Tom Holland and Zendaya don't shop like they're two of the biggest movie stars in the world ... instead, they get their retail therapy from Nordstrom!!!
00:00to Zendaya and Tom Holland, getting ready for the holidays together and in an interesting place here in L.A.
00:08Look, obviously this is the time-
00:10My old stomping ground.
00:12Yes, your old stomping ground, though from what I hear, it is much different from when you were there.
00:16So I hear, too.
00:17But they were doing what- and you would think, oh, big celebrities like themselves, they're not going to be in a place like this.
00:24But here they were in the mall, and not in Beverly Hills, not- they weren't on Rodeo Drive.
00:30Deep in the San Fernando Valley.
00:32Canoga Park.
00:33At the Topanga Mall.
00:36And they were at Nordstrom just picking up some items and also-
00:40With a pooch.
00:40Walking with the pooch.
00:41This is bizarre. They don't even have, like, bodyguards around them, and they're like two A-list stars.
00:46Oh, that dog is- that dog is-
00:49Oh, the dog is- oh, yeah, the mini Schnauzer.
00:52His name is Noon, by the way. He's so cute. People are obsessed with him online.
00:56But just the fact that they're, like, shopping at a random, like, Nordstrom is just insane.
01:02However, I will say, credit to this mall, a lot of celebrities do go to this specific mall.
01:09Is that right?
01:10Yes, yes. The Kardashians have gone here before, and it's definitely- and kind of like you mentioned, Harvey, it's, like, changed.
01:18Like, now they have-
01:19Yeah, well, it was not high- it was not high-end when I was a kid.
01:21Let me tell you, it opened when I was a kid, but it was not high-end.
01:25They used to have these- this kind of waterfall with these oil beads that would come down two floors.
01:31That was the high-life mall.
01:34Yeah, I don't know. I thought you- that was very weird.
01:37Keep your hands to yourself.
01:38Listen, Tom, as for what Tom and Zendaya are gonna be doing for the holidays,
01:43he was on the Dish podcast and talked about the plan.
01:48And what's the plan this year? Where are you gonna be? America, or are you gonna be here?
01:51I am gonna be in America this year. I'll be with my girlfriend's family, which will be fun.
01:56And do you do, like, the classic thing of, like, oh, I went to yours last year, so now you have to come to mine?
02:00Is there, like, a hard and fast rule?
02:02I think what we'd like to start doing is, rather than, like, spending it with each family each year, is bring the families together.
02:10Yes. I'm trying to pitch this at mine as well.
02:13That's what I think we want to do next time.
02:16This time, because we're both actors, we're terrible at organizing things, so it hasn't happened yet.
02:23But the thought's there.
02:24The thought's there.
02:25Oh, that, I'll tell you, that's easy to decode.
02:29They're talking about Christmas after Christmas after Christmas.
02:33They're getting hitched.
02:34Uh, yeah, or at least they're just planning on staying together.
02:37They don't have to get married, sir.
02:38They could Goldie Rust- they could Goldie Kurt it if they wanted to.
02:41Yeah, exactly.
02:42They're going to be together.
02:43That's the plan.
02:44Hi, my name is Shawna Comis.
02:46Regarding what they said before with how it's strange that they're in the mall, I think it's actually kind of cool.
02:51Even though, like, we don't see them like that on a regular basis, they're usually, like, glammed up and on the stage.
02:58But it's great to see that they're, like, a regular couple and just out there like normal people.
03:03It reminds you of the relationships you have in your life and stuff like that.
03:07Even when they're not glammed up, as you put it, still-
03:10They're glammed up.
03:11Pretty glammed up compared to everyone else walking around the mall.
03:13No kidding. No kidding.
03:14Even a high-end mall like the Topanga Mall.