:54Or I'll kill you.
00:36:01Do you know who I am?
00:36:03I have powerful friends.
00:36:06You're messing with the wrong guy.
00:36:11Powerful friends?
00:36:14Let me guess.
00:36:18Giuseppe Greco.
00:36:23You know Giuseppe Greco.
00:36:26Then you should know that you shouldn't mess with the Italian mafia.
00:36:30Let's talk to Giuseppe.
00:36:33Mr. Benjamin Montenegro.
00:36:35What do I owe this pleasure to?
00:36:39I'm here with a friend of yours.
00:36:43Nicola Rossi.
00:36:46You just disrespected my wife.
00:36:49I'm very, very angry.
00:36:56You just disrespected my wife.
00:36:59I'm very, very angry.
00:37:02Mr. Montenegro, I'm very sorry for the problems you've caused.
00:37:07Do you want me to get rid of him?
00:37:10Let's not be so dramatic, Giuseppe.
00:37:14I just need him to do something for me, and we'll be at peace.
00:37:19Of course, Mr. Montenegro. Whatever you want.
00:37:28Did you hear that?
00:37:33Giuseppe just called you.
00:37:36Benjamin Montenegro.
00:37:40Have you heard of me?
00:37:45You are...
00:37:47I am Benjamin Montenegro.
00:37:58You're just in time.
00:38:01Dinner is ready.
00:38:03Hey, what do I owe this pleasure to?
00:38:10Guess what.
00:38:16I got hired at BM Enterprise.
00:38:21That's great! Congratulations!
00:38:25Thank you very much.
00:38:27It's just that everything is very strange, you know?
00:38:31Because, obviously because of Pamela, I never thought they would hire me.
00:38:37I was almost sure of that.
00:38:40And well, that's not all.
00:38:43There's more news.
00:38:46My dad finally paid the hospital bills.
00:38:51I mean, it's like my life took a turn and now everything is going great.
00:39:03I think you bring me good luck.
00:39:22I'm sorry.
00:39:24I'm sorry.
00:39:26I'm sorry.
00:39:28I'm sorry.
00:39:30I'm sorry.
00:39:32I'm sorry.
00:39:34I'm sorry.
00:39:36I'm sorry.
00:39:38I'm sorry.
00:39:40I'm sorry.
00:39:42I'm sorry.
00:39:44I'm sorry.
00:39:46I'm sorry.
00:39:48I'm sorry.
00:39:49I'm sorry.
00:39:51I'm sorry.
00:39:53I'm sorry.
00:39:55I'm sorry.
00:39:57I'm sorry.
00:39:59I'm sorry.
00:40:01I'm sorry.
00:40:03I'm sorry.
00:40:05I'm sorry.
00:40:07I'm sorry.
00:40:09I'm sorry.
00:40:11I'm sorry.
00:40:13I'm sorry.
00:40:15I'm sorry.
00:40:17I'm sorry.
00:40:19I'm sorry.
00:40:21I never thought I'd find love when we got married.
00:40:25Me neither.
00:40:29And much less after I found out you had just gotten out of jail.
00:40:37I was very scared.
00:40:41And now what?
00:40:58The thing is...
00:41:00I married you because of the foundation fund.
00:41:04A generational leap.
00:41:06My paternal grandparents made the pact with the Torre family and the Santa Maria family.
00:41:12And I married you because of that.
00:41:14My parents made the pact with the Torre family and the Santa Maria family.
00:41:20But my mother's last name is Montenegro.
00:41:24That's why my last name is M.
00:41:28Because it's my company.
00:41:33I am Benjamin Montenegro.
00:42:02Are you clearly sleeping with me?
00:42:05Or is that not what husbands do?
00:42:08And when they release the money from the fiduciary, we'll get a divorce.
00:42:14What do you think?
00:42:18Well, if we want to improve our lives, we can't waste the money like this.
00:42:25And you're going to help me?
00:42:27Of course.
00:42:29After all, we're married.
00:42:49Daniel, make sure everything is ready.
00:42:53I need to shut down the network soon.
00:42:57I can't go on like this.
00:43:00I have to tell Natalia the truth.
00:43:08Juan Pablo, Juan Pablo, come here.
00:43:11What's going on?
00:43:13Why did you hire Natalia Santamaria?
00:43:15Why did she show up the first day when I specifically told her about human resources that Natalia didn't go through?
00:43:20Pamela, what are you talking about?
00:43:22You know perfectly well that I don't deal with new employees.
00:43:26Give me a second, I'll check.
00:43:28Let's see.
00:43:33What happened?
00:43:35Give me a second.
00:43:37I need to go to Ciro's office.
00:43:55Hi, Pamela.
00:43:59I don't know who you had to seduce to get that job.
00:44:02But just so you know, we have a strict policy in this company.
00:44:05And those who don't make a sale in the first month are fired.
00:44:10Excuse me? Excuse me?
00:44:13You heard me perfectly.
00:44:15So I need these reports tomorrow at 1 a.m. in my office.
00:44:30So, are we talking about V&M Enterprise?
00:44:32Yes, sir.
00:44:50It's been a long time, Natalia Santamaria.
00:44:53Juan Pablo.
00:44:58It's been a long time, Natalia Santamaria.
00:45:02Natalia Santamaria.
00:45:05Juan Pablo.
00:45:07I heard you joined the company and I wanted to come and welcome you.
00:45:14You're so nice, Juan Pablo.
00:45:17Thank you. I just wanted to tell you one thing.
00:45:19V&M is relentless.
00:45:21If you don't sell here, you're dead.
00:45:25I think I have everything I need to be successful.
00:45:28I have no doubt about that.
00:45:30But with my position here, I can help you with anything.
00:45:33Whatever you want.
00:45:35In fact, this Friday is the annual party of the company.
00:45:38The high-ranking officials are clearly going.
00:45:41Pamela can't come.
00:45:43And I thought I'd take you as my companion.
00:45:46I can show you all the facilities.
00:45:48All of them.
00:45:50If you understand what I mean.
00:45:56Thank you very much, Juan Pablo.
00:45:57But I can do it on my own.
00:46:01I think it's a little late, so I'm going home.
00:46:05Because my husband is waiting for me.
00:46:09Excuse me.
00:46:15And how was your first day at work?
00:46:19Something stressful, but nothing to worry about.
00:46:23Everything under control.
00:46:24Everything under control.
00:46:29This Friday is the annual party of the company.
00:46:33All employees are invited.
00:46:36And we can take a companion.
00:46:40Would you like to come with me?
00:46:43That's the day I'm supposed to go.
00:46:51Are you really planning to go?
00:46:54Of course I am.
00:46:56Maybe Benjamín Montenegro is there.
00:47:00And he finally gets to meet everyone.
00:47:04I would die to meet him.
00:47:07Benjamín Montenegro?
00:47:11Don't tell me you don't know who he is.
00:47:15Well, let me tell you.
00:47:18The executive director of B&M Enterprise is Daniel Faciolinzi.
00:47:22But the founder is Benjamín Montenegro.
00:47:26He's a super mysterious guy.
00:47:28No one knows anything about him.
00:47:30Neither how he is, nor how old he is.
00:47:35And they say that he has business with the Italian mafia.
00:47:41Mom, do you remember that you asked me to investigate
00:47:44if it was Dad who made the payments to Natalia's mother in the hospital?
00:47:48Yes, they answered you. It's him.
00:47:49Yes, ma'am. It's in Dad's name.
00:47:52This old liar is going to listen to me.
00:47:55Wait, Mom.
00:47:57It's in Dad's name, but the account number doesn't match Dad's.
00:48:02Look, there it is.
00:48:04No, surely he got someone who made the transfer to cover his back.
00:48:09I know him.
00:48:11That's what I thought.
00:48:13And I wasn't going to doubt it.
00:48:15So I started investigating a little more with the secret police.
00:48:17And I have the name.
00:48:19Daniel Paciolince.
00:48:22Daniel Paciolince?
00:48:26The executive director of BM?
00:48:34Mom, something's not right.
00:48:43It's almost nine in the morning, Natalia.
00:48:45Can you tell me why you're here at this hour?
00:48:48Because I come to work at nine.
00:48:52Well, when I was starting, I got here early,
00:48:55brought coffees for everyone,
00:48:57invited some colleagues and maybe some friends.
00:49:01Okay, Pamela.
00:49:03Can I bring you a coffee or... I don't know, what do you want?
00:49:07Just me, Natalia.
00:49:09There are 20 of us in the sales department.
00:49:12Make an order for all of us.
00:49:15And don't forget, Mr. Paciolince, executive director,
00:49:18I just sent you the list of orders.
00:49:21You can go now.
00:49:42Good morning.
00:49:44I'm looking for Mr. Paciolince.
00:49:48Good morning.
00:49:50I'm looking for Mr. Paciolince.
00:49:53Do you have an appointment with Mr. Paciolince?
00:49:55No, technically no,
00:49:57but it is of vital importance that I meet with him.
00:50:00I'm sorry, ma'am, but I can't let you in,
00:50:02unless you have an appointment.
00:50:04An appointment?
00:50:05An appointment?
00:50:11Oh, my God.
00:50:13I'm pregnant.
00:50:15I'm pregnant.
00:50:17There's a baby in my womb, Paciolince.
00:50:20He doesn't answer my calls.
00:50:22He doesn't even answer my calls for the baby.
00:50:24Tell me what to do.
00:50:26From woman to woman, tell me what to do.
00:50:30Ma'am, I really can't let you in,
00:50:32but Mr. Paciolince's car
00:50:33is parked in the parking lot.
00:50:35Space 3A.
00:50:37You should wait for him there.
00:50:39And please, don't tell him I told you.
00:50:43Thank you, ma'am.
00:50:45Don't worry.
00:50:58Here are the coffees.
00:51:00Put them there.
00:51:02Are they all American coffee?
00:51:06And you bought Mr. Paciolince American coffee?
00:51:10It was what was on your list.
00:51:12I was wrong.
00:51:14I must have written too fast.
00:51:16Mr. Paciolince's favorite coffee
00:51:18is hazelnut milk coffee.
00:51:20Buy him a new one and bring it to him.
00:51:22Pamela, are you serious?
00:51:24Please, I have a lot of work to do.
00:51:26Natalia, what could be more important
00:51:28than bringing him American coffee?
00:51:29It's probably the only time
00:51:31you have him in front of you.
00:51:33His office is on the second floor.
00:51:35Buy him one, put it on his desk,
00:51:37and that's it.
00:51:40That's it.
00:51:42That's it.
00:51:48Sir, I need you to sign this.
00:51:52Mr. Paciolince.
00:51:56What are you doing here?
00:51:59What are you doing here?
00:52:03What are you doing here?
00:52:06Mr. Sebastian came to interview me
00:52:08because he wants to be my assistant.
00:52:14That's why I'm here, for the interview.
00:52:16Thank you very much, Mr. Paciolince.
00:52:18My pleasure.
00:52:20It was a surprise.
00:52:22I didn't want to disappoint you
00:52:24if Mr. Paciolince didn't hire me.
00:52:25That's exactly what happened.
00:52:28Yes, Miss Santa Maria.
00:52:31Natalia, what do you need?
00:52:33Why did you come?
00:52:35Mr. Paciolince, I came to bring you your coffee.
00:52:38My manager Pamela told me to buy coffee
00:52:40for the whole team
00:52:42and, of course, for you too.
00:52:46And to be clear, Mr. Paciolince,
00:52:48I'm not trying to ask for any kind of favor
00:52:50or anything like that.
00:52:52But do you know something curious?
00:52:53I don't really like coffee.
00:52:57Why don't we give it to your husband?
00:52:59I'm sure he'll love it.
00:53:01No, he doesn't like coffee.
00:53:03But that's strange
00:53:05because Miss Pamela just told me
00:53:07that her favorite coffee
00:53:09is the one with hazelnut milk.
00:53:15I'm deadly allergic to hazelnuts.
00:53:21Mr. Paciolince, are you okay?
00:53:23Mr. Paciolince, what do I do?
00:53:25What do I do?
00:53:27Help! Help!
00:53:29Mr. Paciolince, what do I have?
00:53:31Mr. Paciolince!
00:53:33Where? Where is it?
00:53:35What's wrong, Mr. Paciolince?
00:53:37Get up!
00:53:39Don't shout at me!
00:53:41Mr. Paciolince, I'm coming.
00:53:43Here it is.
00:53:49Can you breathe?
00:53:51Mr. Paciolince, are you okay?
00:53:54Can you breathe?
00:53:58It's your fault that Mr. Paciolince is like this.
00:54:01Did you want to kill Mr. Paciolince?
00:54:07Did you want to kill Mr. Paciolince?
00:54:12You were trying to kill Mr. Paciolince.
00:54:14You told me to bring him a coffee with hazelnut milk.
00:54:17How can you say such lies, Natalia?
00:54:20I sent you a list where it says specifically
00:54:23that Mr. Paciolince's favorite coffee is American coffee.
00:54:27And I also specified that he is allergic to hazelnuts.
00:54:30Look, check it yourself, Mr. Paciolince.
00:54:32Look, here's the list.
00:54:34And it's all because of Natalia.
00:54:36We should fire her.
00:54:38We can't have such evil people in this company.
00:54:42We should fire her.
00:54:45What were you thinking, Natalia?
00:54:47That doesn't seem like something you would do.
00:54:50You've always been like this, Juan Pablo.
00:54:52Yes, but you're right about something.
00:54:55Yes, it's true.
00:54:57Such evil people couldn't work in this company.
00:55:06You're fired.
00:55:14You're fired.
00:55:16What? But Mr. Paciolince, I...
00:55:17I shouldn't have written it too fast.
00:55:19Mr. Paciolince's favorite coffee is coffee with hazelnut milk.
00:55:23So buy a new one and bring it to him.
00:55:26No, no, no, it's not me. That's not my voice.
00:55:29Mr. Paciolince, we should sue you for attempted murder.
00:55:33Say no, defend me, my love. You're my...
00:55:36I swear, Mr. Paciolince, that I have nothing to do with this.
00:55:40I swear.
00:55:42We're done.
00:55:48Let's go. Where the hell is he?
00:55:51Isn't that Sebastián de la Torre?
00:55:54What is he doing here?
00:55:56Everything went well, boss.
00:55:58Did Daniel Paciolince just call Sebastián de la Torre, boss?
00:56:05Everything went perfectly.
00:56:07Yes, your wife is very smart and the plan went perfectly.
00:56:10We fired Pamela and Juan Pablo is going to sue her.
00:56:13Of course, she's my wife.
00:56:16The company's event is on Friday. Are you coming?
00:56:19I'll go with Natalia and tell her the whole truth.
00:56:23It's time for her to know that I'm Benjamín Montenegro.
00:56:29Is everything ready?
00:56:31Yes, everything is ready to start.
00:56:34Just a few days left.
00:56:37And I'll finally get her back.
00:56:39Just a few days left.
00:56:41And I'll finally get her back.
00:56:45It's been a long time, Daniel.
00:56:47Thank you for everything.
00:56:49I'll drive.
00:57:00Sebastián de la Torre is Benjamín Montenegro.
00:57:02Is Benjamín Montenegro?
00:57:08Sebastián de la Torre is Benjamín Montenegro?
00:57:14Yes, mom.
00:57:16This is very unfair.
00:57:18I should have married Benjamín Montenegro, not Natalia.
00:57:21He only gave us half a million dollars.
00:57:25And it's worth many millions more.
00:57:28But Natalia doesn't know yet.
00:57:30No, he says he's going to tell her on Friday at a company event.
00:57:35Winnie, listen to mom at least once in your life.
00:57:40I'm going to help you get Benjamín Montenegro.
00:57:45Or Sebastián de la Torre.
00:57:47Like my name is Laura Santamaría.
00:57:48Like my name is Laura Santamaría.
00:58:00I'm going to work.
00:58:02See you later.
00:58:04Okay, have a good day.
00:58:17Mr. Montenegro.
00:58:19Did you do what he asked?
00:58:24We can say that we are at peace.
00:58:30Jacobo, Tony Coman, please.
00:58:33Mr. de la Torre, what does this mean?
00:58:34Did you kidnap Tony and me to have lunch with you?
00:58:38Go straight to the point.
00:58:40And tell us what you want.
00:58:42Daniel, if Jacobo and Tony don't want to eat,
00:58:46let's go straight to the point.
00:58:57Why the hell would I sell you all my shares?
00:59:01Mr. de la Torre, let me remind you
00:59:02that we are the biggest shareholders
00:59:05of de la Torre Enterprise.
00:59:07Let us go.
00:59:09We'll pretend nothing happened.
00:59:11That's right.
00:59:13What would your father say if we found this?
00:59:32Jacobo, what would your wife say
00:59:34if I showed her those pictures?
00:59:36I understand that she just had her third child, right?
00:59:39She would be devastated.
00:59:41I did all my actions.
00:59:44But please don't tell my wife anything.
00:59:46I know I made a terrible mistake.
00:59:48I know you did.
00:59:50You've tried to get rid of your lover,
00:59:52but she just won't leave.
00:59:55You don't know either.
00:59:57Cheating is a risky business, Jacobo.
01:00:00Don't do it again.
01:00:02I'll give you a free one.
01:00:04You give me the shares,
01:00:06I'll get rid of her.
01:00:09And you can go back to your role as husband or debutant.
01:00:12What do you say?
01:00:20Thank you, Mr. De La Torre.
01:00:25What are you going to blackmail me with?
01:00:28I don't have anything for you, Tony.
01:00:31Although lately I've felt inspired.
01:00:35I know you're allergic to shrimp.
01:00:37So either you give me the shares,
01:00:41or I'll get you each of these for free.
01:00:44Or I'll get you each of these for free.
01:01:11Is that you?
01:01:12Hi, wife. What are you doing?
01:01:14Girls' stuff.
01:01:16And you?
01:01:18What were you doing today?
01:01:20I was having a very interesting conversation with some friends.
01:01:23Well, I'd love to join you next time.
01:01:30Hey, can you do me a favor?
01:01:34Can you help me choose?
01:01:38Why don't you try them on and model me?
01:01:51That dress is the most beautiful.
01:02:04About the event tomorrow,
01:02:06there's something I want to tell you.
01:02:10I think...
01:02:12you should tell me when you help me choose a dress.
01:02:17I still have two to try on.
01:02:20Then maybe...
01:02:22I should help you get out of this.
01:03:12I have urgent family matters.
01:03:15But I'll see you at the company's event.
01:03:20I hope you like it.
01:03:22I know you'll look beautiful.
01:03:36Oh, my God!
01:03:39Who would've thought my husband would be so wonderful?
01:03:47Thank you all for coming today.
01:03:50I've been director of the Enterprise Tower
01:03:53for the last 40 years.
01:03:56It's time to retire.
01:03:58So I'll give my son Aaron the reins.
01:04:02My oldest son.
01:04:07Thank you, Dad.
01:04:09And don't worry, you'll make him proud.
01:04:13Just look at my bastard brother.
01:04:15Sebastian, what are you doing here?
01:04:17You're not invited. Get out of my meeting room.
01:04:21Now it's my meeting room.
01:04:24Did you hit your head, you idiot?
01:04:25What the hell are you talking about?
01:04:30Do you want to give him the job of your life?
01:04:33Fraud, prostitution, and the icing on the cake.
01:04:39He spent two million dollars on his loan last weekend.
01:04:44Dad, don't listen to him. He's lying.
01:04:47I have more evidence, Aaron.
01:04:49But you and I know I'm not lying.
01:04:51Aaron, how could you?
01:04:53Dad, please.
01:04:55Don't worry.
01:04:57I'll give Aaron the Enterprise Tower.
01:05:01Since you were a kid, you always preferred Aaron over me.
01:05:05Because the evidence was always in everyone's sight.
01:05:09I guess some things never change.
01:05:12I wanted to save your reputation, Dad.
01:05:15But apparently it's going to be difficult.
01:05:19Those who are in favor of me being the heir, raise your hand.
01:05:26You're more stupid than I thought, brother.
01:05:29Why the hell are you in the board?
01:05:31Let's see.
01:05:33One, two, three.
01:05:38That's 51%.
01:05:40Apparently, I'm the new executive director of the Enterprise Tower.
01:05:44Guys, Tony, Jacobo.
01:05:49I'm even more stupid than I thought.
01:05:51Tony, Jacobo.
01:05:54Even you, Jacobo?
01:05:58You organized everything.
01:06:01You've always been a calculator, even as a child.
01:06:04That's why I've never liked you.
01:06:07You've never liked me because you regret what you did.
01:06:11But that's your problem, not mine.
01:06:14You've always been a disappointment to my mother.
01:06:17And now you're a disappointment to me.
01:06:24Where are we going now?
01:06:26It's time to go to that party, Daniel.
01:06:28And reveal my true identity.
01:06:30It was time, damn it.
01:06:37Oh, thank you very much for inviting me.
01:06:40Oh, friend with a lot of love.
01:06:43Besides, it's my first company event.
01:06:46And I really love that you're here with me.
01:06:48Besides, now Sebas is coming too.
01:06:53Well, it did seem a little strange to me that the executive director allowed you to bring one more person.
01:06:58Are you sure there's no problem?
01:07:00Sure, nothing happens.
01:07:04Good evening, ladies.
01:07:06Excuse me if I'm being bold, but you're dazzling.
01:07:10I would like to invite you for a drink.
01:07:12Go, go and meet people.
01:07:18Let's go.
01:07:24What could it be about Sebastián that he's not coming?
01:07:37Did you need something, Mr. Pablo?
01:07:39No, no, no. I just wanted to tell you that the people upstairs are talking over there.
01:07:44I don't know if you want to join them.
01:07:46I can introduce you.
01:07:50I'm waiting for my husband.
01:07:52Let's see, honey.
01:07:54If you want to have an advantage in this company, I'm your best option.
01:07:58Hey, did you know that Pamela and I broke up?
01:08:01Yes, that's not my business.
01:08:05Why so tense, honey?
01:08:08Have a glass of wine and relax.
01:08:12I already told you no, Juan Pablo.
01:08:14Get away from me or I'll scream.
01:08:18Look around you.
01:08:20If you scream, do you think you'll have a job on Monday?
01:08:28You know I've always liked Natalia.
01:08:31But do you think you're too much for me?
01:08:35I'm talking to you very seriously, Juan Pablo.
01:08:38If you touch me again, you'll realize what I'm capable of.
01:08:41Hey, I just want to be nice to you.
01:08:43What's wrong with you?
01:08:45I told you to get away from me.
01:08:47I offered you a drink of courtesy and you attacked me.
01:08:50Try to touch me even after I told you not to.
01:08:53What are you saying? I didn't do anything.
01:08:55Are you crazy? Crazy?
01:08:57I'm going to sue you.
01:08:59You're going to realize what I'm capable of because in this company you're nothing.
01:09:01Nothing. I'm your owner.
01:09:03Get away from my wife.
01:09:07I'm sorry I'm late.
01:09:09Is everything okay?
01:09:10Let's go home, please.
01:09:12What's going on here?
01:09:14Who the hell are you?
01:09:16I'm Natalia's husband, you idiot.
01:09:18Mr. Faciolis, this man attacked me and Natalia poured a glass of wine on him.
01:09:21Everyone saw it.
01:09:23No, no, no, Sebastián. Those are lies.
01:09:25He put his hands on me.
01:09:27Of course he did.
01:09:29I have a way to prove it.
01:09:31Juan Pablo, Natalia and I went to college.
01:09:33Juan Pablo always harassed Natalia.
01:09:35In fact, he sent her a lot of inappropriate messages.
01:09:37Messages that I have here to prove.
01:09:44Did he send you a picture of his penis?
01:09:46Ask my wife for forgiveness right now.
01:09:48Let me go.
01:09:50I said now.
01:09:53Okay, okay.
01:09:55I'm sorry.
01:09:57I'm sorry.
01:09:59To her.
01:10:01I'm sorry, Natalia.
01:10:03It won't happen again.
01:10:05Get out of here.
01:10:07Get out!
01:10:08Get out!
01:10:12Let's go.
01:10:14I'll take you home.
01:10:17Thank you, Sebastián.
01:10:19I'm your husband.
01:10:21You have nothing to thank me for.
01:10:28I never imagined that Juan Pablo harassed you at college.
01:10:32If I had known, I would never have hired him.
01:10:35Are you drunk, Sebastián?
01:10:38I think you meant that Mr. Pasiolince would never have hired him.
01:10:46I have to confess something to you.
01:10:48Promise me you won't get mad.
01:10:52Of course I'm not going to get mad.
01:10:56You can tell me whatever you want.
01:10:58Of course.
01:11:00I mean, as long as it's not something crazy like you do to me.
01:11:02As long as it's not something crazy like you've been lying to me all this time about who you are.
01:11:14Excuse me, I have to answer that.
01:11:21I'm on my way.
01:11:25What happened?
01:11:27My dad is dying.
01:11:29He's in a very serious condition at the hospital.
01:11:32Well, then let's go there.
01:11:36I have to do this alone.
01:11:39I caused it.
01:11:47Here you are, bastard.
01:11:49All this is your damn fault.
01:11:51If it weren't for the show you did before, my dad wouldn't be like this.
01:11:57I'm here, dad.
01:12:00I tried.
01:12:02I'm sorry.
01:12:04I'm here, dad.
01:12:06Don't say that.
01:12:08I love you.
01:12:12You two are brothers.
01:12:16You are my children.
01:12:18Respect each other and support each other.
01:12:23I made a lot of mistakes.
01:12:25I'm sorry.
01:12:27Don't follow in my footsteps.
01:12:32I'm very proud of you.
01:12:35I know what you did to me, Enterprise.
01:12:40You know?
01:12:43Of course I know.
01:12:45You are my son.
01:12:48And you have always been more capable than Aaron.
01:12:52That's why I left Enterprise.
01:12:54Forgive me.
01:12:59I forgive you, dad.
01:13:24That's for my dad.
01:13:31Do you think you have no responsibility in this?
01:13:46You can keep the Enterprise tower.
01:13:49If you promise to put your life in order.
01:13:51I will not let my father's work life be wasted.
01:13:55Do you know why I have hated you?
01:13:57Because you are always so high and superior.
01:14:00Because you believe you are better than others.
01:14:03Do you know why I have always hated you?
01:14:07Because no matter how much I do, dad will always favor you.
01:14:12He always knew you were better than them.
01:14:22I have to go see my wife.
01:14:25Call me for the funeral.
01:14:27As you wish, stupid.
01:14:52Good job.
01:14:54Here is half.
01:14:56Tell me where you are going to vote to go rescue him.
01:15:01Yes, ma'am.
01:15:21Sebastian, aren't you home yet?
01:15:37Sebastian doesn't love you, Natalia.
01:15:40Let's start because first he was going to marry Catalina.
01:15:46What are you trying to say, Laura?
01:15:48That you get a divorce.
01:15:50And you get lost.
01:16:01Are you Natalia's sister?
01:16:04What the hell are you doing?
01:16:06Don't you remember? I saved you last night.
01:16:08Just when I was leaving the hospital to visit a friend.
01:16:11I saw how they attacked you.
01:16:13And I ran away and I said,
01:16:15I'm going to call the police.
01:16:16And that guy ran away.
01:16:18I was very, very scared.
01:16:20I was very scared, but technically
01:16:22I'm still your fiancée, right?
01:16:25We could make up for this mistake.
01:16:27Maybe divorce you and marry me.
01:16:30I am the true heir to the Santa Maria family.
01:16:34Natalia is just a loser.
01:16:40talk about my wife
01:16:42that way in front of me again.
01:16:44And I'm going to tell you something.
01:16:47I would never
01:16:50marry you.
01:16:52Even if you were the last woman on the planet.
01:17:07Natalia, but why didn't you answer me?
01:17:09Get out of my way, Sebastian.
01:17:11Let's see, but what are you doing?
01:17:12Where are you going with that suitcase?
01:17:13I'm sending you the divorce documents
01:17:15with a lawyer.
01:17:17Sign them, please.
01:17:19And each one on their way.
01:17:21Look, if it's because of yesterday,
01:17:23I can explain it to you, okay?
01:17:25Explain what?
01:17:27It's a trap, Natalia.
01:17:29Last night when I left the hospital,
01:17:31they attacked me.
01:17:33Everything is Catalina's idea to separate us.
01:17:35Yes, I know.
01:17:39Sebastian, I'm not stupid.
01:17:41I know what Catalina and her mother are capable of.
01:17:43Because they know something about you
01:17:45that they didn't know before.
01:17:47So get to the point.
01:17:49Why did my mother's invoices appear
01:17:51in the hospital?
01:17:53And why did they suddenly accept me at BM?
01:17:55And why did you show up at Daniel's office?
01:17:58Oh, and this house?
01:18:00It's your best trophy to show.
01:18:02I looked for it and found it was Sebastian de la Torre's.
01:18:06Or what should I call you?
01:18:09Benjamin Montenegro?
01:18:13Excuse me.
01:18:18Hi, Mom.
01:18:21How are you feeling?
01:18:23How are you?
01:18:25Hi, dear.
01:18:27How are you doing at your new job?
01:18:32Good, Mom.
01:18:37It's just that
01:18:39I don't want to work there anymore.
01:18:43Don't you like it?
01:18:47Yes, I like it, Mom.
01:18:49But I'm going to keep studying.
01:18:55can you turn up the volume on the TV?
01:18:58Of course.
01:19:05Breaking news.
01:19:07In a corporate coup,
01:19:09Sebastian de la Torre,
01:19:11the illegitimate son of the Torre family,
01:19:13has become a shareholder.
01:19:15From one night to the next,
01:19:17the entire Torre Enterprise is under a new leadership.
01:19:19In addition, the share prices have skyrocketed
01:19:22by 32% with the arrival of Sebastian de la Torre.
01:19:25And it turns out that he is none other
01:19:27than Benjamin Montenegro himself.
01:19:29It seems that sweet boy
01:19:31has finally achieved his purpose.
01:19:33What do you mean, Mom?
01:19:36Do you know who he is?
01:19:39Who is he?
01:19:41Of course.
01:19:43He's my husband.
01:19:45How long were you going to tell me?
01:19:52in this life,
01:19:54we all keep secrets.
01:19:57Sometimes because we want
01:19:59to protect our loved ones.
01:20:03Like when you didn't want to tell me
01:20:05about your marriage to Sebastian.
01:20:10He came to visit me at the hospital.
01:20:13And he told me
01:20:15that I'm going to be the happiest woman in the world.
01:20:19But first, he has to do something for his mother.
01:20:22And once I did it,
01:20:25he told me that
01:20:27he's going to give me a real wedding.
01:20:30A real place.
01:20:35He's a good man.
01:20:42carry all the weight of the world on your shoulders.
01:20:47All you need is
01:20:51a little love.
01:20:54Ma'am. Ma'am.
01:20:56Oh, I'm sorry. What did you say?
01:20:58The boarding pass.
01:21:05I'm sorry.
01:21:08please don't leave like this.
01:21:11Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth before,
01:21:14but I was scared.
01:21:17Since my mother died,
01:21:19the only thing I've wanted is to get VM Enterprise back.
01:21:23I did everything according to the plan.
01:21:28you didn't.
01:21:30You weren't part of the plan.
01:21:32But you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.
01:21:37could you give me a second chance?
01:21:45I hope you remember
01:21:47what you just told me.
01:21:56Let me guess.
01:21:58She's not leaving.
01:22:06all of you really need a psychiatrist.
01:22:10Coming to reconcile at the airport?
01:22:13You really need a psychiatrist.
01:22:18No, no, no!
01:22:20No, my glasses!
01:22:22No, my glasses!
01:22:24No, my glasses!
01:22:26Holy Mary,
01:22:28according to our agreement,
01:22:30and since you couldn't keep your word,
01:22:32we're going to stay with the house
01:22:33and everything that's worth it.
01:22:35No! Jorge! Jorge!
01:22:37Do something! Where are we going to live?
01:22:41Let me go!
01:22:43This is all your fault!
01:22:45I should never have married you!
01:22:47I want a divorce!
01:22:50Have a good day,
01:22:52Mr. Santa Maria.
01:23:04Are you ready to marry me again?
01:23:12This time I'm going to marry Benjamin Montenegro.
01:23:23Hi, Dad.
01:23:25How are you?
01:23:27I'm fine.
01:23:29How are you?
01:23:31Hi, Dad.
01:23:34I brought you Natalia.
01:23:37We have very good news.
01:23:41We're pregnant.
01:23:43We're twins.
01:23:47We don't know the gender yet.
01:23:49But when we do,
01:23:51we'll know in honor who we'll name.
