• letztes Jahr
Yo Yo Honey Singh schaffte es seinen Kindheitstraum zu erfüllen und vom ganz normalen Jungen zum erfolgreichen Rapper in Indien aufzusteigen. Doch auf dem Höhepunkt seiner Karriere wird ihm ein Song zum Verhängnis. Der persönliche Dokumentarfilm Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous zeigt Yo Yo Honey Singhs Aufstieg und sein Comeback nach dem Fall.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/yo-yo-honey-singh-famous


00:00Harish Sir! Harish Sir!
00:02His songs will play in every club, every wedding.
00:05He made Punjabi music cool in the rest of India.
00:08Harish Sir!
00:17I'm not the son of a musician,
00:19I'm not the son of a famous singer.
00:21I'm from a normal family, just an ordinary guy.
00:26This is the house where I was born.
00:30There are no windows in this house?
00:31No, there are no windows.
00:3224 years?
00:3324 years.
00:34You lived in a house without windows?
00:35Without windows.
00:36But still got dreams.
00:38Honey has got this one superb thing,
00:40which nobody else has.
00:42Which is Yo-Yo Honey Singh.
00:44Yo-Yo Honey Singh!
00:48Honey Singh was once India's most popular rapper.
00:53But for some reason,
00:54Honey Singh became a film,
00:55and his songs suddenly disappeared.
00:58So we know he didn't sing the song Balat Kari,
01:00but he did sing the song P***, right?
01:05Do you regret doing the song?
01:07I've been asked to file an FIR.
01:12Now I'll tell you what happened.
01:14People say I've been through hell,
01:15I've been through, I saw hell.
01:18A figure of controversy,
01:19a figure of drama.
01:20I had grown my hair, I had grown my beard.
01:22I didn't meet anyone.
01:23I used to sleep, I used to cry.
01:25And then he said,
01:29Please save me.
01:33Love you Honey Bajaj!
01:46We were told this was going to be your comeback.
01:48No, no, this is not a comeback.
01:51I want to blow the world.
01:52I'll make the world go crazy again.


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