Frankie (Ariella Mastroianni), ihres Zeichens Protagonistin des Mysterythrillers Gazer, kann sich nicht auf ihren eigenen Geist verlassen. Sie leidet unter einer neurologischen Erkrankung, die ihr immer wieder Blackouts im Wachzustand beschert. Frankie verliert ganze Stücke ihrer Zeit, ohne sich auch nur im Geringsten daran zu erinnern. Doch irgendwie muss sie weiter ihre Familie ernähren. Also lässt sie isch auf das Angebot einer Fremden ein, mit dem sie sich in größere Schwierigkeiten bringt, als sie je ahnen könnte.
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00:02What do you see?
00:06Who are they?
00:12Where do you think they're coming from?
00:14Hiding from?
00:16Why am I here?
00:21The body was found floating in the Meadowlands.
00:24What do you see?
00:25It looked like someone was hit.
00:28My brother gets very angry.
00:32You have a neurological disorder preventing you from remembering exactly what happened that night, is that right?
00:37I've been recording these tapes for my daughter.
00:39It helps keep me from zoning out.
00:41This condition of yours will slowly eat away at your cognitive capabilities.
00:47I gotta get out of here.
00:48Can you drive?
00:49I don't want any trouble.
00:52I just want to spend whatever time I have left with my daughter.
00:55If you feel yourself zoning out, rewind tape.
01:00The country built this last Tuesday.
01:03Am I a suspect?
01:06If you wanted to get away, where would you go?
01:08What do you see?
01:13You see people for who they really are when they think no one is watching.
01:19It's just you and whatever else is out there in the dark.
01:25I think whoever did this didn't even mean to do it.
01:27They panicked.
01:28Trying to clean it up.
01:30If you feel yourself zoning out, rewind tape.