• last year
I ranked each chocolate in a box of Celebrations and you may be surprised by my top three
00:00Hi I'm Holly Alden, a food and drink writer for National World and today I'm
00:04going to be ranking the individual chocolates from both Celebrations and
00:08Quality Street. Both of these chocolate brands are incredibly popular at
00:14Christmas. In fact I'm such a big fan and it's because it reminds me of nostalgia,
00:19growing up, enjoying these chocolates but also just Christmas in general. I feel
00:24like in my house it is not Christmas until you have these in the cupboards.
00:28Whether you want to eat the whole box yourself or share them with your friends
00:33and family and loved ones then it's up to you but for me I adore these
00:38chocolates. However like anyone else I have my favourites and I have my least
00:43favourites and I'm going to share that with you today. So first we're going to
00:48dive in to Celebrations and I'll let you know what is my favourite and what is my
00:54least favourite. However not everyone might agree with my opinion as there's
00:59one chocolate in particular that I know people don't like that is quite high up
01:02on my list. Okay so I'm going to start from the bottom to the top and at last
01:09place is Milky Way. So while many people might enjoy this, for me it's a bit too
01:16mushy and I feel like it's just like a more childish version of the Mars but as
01:21you will find out in the penultimate last place is Mars. I feel like these two
01:27chocolates are really similar and they're just not for me. I will usually
01:32never go for these in a box of Celebrations. So coming in at fifth
01:37place out of seven so it's still pretty far down might surprise you it's the
01:42Twix. So when I was younger I used to absolutely love a Twix but these days
01:48it's just not my kind of chocolate. It's not to say I would never eat it I
01:52definitely would but it would probably be when there's nothing left in the box
01:54let's be honest. So now we're getting on to the ones that I think are more my
01:59thing. This is the top four. So at fourth place we have Snickers. Funnily enough
02:07like I said with Twix being an absolute favourite as a child Snickers was an
02:11absolute least favourite but as I've gotten older I've found that I'm enjoying
02:15Snickers a lot more. It's definitely not my first choice as you know it's in
02:19fourth place but I do enjoy a Snickers from time to time. Now when I said one of
02:24my top picks would surprise you this is the one that I'm talking about. At third
02:28place is Bounty. Now it's a long-running joke that Bounty is the worst chocolate
02:34in a box of Celebrations even referenced on the Gavin and Stacey 2008 Christmas
02:39special when Gwen gets one. However I always have felt differently. I really
02:44love a Bounty. So yeah if you're the type person that has loads of Bounties left
02:49in your box of Celebrations I will be the person that will come around and eat
02:52them for you. Bounty is in third place. Now on to the top three. These to me are
02:58like the highest of the highest when it comes to ranking a box of Celebrations.
03:03They can do no wrong and I feel like people will be in agreement with me. So
03:08in third place we have Galaxy. The original Galaxy it's absolutely
03:14delicious. It's a little bit boring which is why it is lower than the other two
03:18high options but yeah it's a great chocolate. You can't really go wrong with
03:23a Galaxy. Of course the Galaxy caramel trumps the original Galaxy. I love
03:29caramel. I love caramel chocolate. I love Galaxy. It's an absolute worthy second
03:35place. But my winner overall first place in a box of Celebrations is Malteser. I
03:43don't know what it is because I don't even eat Malteser that much in my day to
03:47day life but I just love this one. I feel like at least in my family everyone is
03:52in agreement as when you get a box of Celebrations handed around chances are
03:57all the Maltesers have already been taken. It's absolutely delicious. It's my
04:01favourite one and yeah it is my winner.
