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Full Video: Are We Trapped by Romanticized Illusions? || Acharya Prashant, BITS Goa (2024)
00:00Ever seen how they portray teachers, especially in Indian movies, seen how they portray them
00:05as caricatures, buffoons, people you can laugh at.
00:08Can you think of a few such characters?
00:10Because teachers are associated with knowledge.
00:13And if you have knowledge, then you will lampoon that movie.
00:16Please understand the conspiracy.
00:18Teachers are associated with knowledge.
00:20But that movie can gather 500 crores only when you do not have knowledge.
00:24So knowledge is dangerous to the commercial success of that movie.
00:27If people become knowledgeable, that movie will flop.
00:30So it's some kind of filmmaker's revenge on knowledge that he will show the scientist
00:35or the teacher in a very unfair way.
00:38The scientist, for example, will be shown with all his hair erect.
00:41He has been thinking so much that he has gone either bald or his hair stand erect on his
00:47And the teacher is always eccentric, eccentric, forgetful, idiotic actually, doing something
00:51this way, that way.
00:52And the students are smart studs because they don't have knowledge.
00:56So if you don't have knowledge, you are a stud.
00:59If you have knowledge, you are a fool.
01:01That kind of depiction, that kind of propaganda, you have become a victim of.
