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Common Side Effects S01 Promo Trailer HD - Common Side Effects Season 1


00:00Can I tell you a secret?
00:02Uh, yeah, please.
00:03Okay, just go with me for a minute.
00:05What if there were a medicine that could heal, like, almost anything?
00:12A mushroom.
00:13Not just any mushroom.
00:16The caviar, the ghost orchid of mushrooms.
00:20We spend more money than ever on healthcare, and everyone's still sick.
00:24Think about all the people who make tons of money just from keeping us sick by keeping us unwell.
00:30This company, Reutical Pharmaceuticals, their CEO is this, like, evil.
00:36He's not even smart enough to be evil.
00:38He's like the devil's idiot butler.
00:40You know how bad my life is right now?
00:43Ah, great. Now my room service is here.
00:48Rick, what would happen if I brought this company, like, a new product?
00:52You mean like a drug?
00:53Yes, kind of.
00:55Get me something by the end of Q3, and you can have my beach house.
00:59Can we meet up?
01:00It's kind of urgent.
01:01What is going on, Marshall?
01:03Two things to mention. Some people are following me, and I brought my tortoise.
01:08Frances, look around. Does this look healthy to you?
01:13We have a chance here to change the world.
01:16Common Side Effects. Series premieres with back-to-back episodes.
01:21February 2nd at 11.30 on Adult Swim.
01:24Next day on Max.
01:26I got it. The last drug you'll ever need.
01:45Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk