• 16 years ago
Revelation 12:12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiter's of the earth and of the sea, for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. Introduction. As an amateur researcher and writer, with perhaps too much time on my hands, I am fortunate to be able to devote many hours a day reading books and online articles relating to what I will call in the Satanic Conspiracy of the New World Order. I make no pretensions that what follows is in any way original or even innovative. Most of it excepting my own personal observations can be found in much greater detail elsewhere, and for that purpose, I have included a full bibliography and reference section at on my blog What I have tried to do here is collect information gleaned from reading the work of such exceptional researchers such as Bill Cooper, Alex Jones, William J. Sutton, Fritz Springmeier, William F. Jasper, Henry Makow, David Livingstone and Texe Marrs, and create a condensed summary of evidence which will show that as it says in the Bible verse above, Lucifer is amongst us, and the mayhem and chaos we are now experiencing on an international scale in this the first decade of the 21st century, is due to the culmination of many millenia of plotting and planning by the eternal adversary as mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. The Dragon spacecraft is a pressurized capsule used for Earth to LEO transport of pressurized cargo, unpressurized cargo, and/or crew members. Initiated internally by SpaceX in 2005, Dragon will be utilized to fulfill our NASA COTS contract for demonstration of cargo re-supply of the ISS. The Dragon capsule is comprised of 3 main elements: the Nosecone, which protects the vessel and the docking adaptor during ascent; the Pressurized Section, which houses the crew and/or pressurized cargo; and the Service Section, which contains avionics, the RCS system, parachutes, and other support infrastructure. In addition a Trunk is included, which prov...