Vaani Kapoor was recently spotted at Mumbai Airport, looking absolutely stunning and adorable. She wore a black and white oversized sweatshirt with red stripes, which added a pop of color to her outfit. Vaani paired her sweatshirt with black bottom wear and black long boots, which made her look chic and stylish. Vaani's beauty look was simple and natural. She left her hair open and wore sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun. She opted for minimal makeup, which highlighted her natural beauty. Vaani's no-accessories look added to her effortless and laid-back vibe.
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00:00Vani Kapoor was recently spotted at Mumbai airport, looking absolutely stunning and adorable.
00:07She wore a black and white oversized sweatshirt with red stripes, which added a pop of colour
00:12to her outfit.
00:13Vani paired her sweatshirt with black bottom wear and black long boots, which made her
00:18look chic and stylish.
00:20Vani's beauty look was simple and natural.
00:23She left her hair open and wore sunglasses to protect her eyes from the sun.
00:28She opted for minimal make-up, which highlighted her natural beauty.
00:32Vani's no accessories look added to her effortless and laid-back vibe.
00:37Vani Kapoor is a talented Indian actress who has made a name for herself in the Hindi film
00:43She made her acting debut with the romantic comedy film, Shudh Desi Romance, for which
00:48she received the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut.
00:52Vani Kapoor's airport look was a perfect example of how to keep things simple yet stylish
00:57while travelling.
00:59Her oversized sweatshirt and black boots made her look chic and comfortable, and her minimal
01:04make-up and no accessories look added to her natural beauty.