• last year
ओडिशा की उपमुख्यमंत्री प्रवती परिदा ने घोषणा की कि सुभद्रा योजना के तहत 20 लाख से अधिक लाभार्थियों को जनवरी 2025 में वित्तीय सहायता दी जाएगी। परिदा ने कहा, दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन में देरी के कारण पहली किश्त की चौथी चरण की वितरण प्रक्रिया रुकी हुई थी। 30 दिसंबर तक सत्यापन प्रक्रिया पूरी करने का लक्ष्य है, जिसके बाद जनवरी में धनराशि वितरित की जाएगी। भगवान जगन्नाथ की भूमि ओडिशा में पर्यटन की अपार संभावनाएं हैं, जैसे समुद्रतट, घने जंगल, तटीय क्षेत्र और आदिवासी संस्कृति। ₹10,000 करोड़ इस क्षेत्र के विकास की शुरुआत है, और अधिक निवेश की आवश्यकता है। हमें उम्मीद है कि केंद्र सरकार इसका समर्थन करेगी।

#SubhadraYojana #OdishaTourism #WorldClassOdisha #JagannathLand #TourismDevelopment


00:00We are from the 4th party, who were supposed to give the krishti for Shubhadra.
00:05Our Banda Hills tribes and some of the panchayats.
00:12We have received very few applications.
00:16That is why we thought of checking it.
00:20Right now, I feel that the Shubhadra committee of Anganwadi Vaskar, R.I.S, Dasilnath and other villages is on the move.
00:32The report will come by December 30.
00:37On this basis, more than 20 lakh women will get Shubhadra this year.
00:41How many lakhs have been benefited by the Shubhadra scheme so far?
00:44We have given 80,29,000 so far.
00:48As of now, 75% of the applications have been verified.
00:56We think that no one should be left out.
01:00That is why we have re-analyzed those who have been rejected and opted out.
01:11We think that the Shubhadra report will come by December 30.
01:19I am proud that my scheme has demanded 10,000 crores for the development of tourism in Orissa.
01:26Orissa has a very potential field.
01:29Orissa has the seashore.
01:31Orissa has the dense forest.
01:33Orissa has the pristine coastline.
01:35Orissa has the primitive tribes.
01:3710,000 crores is the primary.
01:40We will need more.
01:42I think that the centre will give us whatever we need.
