• last year
In this video:

Assumptions. In the context of business, they are the necessary details needed as the basis to project revenues and expenses for the year. No one knows for sure if what is assumed and projected will happen, but if other businesses in the same industry average around 10% growth, then this is a decent assumption to start with with for the business's revenue projections.

Assumptions about people, on the other hand, are not so helpful. Extrapolation works for businesses, but not always for people. Our assumptions about others are generally wrong. Many times we operate out of unconscious incompetence- we don't know what we don't know. With God, all things are possible, so let us remember that people do change when they come to the end of their running. Running away from God, fears, life. When the pain of today exceeds the pain of the unknown, people will change. Let us get to a place of balanced soundness rather than swinging back and forth on a pendulum through a spectrum of thought.

Article mentioned from Relevant Magazine: https://relevantmagazine.com/current/nation/study-americans-are-really-bad-at-making-assumptions-about-their-fellow-citizens/

For more support: Getting over the past: https://matrixofjustice.org/the-resume-of-my-past/
Is your workplace following you home? https://matrixofjustice.org/maintain-balance/
Your identity: https://matrixofjustice.org/the-threat-of-known-identity/
Coming back from failure? https://matrixofjustice.org/video-investing-in-your-failures/

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Matrix of Justice (matrixofjustice.org) is a resource center that provides individual Christian equipping with a prophetic edge. My desire is to see spiritual truths birth tangible results in people's lives. Helping others grow into the fullness of their identity as a Son of God and becoming who He created them to be is the fuel that drives me and the heart of Matrix of Justice.

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