As both major parties try to tackle cost-of-living in WA with pre0election promises, it’s clear that families are still being hit the hardest. A new cost-of-living report has revealed a dual-income family with two kids can’t afford to make ends meet. Social services are once again asking whether the State Government can – and should – be doing more.
00:00It might be a joyful time of year, but for families coming through the doors of Food
00:07Bank, it's a struggle.
00:09This year, just hard, just ridiculously hard, especially from the price of food going up.
00:17It looks like every week I come here, it feels like there's more and more people here, which
00:21is a bit distressing.
00:22And yet another cost of living report highlighting the obvious, families need more help.
00:28We're dealing with numbers that used to be close to about $10,000 a year, and now we're
00:32looking up towards the $13,000s, so there is no slowing down.
00:36The WA Council of Social Service says for the financial year just gone, a dual-income
00:42West Australian family with two kids couldn't afford to make ends meet.
00:47Three years ago, they were coming out ahead with $100 after paying weekly expenses.
00:52Two years ago, they had just $45 to spare.
00:56Now families are $53 over budget each week.
01:01That's including the government's payments for school-aged children.
01:04The costs have gone up far higher than increases in income.
01:10In many cases, well over 11%, while the increase in income has only gone up 4%.
01:16The government says it's doing all it can.
01:19We know families are doing it tough.
01:21That's the reason why we have invested over a billion dollars in the last 12 months alone
01:26on cost-of-living measures.
01:27Social services are wanting more long-term measures when it comes to cost-of-living relief,
01:32not one-off sugar hits of electricity credits or free public transport.
01:37They say this is what will really make a difference for families doing it tough.
01:42We've provided a list of solutions to the state government that could be targeted,
01:47like a cost-of-living package for those who are most in need.
01:52The school lunch programs.
01:54Amid fears more people will slip below the poverty line.