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Hoy en la #LVBP con Kevin Alfonso Gil đŸ”„âšŸ

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela
00:00I'm Kevin Alfonso Hill and I want to invite you to come with me to review the latest results of the day in our section today on the LBBP.
00:13We started the tour at the Simon Bolivar Monumental Stadium in La Rinconada with the important victory achieved by the Guaira sharks against the Leones del Caracas.
00:27Four races in one, which keeps the sharks alive in this final stretch of the regular round.
00:35A challenge that was really closed in the first of change with an interesting duel of openers.
00:42For the Salados, the Cuban Elian Leyva launched four good episodes, in which he allowed only four unstoppables, a race with five tickets and two fans.
00:53While for the Capitalinos, Ben Brainerd climbed to the mound, who worked for six solid episodes, in which he allowed five races without races, with two tickets and four fans.
01:06The first score came at the bottom of the fifth chapter for the Capitalinos, with double consecutive from Harold Castro and Jonathan Daza.
01:14However, the set led by Ozzy Guillen took advantage of the lack of control of the Capitalino bullpen, which granted five bases for balls in the last two innings, to make four scores in that same loop that would put definitive figures on the challenge.
01:32For the Escualos, the most outstanding Almadero were Franklin Elkaki Barreto, who tied with 4-3 with a double and a drive.
01:40In addition, it is Pedro Castellanos who connected with 4-2 with a pair of drives.
01:46The winning game was won by Arnaldo HernĂĄndez, his third of this series, with a masterful relief of two episodes in which he only allowed an unstoppable without allowing races.
01:57The defeat was for Ricky RamĂ­rez, who received a couple of scores in a presentation that faced three batters and could not complete an out.
02:08The saved game was taken by the amolador Pedro RodrĂ­guez, who received only an unstoppable in his presentation.
02:16The Guaira sharks achieve a very important victory that keeps them alive in this final phase of the regular round.
02:23Some Escualos that from now on must win four clashes in a row to be able to get their pass to postseason.
02:33We are now going to José Bernardo Pérez de Valencia, where the sailors of the Magallanes came from behind in the last third of the commitment to beat the tigers of Aragua with a final board of 8 races for 6.
02:49A commitment that began by winning the feline set in the first episode itself, the product of the fourth quadrangular of the safra of the inspired Lorenzo Cedrola against the senders of Junior Guerra.
03:02Already at the bottom of the fifth, the game was dominated by the Araguayans 5 for 1 and in the seventh chapter José Cafecito Martínez appeared to increase the advantage 6 to 1 with his seventh quadrangular of the contest.
03:16The naval reaction would arrive in the seventh and eighth episode by making 4 and 3 scores respectively.
03:24In that production of races came the number 21 horn run of the campaign of Renato NĂșñez, which allowed him to equal Alex Cabrera as the top horn runners in a safra.
03:36A record that the samurai had set in our circuit in the safra 2013-2014.
03:44Renato has only one regular round commitment left in which he will seek to inscribe his name in the books of history by becoming the new monarch of the horn runners in a season of the Venezuelan professional baseball league.
03:59Along with Renato, Carlos RodrĂ­guez was effective with the wood, who left 5-3 with 2 scores, in addition to the Colombian Tito Polo, who tied 5-4 with a pair of scores.
04:11The victory was for JesĂșs Tinoco his second of this year by throwing an inning in white with a pair of fans.
04:18The lost game was taken by Luis Rijo, who received two hicks, two clean races in two thirds of the work.
04:26While the savior was awarded by Felipe VĂĄzquez with three punches in the ninth stretch, his first save in the Venezuelan professional baseball league.
04:35A thrower who between 2017 and 2019 saved more than 85 commitments in the best baseball in the world.
04:45With the combination of results this Friday, December 20, Navegantes del Magallanes assured qualifying from quarters to the postseason.
04:54While the good Galicians are tied with Leones del Caracas in the fifth stage.
04:59Both teams looking for victories in the last day that puts them in a better position with regard to the games of the ComodĂ­n.
05:12We move on to the Luis Aparicio Stadium, the great of Maracaibo, where the Eagles of Zulia left on the field in the tenth episode to the Cardinals of the ARA.
05:21With a board of five races by four.
05:25A commitment in which he began by winning the Cardinals of the ARA with a score in the third.
05:31Then the boys made 13 in the seventh and everything seemed to indicate that they already had the game in their pocket.
05:38But in the ninth episode, with a bit of drama, Ronald GuzmĂĄn connected his third quadrangular of the safra to tie the actions.
05:47In the extra entrances, the balance leaned towards the Zulianos with Ali Castillo dressing as a hero.
05:54By connecting that unstoppable that gave the victory number 30 to those led by Lixo Nava.
06:00An Ali Castillo who with that unbeatable reached 600 in the Venezuelan League of Professional Baseball.
06:06All with the Eagles of Zulia.
06:09Thus adding Orlando Pepita Muñoz who connected 639 and Leonel Carrion who finished with 732 as the top hitters of the Zuliana organization.
06:22The receiver José Herrera also stood out with El Madero on this day by leaving perfect of 3-3 with two drives and one score.
06:31With the victory, the Eagles of Zulia remain in second place, tied with Bravo de Margarita.
06:37Both with records of 30 victories and 25 setbacks.
06:45We finish in Puerto la Cruz in the Alfonso Chico Carrasquel where the set of Bravo de Margarita achieved their 30th victory of this campaign.
06:53By beating the Caribbean of Anzuategui with a final score of 5 races by 4.
07:00The insulars went out with everything to seek the victory that would allow them to reach the last day with the option of finishing in the second place of the table.
07:08And they relied on an offensive that was able to connect a total of 12 unstoppable.
07:13With outstanding performances by Breivik Valera who tied with 4-2 with a double and one drive.
07:19In addition to Juan Santana who continues to perform for the Margariteños and this time connected 5-2 with a score.
07:28The Carabinian Jason LĂłpez also contributed his grain of sand to the insular offensive by leaving 4-2 with a pair of drives.
07:37The winning game was taken by Melviacosta in rescue work by launching two good episodes in which he did not allow unstoppables and fanned a pair of setbacks.
07:47While the defeat was for Darien NĂșñez when he received in the eighth of those two races one of them clean.
07:54A job in which he faced four batters and could only withdraw one.
08:00Bravos de Margarita will look for a victory this Saturday on the last day of the regular round to try to finish in the second place of the table.
08:09Location that allows them to make better selections in the draft of substitutions and additions.
08:17Friends and with this we finish the information in our section today in the LBBP.
08:22We invite you to continue interacting with us on our different platforms and also to subscribe to our website www.baseballplay.com