"Freaky Table" is an English-language talk show that blends social media, cultural trends, and television. It is a fusio | dHNfUjI4TlBUYzJSTGM
00:00But but do you think that women are doing enough to to have equal respect and perhaps equal P theme?
00:08As the as their male counterpart given the fact that you know men usually use these excuses
00:14Let me use that as excuse
00:17Women get pregnant you become a mom so that slows you down a little bit you become so but even if that's not without
00:23It does that stop you from being a human being does that stop you from either does this stop you from your responsibilities?
00:28It doesn't so why should that be a determinant factor of what I'm gonna earn for you know
00:34Oh, why should that be a determinant factor of me living my purpose?
00:38It shouldn't be it's just parts is a part of my life, but it does not define me
00:43She understand what I'm saying a woman and man should be
00:48Free enough to go back to work after a child
00:53You understand and you still get the same respect and welcome and the same energy as before you went
01:00Why should anything change?
01:06Exactly so I feel like these things are things that we have to educate each other on right I
01:12understand the complexity of you know, how the
01:16Biological system is and you know to be fair. There are so many things that don't make it exactly
01:23a level playing field for male counterparts and us what regardless it
01:28I don't think that my competition is the man. I'm not bothered about that. I'm bothered about you giving me. What is my value?
01:35That's the point. I didn't tell you to give me Chelsea's or compare Chelsea's value with my value
01:41No, I'm saying I'm a human being
01:44Represent me as you should represent a human being and that's why I'm doing what I'm doing, right?