Randhir Kapoor was recently spotted at his residence, where a pooja ceremony was being held. The veteran actor looked dignified and elegant in his simple yet stylish outfit. He opted for a white T-shirt, which he paired with black pants, creating a classic and timeless look. Randhir Kapoor was all smiles as he posed for the media, exuding a sense of warmth and hospitality. He was accompanied by his grandson, Aadar Jain, who also posed with him for the cameras. The two shared a warm and affectionate moment, showcasing their close bond.
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00:00Randhir Kapoor was recently spotted at his residence where a puja ceremony was being
00:06The veteran actor looked dignified and elegant in his simple yet stylish outfit.
00:11He opted for a white t-shirt which he paired with black pants, creating a classic and timeless
00:18Randhir Kapoor was all smiles as he posed for the media, exuding a sense of warmth and
00:24He was accompanied by his grandson, Adar Jain, who also posed with him for the cameras.
00:30The two shared a warm and affectionate moment, showcasing their close bond.
00:35The puja ceremony at Randhir Kapoor's residence was a private affair, but the actor was gracious
00:40enough to pose for the media and share a glimpse of the occasion with his fans.
00:45His warm smile and dignified demeanour made him a delight to watch and he undoubtedly
00:49made a lasting impression on all who saw him.