• 2 months ago
00:00oh okay looks kind of cool yeah definitely piece of art yeah okay what
00:06do we got here you got a bottle and a broken legs to restore something and a
00:11heat gun okay all right that looks pretty good okay well I think it works
00:16well I don't know if it'll last that long to be honest no I wouldn't do that
00:21I wouldn't yeah yeah okay I'm confident okay if you're confident about it then
00:28I'm happy for you I hope you tell them it's really good okay so we have this
00:39big bin all right and we're making a tablet table what the word table yeah I
00:47don't know how structurally you know fine it's gonna be but oh it's a girl oh
00:53it's a foosball that's kind of cool oh my gosh wow that was a fast party
01:03okay nice Wow what a natural party okay so we have our broken wire here let's
01:13melt this plastic maybe not a good idea right in your hands but okay and just
01:18wrap it around there could be a little cleaner but it looks all right yeah why
01:24not secure the connection all right so we have more bottles and a pole punchers
01:31what string all right what do we this is like fishing wire what are we doing ah
01:42for art for creativity let's see it looks kind of cool for plants nice now
01:50it's cool okay now let's go right I don't know yeah literally yeah they're
01:58like get an old toilet close the seat it's no chair that's true but I think
02:09you can came up by yourself I think we should make some five-minute craft
02:13videos about chairs and just you know oh that's a nice little wine rack yeah okay
02:20we have some pictures of cleaning up high five yeah perfect we want our
02:25children to live in a world with clean water airs and soil yes we do so we want
02:29that ooh ooh it's happening oh my gosh is this a restoration what are we doing
02:37here all right putting the laces back in without a soul is very interesting
02:45oh my gosh oh okay I want to try no it's smart I guess okay so we got some panda
02:58bears that's a lot of panda bears to all right
03:01fashion week five-minute craft you could just drop them off it you know for the
03:06kids but now we're a panda bear shirt that's good interesting interesting we
03:15got some old tights cut those babies off
03:23interesting to yours I mean yeah if you have some ripped tights and you want to
03:27look like a early 2000s punk rocker why not okay we got this pokey thing in the
03:36bottle Wow what Wow you know do not create a mess ah okay so when you're
03:45drilling holes use the bottle this mark I use a dustpan you know like the mini
03:51dustpans yep when I'm drilling a hole I put it underneath and then collect it in
03:55the dustbin okay just basically anyway the the whole dust flying around right
04:01no but like the dustpan goes around like this and it collects okay
04:09okay we got some string are you making more art I don't know what what happened
04:17ah this is for your umbrella umbrella yes okay so we're ruining our bottle
04:28getting some acrylic paint looks kind of cool yeah nice love it like it love
04:41it okay so we got this bottle cap we're cutting off the top you know in the
04:50future currency is going to be bottle caps you think so yeah video game told
04:55me it would be like that okay oh ah interesting phone holder it's kind of
05:02cute if you have a glue gun ready otherwise you know just rest it on
05:07something like a coffee mug yeah
05:12this lady got a lot of tools I've noticed she must be a craft craft person
05:18craft lady lady craft gotta be careful for those craft ladies it's like a
05:27superhero like kind of a lame superhero yeah spider-man versus craft lady what
05:36is happening what are we making
05:40you're a wire and wow that's awesome well I like it nice
05:52Archie Bob approved yeah literally I want to make that actually that looks
05:56awesome in it and everything Wow need to test it right yes please okay so we have
06:03okay so we have another bottle and it's you and it to be or not to be
06:13yep that's good okay not the worst could be worse something
06:20others yeah it reminds me of those hats that have the things for for cans and
06:25drink out of it yeah okay gas tank all right what are we making out of the gas
06:35tank Wow magic magic cards magic finger lady much more popular than craft lady
06:45yeah okay we got some toilet paper okay nice whoa don't throw away your egg
06:55carton no acrylic die where did we use it right
07:06I don't know actually what is the point
07:10ah it's an actual legit 100% recycled bag
07:19last week
07:24all right confuse there's gonna be like a flower thing looks like a flower thing
07:32Archie what's happening guys what's happening
07:38tell us in the comments below what's it oh it's a donut holder okay okay that's fine yeah
07:45we got it now yeah old cup I don't know why they would take off the handle there I thought
07:53the handle was a nice little addition but exactly you can move it yeah move it around easy
07:57yeah move it around easy ah cute kind of cute nice frame no get the can wipe off dirt
08:09tell me what to do next with my life five-minute crafts you know I wish they would tell me like
08:13shot for shot what should I do with the instructions wipe off dirt
08:16take a shower drink coffee you know make a little heart what are we doing with the heart
08:23uh okay so it's nice little uh cookie shapes yeah cute cutie cutie all right
08:33ew more trash what do we do with that more bottles yeah bottle inside bottle bottle section
08:42tape now it's multiple bottle sections
08:45okay what what what what is happening why why what the what the chair weird word really weird
09:02okay you do what you want to do you know like no judgment here at Archie five
09:06like no judgment here at Archie five okay paint your tires I love dog
09:13I love dog so much yay dog
09:19you I love dogs okay break open your bottles in the plastic nice yeah but still be careful yes
09:29pour it out into a mix add some cement I'm guessing art is going to happen
09:36yeah well I think I was right that's dangerous art though
09:41imagine if it like the jagged edge comes out yeah yeah you have to be careful you need to
09:44be careful I think they just put it carefully yeah okay plastic bags sealing them together
09:52what what are we doing here what are we doing here it's is it a dress mom I need a new dress oh
10:02it's a bag your which side ah right side nice I like it
