• last year
Finnish adults score the highest in literacy, math, and problem-solving skills, while Portugal, Poland, Italy and Lithuania fall below the OECD average in all three competences.
00:00Which European countries have the best skills?
00:08Adults in Finland ranked first in literacy and numeracy, as well as in adaptive problem solving.
00:18In the 31 countries surveyed by the OECD, people between 55 and 65 obtained lower scores than younger people in all subjects.
00:30The best results were achieved by people aged 25 to 34.
00:36Portugal, Poland, Italy and Lithuania are the EU countries that fell below the OECD average in all areas.
00:46The lowest scores were reported in adaptive problem solving, where Poland scored only 226 points out of 500,
00:56followed by Lithuania with 230, Italy with 231 and Portugal with 233.
01:05Adults with highly educated parents have better literacy skills than those with less educated parents.
01:13Higher skill levels usually lead to better employment chances, higher wages and better well-being.
01:22The gap between adults from different socio-economic backgrounds is smallest in Spain.
