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عينيك وجفافها.. الموبايل متهم ولا بريء؟

هل جفاف العين مجرد مشكلة عابرة؟ ولا ممكن يكون الموبايل السبب الأساسي؟ مع ساعات طويلة قدام الشاشات، ممكن تكون بتعرض عينك لخطر كبير وانت مش واخد بالك. في الفيديو ده، هنعرف الحقيقة المدهشة عن علاقة الموبايل بجفاف العين، وأهم النصايح اللي تحميك من المشكلة دي. مستعد تكتشف السر؟

المزيد من التفاصيل والفيديوهات اشترك في قناتنا علي اليوتيوب وتابعونا على الصفحات الرسميه مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي ↓↓↓↓

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#ElConsolto. #جفاف_العين


00:00What is eye dryness?
00:03Eye dryness can be treated at home if we treat the cause first.
00:09What does this mean?
00:10We have a lot of drugs, and people don't know this, that cause eye dryness.
00:16They are widespread, and we use them like anti-sensitivity drugs,
00:20which people take all day long, and all of this affects eye dryness.
00:24Drugs that lower blood pressure affect eye dryness.
00:29Eye drops cause eye dryness.
00:34But no one takes eye drops all the time.
00:36But there is a stronger one, which is antidepressants.
00:39We are very careful with antidepressants, and sometimes the patient doesn't admit it.
00:44So we ask him, and we tell him, do you take sleeping pills?
00:47He says, yes, I take sleeping pills, this and that.
00:50This is one of the most common things.
00:52So if the patient is prevented from taking hormones,
00:55which lower blood pressure,
00:58anti-sensitivity drugs,
01:02colon and stomach infections,
01:04stomach virus,
01:06very strange things, all of which are related to eye dryness.
01:09If we treat this, or notice it, or stop it,
01:12we can reduce a lot of eye problems.
01:17After that, we use regular drops,
01:19and we start to notice some of the daily mistakes.
01:24The most famous of which is the computer.
01:26The computer, or any screen in front of it,
01:29we all remember, and they used to call us doctors,
01:33as a medical requirement.
01:35We sit and look at a book for 16 or 18 hours a day.
01:39This happens now only on screens.
01:44What is the difference?
01:45The difference is not that the screen is narrow,
01:47all screens, computers, laptops, iPads,
01:52all of them have a layer that prevents harmful things.
01:57The problem is in two or three things.
02:00First, the screen.
02:02If I write, read, or study like this,
02:06my eyes, as you can see, are low.
02:09Most of them are closed.
02:11But when the screen is in front of me,
02:13and I look at it like this,
02:14most of my eyes are open.
02:16So when I look down and read something,
02:18I don't have a problem with my nose.
02:20But when I look at a screen in front of me,
02:22my eyes are open all the time,
02:24so the nose ratio increases.
02:26That's why I always advise those who look at a computer screen,
02:29or an iPad, or anything else,
02:31to look at it at an angle that is less than 20 degrees,
02:34so that the skin above my eyes goes down,
02:36and therefore reduces the nose a little.
02:38One of the very bad things,
02:40is children or young people who play games on computers.
02:43This depends on the speed,
02:45and this speed is reduced by the normal stroke rate.
02:48Just like a car wash,
02:50if you don't work properly,
02:52the water will collect or dry up.
02:54Therefore, this distribution,
02:56which God created from 12 to 16 times per minute,
02:59according to the weather, humidity, and so on,
03:02must be fixed.
03:04Another very common mistake,
03:06is watching a narrow screen in a dark room.
03:11This is one of the things that has increased
03:13with the use of mobile phones now.
03:15All young people now,
03:17look at their mobile phones,
03:19and the room is dark,
03:21until they go to sleep.
03:23This is a very bad situation,
03:25because it disrupts the work system
03:27in the eye tissues.
03:29There are tissues that are used
03:31to work when the world is bright,
03:33and other tissues are used
03:35to work when the world is dark.
03:37So, when I look at a bright screen,
03:39and the room is dark,
03:41when I look at the screen from behind,
03:43the system that works in the light
03:45says, this is my role.
03:47The other says, no, this room is dark,
03:49this is my role.
03:51This leads to what we call
03:53blindness in the eye.
03:55In response to your question,
03:57I will start with other things.
03:59Sitting in front of the fan,
04:01the direction of air conditioning,
04:03the direction of air planes in general,
04:05the use of watches,
04:07the devices that make humidity
04:09in the room,
04:11very different degrees,
04:13but as long as it is hot,
04:15as long as it is hot,
04:17it is very important,
04:19and the easiest to use at home,
04:21and this helps a lot
04:23in activating the fat cells,
04:25and it melts the fat
04:27so that it comes back
04:29and covers the eye layer and preserves it.
