• last year
Glitz, Glamour, And Vengeance Full Movie
00:00:00I'm telling you, Bill, collagen is a hot topic right now, and it's a hot topic right now.
00:00:29It's a hot topic.
00:00:30Women want it, and they want to know how they can get more of it.
00:00:33And I really think this story is going to resonate with a lot of people.
00:00:36It's what the female readers are looking for, and...
00:00:38Yes, I know, it's Christmas time, Bill.
00:00:41Buy a snow globe!
00:00:42Come on, hey!
00:00:43Happy Christmas!
00:00:44Buy a snow globe!
00:00:45Snow globes are sale!
00:00:46Come on in!
00:00:48Hey, snow globes are sale!
00:00:49You want a snow globe?
00:00:53Life-affirming, upbeat story that tugs at the heartstrings.
00:00:58And get it in by Christmas time, of course.
00:01:03Thanks, Bill.
00:01:19Plain black coffee.
00:01:20Just how you like it.
00:01:24What is that sugary, colorful concoction you have there?
00:01:27Lady Kane syrup.
00:01:28That's disgusting.
00:01:29This, my friend, is the joy of Christmas.
00:01:31What happened to you?
00:01:33This is also the joy of Christmas.
00:01:35Crosswalk slush spray.
00:01:37It's trending.
00:01:40I know you hate walking through tourist traps this time of year, but...
00:01:44It's an emergency.
00:01:46Shopping is an emergency?
00:01:47You know, there's still two weeks left till Christmas, right?
00:01:50Oh no, not for me.
00:01:51If I don't get my family's gifts in the mail this afternoon, they won't get there on time.
00:01:54Why don't you just bring them with you when you fly out for New Year's?
00:01:56And not have gifts under the tree for my nephews on Christmas Day?
00:01:58Oh, the horror.
00:02:00It's bad enough I'm not there to see them open my presents.
00:02:03You know, if you want to spend actual Christmas with your family, I will totally understand.
00:02:08Are you kidding?
00:02:10Bestie, Christmas is our thing.
00:02:12It's been the hallmark of our friendship since college.
00:02:14The linchpin of our BFF bond.
00:02:16The lime in our margarita.
00:02:17The gold standard for all of us.
00:02:19Okay, that's enough for you.
00:02:22I love our traditions.
00:02:24Movie marathons.
00:02:25Caramel popcorn.
00:02:26Your homemade chili.
00:02:28Vegging on the couch for hours on end.
00:02:30Correction, I veg, you work.
00:02:32I work from home on the couch.
00:02:34So it counts.
00:02:35You wild child, you.
00:02:37A journalist's job is never done.
00:02:39My point is, I love spending Christmas with you.
00:02:42Okay, it's settled.
00:02:44Staycation friend mess for the win.
00:02:48But with a caveat.
00:02:50The staycation aspect of our friends mess.
00:02:53I was thinking maybe this year we try something a little different.
00:02:56Okay, now you're scaring me.
00:02:57You haven't even heard my idea.
00:02:58Yes, but you're acting weird, and you are the queen of traditions.
00:03:02And now all of a sudden you want to change things up?
00:03:04What was it that your foster mom used to say?
00:03:07Don't touch the crystal ornaments.
00:03:08You know that, and the best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them.
00:03:14Yeah, but she stole that from Hemingway.
00:03:16Well, you need to trust me now.
00:03:21You know how I always listen to that holiday radio station?
00:03:23The one that plays all the Muppets Christmas songs that everyone finds really annoying.
00:03:28So I entered one of their call-in contests.
00:03:31And I won.
00:03:33You won? That's great. What did you win?
00:03:34Two all-expense-paid tickets to Christmasland.
00:03:41What exactly is Christmasland?
00:03:43Christmasland is only the most magical place on Earth.
00:03:46Just picture it, B.
00:03:50It's an entire town devoted to Christmas.
00:03:54Hey, everybody.
00:03:56Hey, Ethan. Welcome home.
00:04:00Oh, hello, Ethan.
00:04:02Ask your mother where she wants the colored lights.
00:04:04The whole town comes together every year to give visitors the Christmas experience of their dreams.
00:04:10What does that mean, exactly?
00:04:12Does the entire town gather around a giant Christmas tree and sing the Whoville song?
00:04:18Although maybe they do that, too.
00:04:19But that's not the best part.
00:04:20I certainly hope that's not the highlight.
00:04:22So there's this inn. The North Pole Inn.
00:04:25Owned by the founders of Christmasland, where all the guests are invited to stay.
00:04:29And they guarantee a whole holiday experience.
00:04:31An entire town in the middle of a magical land.
00:04:34Okay, you lost me at magical land.
00:04:35Fine. It's Massachusetts.
00:04:37Okay, carry on.
00:04:38And apparently, they make every guest feel like they're family.
00:04:43Oh, you're home!
00:04:44Hey, Mom.
00:04:45Hey, Mom.
00:04:48You look hungry. Are you hungry?
00:04:50I could be.
00:04:51And your hair looks nice. Longer.
00:04:55Wow. And still so much of it. Just like your father.
00:04:59I miss him every day. Look at you.
00:05:01Oh, my God. You didn't shave?
00:05:03No, this is 5 o'clock shadow.
00:05:05But it's morning.
00:05:06No, no, no, Mom. That's what it's called. It's called 5 o'clock shadow.
00:05:09And everything is, you know, okay?
00:05:11Yes, yes. Everything is great.
00:05:13It's Christmas time. We're in Christmas land.
00:05:15I'm in the queen of Christmas land's foyer.
00:05:19Oh, my gosh, my boy. How I've missed you.
00:05:22Now, are you ready to get to work?
00:05:25All right, here you go.
00:05:26Okay. No rest for the weary.
00:05:28Not unless you're a paying guest.
00:05:32Oh, cookies are ready.
00:05:33The best part is they guarantee a full holiday movie experience.
00:05:37A what now?
00:05:38You know, those Christmas movies I like to binge watch every year?
00:05:40Yeah, like the one that you made me watch where a puppy somehow makes two people fall in love?
00:05:45Like that one.
00:05:46Except it's not the puppy that brings them together. It's the magic of Christmas.
00:05:50That makes way more sense.
00:05:52So the family that runs this inn, they must be really into Christmas.
00:05:57Smells good in here.
00:05:58Ooh, I wouldn't try that if I were you.
00:06:00Why? Not ready?
00:06:01Because it's my holiday potpourri.
00:06:03It's oranges, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg.
00:06:06My recipe for a splendid-smelling Christmas kitchen.
00:06:09Okay, easy there, Mrs. Claus.
00:06:11What are you looking for?
00:06:12What do you think?
00:06:14Oh, of course, yes, it is that time of year. The search for the missing ornament continues.
00:06:19Yeah, well, I was thinking that maybe you could have a peek around the garage and see if it's in one of those boxes high up in the rafters.
00:06:25Okay, will do.
00:06:26Oh, oh, hey, those are for the fellas working with the reindeer.
00:06:29You did not get more plastic reindeer for the roof, did you?
00:06:32Well, I did, but these are for the fellas working on the real reindeer.
00:06:35The real reindeer?
00:06:37The real reindeer.
00:06:38Yes, the town voted to have a reindeer farm on Mr. Harlow's property. Isn't that fabulous?
00:06:43That sounds a little excessive.
00:06:45Well, moderation is a fatal thing. Nothing succeeds like excess.
00:06:49Uh, except you just made that up.
00:06:51No, I didn't. That's Oscar Wilde.
00:06:53Honey, people thought it was excessive when I decided to turn this place into a Christmas-themed inn after your father passed, but it's what's kept me going.
00:07:01And our neighbors deciding to turn the town into Christmasland, that's kept many of them going for their own personal reasons.
00:07:08It's fun, it's festive, and it's for all.
00:07:11Okay, and I hear it's official now that the town council voted to change the name of the town to Christmasland.
00:07:16Officially official it is.
00:07:18Okay, well, as long as this isn't too much for you to organize and, um, you're happy.
00:07:23Never been merrier.
00:07:26Okay, so what you're trying to say is this town makes you feel like you're living in a Christmas movie.
00:07:34Isn't it awesome?
00:07:38Oh, now don't forget, the rest of our players arrive tonight, and our paying guests will be coming over the next couple of days.
00:07:45Lots of reservations.
00:07:46Fully booked.
00:07:47Now you remember what to do when they arrive.
00:07:49Yes, I have my cap, and I am ready to perform, dear lady.
00:07:53Oh, Tiny Tim!
00:07:55You saying you don't like the cap?
00:07:56I'm sorry, with all that facial hair, I can't tell if that's a trick question or if you're just being serious.
00:08:01Okay, Mom.
00:08:03I know my part.
00:08:04I know.
00:08:08So what?
00:08:09Will you come with me?
00:08:10To Crazy Town?
00:08:11It's Christmasland.
00:08:13And it'll be fun.
00:08:15Uh, no, absolutely not.
00:08:18It's not like you have other plans.
00:08:20And you know I don't even like Christmas.
00:08:22Oh, we just established that you do.
00:08:24No, I like our Christmas.
00:08:26Not the one that is filled with family and memory lane and everybody expecting you to be jolly all the time.
00:08:31It'll still be our friend's movie.
00:08:32Just on the backdrop of...
00:08:34Something that I just cannot relate to.
00:08:38Just looking for green hair your Grinch roots are showing.
00:08:41Look, if you want to go, I absolutely think that you should, but I...
00:08:44I'm not going without you.
00:08:46I love you, Em.
00:08:47But I'm not coming.
00:08:49I know where you live.
00:08:51And hide your spare key.
00:08:52You can't avoid me forever.
00:08:55You're still going to help me with my shopping though, right?
00:08:59Come on.
00:09:15Because why?
00:09:18Just no.
00:09:21Pretty please?
00:09:26Still no.
00:09:28Pretty please with sugar on top?
00:09:30Just no.
00:09:35But what about my Christmas gift?
00:09:38Come on, Bee, we made a sacred promise to each other.
00:09:41To always be there for one another.
00:09:42Um, I am a grown woman who wears a plastic friendship bracelet.
00:09:46Do not doubt my loyalty, but Crazy Town is where I draw the line.
00:09:53But, well, what about your work?
00:09:57What about it?
00:09:58Your upcoming story. He said he needed it revised, didn't he?
00:10:01Hmm, yes.
00:10:02Life-affirming, upbeat story that tugs at the heartstrings, I think, were his exact words.
00:10:07Christmasland might be right up that alley.
00:10:10A work assignment and a gift to your BFF.
00:10:12Two birds, my friend. Two birds.
00:10:14Two birds.
00:10:16Okay, you could be onto something. There might be a story there.
00:10:19I mean, who willingly lives in a town called Christmasland?
00:10:23There might be a human interest angle.
00:10:27So does this mean you're coming with me?
00:10:31Fine, I will come.
00:10:37You are not going to regret this.
00:10:39We are going to have so much fun.
00:10:40Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
00:10:42What are we watching?
00:10:43Not a Christmas movie.
00:10:44Definitely a Christmas movie.
00:10:58Okay, it says here that there is a town-wide snowball fight. How does that even work?
00:11:04I bet they have rules.
00:11:05Or maybe it's a free-for-all. Maybe this is like the Hunger Games of Christmas-themed towns.
00:11:11Maybe. Oh, look at the next page.
00:11:14Uh, carriage rides. That sounds kind of cool.
00:11:17Uh, ice sculptures, snowman-making contest, a holiday bake-off.
00:11:21Oh, you should definitely stick to the ice sculptures.
00:11:24I'm just saying, you might be more dangerous with a spatula than a pickaxe.
00:11:29Ooh, hot chocolate tasting.
00:11:31That is for me. Sign me right up.
00:11:36What was that?
00:11:37No idea.
00:11:52Yep, we have a flat.
00:11:53Oh, please tell me you have a spare.
00:11:57Oh my gosh.
00:11:59It's starting.
00:12:00What, string of bad luck?
00:12:02It's Christmas land.
00:12:04Yeah, yeah, it's Christmas land.
00:12:06Yeah, yeah, I see, I see the sign.
00:12:08No, no, this, this is totally the magic of Christmas land at work.
00:12:11You think Christmas land gave us a flat tire?
00:12:14A flat tire at night in the middle of nowhere.
00:12:17It has holiday romance written all over it.
00:12:19A handful of nails scattered strategically across the road.
00:12:22And voila, this is the magic of Christmas land.
00:12:28Okay, if you're right, it's not magic, it is a lawsuit waiting to happen.
00:12:33And I mean, how would that even work with it?
00:12:35No, this is just, this is bad luck.
00:12:38Somebody's going to come.
00:12:40And I bet you don't even think it's going to be a he.
00:12:42Oh, there's no spare.
00:12:44Trust me, this is all fine. It's part of the experience.
00:12:47Oh, there's no service. There's no service.
00:12:49Bee, Bee, calm down.
00:12:52I'm telling you, he'll be here.
00:12:54He who? I mean, what?
00:12:56Okay, look, Em, I know that you're excited, but this is not a good situation for us.
00:13:00We need to...
00:13:01Told you.
00:13:03Ooh, I bet he's a ruggedly handsome.
00:13:05Blue collar, knight in shining armor.
00:13:07What are you talking about?
00:13:09Probably wearing plaid.
00:13:11And with a full head of amazingly manly hair.
00:13:14And the strong shoulders. The male leads always have the nicest shoulders, you know?
00:13:18Em, I love you, but you've lost your mind.
00:13:22Evening, ladies.
00:13:23I told you so.
00:13:25He's the rugged tow truck driver that comes to the rescue.
00:13:28I've seen this one a million times.
00:13:30Need some help?
00:13:31He looks like a single dad. Ask if he's my dad.
00:13:33I'm not asking him that.
00:13:36Yes, we seem to have a flat.
00:13:37Uh, you don't, uh, happen to have a tow truck back there, do you?
00:13:42I do not have a tow truck handy.
00:13:46If you have a spare, though.
00:13:47No, no spare.
00:13:51Uh, where are you headed?
00:13:52Christmasland. You know it?
00:13:54Yes, I do. That's where I'm going.
00:13:56You don't say.
00:13:58Would you like a ride?
00:14:01Not. Just, just excuse us for one moment.
00:14:06What are you doing? He could be a serial killer.
00:14:08Does he look like a serial killer?
00:14:14His timing was too perfect.
00:14:17So you really think that he was sent by the weirdo elves of Christmasland?
00:14:21More than I think he's a super hot serial killer dressed in plaid on his way to Christmasland.
00:14:26Everything okay?
00:14:29We would love a ride.
00:14:30A ride would be great.
00:14:33Well, I'm Ethan, Christmasland's official serial killer, and you are?
00:14:39And this is, uh...
00:14:40Em. Amelia, but everyone calls me Em.
00:14:42He's Killer B.
00:14:43Well, it's a pleasure to meet you.
00:14:44Are the bags in the trunk?
00:14:45Oh, yeah.
00:14:50Don't fall in for me yet. You just got here.
00:14:53Stay warm. It's a cold night on, uh, the bags.
00:14:58He's such a gentleman.
00:14:59I told you he'd be a gentleman.
00:15:00You did, and he is.
00:15:04Holy moly.
00:15:07He has a puppy!
00:15:13He's adorable.
00:15:15So you two met Jingles?
00:15:17We have.
00:15:18How old is he?
00:15:19I'm not exactly sure.
00:15:20Someone dropped him off at the shelter, a friend of mine adopted him,
00:15:23and I am now just the chauffeur taking him to his new home.
00:15:27Oh, he's very cute.
00:15:33So, Ethan.
00:15:35Are you a full-time resident of Christmasland?
00:15:38No, I, uh, I grew up here, but I actually live in Boston now,
00:15:41just home for the holidays.
00:15:43The hometown boy moves to the city,
00:15:45then rediscovers the beauty of this small town. Classic.
00:15:51And I take it you're a lawyer?
00:15:53Nope. Engineer.
00:15:59First time in Christmasland?
00:16:00Is it that obvious?
00:16:02No, no, I just wanted to make sure that you're prepared.
00:16:05Prepared for what?
00:16:08Prepared for this.
00:16:15Welcome to Christmasland.
00:16:21This is incredible.
00:16:24This is not right.
00:16:29Oh my goodness, are you seeing this?
00:16:31Oh, I see. I see.
00:16:35Best day ever!
00:16:39I'm glad you're happy.
00:16:59Christmas coffee?
00:17:01Oh, okay.
00:17:06Oh, what is this?
00:17:07Uh, peppermint oat latte with coconut whipped cream.
00:17:09That is disgusting.
00:17:11It's much better than the plain black coffee that you normally drink.
00:17:14Here, put this on.
00:17:15I'm not wearing that.
00:17:16Just wear it.
00:17:22So, I've been thinking about our agenda for the day.
00:17:25How long have you been up?
00:17:26You think I could sleep in when we're in the most magical place on earth?
00:17:29Alright, tone it down a notch, Cindy Lou.
00:17:31I can't. There's actually a surprising amount of caffeine in that drink, so you should really give it a chance.
00:17:36Okay, so what do you want to do?
00:17:38Well, I was thinking we could start by watching the carolers rehearse.
00:17:42Or we could join an impromptu snowball fight.
00:17:44Okay, how is it impromptu if it is planned?
00:17:46Don't be a spoilsport.
00:17:48Or we could feed the reindeer.
00:17:51Well, elk or caribou, I think, but same, same.
00:17:54Ho, ho, ho, and welcome.
00:17:56Nothing like cookies fresh from the oven to make you feel at home.
00:18:01These are incredible.
00:18:02Well, they're not as good as Shelly's down at the bakery, but mine are made with love and the holiday spirit.
00:18:07I can taste it.
00:18:08I'm Carol, the owner of this inn.
00:18:10I met Amelia downstairs earlier, and she was kind enough to give me both your holiday profiles.
00:18:16Well, I'm not really into the holidays, so sorry if mine's a bit sparse.
00:18:21Oh, don't be silly.
00:18:22The jolly thing is, you filled it in.
00:18:24You're Beatrice, right?
00:18:26I am, yeah.
00:18:27Well, it's nice to meet you.
00:18:28Apologies for not being here when you ladies checked in last night.
00:18:32But it was a good thing Ethan turned up when he did.
00:18:35That was really good timing.
00:18:37It was indeed.
00:18:38Now, I better get back to the front desk, but if there's anything you need, you holler, okay?
00:18:43Yeah, we'll let you know when we decide which event to hit first.
00:18:46May I suggest the eggnog tasting?
00:18:48It only runs till the eggnog runs out, so shake a leg, girls.
00:18:53This place.
00:18:54It's incredible, right?
00:18:58Yes, and it's perfect.
00:19:03Help yourself to some hot chocolate in the parlor, and Ethan will be right behind you with your luggage.
00:19:11Oh, going out for some eggnog, are we?
00:19:13You better believe it.
00:19:14All right.
00:19:15And you as well?
00:19:16Oh, she can't participate.
00:19:17She's lactose intolerant.
00:19:19You don't have to tell everyone.
00:19:20Well, let me see.
00:19:21Maybe you could go look around at the farm.
00:19:24Oh, I'm just going to go for a walk around town.
00:19:28B's a writer.
00:19:29She's always looking for a good story.
00:19:30Oh, we have plenty of those here in Christmasland.
00:19:33Oh, I've just the man to show you around.
00:19:37Oh, I don't need anyone to show me around.
00:19:39Ethan, B's going to take a stroll around town.
00:19:42Why don't you be her tour guide?
00:19:44I really don't need a tour guide.
00:19:46I'd be happy to.
00:19:49If you want me to.
00:19:51Uh, well, I...
00:19:53Great, I'll see you outside in five.
00:19:57And don't forget, there's a dinner here tonight for all the guests.
00:20:00A little mingling, a little jingling.
00:20:02And how does carols around the piano sound?
00:20:05We wouldn't miss it.
00:20:10Oh, I'm sorry.
00:20:11I didn't see you there.
00:20:13Where were you?
00:20:14Yeah, I wasn't looking where I was going.
00:20:18I should...
00:20:21Of course.
00:20:30Well, I'm not sure she wants my company.
00:20:32Maybe we should just let her explore on her own.
00:20:34Ethan, you know your job.
00:20:36Oh, boy.
00:20:38I'm going.
00:20:44I'm going to have a good time.
00:20:47I'll see you after the eggnog tasting event.
00:20:49Have fun finding a story.
00:20:54Uh, possibly, but probably not.
00:20:58I just got word on your car.
00:20:59Johnny's finished fixing the tire.
00:21:01He's going to bring it by later today.
00:21:02Oh, great.
00:21:03That's great.
00:21:04Any thoughts on what you'd like to see first?
00:21:07You know, you really don't have to do this.
00:21:09Oh, no, I do.
00:21:10I do, because Carol's word is law.
00:21:13Oh, so does that mean you'll be fired if you don't pay tour guide?
00:21:17No, no.
00:21:18Disowned, maybe?
00:21:22Does that mean that Carol is your mother?
00:21:29I cannot imagine.
00:21:31I mean, Carol's a lovely woman, but I just...
00:21:34Is her name actually Carol, as in...
00:21:37Like Christmas Carol?
00:21:39That's one of the reasons why she likes Christmas so much.
00:21:41It runs in the family.
00:21:43Yeah, you should ask my Aunt Holly or my Uncle Nick.
00:21:46You're joking.
00:21:48Am I?
00:21:49Come on.
00:21:53So, did you grow up in Christmasland?
00:21:56Well, I grew up in the town, yes, but Christmasland, no.
00:22:02This started about 15 years ago,
00:22:04and it's kind of getting a little bit bigger every year.
00:22:07So everyone in this town just really loves Christmas, huh?
00:22:09Yeah, something like that.
00:22:11Oh, Beatrice, let me introduce you to...
00:22:14Hey, this is our Mayor Chris.
00:22:16Oh, Mayor Schmayer.
00:22:18Your Excellency will do.
00:22:20Pleasure to meet you, Beatrice.
00:22:21I'm Chris.
00:22:22Nice to meet you, too, Chris.
00:22:24Well, let me ask you this question.
00:22:26Have you found the spirit of Christmas yet this year?
00:22:32Well, I'm here, aren't I?
00:22:35I'm here, aren't I?
00:22:36I'm giving her a go.
00:22:37Well, that's not very convincing, is it, Ethan?
00:22:40Well, listen.
00:22:41Well, you just remember, young lady,
00:22:43you find it in here, hmm?
00:22:46Now, if you'll both excuse me, many things to do.
00:22:49Lovely Christmas.
00:22:52He's not for real, is he?
00:22:53It depends on what you mean by real.
00:22:55Your Mayor's name is not actually Chris Kringle, right?
00:22:59You are in a town that is trying to make
00:23:02all your Christmas fantasies a reality.
00:23:05There's a fine line between what is real and what isn't here.
00:23:08Are you real?
00:23:10You're saying that I look like Pinocchio?
00:23:14My advice is just go with it.
00:23:17Don't try and see the wizard behind the curtain.
00:23:21Just have fun.
00:23:23No, I'm a journalist.
00:23:25It's my job to find the wizard.
00:23:28You're a journalist?
00:23:30I mean, sort of.
00:23:32I haven't done any hard-hitting Walter Cronkite-type pieces just yet,
00:23:37but I write mostly female-centric pieces,
00:23:40and I'm currently working on a holiday fluff piece.
00:23:44Heartstrings and such.
00:23:47Well, I'm sure you're a great journalist.
00:23:49And I'm sure you'd be even more amazing, you know,
00:23:52when you do get that hard-hitting piece that you're looking for.
00:23:54But I wasn't actually suggesting that you would ruin your fun,
00:23:57but maybe other people's.
00:23:59Yeah, and anyone else who's here for the fantasy of it.
00:24:02Don't worry, I'm not here to reveal the tinsel-tangled secrets of Christmasland.
00:24:07What would be the point, anyways?
00:24:09It's not like the town lies about what it is.
00:24:12It promises a fantasy, and that's what it seemingly delivers.
00:24:17Well, now is the time in the tour where you actually get to make a decision.
00:24:23Do you want the official Christmasland tour,
00:24:27or do you want the Ethan Special?
00:24:31What's the difference?
00:24:34Wait, you're not an axe murderer in the Ethan Specialist Code
00:24:38for my untimely death, right?
00:24:41Oh, really? It's gonna be like that?
00:24:43Fine! Bring it.
00:24:44Okay, you're brave. Let's go.
00:24:46Ha ha ha ha!
00:25:03Hey. You're staying at the inn, right?
00:25:06I'm Amelia.
00:25:07I'm Porter.
00:25:09Porter Bryan.
00:25:13Do you mind?
00:25:18Are you here alone?
00:25:19Uh, yes. I, um, was just...
00:25:22Oh, good. Me too.
00:25:23I mean, I'm not alone alone. I came here with a friend.
00:25:26To Christmasland. I mean, not here to the eggnog tasting.
00:25:29Meaning I'm here tasting alone, too.
00:25:32Uh, yay.
00:25:34Ha ha ha.
00:25:36Um, I was just gonna get a cup of coffee.
00:25:38Are you lactose intolerant?
00:25:40Please say no.
00:25:41Please say no.
00:25:44Um, can we get another flight over here, please?
00:25:52I hope you like eggnog, Porter Bryan.
00:25:54You're about to have your fill.
00:26:01Okay, first stop.
00:26:05You like coffee?
00:26:06Uh, you mean the whipped cream, candy cane covered confection?
00:26:10No, no, no. I mean real coffee.
00:26:12Black, the way it's supposed to be.
00:26:14Greg and Millie make the best cup in town, so...
00:26:16Yes. Yes. Yes, please.
00:26:18You got it.
00:26:26Am I the worst friend ever if I ditch you for a hot cocoa making class?
00:26:30So I take it the eggnog tasting was a success?
00:26:33Opie, I'm on such a sugar high I think I could fly.
00:26:36Uh, please don't try?
00:26:37They promised to teach us how to make the world's best hot cocoa in this class, so...
00:26:41Go, enjoy, and try not to go into a sugar coma.
00:26:45And you're good?
00:26:46I'm good.
00:26:54Thought you might be hungry.
00:26:58Um, you got me chips for breakfast.
00:27:01Yeah, breakfast of champions.
00:27:04Stirs off to a good start.
00:27:06Yeah, I think so too.
00:27:07And the Ethan special hasn't even started yet.
00:27:10I will try to contain my excitement.
00:27:15So, welcome. Welcome to the wagon wheelchair.
00:27:18Your step.
00:27:20Yes. Yes.
00:27:24Am I supposed to?
00:27:31I would pay to see you try.
00:27:38You have to be careful.
00:27:39Do you want more?
00:27:42Oh, careful now.
00:27:44Oh, well, this is our last stop.
00:27:46Oh my gosh, how does it smell so good and we're not even inside?
00:27:50Oh, just wait.
00:27:51Welcome to cupcake heaven.
00:27:54Come on, let me get the door.
00:28:07I heard you were home.
00:28:08Took you long enough to come see me.
00:28:10Well, you know I always come in and visit you.
00:28:12Hey, Bea, I want to introduce you to Shelly.
00:28:15Her mom owns the place. Shelly is the best baker in town.
00:28:18Listen, do you think you could hook Bea up with one of your world famous cupcakes?
00:28:23In Ethan's world, chips for breakfast and cupcakes for lunch is healthy living.
00:28:29One sugar pump special.
00:28:30Coming right up.
00:28:33Oh, jingles.
00:28:35Hey, managed to find the best seat in the house.
00:28:38Where all the crumbs fall.
00:28:40So, uh, I didn't know cupcakes was what you had in mind when you said you wanted to take me out for lunch.
00:28:45Well, you are on vacation.
00:28:47Is that the Christmas land motto?
00:28:48Would you prefer what happens in Christmas land stays in Christmas land?
00:28:52I think that's taken.
00:28:54Here you go.
00:28:57Wow, that looks amazing.
00:29:01Uh, is it dairy free?
00:29:04You're one of the tourists, huh?
00:29:06Uh, I am, yes.
00:29:08Here till Christmas.
00:29:09You should enter the bake-off.
00:29:11Oh, uh, baking's not really my thing.
00:29:14Yeah, that is, that's a great idea.
00:29:16This is one of our best events.
00:29:18You only say that because you get to be a judge.
00:29:20Well, it is really difficult eating all those sweets, but honestly, you should do it.
00:29:25We'd have a good time.
00:29:26You should. It's always fun when we get somebody who can't bake.
00:29:29Well, I didn't say I can't bake.
00:29:30Oh, you're just not up for the challenge?
00:29:34No, I'm always up for a challenge.
00:29:37Great, then I guess we'll see you tomorrow at the bake-off.
00:29:40May the best woman win.
00:29:41For your mom.
00:29:43You got it.
00:29:44Bye now.
00:29:48Hot chocolate for anybody?
00:29:50What just happened, and why do I feel like I was just challenged to a duel?
00:29:55Oh, it looks like you're one of the bake-off contestants.
00:29:57What? No, no, that wasn't real.
00:29:59No, that was real. Yeah, for sure.
00:30:01You said, and I quote, I never said that I can't bake.
00:30:04Yeah, but I never said I could bake.
00:30:06What are you saying?
00:30:07Uh, I can't bake. Like seriously, I really, really can't bake.
00:30:11How bad are we talking?
00:30:13Like the fire department was called last time I tried kind of bad.
00:30:16Oh, okay.
00:30:18This is not funny. You should have warned me.
00:30:20It's kind of funny, but how was I supposed to know she was going to come at you like that?
00:30:24Oh, you really can't tell when a woman has a crush on you?
00:30:26No. She may have when we were kids, but not anymore.
00:30:32Did you two have a date?
00:30:33No, not at all. It's not like that.
00:30:36Shelly's like a little sister to me.
00:30:40Well, these are Kris Kringle's famous candy apples.
00:30:44You should try them. They're delicious.
00:30:46I will save this for Amelia.
00:30:50So seriously, what am I going to do?
00:30:52About what?
00:30:53The bake-off.
00:30:55I think you should bake cookies.
00:30:57Hey, you accepted the challenge.
00:30:59Well, that's just who I am. I'm never going to say no to a challenge.
00:31:02Okay, okay. Here's what I'll do.
00:31:03Just because I did have something to do with getting you into this, I will, um, I will help.
00:31:10You bake?
00:31:11I'm so surprised.
00:31:13I grew up in the same house as Carol the Cookie Queen of Christmas, so I did learn a few tricks.
00:31:19I can get one of my grandma's favorite cookie recipes and I'll walk you through it.
00:31:23Wouldn't that be cheating?
00:31:26No, no. It's like consulting. Like your guide in the world of baking.
00:31:33Well, look who's loving the holiday treats now.
00:31:35This is Ethan's fault.
00:31:37Uh, be Ethan. Meet Porter, my sugar-loving partner in crime.
00:31:44Uh, your friend kindly saved me from making hot cocoa for one.
00:31:48Well, believe it or not, he has a sweet tooth that can match mine.
00:31:52So what are you two up to?
00:31:53Well, actually, I need to be getting back. My mom needs some help with some guests at the inn.
00:31:57Um, see you later?
00:31:59Uh, sure.
00:32:03You know what, Ethan? I may go with you. I have a few calls to make for work.
00:32:08See you at dinner?
00:32:09I'd like that very much.
00:32:16By the way.
00:32:20For you.
00:32:24Okay, so wait.
00:32:25No, you go.
00:32:26No, you go.
00:32:41Tell me you're not working.
00:32:43I'm not working.
00:32:46I'm lying.
00:32:47I think I have an idea for a story.
00:32:49Ooh, is the headline, My Hot Tour Guide Made Me Swoon?
00:32:52Because I'd read that.
00:32:53Because I'd read that.
00:32:54That's funny, and no.
00:32:55I've been thinking about the economics of Christmasland.
00:32:58Like, what did they do before it was Christmasland, and how much money do they bring in?
00:33:03Yeah, that's definitely the life-affirming feel-good story your editor is looking for.
00:33:10Come on.
00:33:11Let's head down.
00:33:12I told Porter we'd meet him before dinner.
00:33:16So, what's the deal with Porter?
00:33:18Is he here on his own?
00:33:19Mm-hmm. For business.
00:33:21What kind of business does he have in Christmasland over the holidays?
00:33:25Well, at first it felt like he was an investment banker.
00:33:28But then he started talking about the antioxidant properties of dark chocolate and the traditional theory of art.
00:33:48And he sings.
00:33:50They both sing.
00:33:55He's an old boy indeed.
00:34:03That was pretty good.
00:34:09I really don't think I can win this game. Never in my life have I tied one of these.
00:34:13I'll figure it out.
00:34:14You can do it. I believe in you.
00:34:15Fortunately for you both, I am a world-class tie-tier.
00:34:20Okay. How am I doing?
00:34:21I think we may... You know what? How about we just find something here, maybe I can show you by example.
00:34:27You didn't tell me how it went today.
00:34:29It went well.
00:34:30And Beatrice?
00:34:33Don't worry, I know my part.
00:34:34So, you think she's warming up? She's getting in the spirit, as they say?
00:34:39Yeah, right. So, over?
00:34:41Yeah, I think so.
00:34:42She's very pretty.
00:34:43She's very pretty.
00:34:45And she doesn't have a ring.
00:34:47What? It's just an observation.
00:34:50Hey, that's a happy accident.
00:34:53You didn't tell me about the breakup.
00:34:55Well, that's because there's nothing really to tell. It was six months ago, and I did tell you that.
00:35:01She's called the inn quite a few times.
00:35:04What caller ID is not snooping, Ethan?
00:35:07Okay, yes, she has called. We've talked a little bit. We're friends. It didn't end on a sour note.
00:35:12We weren't meant for each other. That's all. We grew apart instead of together.
00:35:18You know what? I never could have imagined that tying this on someone else would prove to be this difficult.
00:35:24How do you not know how to do this? You're wearing two ties.
00:35:26I know.
00:35:27I enjoyed my time in the city, but I really just want to move home.
00:35:31I want to find somebody who fits with here.
00:35:33Aw. Home is where the heart is.
00:35:36Yeah. Anyway, this is my way of saying you don't need to worry about me. I'm happy.
00:35:41Well, I'm a mom. Worrying is what I do.
00:35:44You know, your father used to say a soulmate, one's partner to be in life, is something that's intuitively known.
00:35:52It's not something that can be described, but something that's felt with the heart and the mind.
00:35:57Speaking of your father, did you find my crystal angel in the garage?
00:36:00I looked there. I couldn't find it. I don't know, Mom. It's been five years. Maybe it's time to call a truce.
00:36:05Truce? Pfft. It's my Christmas angel, Ethan. She's going to come back.
00:36:10You'll see. And the timing will be perfect. That's just what angels do.
00:36:13Okay. Oh. It's time for announcements.
00:36:17Oh, okay.
00:36:19Good evening, everybody. I hope everyone's first day was festive.
00:36:24And I hope tomorrow will be just as merry.
00:36:26First, there's a snowman building contest after breakfast in the town park,
00:36:31just before lunch in the parlor here.
00:36:33And my personal favorite, the carriage ride on the hillside.
00:36:37And dress warmly. It's supposed to be very chilly.
00:36:40Speaking of chilly, I still have some of my spiced tea there and shortbread if anyone's got room.
00:36:44So I'll see you all tomorrow and have a wonderful sleep.
00:36:48See you tomorrow.
00:36:50How was dinner?
00:36:51Oh, it was great. It was like being in a Norman Rockwell painting,
00:36:56hanging on the wall of the house and leave it to be here.
00:36:59If there is ever an analogy to be had, I think that was it.
00:37:02My mom would probably quote you on that if I told her.
00:37:04Oh, well, she should have the Christmas elves put on a plaque and hang it above the wall in the kitchen.
00:37:09Ah, be warned.
00:37:11Foster kid being quoted in the most cheerful, familial house of all time.
00:37:16Foster kid being quoted in the most cheerful, familial house of all time.
00:37:20I've seen everything.
00:37:22Hey, I was wondering, tomorrow for the carriage ride, do you want to ride with me?
00:37:27Oh, I thought that you had maybe had enough of playing tour guide.
00:37:33Okay. Well, yes. Sure.
00:37:35Okay. It's a date.
00:37:39Good night.
00:37:41Good night.
00:37:42Yeah. I'm gonna...
00:37:46Good night.
00:38:07Tell me, what do you think? Top hat or page boy like mine?
00:38:13You know, perhaps I should have reconsidered my teammates.
00:38:17Hey, I never claimed to be a snowman making genius.
00:38:19Oh, right. Just a regular type genius.
00:38:22Your words, not mine.
00:38:24I couldn't help but notice, you have quite the singing voice.
00:38:29Your harmony with Ethan last night, it felt like you two knew one another.
00:38:34Well, um, yes. We do know each other.
00:38:41I thought you said you were here on business.
00:38:44So, a singing businessman, who's also an art expert.
00:38:52Well, uh...
00:38:53Fine work, ladies. Fine work.
00:38:56Oh, and good sir, of course. Good sir.
00:38:59Thank you very much.
00:39:08Hot chocolate break?
00:39:09Uh, yes. Do you want one?
00:39:11Well, of course. Thank you.
00:39:16Uh, what is going on with you and Porter?
00:39:19You guys have been making googly eyes at each other all day.
00:39:22Listen, he is so perfectly posh and cute.
00:39:24Like a character from Bridgerton, right?
00:39:27You're very enrege, Jean-Paige.
00:39:29That's why I'm convinced he's too good to be true.
00:39:31Are you sure?
00:39:32I mean, you said it yourself.
00:39:34What kind of business does someone like that have in Christmasland?
00:39:37So you think he's in on the act?
00:39:43I think so.
00:39:45He doesn't seem like an actor.
00:39:49There's just something that doesn't ring quite true, you know?
00:39:52Like a Prince Charming, if you will, that only exists in fairy tales or...
00:39:55Feel-good rom-coms.
00:40:01But, at least we know Ethan's not an actor, so...
00:40:03We know that because...
00:40:05Hello, the way he looks at you.
00:40:07The way he looks at me?
00:40:09Don't pretend like you haven't noticed.
00:40:11I'm just saying, he is for real.
00:40:16Not that I'm eavesdropping, ladies, but I just wanted to mention...
00:40:20This beard is also real.
00:40:25This dude is so creepy.
00:40:27Don't say it.
00:40:29The End
00:40:34Well, this should be an adventure.
00:40:37A horse-drawn carriage, a beautiful snowy winter's day...
00:40:42And a gorgeous woman by my side.
00:40:44You think I'm gorgeous?
00:40:50Shall we?
00:40:54Okay, confession time.
00:40:56I did have an ulterior motive in asking you to be my partner in this carriage ride.
00:41:00What was that?
00:41:01Well, my special tour is not quite over yet.
00:41:05So does that mean we're not going with the rest of the carriages?
00:41:07No, no, we are going to go rogue.
00:41:10That is, if you're okay with that.
00:41:12Sure, I guess so.
00:41:14Okay, good.
00:41:15So this is hot chocolate.
00:41:18Courtesy of my mother.
00:41:19It's dairy-free.
00:41:20Wow, word travels fast.
00:41:22Well, we are a small town, first and foremost.
00:41:24There are no secrets.
00:41:27You ready?
00:41:29I guess so.
00:41:40You know, this town really is as magical as it claims to be.
00:41:44That's why the tourists come. The illusion of magic.
00:41:48You know, the way you say illusion makes me feel like it's not all positive.
00:41:52No, no, it's not like that.
00:41:54It's just that town has changed a lot since my dad died.
00:41:59Oh, I'm sorry, when was that?
00:42:01Oh, no, it's 15 years.
00:42:03It wasn't recent, but his absence is kind of how I track the progress of the town, if you can call it that.
00:42:10You can call it that?
00:42:11Yeah, well, I mean, as you can see, Christmasland doesn't just happen behind all the joy and love and Christmas spirit that it brings.
00:42:19There's a whole machine that has to keep it going.
00:42:23An engineer talking about the machine of Christmas. Now, that's a story I would like to hear.
00:42:29Okay, slow down, Katie Couric.
00:42:36So, you got this from saving a cat?
00:42:40Yes. Apparently, I'm not as good at climbing trees as I once was.
00:42:45But you saved a cat in the middle of Central Park.
00:42:48Yes, it was just inside the East 79th Street entrance. It's across from a building that my family owns.
00:42:55Your family owns a building on the Upper East Side?
00:42:57Mm-hmm. And the funny thing is the cat's owner lives on the first floor, and I live in one of the upper floor apartments.
00:43:06Penthouse apartment.
00:43:08And that cat, that cat still seemed to recognize me for some reason.
00:43:13As the cat saver that you are.
00:43:15Precisely, yes.
00:43:19Is this a joke?
00:43:21A bigger part?
00:43:22An act, I mean.
00:43:25He says you're here for business.
00:43:27Yes, yes, that's right.
00:43:28Over Christmas.
00:43:30Well, I mean, I don't have much family, so...
00:43:34No wife or girlfriend?
00:43:37No. No, no, definitely not, no.
00:43:41So a single businessman from the big city who just so happens to be here in Christmasland for business alone over the holidays.
00:43:51Yes. Is that a problem?
00:43:54No, no. It's just a little too on the nose, don't you think?
00:44:01On the nose? I don't think I understand.
00:44:03You know what? Never mind. I mean, I'm having fun. The most fun I think I've had ever.
00:44:10Is that so?
00:44:14Just forget I said anything. I'll just play along, you know? Enjoy the day. Why spoil it?
00:44:25Shall we go?
00:44:26You know? Enjoy the day. Why spoil it?
00:44:33Shall we see if this hot chocolate is as good as ours?
00:44:36We shall.
00:44:37I'm sure it's not going to be, but...
00:44:45Sorry, it's a little bit cold.
00:44:49It's dark out already. Can you make your way back?
00:44:53I brought my compass.
00:44:58So, what is this place? Oh, let me guess. This is a set that you built for guests who want to experience a Christmas carol.
00:45:05An Ebenezer Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past are about to appear.
00:45:09That's funny. My mom actually did try that a few years ago, but it wasn't really a hit. But I did keep all the decorations.
00:45:15No, this was built by my granddad. It's a place of quiet reflection for the Crane family men.
00:45:22Well, I guess just for me now that my father's passed.
00:45:28You talk about your dad a lot. You must miss him.
00:45:31Yeah. My dad was actually the inspiration for Christmasland. Well, kinda.
00:45:38After he passed, my mom didn't get out of bed for about a month. She was depressed.
00:45:44She found a letter that he had written when they had first started dating.
00:45:47He kept saying how our hometown is the most magical place in the world.
00:45:54And he proposed in that letter. And as soon as he came back, they got married the next day, which was Christmas Day.
00:46:06I'm pretty sure that that is what got my mom out of bed. It inspired her to do all of this.
00:46:15Wow. That is beautiful.
00:46:25What are you looking for?
00:46:27Oh, interestingly, the wedding gift that my dad got from my mom was a crystal angel ornament made by a local artisan and went missing a few years ago.
00:46:38But my mom hasn't given up looking for it. Same chore every year.
00:46:45Well, let me help you.
00:46:53Remind me, does the angel go on the top of the tree or on the side?
00:46:59On top of the Christmas tree or on the side? It's like you never decorated a Christmas tree before. It can go wherever it wants.
00:47:05Well, I'm not trying to make fun of you.
00:47:08No, no, no. I know it's weird. A grown woman who's never decorated a Christmas tree.
00:47:14Are you being serious? You've never decorated a Christmas tree before?
00:47:19Yeah, I mean, I've seen them, of course. You know, Amelia's family had one and they had all decorated and saw them on TV Christmas specials.
00:47:30Big happy family around the fireplace with the stockings all hung and the sparkling tree and the presents exploding underneath.
00:47:41Foster care. I remember you mentioning that the other night after dinner.
00:47:47Yeah, yeah. The holidays weren't really a time of year I looked forward to in my childhood.
00:47:53I still avoid it, actually. Which is ironic, being that I'm in a town called Christmasland.
00:48:01I'm sorry, Beatrice.
00:48:03Hey, before you go feeling sorry for me, I'm fine.
00:48:07Alright, and you know, Amelia declared me her best friend in second grade and I have never been lonely since.
00:48:15She's definitely a good friend.
00:48:16Yeah, the best. No matter where I moved or how many schools I transferred to, she always made sure that we stayed close.
00:48:29Wow. Does this work?
00:48:33Yeah. There's some oldies underneath there. Take a look. Put something on.
00:48:41That's a good one.
00:48:43That's a good one.
00:49:01You want this?
00:49:13I love you.
00:49:33Ready? I'm going to spring with you.
00:49:42Is this real, the way you're making me feel? Should we...
00:49:57Hey, what are you doing?
00:49:59I think I have a new story idea. I was thinking about what Ethan said about how it's not so much the decorations and events that make the magic of Christmasland, but it's the machine of how things are put together behind...
00:50:08Only you could write a story about Christmasland and make it sound industrial.
00:50:10Well, I haven't figured it all out just yet, but I think I'm onto something. You know, it's the soul of how things work behind the... What are you doing?
00:50:19Put that away for a second. I want to show you something.
00:50:22Okay, seriously, what are you doing?
00:50:24We're being sneaky.
00:50:28Okay, being sneaky is not your strong suit.
00:50:31What are we doing?
00:50:33Remember when I told you that Porter was too good to be true? Like, seriously, saving the cat for an old lady, that's just overkill.
00:50:37I thought he never admitted to it being an act. I really don't think that they would plant the guests.
00:50:41Uh, think again. I'm pretty sure I just cracked the case.
00:50:44Of the phony guest. Look.
00:50:47May I just add that you look...
00:50:53What is he doing?
00:50:55May I just add that you look...
00:51:00Lovely this evening.
00:51:01I think he's practicing his lines. Like, he's an actor. Like, a real actor.
00:51:06He's kind of brilliant, though. I mean, if some of the guests are in on the whole holiday romance experience.
00:51:11Whoa, whoa. What holiday romance experience? This is supposed to be holiday magic. No one said anything about romance.
00:51:19Uh, you don't think romance is magic?
00:51:21I think Porter the posh big city billionaire with a heart of gold is a character. He's a fantasy. Just like everything else in this town.
00:51:28You really think that they've planted guests?
00:51:31Not all of them, obviously.
00:51:33But, I mean, did you hear that lady singing carols last night? She's gotta be a ringer.
00:51:37You sound paranoid.
00:51:39Or am I just onto the truth?
00:51:41No. Yes.
00:51:44Oh, hey. There you are.
00:51:46Uh, you two alright?
00:51:50Yeah, totally. We're just...
00:51:52We're just, uh...
00:51:54Checking to see which doors creak the loudest. Yeah.
00:51:58So far, I'm winning here.
00:52:03Uh, hey, Beatrice, guess what? I scored my grandmother's famous ginger molasses cookie recipe. There is no way you are not going to win with those suckers.
00:52:10I don't think you know what you're up against, Ethan, but good luck. And I'll catch up with you later, B.
00:52:18You ready to get baking?
00:52:20Uh, probably not, but...
00:52:23Come on.
00:52:27Okay, so where do I start?
00:52:29Well, the first and most important part of baking cookies is...
00:52:35Appropriate attire.
00:52:40There we go.
00:52:43It's an inexact science.
00:52:46There we go.
00:52:49What's, uh...
00:52:52The second step is you...
00:52:55Get to work.
00:52:56Get to work, okay.
00:52:59Work my muscles.
00:53:04That was really...
00:53:06That was my very special...
00:53:09Nice to meet you.
00:53:22That we've been singing all our lives.
00:53:28We see the snow fall.
00:53:30Dressing all the world in white.
00:53:35Then comes the midnight that we've been waiting for.
00:53:39Don't. Don't even.
00:53:41Oh, I'm sorry.
00:53:52A truce. A truce. I called a truce.
00:53:54You called it. I didn't think you'd be the first to surrender.
00:53:57Hey, I did not say anything about surrender.
00:53:59I just suggested a truce.
00:54:01Oh, semantics.
00:54:13Here you go.
00:54:25Oh! Oh my!
00:54:26I'm sorry to intrude.
00:54:28No, you're not intruding, Mom.
00:54:30Of course you're not intruding. This is your kitchen.
00:54:33Cookies smell good.
00:54:35Yeah, Beatrice made them.
00:54:37I helped.
00:54:38Yeah, I see that, sweetheart.
00:54:41Uh, I should, I should help clean up.
00:54:44We should, we should clean up. It's, uh...
00:54:46Don't be silly. You're Ethan's guest. I'll clean up.
00:54:48I'll help you.
00:54:49Are you sure? Because it's...
00:54:51You know, I'll have your apron washed.
00:54:54No, no, you keep it, sweetheart. It looks great on you.
00:54:56Keep it? Are you sure? It's so beautiful.
00:55:00It's nice.
00:55:01Okay. Thank you.
00:55:06For your help.
00:55:07It's a pleasure.
00:55:08Here are the cookies.
00:55:09Uh, thank you.
00:55:11You're welcome.
00:55:16Something about Beatrice.
00:55:25It's just so hard, you know?
00:55:27Figment of my imagination. Real.
00:55:29Okay, wait a sec. We need to take a break from the conspiracy theories
00:55:31and talk about what just happened with me and Ethan.
00:55:35What happened?
00:55:37Did he kiss you?
00:55:38No, but almost, I think.
00:55:41An almost kiss? Are you kidding me?
00:55:43What? Is that bad?
00:55:44It is, isn't it? No, of course, you're right, because we live in different cities, so...
00:55:47No, Bea, that's not why I'm freaking out.
00:55:49I'm totally down with you kissing the rugged blue-collar knight in shining armor.
00:55:52Okay, we need to sort of nickname that. It isn't helpful.
00:55:54But an almost kiss, that's classic holiday romance movie material right there.
00:55:58You said that there was no way that Ethan was an actor.
00:56:01I did.
00:56:03But almost kisses are right up there with snowball fights and flower fights.
00:56:06Flower fights?
00:56:07Yeah, you know that scene where the lovebirds are cooking or baking or whatever
00:56:10and they just end up being all cutesy and tossing flour on each other.
00:56:14What are the holiday romance cliches again?
00:56:18Let's see. There's snowball fights, flower fights, sharing a hot cocoa, slow dance,
00:56:23and an almost kiss that gets interrupted at just the right moment.
00:56:28Check, check, check, check, and check.
00:56:34No, I mean, maybe he wasn't going to kiss me.
00:56:37Oh, and the big bad X. That is a must.
00:56:40There has to be an X?
00:56:42There usually is one.
00:56:46You could just ask him. Of course, I asked Porter and he avoided the question. Like, dumb.
00:56:51But then again, I'm pretty sure he's an actual professional, so...
00:56:53No, no, there's no way. I mean...
00:56:58Ethan and I, we shared, like, a moment, kind of.
00:57:03I know I barely know him, but I just feel like I can trust him.
00:57:11Wow. What?
00:57:13I just don't think I've ever in your entire life heard you say something quite like that.
00:57:19Except about me, of course.
00:57:23You know what? Believe in that. Forget everything we were just talking about.
00:57:29So you don't think there's anything to worry about?
00:57:31Nothing at all.
00:57:35Except maybe...
00:57:39the bake-off.
00:57:44You got this.
00:57:45What have you done?
00:57:54All right, everyone. Settle down now. Settle down. Settle down.
00:57:57All right, well, welcome to all of our guests and to all of our judges.
00:58:00Let's give a special hand to Mrs. Maribel Cooper and her mother, Shelley,
00:58:04for hosting our 10th annual Christmas Land Bake-off.
00:58:09Ten years. That's a lot of sugar.
00:58:11All right, now, this is a blind taste test.
00:58:14But before we get started, why don't we meet some of our contestants?
00:58:18First up, we have Mr. Gavin Rainey visiting us from Mahone Bay.
00:58:22Mr. Rainey, everyone.
00:58:26He took the bus.
00:58:28And we have Miss Beatrice Thompson, who is a guest of Carol Crane's at the North Pole Inn.
00:58:35City girl.
00:58:37Oh, and we have our very own Miss Shelley Cooper.
00:58:40Stand up. Give everyone a wave, Shelley.
00:58:44Let's see if Shelley can win for the third year in a row.
00:58:48Oh, that's a dynasty. Yes.
00:58:50All right, let the tasting begin.
00:59:01Maybe a little.
00:59:03Well, if you don't win, there isn't justice in this world.
00:59:06You're just saying that because you helped.
00:59:08Wait, why aren't you judging?
00:59:10I excused myself.
00:59:12You're wasting all the little treats.
00:59:14I had more fun helping you today.
00:59:16Besides, I think I would have a hard time not being biased.
00:59:22All right, everyone.
00:59:24The moment you've all been waiting for. The results are in.
00:59:27Drum roll, please.
00:59:28Oh, yes, yes.
00:59:31And the winner is...
00:59:34Oh, Miss Beatrice Thompson.
00:59:39Thompson, please.
00:59:43Come up, Beatrice. Come up.
00:59:46Well done.
00:59:48Come on up.
00:59:50Oh, congratulations. Speech. Speech.
00:59:54Wow, this is very unexpected.
00:59:57Okay, well, I'd like to thank Ethan Crane for helping me.
01:00:01This is your win as well.
01:00:03And a big thanks to your grandmother for her recipe.
01:00:07And to Carol Crane for giving me your beautiful apron,
01:00:11which is obviously very lucky.
01:00:15Congratulations. Congratulations. Great speech.
01:00:18Great speech, Beatrice.
01:00:21Now, everyone's favorite time of the night.
01:00:23Come up and dig in, everyone.
01:00:27Take it slow. Take it slow.
01:00:36Yes, no, I'm still in Christmasland.
01:00:40Oh, on the right track. Okay, that's good to hear.
01:00:44Sure. Right, yeah.
01:00:48Yeah, I'll keep working on it and I'll send you a final draft soon.
01:00:53Merry Christmas.
01:01:00Thank you. It was a team effort.
01:01:03Oh, team. Is that what we were?
01:01:06You prefer partners.
01:01:08Yeah, I prefer partners.
01:01:12Well, you're just saying that because you want me to share the prize with you.
01:01:16Well, the prize was a crown, so I think I'm going to let you keep that.
01:01:22A crown? We did all that work for a crown?
01:01:26We did all that work for a crown.
01:01:38Oh, there she is. Our winner.
01:01:42Oh, you two are looking cozy.
01:01:44You forgot this.
01:01:47Congratulations. Perfect.
01:01:51That's just really nice.
01:01:53It suits you.
01:01:54You did it.
01:01:56My mom is never going to believe this.
01:01:58No one who's ever met you is going to believe this.
01:02:01It's a Christmas miracle.
01:02:02Well, congratulations, Beatrice.
01:02:04Hey, shall we celebrate back at the inn?
01:02:06Sure, that would be great.
01:02:08Yeah, I'll just check if Shelly needs some help cleaning up and I'll see you there.
01:02:23Everything okay?
01:02:26I was just thinking about what you said about Porter earlier and the weirdness.
01:02:33It's all just so weird.
01:02:35But weird good, right?
01:02:38Mostly, yeah.
01:02:41Beautiful, unexpected, magical things can happen, you know?
01:02:47Yeah, I'm just scared.
01:02:52You're putting yourself out there for the first time in your life, opening up to someone.
01:02:58I'm proud of you.
01:03:02Yeah, you're right. I usually am.
01:03:06Besides, the hot cocoa and the flower fight could hardly have been avoided in this town.
01:03:12But what about Porter practicing his lines in the mirror?
01:03:16Yeah, that was pretty odd.
01:03:18But we haven't heard him use the line on anyone, right?
01:03:21Maybe it's just a self-esteem boost or something.
01:03:25I guess.
01:03:27And there's one cliche that has not happened yet.
01:03:31The big bad ex.
01:03:33Now, if some gorgeous uppity city chick suddenly comes onto the scene declaring herself Ethan's ex,
01:03:38then you'll know it's all an act.
01:03:49Hello, can I help you?
01:03:51I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:03:57Did you love my cookies so much?
01:03:59I mean, they looked good, which was surprising.
01:04:02But I still don't know how they tasted, so...
01:04:04Good evening, ladies.
01:04:06I'm Ethan Crane, and I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:04:09I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:04:11I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:04:13I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:04:15I'm here to see Ethan Crane.
01:04:17Good evening, ladies.
01:04:19Oh, hello.
01:04:22Good night.
01:04:23Good night.
01:04:25Apple cider for you, my dear?
01:04:26Wow, that's so thoughtful of you.
01:04:29Of course.
01:04:31And might I just say that you look truly lovely this evening.
01:04:39Porter, if that really is your name.
01:04:42I think it's time you and I have a little chat.
01:04:53What are you doing here? I thought you were at the bakery.
01:04:55Oh, hello.
01:04:59What are you doing here?
01:05:00I just came to see you.
01:05:04I should go.
01:05:06No, Beatrice, wait.
01:05:08I'm sorry, you are? I'm just a guest?
01:05:11No, no, no, Beatrice isn't just a guest.
01:05:15No, no, no, Beatrice isn't just a guest. Beatrice is my friend.
01:05:19Ethan, perhaps you should introduce us to...
01:05:21Oh, Scarlett. Ethan's girlfriend.
01:05:24No, ex-ex-girlfriend.
01:05:26You're kidding.
01:05:28Okay, I can explain.
01:05:30No, no.
01:05:32I can't believe you would take the holiday fantasy this far.
01:05:37This far?
01:05:38I'm sorry, I mean, I didn't get the script, so you'll have to fill me in.
01:05:43Ethan, who is this?
01:05:45Uh, this, it's, uh...
01:05:47Your girlfriend? Is that how this goes?
01:05:49I mean, I haven't seen a lot of these movies, but I'm pretty sure I've seen this one.
01:05:53What are you talking about?
01:05:54Isn't that how it goes? I stand in for your girlfriend.
01:05:56Save you from the big, bad ex.
01:05:58Excuse me?
01:05:59How am I doing? Is my performance on point?
01:06:01Oh, oh, oh, no.
01:06:04You know what, I'm just going to go ahead and flip the script, because you can have him.
01:06:09He's all yours.
01:06:10You know, I know that this holiday romance package works for some of your guests,
01:06:15but I just, I did not sign up for this.
01:06:19What romance?
01:06:20Seriously, you need to drop the whole I don't know what's going on act,
01:06:23because it's a little bit over the top.
01:06:25What is going on?
01:06:26And also, you should probably talk to wardrobe, because I don't know anyone who wears high heels in the snow.
01:06:30Oh, okay, Beatrice, trust me, there's been a misunderstanding here.
01:06:33No, no misunderstanding. I just, I...
01:06:37I mean, I should have seen it coming, because the flower fight and the carriage ride, and then you went to kiss me.
01:06:43Kissed her?
01:06:44Kissed her.
01:06:45Almost kissed, because it's always an almost kiss.
01:06:47Okay, so...
01:06:48What I want to know is, how far were you willing to go to make me feel like I had fallen into some holiday love story?
01:06:56Love story?
01:06:57Love story.
01:06:59All part of the Christmas land experience, right?
01:07:03Hold on, this place isn't really called Christmas land.
01:07:07Is it?
01:07:08Okay, see, if you really were Ethan's girlfriend, you would know all about Christmas land,
01:07:12and how much he loves it here, and can't wait to move home.
01:07:15If that's even true...
01:07:17So you can just, you can drop the act.
01:07:20I so don't need to stand here and listen to this.
01:07:32I guess you should go after your, your girlfriend.
01:07:35No, my ex-girlfriend from six months ago.
01:07:37Okay, I just, I don't want to, I don't want to hear it.
01:07:55I should go after her.
01:07:56Yes, you should.
01:07:58But which one?
01:08:10In Bethlehem, in Judith's...
01:08:13Which way did she go?
01:08:16To witch's mother Mary, did nothing take in scorn.
01:08:24Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy.
01:08:32I'm so stupid, I'm so stupid.
01:08:34How could I keep all of this?
01:08:37Oh, oh my gosh!
01:08:38Sugar plum, okay.
01:08:41I'm so sorry.
01:08:42No, thank you, that's terrific.
01:08:44My mom and I always take all the leftovers to the shelter every day.
01:08:48Oh, wait, you have a homeless shelter here?
01:08:50Don't look so shocked.
01:08:51We have all the same problems as every other town, just typically the tourists don't see them.
01:08:57Are you okay?
01:08:59Oh, yeah, yeah, just allergies.
01:09:02Oh, winter allergies, I understand.
01:09:06Hey, you know, I'm, I'm sorry about earlier.
01:09:11I was really shocked that I won the bake-off.
01:09:16I bet you are.
01:09:17Yeah, this might sound weird, but you're being really nice to me.
01:09:22And earlier it seemed like you didn't really like me, kind of.
01:09:26Isn't that music to my ears?
01:09:29I played the part perfectly.
01:09:32What, you see, you mean...
01:09:34I'm part of the show, yeah.
01:09:36The baking rival.
01:09:38Who loses.
01:09:42Hey, Scarlet.
01:09:44Yeah, it's Scarlet.
01:09:47I guess you do remember something about me.
01:09:50What are you doing here?
01:09:51I just came to, I don't know.
01:09:57Maybe when you're back.
01:09:59I mean, probably should have called.
01:10:02No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:10:07Probably should have called.
01:10:15What is this place?
01:10:17And what was that lady talking about back there?
01:10:20It's a little bit hard to explain.
01:10:22So wait, does that mean I didn't win the bake-off?
01:10:25Goodness, no.
01:10:26Did you try your own cookies?
01:10:28That makes sense.
01:10:30What about Jingles, your puppy?
01:10:34Part of the ruse.
01:10:35Works wonders with the guests, though, as the guests always find the puppy relatable in our Christmasland experience.
01:10:41Especially when Ethan is seen with one.
01:10:43But the reality is my mom and I volunteer for canine companions as puppy raisers.
01:10:49Wow, that's amazing. That's Christmasland?
01:10:51So you don't have a crush on Ethan?
01:10:53Ethan? Oh, goodness, no, no, no, no. I'm happily married. With two kids.
01:10:59You met Kris Kringle?
01:11:01The mayor?
01:11:04He's your other half, yep.
01:11:11Okay, let's get you something warm to drink before you go.
01:11:14Oh, if you're sure.
01:11:16Yeah, but you're welcome to stay. It's a long drive. It's cold.
01:11:19No, I'm fine. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyways.
01:11:24I'm just sad it's over.
01:11:27You're a good man, Ethan Kringle.
01:11:32I love you.
01:12:54You're awake?
01:12:59Em, I'm really sorry, but I just...
01:13:01Before you say another word, come with me.
01:13:05Em, I just...
01:13:06Want to leave? I know.
01:13:08Can you at least get a cup of coffee with me first?
01:13:12They don't serve coffee here.
01:13:15Are you sure about that?
01:13:16The ex showed up. Em.
01:13:19I heard.
01:13:21I mean, you told me that everything here was going to be a fantasy, and I went and fell for it anyways.
01:13:26No, you are not letting me off the hook for this.
01:13:29I took the least trusting person I know to a place where nothing can be trusted.
01:13:33And I told her to believe. I should be friend-shamed.
01:13:36No, this is not your fault.
01:13:38It's someone else's fault.
01:13:40It's not my fault.
01:13:42It's not my fault.
01:13:43I should be friend-shamed.
01:13:44No, this is not your fault.
01:13:47It's no one's fault. It just is.
01:13:53I would try and convince you to stay.
01:13:56But I know you well enough that that's not going to happen.
01:13:58So, just give me five minutes.
01:14:00I will pack up my stuff, and then we can be on the road by noon.
01:14:03No, no. Em.
01:14:05We're not going.
01:14:08I'm going to go.
01:14:09It's Christmas Eve, and you love it here.
01:14:13And I believe I saw Porter serenading you last night.
01:14:19So I have a hunch you might want to spend Christmas with him.
01:14:22No, not more than I would with you.
01:14:25Well, I love you for that.
01:14:27But I want to know what's going on with you and Porter.
01:14:30We are talking about you right now?
01:14:32Nope. We're done talking about me. I'm fine.
01:14:35I'm fine.
01:14:37Well, turns out he does have business here.
01:14:42What I did not think was plausible is apparently real.
01:14:45He's very smart.
01:14:47Very successful.
01:14:49A very good singer.
01:14:50And he's very much into me.
01:14:53As much as I am into him.
01:14:55And he's working with Ethan, actually.
01:14:59Uh, really?
01:15:00He didn't say more than that, and I didn't want to dig.
01:15:02So what about the rehearsing in the mirror?
01:15:06I guess he's just nervous around me,
01:15:08so he wanted to practice what he was going to say.
01:15:11He's so cute.
01:15:13So you're happy?
01:15:16Yeah, I'm happy.
01:15:25Um, I'll be right back.
01:15:29I see you found that pot of black coffee I made.
01:15:32I did. Thank you.
01:15:35Um, I also found...
01:15:44My Christmas angel?
01:15:47She found me.
01:15:52She found me.
01:15:55She found me.
01:15:58Seems like it.
01:16:02Please don't go, Beatrice.
01:16:05Unfortunately, I just, I think I have to.
01:16:09But thank you so much for having me.
01:16:12This really is the most warm and loving home.
01:16:17It's right up there with my best friend Amelia's.
01:16:20And as someone who has lived in a lot of spaces,
01:16:22it's taught you for sure.
01:16:25You know, it was me that tasked Ethan with being your tour guide.
01:16:31Well, he's very good at it. It's charming.
01:16:35Well, there's always someone who's been dragged here and doesn't want to be here,
01:16:38and it's Ethan's job to make them comfortable.
01:16:41At least that's what I task him with.
01:16:45Not everybody's into the illusion and the magic,
01:16:47and so we give them something real.
01:16:53Like black coffee and a behind-the-scenes tour?
01:16:57Ethan may work for me for the holidays, but he's no actor.
01:17:03So what you're trying to say is...
01:17:06Ethan is my Grinch handler.
01:17:09Your what?
01:17:14Every year we have a Grinch like you. No offense.
01:17:18Grinch is the wrong word.
01:17:20It just means someone who doesn't see the magic of Christmasland,
01:17:22because at its heart, Christmasland is...
01:17:26It's a celebration of the spirit of Christmas.
01:17:29It's not a place where anybody gets hurt.
01:17:31To my knowledge, no one ever has.
01:17:34Until now.
01:17:36Hey, I have a thick skin. I'm fine.
01:17:38Well, I can see that you do.
01:17:47Beatrice, I know it's not my place to ask,
01:17:50but do you think you could do me a favor on your way out of town?
01:17:55A favor?
01:18:20Uh, I didn't know that you were going to...
01:18:25Your mom just wanted me to drop this off to you.
01:18:31You found her.
01:18:33Yeah, I did.
01:18:39Look, Bea, I know you're upset with me.
01:18:43But I'd like to talk.
01:18:47It's Christmas Eve and I really need to get on the road.
01:19:03I know what you're thinking, Beatrice.
01:19:04That your experiences here with me, that they were real.
01:19:08Well, it wasn't real, because your mom told me that it was your job to entertain me.
01:19:13It wasn't like that.
01:19:15What was it like then?
01:19:17I wasn't trying to trick you.
01:19:19The more time that we spent together, the more feelings I started to have.
01:19:23And they're feelings that I've never had before.
01:19:27I like you.
01:19:30I think you like me too.
01:19:35It doesn't matter if I like you.
01:19:37Then what does matter?
01:19:40If I can trust you.
01:19:42You can.
01:19:45Give me one reason why I should.
01:19:46Trust isn't something you can reason, it's a...
01:19:51leap of faith.
01:19:54Yeah, leaps of faith are not exactly my forte.
01:20:01I mean, I don't even know you.
01:20:04You don't know me, really.
01:20:08It might feel like maybe I've known you for my whole life.
01:20:16How about this?
01:20:17You ask me anything, and I promise you, I'll tell you the truth.
01:20:33Tell me about Mayor Chris.
01:20:37Not real.
01:20:39He's a lawyer, well, a community theatre actor too.
01:20:42And he's married to Shelly, who's also an actor.
01:20:49I actually knew that because Shelly told me.
01:20:53I was just testing your truthfulness.
01:20:56So then what about Porter?
01:20:58Because he told my best friend that he's real, so...
01:21:00Porter is for real.
01:21:02And more than that, really,
01:21:03he's somebody I've been working with for the past couple years in the city.
01:21:07This is my hometown.
01:21:10I belong here, and I'm moving home, and I want to help grow Christmasland,
01:21:14and Porter is one of my investors.
01:21:17I'm going to surprise my mom with the news tomorrow.
01:21:27What about Scarlett?
01:21:29She's an ex-girlfriend.
01:21:32Long gone.
01:21:33Long, long over.
01:21:37And you...
01:21:39should stay.
01:21:40You should stay.
01:21:42You should stay and help me decorate this Christmas tree
01:21:45for your first time ever on Christmas Eve.
01:21:51Even I...
01:21:52Please stay.
01:21:58I have a lot of imaginary things in my life,
01:22:01but if you stay, I can show you something real.
01:22:31And so, dear reader,
01:22:32I'm pleased to report that there truly is magic in Christmasland.
01:22:37In this close-knit town,
01:22:38where stories intertwine like garland and holly,
01:22:41the real enchantment lies not solely in Bake Off's
01:22:45or Kris Kringle's snowy contests,
01:22:47nor even in Carol Crane's mischievous grin,
01:22:51but within the leaps of faith that come with trust,
01:22:54held snug by the wings of one's angel.
01:22:57Your life's desires just a heartbeat away,
01:23:00waiting to be revealed.
01:23:02They may arrive in unexpected forms,
01:23:05embraced by newfound companions
01:23:08who become cherished kin.
01:23:11So I guess my message to you is have faith, my friend,
01:23:15in the unseen hand that guides Christmasland
01:23:18and the trust that anchors it all together.
01:23:35Merry Christmas!
