• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Quasi il 30% del Pil italiano dipende direttamente o indirettamente da materiali critici come quelli che estraiamo qui. - realizzare una strategia di recupero di questi materiali, infatti - significa aumentare l’autonomia strategica del Paese. E Iren in questo è il capofila italiano”. Lo spiega Luca Dal Fabbro, presidente di Iren, a margine dell’inaugurazione del primo impianto europeo per il recupero di metalli preziosi e materie prime critiche a basso impatto ambientale, realizzato da Gruppo Iren a Terranuova Bracciolini, in provincia di Arezzo.


00:00Here we are in a plant that represents the future of the reindustrialization of the country,
00:12starting with recovery.
00:14We are poor in raw materials, we always have less raw materials to buy because the world
00:22is content with them, and so we have devised a process that recovers what we have on the
00:27market, so we will recover and recover from the cards, then from the computers, from
00:33the telephones, from the little phones, from the electric cards, gold, palladium, copper,
00:38silver, very precious materials, which in addition to being very precious are also very
00:44rare and are critical for our industry.
00:48Think that almost 30% of the Italian GDP depends directly or indirectly on critical
00:55materials such as the ones we extract here today.
00:57So it means increasing our strategic autonomy of the country, and IREN in this is the Italian
01:03leader, and this is the most advanced plant in Europe with this technology, which has no
01:09environmental impact because it does not use furnaces, but uses very advanced, very sophisticated
01:15chemical processes, which are also all Italian.
01:21This is a new step, as I can say, a paradigm shift.
01:26Here we create an environment, here we produce an environment.
01:30Instead of extracting gold and silver from the mines, rather than throwing them away, rather
01:35than burning them, we treat them, extract them and revalue them in a continuous process
01:41of circular economy.
01:43This is the future of the country.
01:45It will start with a re-engineering, a re-industrialization of processes in the context of circular economy,
01:52of regeneration of materials.
01:54IREN will reach all of Italy, and they are the computers that we use every day and that
01:59we throw away, and that from tomorrow, instead, will have a new life.
02:03So zero environmental impact because we do not throw away, and in addition we produce
02:08wealth, especially for the territory, because here we hire people, we invest, and we want
02:13to grow in the pole that hosts us here, a new Italian industry.
02:19From here a new concept of Italian industry, of regeneration, of circular economy, starts again.
02:25We have had great support from the region, from the institutions, which I have to thank,
02:31because if we are here today, it is also thanks to the support we have had, institutional support.
02:37Technically we have widely demonstrated that it is a valid system, an environmentally sustainable system,
02:45but without institutional support it is impossible to do business in Italy, and I have to say
02:50that here we have had a territory that has welcomed us well.
