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Aired (December 21, 2024): Lilet (Jo Berry) will handle a unique case that will test her faith and her skills as a good lawyer. #GMANetwork #GMADrama #Kapuso

Highlights from Episode 214 - 216

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00:04Mother, what's happening to my son?
00:08It's complicated, Mrs. to perform the ritual.
00:11Dina might get hurt.
00:12I don't want to do that when we're not sure of her condition.
00:16Mother, you're going to die, right?
00:19You're going to die if you move my son!
00:25Wait, Mrs.
00:32You're going to die!
00:36Stop it!
00:38Stop it!
00:40Stop it!
00:42Stop it!
00:44Stop it!
00:46Stop it!
00:48Stop it!
01:30What's happening to my son?
01:33Wait, Mrs.
01:46What's happening to my son?
01:49He's not coming home.
01:54Dina, wake up!
02:01Dina, wake up!
02:05Dina, wake up!
02:07Can you hear me?
02:13Don't leave me!
02:15Dina, wake up!
02:22We need to take her to the hospital.
02:24The doctors might be able to do something.
02:28Are you blind, Father?
02:30Can't you see that Dina is not moving?
02:32She's not breathing.
02:34What are we going to take her to the hospital for?
02:36She's gone.
02:37She's gone to heaven.
02:38She's dead.
02:48What did you do?
02:50What did you do?
02:52I told you to take care of her.
02:54I told you to give her to the spirits.
02:58Why did you do that?
03:00Wait a minute.
03:01I just assessed your daughter's condition.
03:05She's not dead yet.
03:07How dare you!
03:08Don't you know what you're doing?
03:10You're making my daughter practice.
03:12You're making her practice.
03:13I'm going to kill her.
03:15Don't be ridiculous.
03:16I feel sorry for Dina, but...
03:19Why are you sorry?
03:20Get out!
03:21Get out!
03:22I don't need your sympathy.
03:23I'm not going to kill my daughter.
03:25I'm not going to kill my daughter.
03:27I'm not going to kill my daughter.
03:32Why did you put us in jail?
03:34Ever since her father left us,
03:37my daughter's life has been a mess.
03:41Ma'am Lydia, what happened?
03:43Why did it happen all of a sudden?
03:47Dina had an accident yesterday.
03:49She had a fever,
03:51and she kept saying bad things.
03:54That's why the priest called me to perform an exorcism.
04:02Ma'am Lydia,
04:03if you know that Dina has an accident,
04:07why didn't you bring her to the hospital
04:09so that the doctor can examine her?
04:11There's nothing the doctors can do.
04:15My daughter has a bad spirit.
04:19She needs a priest
04:21who can make her speak.
04:24I thought there was a good priest
04:27who can make my daughter speak.
04:30I thought Father Angel can do it.
04:35But I was wrong.
04:37If the priest can do it,
04:39I can do it too.
04:41Ma'am Lydia,
04:42I know how much pain you're feeling.
04:46And I understand that you want to answer Dina.
04:51But before we start with Father Angel's case,
04:54I have a few questions for you.
05:03Based on my research,
05:06there are strict procedures
05:08that the priests need to follow
05:11before performing an exorcism.
05:14They don't just perform the ritual,
05:17especially if the subject is not in the initial assessment.
05:22So I want to ask,
05:24did Father Angel conduct an assessment?
05:27Did he check Dina's medical records?
05:31Yes, attorney.
05:32I showed Father Angel the prescription
05:35that was given to us by Dina's doctor
05:37when we went to the Metro General Hospital.
05:42Then Dina suddenly had an abortion.
05:45She couldn't pray anymore.
05:48I kept thinking about Father Angel.
05:52When he first told me that he couldn't perform an exorcism
05:56and that he didn't have enough experience,
05:58I didn't believe him.
06:01But he made me believe that he knew what he was doing.
06:06And because of my mistrust,
06:09my daughter became pregnant.
06:13I want justice for Dina's death.
06:17Attorney, I have no one else to turn to.
06:20Please help me.
06:22You are the only one who can help me
06:24so that my daughter's soul can rest in peace.
06:34Don't worry.
06:35We'll talk about this.
07:03Good morning, everyone.
07:06Today, we are here to discuss
07:09the complaint filed by Mrs. Lydia Soriano
07:12against Father Angel Ladera.
07:15The preliminary investigation will determine
07:18if there is enough evidence or probable cause
07:21to continue the case filed by Mrs. Soriano in court.
07:30Mrs., do you have additional details
07:33on why Father Angel Ladera should be charged
07:36with negligence or violation of Article 2176 of the Civil Code?
07:42Sir, my daughter, Dina, died because of her father's negligence.
07:47We approached him because we thought he could help us.
07:53I told him that my daughter was possessed by an evil spirit.
07:58Instead of healing her,
08:00my daughter died because of her negligence.
08:03How did you know that your daughter was possessed?
08:07She was moving.
08:09She was saying things.
08:20Please help my daughter!
08:24She said that the tree was poisonous and painful.
08:28She said that we were being punished.
08:31Father Angel, you heard what Mrs. Soriano said.
08:35Can you tell us more about the incident?
08:42I had nothing to do with Mrs. Lydia's daughter's death.
08:48I was not allowed to perform an exorcism that night.
08:53When I went there,
08:55my intention was to conduct an initial assessment
09:00to determine if the child was possessed
09:04or if she was suffering from a physical or psychological condition.
09:11But when the child suddenly convulsed,
09:17Mrs. Lydia forced me to perform the exorcism.
09:23I advised her to bring the child to the hospital.
09:28But Mrs. Lydia refused and asked me to help her.
09:34So I did what I could,
09:36which is to offer a deliverance prayer.
09:40Fiscal, the deliverance prayer of my client is not an act of exorcism.
09:46Therefore, this is not a case of negligence or a wrong decision of Father Angel.
09:52In fact, he often tried to convince Mrs. Soriano to seek medical help.
09:58Therefore, it is not right to say that he is responsible for the death of the child.
10:03What are you trying to say?
10:05That I am at fault?
10:06That I am the reason why you left me?
10:09Father Angel, I am begging you.
10:12You cannot help our case if you allow your emotions and anger.
10:18Father, I am sorry.
10:21I cannot accept their hands washing.
10:25The child died here.
10:27I am the victim here.
10:28I am the aggravator.
10:29Why do I feel like I am being blamed?
10:31Why don't you admit that you are at fault?
10:35Do you want me to suffer for you to admit that you are at fault?
10:45Tell your clients to calm down.
10:48I will not tolerate this procedure of my disorder.
10:54Madam Lydia, I am talking to you.
10:57Control your emotions.
11:00We cannot achieve anything if you continue to lose to them.
11:05Attorney, I am sorry.
11:06But I cannot let them expose me that they are at fault here.
11:14I am not blaming you, Madam Lydia.
11:16I don't want Dina to die.
11:20But I just want to clear my name of your false accusation.
11:25I have no intention to hurt you.
11:28I have a good heart to help you.
11:32Even if you have a good intention,
11:34you still lack a lot because you didn't say that you have little experience in exorcism.
11:42That's why you only do deliverance prayer.
11:44You don't understand me, Madam Lydia.
11:47I came here because I am a newbie and I have been doing exorcism for a long time.
11:53I just followed the protocol of the church and I cannot go against it.
12:00But Madam Lydia, God knows that I really want to save your daughter.
12:05Don't let God interfere in this matter.
12:08Why do you want to talk about this?
12:12Because it's all nonsense and it's all bad.
12:17Because if your God really exists,
12:19why would He do that to Dina?
12:22Why would He judge us?
12:24Why would He abandon us?
12:28If God really exists, tell Him,
12:30if He loves my daughter, if He loves my daughter,
12:32He will return Dina to me.
12:39Madam Lydia.
12:42Madam Lydia.
12:45Listen to me.
12:47Sit down and control yourself.
12:49Don't wait for the fish to get angry.
12:53But, Atty.
12:56How can I help you if you don't want to listen to me?
13:00I am your friend here and you only care about what I think.
13:04So, please, go ahead.
13:20Are you done arguing?
13:24Mrs. Soriano, I feel sorry for you because you lost your daughter.
13:28But you cannot demand justice by leaving and raising your voice.
13:34If you want justice, you need to calm down
13:37and follow proper legal procedures.
13:40Otherwise, we will accomplish nothing here but chaos.
13:45I'm sorry, Atty.
13:47My client was just emotional.
13:49But it won't happen again.
13:52Please remind your client that whatever she says here today
13:56will be used when I make a final decision.
14:00Let's continue with this hearing with respect to each other.
14:04Let's give each other a chance to properly explain their side
14:09and present their case.
14:11No one should shout and fight.
14:16Yes, Mr. Escan.
14:34Atty, I didn't expect you to come today.
14:39Do you want a snack?
14:42No, I'm still full.
14:45I'm here to accompany you.
14:48Until now, I still can't believe that Dina is gone.
14:53I can still hear her voice.
14:56She calls me.
14:57I can still hear her voice.
15:00She calls me.
15:02Most of the time, I look at the door.
15:07I hope that she will come closer to me and hug me.
15:13Be strong, Ma'am Lidia.
15:16I'm sure that Dina is watching you from heaven.
15:21And she wants you to be strong to be her sister.
15:25Thank you, Atty.
15:28I'll leave now because I have other things to do.
15:33Okay, don't mind me.
15:56I feel sorry for what happened to Dina.
16:00She was such a good girl.
16:03She was a good girl.
16:06She was sick.
16:08She was poisoned.
16:11I feel sorry for her.
16:14When Lidia called me to ask me to take care of the child.
16:19So that I can take care of the child.
16:24And they don't have money to pay for the tests
16:30for the hospital.
16:35What tests?
16:37Ma'am Lidia told me that
16:40she was finding food poisoning in Metro General Hospital.
16:45That was the first place they went.
16:47But Lidia asked Dina to go to San Alfonso Hospital.
16:53Why didn't Ma'am Lidia tell me that?
16:57And she didn't mention that
17:00she asked Dina to go to another hospital
17:03and that the doctors are doing tests.
17:07What are those tests for?
17:10I don't know, Atty.
17:11I forgot.
17:13But the child is still in the womb, right?
17:15I'm sorry, Atty.
17:16I just remembered that I left something at home.
17:19I'll leave you now.
17:20I'm sorry, Atty.
17:21Wait, answer my questions first.
17:37Atty, I'm sorry.
17:39Are you feeling hot?
17:41Here, drink this.
17:43No, I'm fine.
17:50Atty, do you have a problem?
17:55I talked to Ms. Dolores.
17:58Why didn't you tell me that
18:01aside from Metro General Hospital,
18:03you also asked Dina to go to another hospital?
18:08Is that important, Atty?
18:09The important thing is,
18:11the court knows that Dina died
18:13because of what Father Andrew did, right?
18:16Why didn't you just tell me?
18:21Are you hiding something?
18:23Is there something I should know?
18:29Atty, I'm sorry.
18:31I just forgot that I didn't mention it to you
18:34because the findings of the second hospital are almost the same.
18:37I also didn't see any difference with Dina
18:40but the way she ate.
18:46I'll go out first
18:47because I'll just inform the visitors.
18:51Why, Dina?
19:07What are you hiding, Ma'am Lydia?
19:10What is your secret?
