• last year
Ashlyn es obligada por su madrastra, Miriam, a unirse a la familia en un viaje al Caribe como parte de la boda de destino. Miriam es la futura novia, y aunque Ashlyn lleva un tiempo sola, trabajando y estudiando para ser profesora, su familia adoptiva no tarda en caer en los viejos patrones de infravalorar a Ashlyn, menospreciarla y esperar que lo haga todo. Para complicar más las cosas, el prometido de Miriam, Bruce, es un hombre maravilloso que ignora las costumbres de Miriam. Ashlyn encuentra la amistad y el principio del amor con Noah, el hijo de Bruce. Pero Ashlyn lucha por tener su propio "felices para siempre" cuando sabe que su familia adoptiva está dispuesta a arruinar a Bruce.

Director: Brian Brough
Cast: Emma Reinagel (While the World Slept), Connor McGee (Blue Bloods, Orange is the New Black)
00:00:20Sienta en el Caribe.
00:00:22Muy bien, niños, es hora de recoger sus cosas y volver a clase.
00:00:26No olviden recoger los libros que les prestó la señora Jenkins.
00:00:29Okay, adiós, Matt. Adiós, Jack. Adiós, Tiago. Qué gusto verlos. Adiós, Dante.
00:00:38¿Qué pasa?
00:00:39Es que Bryson no quiere que juguemos juntos.
00:00:42¿Por qué no?
00:00:43No lo sé. Es malo.
00:00:45Tal vez solo esté teniendo un mal día.
00:00:47¿Has tenido un mal día que te pusiera de malas?
00:00:49Solo de vez en cuando.
00:00:51Bueno, quizá Bryson necesite algo de espacio.
00:00:54¿Por qué no vas y le preguntas a Tristan si puedes jugar o a Layla?
00:00:58Pero yo siempre juego en fútbol y a veces me duelen las piernas cuando corro.
00:01:02A mí también, pero podrías intentarlo.
00:01:05Y si tus piernas se cansan, siempre puedes descansar y animar a Tristan y a Layla, ¿sí?
00:01:10Okay, gracias, señorita.
00:01:18¿Mark y Bryson no se llevan bien otra vez?
00:01:20Así es.
00:01:21Gracias por solucionarlo.
00:01:23Claro. Las hojas de lectura están listas, las puse en tu material de tareas.
00:01:27Perfecto. Ya tienes que irte, ¿verdad?
00:01:29Sí. Hasta mañana.
00:01:46El salón de clase es su propia comunidad, es su espacio, pero también es de los alumnos.
00:01:52¿Cómo podemos impulsar esa comunidad y hacer un espacio constructivo para aprender?
00:01:58Veamos el ejemplo de la página 78.
00:02:09Bueno, sus gastos se han elevado y la mala noticia es que eso ha reducido tus ganancias.
00:02:15Pero la buena noticia es que eso no es un problema.
00:02:35Volveré después de mi clase.
00:02:38Primero, matemáticas.
00:02:39No, sí puedo evitarlo.
00:02:40Es cuestión de alfabetizar. Sin eso, el ritmo de aprendizaje se disminuye.
00:02:44¿Es verdad? ¿Un 45%? ¿Ves las matemáticas?
00:02:48Sí, no le preguntas sobre usar números o usar imágenes.
00:03:02Okay. Estos impuestos están listos.
00:03:06Bien, bien. ¿Cómo te va con la declaración de los Ramsey?
00:03:10Ya están ingresados todos los registros que nos dieron.
00:03:13Les falta un formulario de un banco que tenían el año pasado y le puse una nota.
00:03:18Trabajas muy rápido. No sé cómo lo haces con tantas cosas en tus manos.
00:03:22Me dejas comiendo el polvo.
00:03:24Ay, señor Henry, lo hace muy bien. Además, este año se siente más ligero que el pasado.
00:03:28Eso es porque mis clientes están envejeciendo igual que yo.
00:03:32Y los jóvenes de hoy no vienen en busca de un contador acabado para sus impuestos.
00:03:37Usted no está acabado.
00:03:40Pero este día sí, deberías ir a casa a descansar.
00:03:44Ojalá, pero tengo tarea.
00:03:46Los niños tendrán suerte de tenerte como profesor algún día, pero...
00:03:51te voy a extrañar mucho cuando termines la escuela.
00:03:54Tranquilo. Todavía falta tiempo para eso.
00:03:58Buenas noches.
00:03:59Buenas noches.
00:04:34¿Qué haces aquí?
00:04:36La caja de mis zapatos Jimmy Choo es más grande que este lugar.
00:04:40Para mí está bien.
00:04:42¿Puedo ofrecerte algo de beber?
00:04:44Oh, algo en botella. Agua mineral.
00:04:47Tengo agua normal.
00:04:49¿Por qué bebería eso?
00:04:51¿A qué viniste?
00:04:53Me voy a casar.
00:04:58Necesito que vengas a la boda.
00:05:00Es en una semana. Es algo repentino.
00:05:04Me lo propuso hace meses. ¿No lo sabías?
00:05:07Nunca llamas ni escribes, así que no.
00:05:10Sí te llamo.
00:05:11No. Soy yo quien te llama para desearte feliz cumpleaños o feliz navidad.
00:05:15Bueno, me da igual. Haz tu maleta y nos vamos mañana.
00:05:18¿Mañana? ¿En serio?
00:05:21Nuestra boda es en el extranjero. En el Caribe.
00:05:24Bruce alquiló una hermosa villa para que nuestras familias convivan, así que vendrás.
00:05:29Yo tengo clases y prácticas en la escuela, además del trabajo.
00:05:33No puedo ir al Caribe ahora. Es más, no puedo ir a la playita en realidad.
00:05:36Deja de quejarte. Tómalo como unas vacaciones.
00:05:39No escuchas. No tengo tiempo para unas vacaciones.
00:05:43Pero soy tu familia.
00:05:45¿Desde cuándo?
00:05:47No seas dramática.
00:05:48Miriam, te casaste con mi padre, pero nunca me trataste como tu familia.
00:05:54Tras morir tu padre, hice lo mejor que pude como viuda, con dos hijos y... tú.
00:06:04Aún así, no puedo abandonar todo por esto.
00:06:07¿Sabes cuánto cuesta un semestre? Debo trabajar para poder pagar.
00:06:11¿Y si yo pago tu semestre?
00:06:14Habla con los profesores o con quien sea.
00:06:17Arréglalo para tomar estas vacaciones y yo te daré el dinero que necesitas para la escuela.
00:06:22¿Por qué quieres que vaya? Yo ni siquiera sabía de tu compromiso.
00:06:26Bruce también es viudo. Tener este tipo de pérdida en común nos unió.
00:06:32Hablé de ti cuando compartimos experiencias, así que obvio él quiere que lo conozcas y a su hijo.
00:06:40Además, se vería extraño si no vienes.
00:06:44Ashley, ¿no querría tu padre que hicieras esto por mí?
00:06:49¿No crees que él querría que apoyaras a nuestra familia?
00:06:55Cuando sale el avión.
00:07:03Soy Miriam Vanderbilt. Deja tu mensaje para que pueda llamarte después. ¡Chao!
00:07:08Miriam, ya llegué, pero no te vi ni a ti, ni a Jerry, ni a Fiona. No sé dónde tengo que ir.
00:07:17Oh, veo que me enviaste la dirección. Yo, pues creo que te veré allá.
00:08:00Ya era hora de que llegaras.
00:08:02Hola, Fiona.
00:08:08Es hermoso, ¿no crees? Pero no te veas muy sorprendida. Mamá no quiere que la avergüences.
00:08:13Ella me pidió que viniera.
00:08:14Muy bien. Yo soy quien planea todo, así que no lo arruines.
00:08:17¿En serio?
00:08:18Es mi trabajo. Organizo bodas.
00:08:20Creí que trabajabas en la moda.
00:08:23No funciona.
00:08:25No pensé que te cansaría la ropa.
00:08:28¿Y hace cuánto llegaste?
00:08:30Como hace una hora.
00:08:31No te vi en el avión.
00:08:32Es porque íbamos en primera clase.
00:08:35Qué babas soy.
00:08:36Oye, ¿qué tal estuvo tu asiento? ¿Lo escogí yo misma?
00:08:40Ah, sí. Estar junto al baño, en el asiento que no se reclina, fue de primera clase.
00:08:51Ahí estás, Ashlyn.
00:08:53¿Por qué tardaste tanto?
00:08:54Yo no sabía cómo llegar y no me esperaron.
00:08:58¿Te dejaron en el aeropuerto?
00:09:00Nuestro taxi estaba lleno.
00:09:03Fue un ángel al ofrecerse a alcanzarnos.
00:09:06Sobre todo porque sabía que tenía tantas ganas de verte.
00:09:10Bueno, me alegro que estemos todos aquí.
00:09:13Ashlyn, soy Bruce.
00:09:15Es un placer conocerte al fin.
00:09:17He oído mucho de ti.
00:09:19Gracias. Estoy encantada de conocerte.
00:09:22Felicidades por el compromiso.
00:09:26Mi hijo Noah está en la parrilla. Deberías conocerlo.
00:09:30Oh, tal vez debería desempacar primero.
00:09:33Jerry, muéstrale su habitación.
00:09:35Buena idea.
00:09:37Tú sal una vez que te hayas instalado y yo voy a ver que mi hijo no queme la carne.
00:09:45Lleva su maleta, Jerry.
00:09:54Rápido, Ash.
00:09:59Mamá dice que esta habitación es como tu depa.
00:10:04¿Cómo has estado?
00:10:07Temporada de deportes.
00:10:09Lo es en alguna parte.
00:10:11¿Cuánto vas a apostar?
00:10:12No te importa. Y no uses ese tono conmigo.
00:10:16Si alguien te pregunta, hago estadísticas deportivas.
00:10:20Ah, comentario de escape.
00:10:21Pero gano más de lo que pierdo.
00:10:23No lo duda.
00:10:24A mamá le parece bien.
00:10:26¿Y a Bruce?
00:10:27A Bruce...
00:10:29Le enorgullece que sea analista.
00:10:34Tienes tarjetas y todo.
00:10:40La cena ya casi está lista y debes poner la mesa.
00:10:43¡Que sea rápido!
00:11:04Está fría.
00:11:05Ay, no hagas drama.
00:11:12Ah, debes voltearlo.
00:11:15Estás cuestionando mi parrillada.
00:11:18Ajá, cómo no.
00:11:19Ah, te diré algo.
00:11:21Dejaré que lo voltees cuando a ti te parezca.
00:11:23Yo voy por un recipiente.
00:11:42Lo siento, ah.
00:11:49Soy Noah.
00:11:50Soy Ashlyn.
00:11:56Ah, ¿sabes qué mesa hay que poner?
00:11:58Ah, sí, supongo que la que está en la terraza.
00:12:03¿Quieres que te ayude?
00:12:04Ah, no, puedo yo.
00:12:05No es...
00:12:06Te ayudo.
00:12:15¿Eres la hija menor de Miriam?
00:12:19No sé si me acostumbre cuando mi padre se case
00:12:21a decir eso de madrastra.
00:12:24Ya estás grande.
00:12:25Creo que te vas a acostumbrar.
00:12:27Quizá tenga razón.
00:12:29En tu caso, se casaron cuando eras pequeña, ¿verdad?
00:12:33Sí, tenía nueve.
00:12:35Qué difícil.
00:12:37Lo siento.
00:12:38Miriam dijo que falleció después de dos años de enfermo.
00:12:43Sí, fue una etapa difícil.
00:12:46Al menos tenías a Miriam.
00:12:52¿Y qué le pasó a tu mamá?
00:12:55Falleció hace un par de años.
00:12:57Mi papá ha pensado que no quiere estar solo, así que...
00:13:01aquí estamos.
00:13:03¿Y se llevan bien?
00:13:06Incluso iba a trabajar para él, pero...
00:13:08quiero intentar hacer mi propio camino, al menos ahora.
00:13:11¿En qué trabajas?
00:13:12Una firma de ingeniería.
00:13:15¿Y construyes máquinas o...?
00:13:17De arquitectura.
00:13:18Suena cool.
00:13:20Lo es.
00:13:21Por poco no estudio eso por lo de las matemáticas y cálculos, pero...
00:13:25me quedé con ello.
00:13:27Bien por ti.
00:13:28Yo habría evitado cualquier cosa que tuviera tantas matemáticas.
00:13:33¿Y qué haces tú?
00:13:34Trabajo para un contador.
00:13:36¿Y no hay matemáticas?
00:13:38No, él...
00:13:39es contador fiscal, y yo solo introduzco números y datos.
00:13:43No es nada que deba analizar.
00:13:45Creo que eres modesta.
00:13:46Así es ella, siempre tan modesta.
00:13:50Noah, tu padre quiere un recipiente.
00:13:52Oh, claro.
00:13:54Vuelvo enseguida.
00:13:56No te preocupes, terminaremos aquí.
00:14:00Olvidaste poner los cubiertos.
00:14:10Eso estuvo delicioso.
00:14:12No estoy impresionada, tendrás que darme tu receta del marinado.
00:14:16Claro, como si cocinara.
00:14:19Oigan, sé que ya lo dije antes, pero me alegra mucho que estemos aquí.
00:14:23Y a mí me encantaría descansar, pero tenemos cosas importantes que hacer.
00:14:26¿Los planes de boda?
00:14:28Ah, sí.
00:14:29Espero que no te moleste mi emoción.
00:14:31Oh, corazón, claro que no.
00:14:35¿Cómo se conocieron?
00:14:38Trabajan juntos.
00:14:39Yo nunca he oído toda la historia.
00:14:42La he contado tantas veces que pensé que ya la sabías.
00:14:46Bruce se dedica a las bienes raíces y yo decoro las casas muestra.
00:14:50Tiene un muy buen ojo.
00:14:52Claro que sí, te elegí a ti, mi amor.
00:14:55Así es verdad.
00:14:57Hace años monté una empresa de construcción.
00:14:59Después de algún tiempo me metí en el desarrollo, viviendas residenciales.
00:15:03Había una convención de constructores y yo estaba trabajando.
00:15:07Cuando Miriam se presentó conmigo.
00:15:09Y tuve que decorar tres casas antes de que se atreviera a invitarme a salir.
00:15:13Por favor, no seas dura conmigo.
00:15:15Eres bastante intimidante.
00:15:18¿Dónde se van a casar?
00:15:19En una iglesia que yo escogí cerca de aquí.
00:15:21Y es de lo más bonita.
00:15:23Tendremos que verla y asegurar que todo esté en orden.
00:15:27¿Cuándo es?
00:15:28¿El próximo jueves?
00:15:31Ah, es el próximo viernes.
00:15:33Ashlyn ha estado muy ocupada con sus estudios.
00:15:35Se concentra tanto que apenas ha pensado en la boda.
00:15:39¿Vas a la escuela y trabajas para un contador?
00:15:45Sí, pero ¿qué tan difícil puede ser?
00:15:47Suena complicado.
00:15:48Con razón no te habíamos visto en estos meses.
00:15:51Qué mal.
00:15:53Bueno, lo compensaremos.
00:15:55Es justo lo que planeaba.
00:15:57Que todos estuviéramos juntos.
00:15:59Bruce me pidió que pensara en alguna forma de llegar a conocernos mejor.
00:16:02Así que se me ocurrió este juego.
00:16:04Es sobre nuestras cosas favoritas.
00:16:06Bien, ¿y qué hacemos?
00:16:07Primero, eliges una carta y la dices.
00:16:10Comida favorita.
00:16:12Y después todos dicen cuál creen que sea mi comida favorita.
00:16:15Quien lo adivine, gana la carta y sigue adelante.
00:16:19Y si nadie la adivina,
00:16:21el juego se termina.
00:16:23Así que, ¿qué hacemos?
00:16:25Quien lo adivine, gana la carta y sigue adelante.
00:16:28Y si nadie la adivina,
00:16:30yo gano la carta.
00:16:32Excelente idea, Fiona.
00:16:34Jerry, ¿por qué no empiezas tú?
00:16:40Deporte favorito.
00:16:41Ese es bueno, hijo.
00:16:45Voto por básquetbol.
00:16:48¿Ese es?
00:16:49Lo dije primero.
00:16:52Bien, es mi turno.
00:16:54Festividad favorita.
00:16:59Acción de gracias.
00:17:01Es Halloween.
00:17:03Le gusta disfrazarse.
00:17:13Tu hobby que rara vez puedes hacer.
00:17:18Listo, lo tengo.
00:17:24Vas, Miriam, tu turno.
00:17:26Déjame ver.
00:17:28Algo que disfrutes, pero no haces seguido.
00:17:33Te encantaba hacerlo, pero ahora que estás tan ocupada...
00:17:36No, yo no sé cómo tejer.
00:17:40Pensé que lo adivinaría.
00:17:46Algo que te guste, pero no lo haces seguido.
00:17:49Bueno, sé cuál es el mío.
00:17:51Preguntaré esto a ver si tengo suerte.
00:17:56Sí, de hecho sí.
00:17:57¿En serio?
00:17:59Mi papá me llevaba a pescar cuando era pequeña.
00:18:01Me encanta la pesca con mosca, pero hace mucho que no lo hago.
00:18:04Entiendo perfecto.
00:18:05Muy bien.
00:18:09Tu turno.
00:18:15Canción favorita.
00:18:17Canción favorita.
00:18:19Richard Marx.
00:18:22Estaré esperándote justo aquí.
00:18:25No, aunque eso fue muy directo y raro.
00:18:30¿Alguien más?
00:18:32No adivinarán.
00:18:33Tu turno.
00:18:35Claro de Luna, la favorita de tu madre.
00:18:38Ella la tocaba en el piano.
00:18:40Qué lindo.
00:19:09Pensaría que estás cansada, ya sabes, por el viaje.
00:19:13Tal vez, pero tengo demasiado que hacer.
00:19:16¿A tus profesores les molestó este viaje?
00:19:19Sobre todo porque surgió de la nada.
00:19:22¿Ah, sí?
00:19:24Me sorprendió un poco.
00:19:27¿Y qué estudias?
00:19:31Y además de todo, tengo una pasantía en una escuela primaria.
00:19:36¿Todo eso?
00:19:38¿Quieres que te ayude en algo?
00:19:41No, pero...
00:19:43No pregunto solo por educación.
00:19:46Es conveniente que si terminas tus cosas,
00:19:48podrás disfrutar de este viaje.
00:19:51Ah, sí.
00:19:52Yo tendré un examen cuando vuelva y no he estudiado nada.
00:19:56¿También te puedo ayudar?
00:20:00Aquí hay algunas cosas que seguro estarán en el examen.
00:20:05¡Ja, ja, ja!
00:20:11Es raro verlos, ¿no?
00:20:14Nunca la había visto así antes.
00:20:16Ha sido divertido aconsejar los sobrecitas.
00:20:19¡Ja, ja, ja!
00:20:21Veamos primera pregunta.
00:20:28Tendremos unos cincuenta invitados.
00:20:30Solo amigos cercanos.
00:20:32Es muy grande.
00:20:34Hay mucho espacio.
00:20:36Parecerá que no vino nadie.
00:20:38Creo que tiene el tamaño perfecto.
00:20:40Mamá, el decorador preguntó sobre el depósito.
00:20:43Amor, el límite es mañana.
00:20:45Ah, sí, yo me encargo de eso.
00:20:48Oye, ¿qué te parece?
00:20:51Está bien.
00:20:52Es buen lugar.
00:20:54Ashlyn, ¿qué opinas?
00:20:57Me gusta.
00:20:59Me recuerda a la iglesia donde se casaron mi padre y Miriam.
00:21:04¿El padre tiene algún problema con soltar a veces adentro?
00:21:07Yo casi tengo las aves listas.
00:21:09Saben, estuve pensando, ¿qué tal si las liberamos en la salida cuando lleguemos?
00:21:13Pero es mucho más impactante durante la ceremonia.
00:21:17Pero son aves en una iglesia.
00:21:20Harán un desastre.
00:21:21Siempre quise tener un detalle así en mi boda y esta es mi última oportunidad.
00:21:25Me pregunto si puedes convencer al padre.
00:21:29Pero si crees que es demasiado, yo confío en tu juicio.
00:21:34Yo pensaré en algo y lo intentaré.
00:21:52No estás siendo muy amable.
00:21:55¿De qué hablas?
00:21:56No quiero que Bruce sienta que te opones a esta boda.
00:21:59No lo estoy.
00:22:00Pues ya dejé.
00:22:02Es un buen hombre.
00:22:03Sí, también lo creo.
00:22:06Entonces no arruines esto.
00:22:08Escuchen todos, hay que irnos.
00:22:10Tengo una cosa que quiero que hagamos.
00:22:12¿En serio?
00:22:13Bruce, ¿qué es lo que tienes en mente, mi amor?
00:22:22Sí, pensé que sería divertido, pero no te gusta.
00:22:25Fiona ama a los animales.
00:22:28¡Qué bonitos!
00:22:30¡Qué gran idea, Bruce!
00:22:32Sí, sofisticada.
00:22:34Mira ese que está ahí.
00:22:35¡Qué bonitos!
00:22:37Aquí tienen.
00:22:38Se lo agradezco mucho.
00:22:39De nada.
00:22:41Escuchen todos.
00:22:42Todos agarren uno.
00:22:45¿Tú este?
00:22:48Oye, ¿qué es lo que tienes en mente, mi amor?
00:22:51¿Qué es lo que tienes en mente?
00:22:53¿Qué es lo que tienes en mente?
00:22:56Oye, Noah.
00:22:57Lo haremos tú y yo juntos.
00:23:02Por mi, Dallas.
00:23:03Tú sola, yo no.
00:23:05Está bien.
00:23:07¿Qué es esto?
00:23:08Su comida.
00:23:16Mi turno.
00:23:19Sí que cantan, ¿verdad?
00:23:20Son un poco ruidosos.
00:23:24Ahora solo debemos estirar el brazo y esperar.
00:23:30Ahí está.
00:23:33Come, sí.
00:23:36Está atacándome.
00:23:37No pasa nada.
00:23:38Solo acércate.
00:23:39Mira, solo es un ave.
00:23:40Está bien.
00:23:41Mira, ¿sabes qué?
00:23:42Tú quédate con nosotros y te cuidaremos.
00:23:45¿De acuerdo?
00:23:54Toma, prueba esto.
00:23:56Ahora está la mitad, pero es suficiente para traer uno o dos pericos.
00:24:02De nada.
00:24:06¿Y si no tienen hambre?
00:24:07Yo creo que sí tienen.
00:24:08Pronto se acercarán.
00:24:15Ya llegaron.
00:24:19Ay, me encanta.
00:24:21De nada.
00:24:23Ahora te toca a ti.
00:24:24Sí, gracias.
00:24:26¿Sabes qué especies serán?
00:24:28No, no soy experta en pericos, pero son lindos.
00:24:33¿Cuál es tu favorito?
00:24:37El azul.
00:24:38Sí, ya veo por qué.
00:24:40Qué lindo color.
00:24:42Oye, querido.
00:24:43¿Puedes ir con Fion a alimentar a los pajaritos y enseñarle?
00:24:48Por favor.
00:25:02¿Hay algún buen partido?
00:25:03¿De fútbol?
00:25:05¿De fútbol?
00:25:07¿De fútbol?
00:25:09¿De fútbol?
00:25:14debes tener cuidado.
00:25:18Viniste para ser de la familia, pero...
00:25:20no te pongas demasiado coqueta como...
00:25:22con Noah, por ejemplo.
00:25:24Si estás preocupada por él, debería ser por la conducta de tu hija.
00:25:27No metas a ella.
00:25:29No lo hice.
00:25:30Solo es una observación.
00:25:31Estás aquí para sonreír.
00:25:35Tú me trajiste aquí.
00:25:38pienso en lo que está en juego.
00:25:41Pensé que ya lo tenía todo cuando me casé con tu padre.
00:25:44Pero el tiempo juntos...
00:25:46fue corto.
00:25:48Quiero volver a ser feliz.
00:25:50Y Bruce me hace feliz.
00:25:53Todo lo que pido es que tú no...
00:25:55hagas quedar mal a la familia.
00:25:57Y por eso tendrás...
00:25:58pagada la escuela...
00:25:59y una semana de playa.
00:26:01Y tú...
00:26:02deberías agradecerme.
00:26:14Quería decirte...
00:26:16quiero hablar contigo.
00:26:18Ah, lo siento.
00:26:19¿Hay problema con que me haya servido esto?
00:26:22Claro que no.
00:26:23No es eso de lo que quería hablar.
00:26:29Solo quiero saber qué opinas de todo esto.
00:26:33De que yo me case con Miriam.
00:26:38Solo me...
00:26:39preocupé, ¿sabes?
00:26:40Yo no quería que fuera algo difícil para ti.
00:26:45No lo es.
00:26:46Miriam compartió conmigo lo que le costó criarte.
00:26:50Y a Fiona y a Jerry.
00:26:52Y cómo teme no haberte dado a ti en particular todo lo que merecías.
00:26:58¿Ella dijo eso?
00:27:00No imagino lo duro que debió ser para ti.
00:27:02Perder a tu madre y luego perder a tu padre.
00:27:05Y ahora aquí viene el reemplazo.
00:27:07Aunque sea años después.
00:27:09Porfa, lo que sientas...
00:27:12Está bien.
00:27:13Y si quieres hablar...
00:27:16Estoy aquí.
00:27:22pero muy considerado de tu parte.
00:27:25Si los dos son felices,
00:27:27yo lo soy.
00:27:36¡Deprisa todos! ¡Nos esperan en la pastelería!
00:27:40¿Dónde están los niños?
00:27:41Ay, están grandes.
00:27:43Poniéndose los zapatos.
00:27:44Gracias, Fiona.
00:27:47¿Puedes culparme? Solo te casas una vez.
00:27:50¿O dos?
00:27:51Bueno, unas cuantas.
00:27:53¿Están listas?
00:27:54Ah, sí.
00:27:55¿Dónde está Ashlyn?
00:27:57No la molestes.
00:27:58Está muy estresada.
00:27:59Ella necesita un break.
00:28:00Voy a preguntarle rápido.
00:28:03Ah, ahí estás.
00:28:07Esto es acogedor.
00:28:09¿No es de la ama de llaves?
00:28:12De hecho, no lo sé.
00:28:14Sabes que hay otra habitación disponible, ¿verdad?
00:28:17¿De verdad?
00:28:18Sí, junto a la de Fiona.
00:28:22Bueno, ya desempaqué y me instalé aquí.
00:28:25Estoy bien.
00:28:31De acuerdo...
00:28:32Bueno, vamos al lugar de...
00:28:34los postres.
00:28:37Sí, eso.
00:28:38La pastelería de bodas, o como le digan.
00:28:42Todos nos esperan en el auto.
00:28:47Tú y dan muestras.
00:28:51Ay, este se ve delicioso.
00:28:54Está riquísimo.
00:28:56Dame otro.
00:28:58Abre la boca.
00:29:00Mm, good taste, but very sweet.
00:29:05I think we need something original, something spectacular.
00:29:10How about chocolate with orange?
00:29:13That being said, why not a sweet-sour cake?
00:29:17How about something classic like lemon?
00:29:19It's light, it's tasty.
00:29:21What a lovely suggestion.
00:29:23I hate her.
00:29:25If this was my wedding, I think fruit would be a great idea.
00:29:30I love lemon.
00:29:34That's good.
00:29:36How about pistachio?
00:29:38Mm, but not just that.
00:29:40It needs something to bring it to life.
00:29:42May I suggest cherry and hazelnut?
00:29:48I liked it.
00:29:50Me too.
00:29:51I don't know if it goes with the wedding theme.
00:29:54I wish it had more icing.
00:29:57Yeah, I'd rather have the bread and the icing have the same proportion.
00:30:01That sounds...
00:30:04You don't taste the cake with so much sweetness.
00:30:06Well, that's why it has filling.
00:30:08That sounds good.
00:30:09What flavor do you prefer, chocolate or vanilla?
00:30:12So basic.
00:30:14Um, vanilla then, because you can combine it with other flavors.
00:30:19Like what?
00:30:20Um, passion fruit.
00:30:22Ooh, fancy.
00:30:24Yeah, I found out when I moved out.
00:30:27In that case, you should try the passion fruit cake.
00:30:30Oh, yeah, thanks.
00:30:34It sounds delicious.
00:30:39Wow, it's delicious.
00:30:41I always ordered chocolate, but this one killed me.
00:30:44It's delicious.
00:30:45Try it.
00:30:46Well, I...
00:30:47Yeah, I get it.
00:30:52Here, try it.
00:31:02Yeah, it's delicious.
00:31:04Really good.
00:31:09Can I put it in my bag?
00:31:16I don't like this.
00:31:18Ashlyn, clean the pool.
00:31:20We have to burn calories.
00:31:23Isn't there someone who...
00:31:24There's a big pole over there with a net.
00:31:26Find it, will you?
00:31:29Hey, tomorrow I think we could go fishing.
00:31:33There's supposed to be good weather and we have a good fisherman.
00:31:36And fisherman.
00:31:37That sounds great.
00:31:38Maybe we'll fish something good and it'll be our dinner.
00:31:41Bruce, you know I'm not a fishing fan.
00:31:43I know.
00:31:44I had to try.
00:31:45What about you, Jerry?
00:31:49Do you want to come fishing tomorrow?
00:31:51Uh, I...
00:31:55That's it.
00:31:56Do you think Fiona wants to?
00:31:58Fiona looks like me.
00:31:59She can't stand fishing.
00:32:01Ashlyn, you do, right?
00:32:04I'd love to.
00:32:05So there's four of us.
00:32:07I'll rent the boat now.
00:32:13Get out.
00:32:14The pool won't clean itself.
00:32:21Why are you all going fishing tomorrow?
00:32:23It was Bruce's idea.
00:32:24I want to go.
00:32:25No, you don't.
00:32:26What I don't want is for you not to take me into account.
00:32:29I'm the wedding planner.
00:32:30Bruce had to ask me.
00:32:32Just because you're planning the wedding doesn't mean you can plan everything we do before the wedding.
00:32:37Because going fishing has to be the plan.
00:32:39Any tradition of yours?
00:32:43You're staying.
00:32:45Why didn't you think of something else?
00:32:47Water skiing, snorkeling...
00:32:50You want to stop complaining?
00:32:52I'm not in the mood for this.
00:32:54What's wrong?
00:32:56It hasn't been a good day for me.
00:32:58I don't care.
00:32:59Then why am I trying to close something important?
00:33:04I don't care.
00:33:05Sports are for fools.
00:33:08Fishing is different.
00:33:09Not for me.
00:33:10Go bother Mom.
00:33:12I'm sure you'll go shopping with her.
00:33:28No signal?
00:33:29I have an international plan.
00:33:31We're far from the signal towers.
00:33:34Very far.
00:33:37How much did you lose?
00:33:39How do you know I lost?
00:33:42I don't care.
00:33:43I'll get it back in a few good bets.
00:33:53How's this quality time?
00:33:56It's been good.
00:33:58Well, say it.
00:34:00I know you had your opinions on this trip.
00:34:04I'm afraid of awkward conversations.
00:34:07And thinking we'll be tied to this new family.
00:34:11You don't like Miriam?
00:34:13I like her.
00:34:14She seems nice, but...
00:34:15My interactions with her have been dinners and meetings here and there.
00:34:20Are you okay with her?
00:34:22Yes, of course.
00:34:24As long as I don't have to call Mom.
00:34:27And the others?
00:34:29That's where the awkwardness comes from.
00:34:32My future brothers.
00:34:34Or rather, sisters.
00:34:37It takes time to get used to it.
00:34:40At least we won't grow up or live together after the wedding.
00:34:44I don't know if I'll be able to trust Fiona every day.
00:34:50And Jerry's a little...
00:34:54I don't quite understand.
00:34:56But Ashton's cute.
00:35:00It's obvious they don't have the same blood.
00:35:02Yes, yes.
00:35:03She's much smarter than the other two.
00:35:07I'm glad you're giving them a chance.
00:35:14Well done, Ashlyn.
00:35:18You said you went fishing with your dad?
00:35:21Yes, he took me to a lake not far from our house.
00:35:24A little different from here, but...
00:35:26It was fun.
00:35:28The two of us and a fridge full of sodas and sandwiches.
00:35:32What did you fish?
00:35:34Carps, trout from time to time, and a lot of branches.
00:35:39What do you like more, the lake or the open sea?
00:35:43I'll tell you when I fish something.
00:35:46I like your confidence.
00:35:48Jerry, do you fish a lot?
00:35:52In fishing competitions.
00:35:54In the high seas?
00:35:55No, like...
00:35:59Not like this.
00:36:05It's a little tight here.
00:36:08But it's divine.
00:36:10I'd swear the seamstress shrunk it instead of adjusting it.
00:36:14And this light makes me look so pale.
00:36:16Oh, silence. You're fine.
00:36:18You look pretty, Mom.
00:36:22Oh, just a few days.
00:36:24I can't wait.
00:36:25The new life.
00:36:27Hey, Mom.
00:36:28Bruce and Noah are close, right?
00:36:31Yeah, I think so.
00:36:33So we'll see them often?
00:36:36Yeah, probably.
00:36:39So fast and he's your crush.
00:36:41He's handsome.
00:36:42You can't blame me for seeing him.
00:36:44I guess not.
00:36:46I don't think Noah sees you as anything more than a sister.
00:36:49For a while.
00:36:50Why not?
00:36:51Well, this is all new to him, like it is to you.
00:36:55With the wedding, no one's thinking about anything else.
00:36:58Give him time.
00:36:59That's what I'm trying to do.
00:37:00But Ashley's getting in the way.
00:37:02Oh, yeah?
00:37:03They're fishing together right now.
00:37:05With Bruce and Jerry?
00:37:07It's not a date.
00:37:08I don't understand what they can see in her.
00:37:11There's one thing about Ashley that will always be true.
00:37:14She's always got the spotlight.
00:37:16She has her classes and her dream of being a teacher.
00:37:20Keep her busy with that, and she won't give Noah a break.
00:37:30Jerry, did you catch anything?
00:37:32Oh, let's see.
00:37:33Jerry, the rod.
00:37:37What's wrong?
00:37:39I feel like I'm going to throw up.
00:37:41Did you take any pills for dizziness?
00:37:47Here, maybe this will help.
00:37:50If I throw up, I'll throw it at you.
00:37:53What a detail.
00:37:55Ten, here, have a drink.
00:37:57Not too much, little by little.
00:38:00Very good, let's pull this fish.
00:38:03Oh, yeah.
00:38:04Noah, do you want to do the honors?
00:38:06Let Ashley do it.
00:38:08Ten, pull the rod, will you?
00:38:10Okay, yeah, sure.
00:38:12Oh, wow, it's strong.
00:38:14You can do it.
00:38:16If it's a fight, just pull and let go.
00:38:18I don't want to lose it.
00:38:20If you lose it, there are a lot of fish in the sea.
00:38:23You said it super literally.
00:38:25How big will it be?
00:38:27I don't know, I don't see it.
00:38:28The ones I've caught pull like a 100-pound marlin,
00:38:31but they're five-gallon ones.
00:38:34You got it!
00:38:36Pull and let go.
00:38:39What fish will it be?
00:38:40Once I caught a snakehead.
00:38:42A what?
00:38:43They eat little fish, breathe air,
00:38:45they have sharp teeth.
00:38:47What did you do to it?
00:38:48I was going to return it to the sea because I wasn't going to eat it,
00:38:50but it bit me.
00:38:52Was it very strong?
00:38:53No, but it scared me.
00:38:59That's it, you got it.
00:39:00Don't let go.
00:39:01Hold it tight.
00:39:02Okay, yeah.
00:39:03Hold it tight.
00:39:04I'll do that.
00:39:05I got it.
00:39:06Good, try to bring it closer so you can see it better.
00:39:08Oh, did you see it?
00:39:11A snakehead?
00:39:12No, but it's big.
00:39:14That explains why I can't feel my arms.
00:39:16Yeah, but pull.
00:39:18Almost, a little more.
00:39:20There it is.
00:39:21Good, good job, Ashlyn.
00:39:25I've never fished something so big.
00:39:26Well done.
00:39:28It was my rod.
00:39:37Does anyone want a ceviche?
00:39:40You're back.
00:39:42Yeah, it was a good catch, thanks to Ashlyn.
00:39:44Oh, it's great.
00:39:46I'm going to clean the fish.
00:39:48I'm going to light the fire.
00:39:50Do you have anything for nausea?
00:39:52Oh, now you smell like fish.
00:39:55But it was worth it, wasn't it, Jerry?
00:39:58The waves were strong.
00:40:00I'm glad you're safe and sound.
00:40:02Ashlyn, bring some medicine for Jerry.
00:40:06Oh, and leave my shoes for the wedding at the town shop.
00:40:09Go get them.
00:40:10Sure, I'm just going to...
00:40:12No, the shop will close.
00:40:13I need you to go.
00:40:15Why don't you go, Fiona?
00:40:17You had fun all day while Fiona and I prepared everything for the wedding.
00:40:21The least you can do is go get my things.
00:40:35The fish is ready.
00:40:38It smells really good.
00:40:40Yeah, and it tastes better.
00:40:44Where's Ashlyn?
00:40:45And where's Jerry?
00:40:47Jerry's worried about his stomach.
00:40:50He's resting in the bathroom.
00:40:52Oh, and Ashlyn?
00:40:54She's on a mission, and she went to get some medicine.
00:40:56You know.
00:40:57Oh, she's very kind.
00:40:58Let's wait until she comes back.
00:41:00I'll call her to see if she's near, okay?
00:41:08Dear, is everything okay?
00:41:13Well, the food is ready, and we want to wait for you.
00:41:16Are you sure?
00:41:18Okay, we'll save you some food.
00:41:21We can continue.
00:41:24Let's eat.
00:41:48The food was delicious, Fiona.
00:42:37Don't cancel it.
00:42:42Hi, Jerry.
00:42:43Hi, Noah.
00:42:44What's up?
00:42:45Everything okay?
00:42:48It's work.
00:42:49You know.
00:42:50Everything's fine.
00:42:52Nothing bad.
00:42:55Do you want to play billiards?
00:42:58Yeah, later.
00:43:08I want tropical colors of good taste.
00:43:11Of good taste.
00:43:13How big can my bouquet be?
00:43:15Smaller than mine.
00:43:17Maybe some of these as key parts of the bouquet.
00:43:20Ashlyn, write the name.
00:43:24Do you like this one?
00:43:27Okay, then for my bouquet.
00:43:29No, they have to be combined.
00:43:31Hi, do you need flowers?
00:43:35Do you need flowers?
00:43:37Wedding bouquets.
00:43:38Oh, congratulations.
00:43:40How many do you want?
00:43:41Two bouquets.
00:43:42One for me, the bride, and one for the lady of honor.
00:43:45Very well.
00:43:46Let me look for some options.
00:43:49I'll take one.
00:43:51You're not the lady of honor.
00:43:52Or are you?
00:43:54I guess not.
00:43:56We must buy one of those flowers for Jerry.
00:43:59And Bruce and Noah, thank you for reminding me.
00:44:02Is Jerry a godfather?
00:44:04I'm going to make him give me the altar.
00:44:06Noah is going to be Bruce's godfather.
00:44:08So, what's my role?
00:44:11You're going to be behind everyone,
00:44:13to guide those who arrive late to the best places.
00:44:17Someone has to do it.
00:44:18It makes sense that it's you.
00:44:20What a beautiful zonist.
00:44:23Ashlyn, write their names.
00:44:27I like this one.
00:44:34I like this one.
00:45:04I like this one.
00:45:27Are you okay?
00:45:29I'm okay.
00:45:30People have been saying that word all day.
00:45:32You, Jerry.
00:45:36I saw it as weird a while ago.
00:46:00I'm sorry.
00:46:30I'm sorry.
00:46:46I don't know what worries Jerry.
00:46:50What worries you?
00:46:53Nothing that I can't control.
00:46:56Is it something about...
00:46:58men's problems or...
00:47:01Yeah, I'm sorry.
00:47:02It sounded weird while I was saying it.
00:47:06No, no.
00:47:08It's not men's problems.
00:47:10I don't have a man to give them to me.
00:47:14And you?
00:47:16No, not anymore.
00:47:18But was there someone?
00:47:22He had an opportunity abroad.
00:47:24Something about a dream job.
00:47:27And he left.
00:47:30I'm sorry.
00:47:32Do you miss him?
00:47:34I missed him.
00:47:35For a long time.
00:47:37Actually, he didn't give me any reason.
00:47:40She just said goodbye and...
00:47:41That was it.
00:47:47How much affection did I feel?
00:47:55There you are.
00:47:56I want to take the family to a nice dinner later.
00:47:58How long will we be there?
00:48:00In ten minutes?
00:48:01Maybe a little longer for Ashlyn.
00:48:04I'll be ready.
00:48:05Make yourself something nice.
00:48:25Where are you?
00:48:56New shirt.
00:48:57It's nice.
00:49:00Let's go.
00:49:01In a minute.
00:49:02Ashlyn is changing.
00:49:03I can't go with you.
00:49:04Why not?
00:49:05Something happened to my computer.
00:49:06My homework got erased and it's for tomorrow.
00:49:08Ashlyn, I'm sorry.
00:49:10Oh, yes.
00:49:11It's a disgrace.
00:49:13You should eat anyway.
00:49:15You're right.
00:49:16Come and we'll bring you as soon as we can.
00:49:18We're celebrating.
00:49:19I don't want to rush.
00:49:20No problem.
00:49:22Don't change your plans for me.
00:49:24I'll be fine.
00:49:26Are you sure it got erased?
00:49:27Yeah, maybe.
00:49:29I didn't keep it well.
00:49:30I don't know.
00:49:31You should be more careful.
00:49:33Can I stay and help?
00:49:36It doesn't matter.
00:49:37You'd only see me typing.
00:49:39But you didn't have dinner yesterday.
00:49:41How can we help you?
00:49:43I can't think of anything, but...
00:49:48Everything will be fine.
00:49:53Let's go, Noah.
00:49:54Come with me.
00:50:22My best friend canceled her wedding.
00:50:26Her husband injured his tendon or something while playing tennis.
00:50:30Your friend Donna?
00:50:31No, Hannah.
00:50:32But you know what that means?
00:50:34We have to re-assign the places.
00:50:37Can I help?
00:50:39We're going to enjoy tonight.
00:50:41Speaking of which...
00:50:43Honey, you did it!
00:50:46I wanted to give you something special.
00:50:48You didn't have to.
00:50:49It's more like a memory for...
00:50:51all the memories that will come after we get married.
00:50:54But this...
00:50:56is to remind us...
00:50:58of our time here together on the island.
00:51:03It's beautiful.
00:51:06I'm glad you like it.
00:51:11Let's order before I start crying.
00:51:16What are you going to order?
00:51:17I'm not sure.
00:51:18What about you?
00:51:20Maybe a salad.
00:51:22Will you share the dessert with me?
00:51:25I don't know if I'll eat dessert.
00:51:28And what about Ashlyn?
00:51:30What about what?
00:51:31What would she like?
00:51:33I don't know.
00:51:34A guada soup or something like that.
00:51:39Hi, is everyone ready to order?
00:51:41Yes, I think so.
00:51:43Please start with my wife.
00:51:45I haven't decided yet.
00:51:47In that case,
00:51:48please start with Fiona
00:51:49and by the time we're done,
00:51:50she'll have decided.
00:51:52A steak on the grill with salad
00:51:54and french fries.
00:51:56And you?
00:51:57I'd like the chicken with...
00:51:59the pasta.
00:52:00And one more thing.
00:52:02I'm going to order another one,
00:52:03the same thing,
00:52:04but to take away, please.
00:52:06Of course.
00:52:24Don't stop.
00:52:31How's your job coming along?
00:52:36In fact, it's...
00:52:37easier to rewrite it
00:52:38than the first time.
00:52:41You wish you didn't have to
00:52:42rewrite it a second time?
00:52:45Are you hungry?
00:52:48In fact, I am.
00:52:49It's nice out.
00:52:51Do you want to eat out?
00:52:52Far from your computer?
00:52:56Let's go.
00:53:05That's just what I needed.
00:53:08You're welcome.
00:53:10What's that job about?
00:53:14The theory of infantile development
00:53:16and learning by age.
00:53:19I did a lot of different studies.
00:53:22It's the most technical thing
00:53:23I've had to write,
00:53:25I hope it works.
00:53:27That sounds very scientific.
00:53:30I'll be happy when I finish it.
00:53:36Did you always want to be a teacher?
00:53:41for a while,
00:53:42I didn't know what I wanted.
00:53:44I found out years after I graduated.
00:53:47What changed?
00:53:49I met a teacher.
00:53:52She was great.
00:53:54She helped me in difficult times.
00:53:57I couldn't stop thinking,
00:53:58I want to do that.
00:53:59Be that person
00:54:01for a child
00:54:02who needs someone
00:54:03to understand him.
00:54:05That's admirable.
00:54:07Did I tell you my mother was a teacher?
00:54:10I didn't know.
00:54:13I know it's not the same thing you do, but...
00:54:15Was she a piano teacher?
00:54:18You remember.
00:54:20That and the violin.
00:54:22Do you play?
00:54:24Just a little piano.
00:54:26I was a very stubborn child
00:54:27with that practice.
00:54:29So my mother told me
00:54:30I would have to teach someone else.
00:54:33I think I got lost
00:54:34in how good a teacher she was.
00:54:36Was her death
00:54:42A death is always a death.
00:54:46I had been
00:54:48sick for a while
00:54:49and it didn't get better.
00:54:51We thought the opposite.
00:54:53Suddenly it got complicated.
00:54:57Then she died.
00:55:00That's hard.
00:55:02To have that hope
00:55:03and then lose it.
00:55:06That's right.
00:55:09Your father had thought
00:55:11about getting married again?
00:55:15I think so.
00:55:17There were uncomfortable times
00:55:18when he started dating women.
00:55:20He told me every story.
00:55:24I don't think it was the time yet.
00:55:27His business was growing.
00:55:30Or maybe he couldn't find
00:55:31the right woman.
00:55:33You always ask me about that.
00:55:37The right woman.
00:55:40It's very strange
00:55:41when one dies
00:55:42and the other gets married.
00:55:45I don't have many experiences
00:55:46of my own
00:55:48in love
00:55:50or marriage.
00:55:53I hope that
00:55:54even the second time
00:55:57we hope to find
00:55:58that right person.
00:56:05Come in.
00:56:07What is it?
00:56:08I want to talk to you.
00:56:10What's going on?
00:56:13I didn't make much money
00:56:14this week.
00:56:17How much did you lose?
00:56:23I've tried to support you.
00:56:25But at some point
00:56:27you have to stop
00:56:28lying to yourself.
00:56:30What you do
00:56:31is not the way
00:56:32to succeed in life.
00:56:33I can get it back,
00:56:34but my gambling accounts
00:56:35were canceled.
00:56:36I mean,
00:56:37gambling accounts.
00:56:39What do you want me to do?
00:56:41Talk to Bruce.
00:56:43No, Jerry.
00:56:44I can't do that.
00:56:46I won't.
00:56:48Maybe I can
00:56:49lend you something.
00:56:53The money
00:56:54was yours.
00:57:00The $30,000.
00:57:02You included me
00:57:03as a beneficiary
00:57:04in the account
00:57:05and I...
00:57:07And you used it
00:57:08as your own
00:57:09gambling account.
00:57:11I'm sorry.
00:57:12I'm sorry
00:57:13I can't get my money back.
00:57:14I know.
00:57:15But if you ask Bruce...
00:57:18Before the wedding
00:57:19or when he finds out
00:57:20you're a gambler?
00:57:22Or later,
00:57:23when he feels
00:57:24I've lied to him?
00:57:26Can I ask you
00:57:27a second time?
00:57:29I'm really sorry.
00:57:31I didn't know
00:57:32what else to do.
00:57:33You shut up.
00:57:35Let's just spend
00:57:36this week together.
00:57:38And the wedding...
00:57:43I'll tell him.
00:57:55I'm working.
00:58:03Just the last part.
00:58:16I'm done.
00:58:19Put the file together
00:58:22send it.
00:58:28My cousin decided
00:58:29to come at the last minute,
00:58:30so we can send it to him.
00:58:31I'm already invited
00:58:32to dinner with your friend.
00:58:35we should increase
00:58:36the number of people
00:58:37for the banquet.
00:58:38They give very small portions
00:58:39and I don't want
00:58:40anyone to starve.
00:58:41I think it's fine
00:58:42the way we have it.
00:58:43I'm going to ask Fiona
00:58:44to call just in case.
00:58:46I look much better,
00:58:47don't you think?
00:58:48Yes, you look beautiful.
00:58:50Good morning, sleepyhead.
00:58:52There you are.
00:58:53Are you done?
00:58:55I did it.
00:58:56Good news.
00:59:00can I talk to you
00:59:01for a moment?
00:59:02Yes, of course.
00:59:04Girls' talk, I guess.
00:59:11I was wondering
00:59:12what you want me
00:59:13to wear for the wedding.
00:59:14It doesn't matter.
00:59:15Any of your dresses
00:59:16will do.
00:59:17I didn't bring
00:59:18any dresses.
00:59:20That was stupid of you.
00:59:22I figured you'd have
00:59:23one for me
00:59:24to match
00:59:25the colors of your wedding.
00:59:27Well, you were wrong.
00:59:29Why would I spend
00:59:30my money on that?
00:59:31It's just one day.
00:59:32And you'll sit
00:59:33with the guests.
00:59:34It doesn't matter
00:59:35what you wear.
00:59:37Don't you think
00:59:38Bruce will think it's weird
00:59:39that you're excluding me
00:59:40from the wedding party?
00:59:42I mean,
00:59:43think about the pictures.
00:59:45Don't try to manipulate me.
00:59:47You always felt
00:59:48I owed you something, girl.
00:59:50Why don't you give me
00:59:51that or that?
00:59:52It's not about the dress,
00:59:53and you know it.
00:59:55If you don't want me here,
00:59:57I'll be happy to leave
00:59:58right now.
00:59:59I don't care.
01:00:01I don't like
01:00:02you threatening me.
01:00:03And I won't.
01:00:05That's the truth
01:00:06you should fear
01:00:07more than me.
01:00:08What about this
01:00:09as the truth?
01:00:10You're leaving
01:00:11because of your behavior.
01:00:12You won't get
01:00:13a dime from me.
01:00:14And if you leave,
01:00:15I'll have to explain why.
01:00:17That would only hurt you.
01:00:18I already shared
01:00:19with Bruce
01:00:20the problems
01:00:21you caused when you grew up.
01:00:22Who will he believe
01:00:23when he tells him
01:00:24you left for nothing
01:00:25and you left us all?
01:00:27What will your dear Noah
01:00:29if he found out
01:00:30you came here
01:00:31just to get money?
01:00:42Can I come with you?
01:00:43My dad said
01:00:44you were going to the city.
01:00:45My headphones died
01:00:46and I want new ones
01:00:47for when I get back.
01:00:49I have to do some shopping
01:00:50and I might be late.
01:00:52It's okay.
01:00:53I have time.
01:00:58I'll see you later.
01:01:00Where are you?
01:01:01I'll pick you up.
01:01:02At one of the clothing stores.
01:01:05I'll pick you up there.
01:01:08Come with me.
01:01:09The electronics store
01:01:10will be quick.
01:01:12I don't want to be late.
01:01:13I'll see you later.
01:01:15Where are you?
01:01:16I'll pick you up.
01:01:17At one of the clothing stores.
01:01:19I'll pick you up there.
01:02:03I'm done.
01:02:06What are you buying?
01:02:08Well, something.
01:02:09Of course.
01:02:11I'll know when I see it.
01:02:18It's done.
01:02:19It's this one.
01:02:20Aren't you going to try it on?
01:02:22I'm sure it's my size.
01:02:24What's the event?
01:02:27I already have one.
01:02:30Isn't it for the wedding?
01:02:33Is it?
01:02:35Yes, it is.
01:02:36And the dresses of the ladies of honor
01:02:38were tested.
01:02:39The other day Fiona was hanging out with his.
01:02:42It's just that they couldn't make my dress in time.
01:02:46My measurements, I'm more,
01:02:47you know, they didn't have them.
01:02:49Jerry and I have vests and ties that combine.
01:02:55I like this one.
01:02:58if you're going to buy a dress,
01:03:00can I tell you which one will look better on you?
01:03:06Let's see what we have.
01:03:09How about this one?
01:03:10Do you like it?
01:03:12Yes, have it.
01:03:18What do you say about this one?
01:03:21Yes, yes, I like them.
01:03:23Yes, I'm going to try them on.
01:03:29I'll be right back.
01:03:47Do you like it for the wedding?
01:03:51I mean, it looks beautiful on you.
01:03:54Do you think this one is okay?
01:03:56Yes, more than just okay.
01:03:58I think it's perfect, I swear.
01:04:02I'll take it.
01:04:07Thank you for coming with me.
01:04:11for your opinion.
01:04:12You're welcome.
01:04:14Oh, I found you.
01:04:15I looked for you all over the house, Noah.
01:04:19I'm going to hang this now so it doesn't wrinkle.
01:04:27The tide is rising and the waves are perfect for body surfing.
01:04:31Shall we?
01:04:32Have you seen my dad?
01:04:33Yes, I think he's inside.
01:04:46Can I have one?
01:04:52This heat is good for us.
01:04:54Get in the pool.
01:04:55Good idea.
01:04:58What a view.
01:05:05There's something that worries me.
01:05:07Tell me.
01:05:10Did you notice that Ashley doesn't receive the same treatment as Jerry and Fiona?
01:05:14No, what are you talking about?
01:05:17But I think it would be difficult for me not to favor you in some way, even after getting married.
01:05:23I don't know.
01:05:24It's not that you favor me, Dad.
01:05:25Think about it.
01:05:26They gave her the smallest room.
01:05:28Just the one they always give the maid.
01:05:30And there were many available rooms.
01:05:32She's always the one who cleans.
01:05:34While Jerry and Fiona, and even Miriam, do nothing.
01:05:37Son, that's not fair.
01:05:39After all, it's a vacation.
01:05:40Not for everyone.
01:05:41Not for Ashley.
01:05:42Even the way they act with each other.
01:05:44Many of the things they talk about...
01:05:46They make everything...
01:05:48A hell.
01:05:50Are you sure?
01:05:51Do you know what we did all afternoon?
01:05:54We bought a dress.
01:05:56Ashley was buying her own dress because Miriam didn't even get it for the wedding.
01:06:01I'm sure there's an explanation.
01:06:03Maybe we're misinterpreting everything.
01:06:05How else would I interpret it?
01:06:08Is there another reason you're worried about?
01:06:12I've noticed how you look at her.
01:06:17Is it possible that that affects your judgment?
01:06:22No, no, it's not like that.
01:06:24You think so?
01:06:25It seems like you're very interested.
01:06:27Yes, but...
01:06:29I want to think that it doesn't matter what I feel for her.
01:06:32And that I can still say my opinion.
01:06:36In my opinion.
01:07:00I saw them together.
01:07:01Where did they go?
01:07:02What do you want, Diana?
01:07:04I want you to be careful, and I don't want you to scare him.
01:07:08I'm the last one to do that.
01:07:10If you ruin this for your stupid feelings for him, Mom is going to kill you.
01:07:15Thanks for telling me.
01:07:16There's no other place on the beach I can go to.
01:07:19Listen, Mom needs this marriage.
01:07:23My brother betting Mom's money is the most convenient thing.
01:07:27What did you say?
01:07:30He'll fix all our problems.
01:07:32He'll fix our lives.
01:07:34And hopefully, you'll get a limo.
01:07:37Stay out of it.
01:07:52How's the beach?
01:07:56And sandy.
01:07:58That's uncomfortable.
01:08:04What's up with you?
01:08:06Do you want to get out of here? I have an idea to cheer us up.
01:08:10Yes, please.
01:08:23I'm sorry, there's too much air.
01:08:26Yes, but I love it.
01:08:54How do you find these places? Have you been here before?
01:08:57No, I'm just investigating.
01:08:59I loved how this place looked in the pictures on the Internet.
01:09:02Just look.
01:09:04Maybe it's because of its architecture.
01:09:07You can call it that when it's nature.
01:09:10Why not?
01:09:11Architecture is inspired by nature.
01:09:13Do you design a lot of buildings?
01:09:15Uh, not a lot.
01:09:17Rather, I make sure they follow the rules of construction and are resistant.
01:09:22So they don't fall apart?
01:09:25It's glamorous, but it's important.
01:09:29Would you like to design?
01:09:31Yes, yes.
01:09:32It's not very strong yet, but someday.
01:09:35Who knows?
01:09:38It's good to have dreams.
01:09:40We all should have them.
01:09:43Although I'm not sure about Fiona, really.
01:09:46Or Jerry.
01:09:48Jerry wants to be successful.
01:09:51Which for him means being rich.
01:09:54And Fiona?
01:09:57I don't think she's decided yet what she wants to do in life.
01:10:02Tell me, how was it growing up with the Vanderbilts?
01:10:05Actually, Vanderbilt is my last name.
01:10:08My father's.
01:10:09Miriam always liked it.
01:10:11It made her feel rich and important.
01:10:18So, did you get along with Jerry and Fiona?
01:10:26And with your stepmother?
01:10:29There were hard times.
01:10:32It was hard, I guess.
01:10:35Did you ever want it to be different?
01:10:39Of course.
01:10:40Well, who doesn't?
01:10:43But I like to think I'm strong.
01:10:47After all, thanks to all that.
01:10:52You're welcome.
01:10:58You are.
01:11:04It's your turn to drive.
01:11:26Jerry, let's make dinner for everyone tonight.
01:11:29Let's go.
01:11:30It's a celebration before the wedding.
01:11:32There's only two days left.
01:11:35There you go.
01:11:36We'll go to the supermarket.
01:11:38Jerry, go get the keys.
01:11:39We'll be there soon.
01:11:40Me too?
01:11:41Where's Fiona?
01:11:43She wants to spend some time with Noah.
01:11:56I hope this doesn't take long.
01:11:57I have a lot of work to do.
01:11:59Let's stop pretending that's true.
01:12:03And you.
01:12:04Cook the vegetables and bake the bread and dessert.
01:12:10Did you hear me?
01:12:13How were you going to pay my semester
01:12:15when you have the debt from Jerry's bets?
01:12:18Were you going to pay his semester fee?
01:12:21You sure are brave.
01:12:24You didn't answer my question.
01:12:25And I don't have to.
01:12:27Do you love Bruce or do you only care about his money?
01:12:32Get out.
01:12:33How could you lie to me?
01:12:35I didn't.
01:12:36I was going to keep my word.
01:12:39And now?
01:12:40There have been changes.
01:12:44It's all the same.
01:13:02Can you teach me how to hold this?
01:13:04I already taught you.
01:13:06But I don't know how to stick it.
01:13:08I taught you that too.
01:13:09Try it.
01:13:10As best as you can.
01:13:12And throw.
01:13:21I think you'll have to teach me again.
01:13:24We're back!
01:13:26Do you need help?
01:13:27No, no, no.
01:13:28Don't worry.
01:13:29We'll take care of it.
01:13:30Did Ashlyn stay out?
01:13:34Well, where is she?
01:13:36We had a little argument.
01:13:39And she stayed there to calm down.
01:13:41Is everything okay?
01:13:43She'll be fine.
01:13:44What did you do to her?
01:13:47It's Ashlyn's fault.
01:13:49She only wants to use Bruce for her money.
01:13:51Mom found out and confronted her.
01:13:54That doesn't concern her.
01:13:55All she cares about is getting someone to pay for her studies.
01:14:02I'm sorry, Bruce.
01:14:04I thought we could hide you from her.
01:14:09Well, this is...
01:14:15Why don't we try to forget all this for now?
01:14:20Help me in the kitchen.
01:14:27Not now.
01:14:43Are you okay?
01:14:45I'm fine.
01:14:46Where have you been?
01:14:50That doesn't matter.
01:14:51Listen, while you were gone, Miriam said a few things.
01:14:54Tell me something new.
01:14:56I don't believe you, but you should know what's going on.
01:14:58That would only bother me more.
01:15:00What happened?
01:15:03I have to go, but...
01:15:07Thank you for everything.
01:15:38Where do you think you're going?
01:15:45You're staying.
01:15:49To sell the lie that we're a happy family?
01:15:52To help you pretend that you ever treated me like your daughter or something?
01:15:56You would have been better with a mannequin.
01:15:58That would have been better.
01:16:00You love acting like you've had a rough life.
01:16:04I think you don't realize how lucky you've been.
01:16:11I guess in some ways.
01:16:13I left home.
01:16:14My father's house.
01:16:15And I found my own path.
01:16:17It's not perfect, but it's mine.
01:16:20And you had to make me come here.
01:16:23You only wanted me here to belittle me again.
01:16:26Stop it, please.
01:16:28I should have known there was no way you could help me.
01:16:32Pay my school?
01:16:33Why would you do that if you never spent a dime of your father's money on me?
01:16:40And now with Jerry's debts, you expect Bruce to fix all the problems?
01:16:44We had a deal.
01:16:45Which you broke.
01:16:47I don't owe you anything.
01:16:51Your father chose me, Ashlyn.
01:16:53For better or for worse.
01:16:54That means something.
01:16:59It's not like that.
01:17:01Maybe if I were here, everything would be different.
01:17:04But the moment he left, you showed your true self.
01:17:09You're seeing it at your own convenience.
01:17:14I've tried to see yours for years.
01:17:16And the only thing I've understood is that you can't help but belittle me.
01:17:21Just to feel superior.
01:17:32We need to talk.
01:17:38All this time, you referred to her as if she were a daughter to you.
01:17:42What else did you lie to me about?
01:17:44You weren't there.
01:17:45I wish I had been.
01:17:47The worst thing is that you don't even see that what you did is wrong.
01:17:51It's going to be okay.
01:17:52I know how your father can apologize and Mom will forget about it.
01:17:56He's not the one who has to apologize.
01:17:59You have to give him another chance.
01:18:02I'm not worried about Jerry or the money.
01:18:04I'm worried about you and your lies and manipulations.
01:18:14Give me my keys.
01:18:18Ashlyn went to the airport.
01:18:21Let's go get her.
01:18:25What options do I have to change the flight?
01:18:29And how much does it cost?
01:18:34And are there no other options?
01:18:38Uh, I'm going to hang up and I'll talk to you later.
01:18:44Don't go.
01:18:46I don't have to stay.
01:18:49We want to talk.
01:18:54I should have told you about Miriam.
01:18:57It's your past.
01:18:58Maybe it's not even my business.
01:19:01At least I can understand that it would have been difficult for you to express yourself.
01:19:05Even so,
01:19:07I shouldn't have come just because he promised to pay for my studies.
01:19:11If it hadn't been for that, we wouldn't have met.
01:19:14That must have been my first clue, not knowing you.
01:19:18Miriam always had an excuse.
01:19:21I'm sorry I didn't see it.
01:19:23Even Noah noticed.
01:19:25I just...
01:19:26I didn't want to believe that...
01:19:28She was so different from what I thought.
01:19:31And what are you going to do now?
01:19:33I don't know.
01:19:36I even doubt if Miriam ever loved me.
01:19:40The villa is paid for a few more days.
01:19:43Noah and I plan to stay and enjoy it.
01:19:46I hope you do too.
01:19:51Should we go back to the villa?
01:19:53Let's go.
01:19:59I saw the way Miriam talked to you.
01:20:02And the way she looked at you.
01:20:05I've never seen her so... I don't know.
01:20:09I think she really loves you.
01:20:15But without trust,
01:20:17love is not everything.
01:20:36I'm going to bed.
01:20:37Good night.
01:20:48Good night.
01:20:57I'm sorry to be so late, but we have to cancel.
01:21:02Thank you, Father, for understanding.
01:21:04At least you don't have to worry about perics in the church.
01:21:08Well, goodbye.
01:21:10I really appreciate it.
01:21:15Are you busy?
01:21:18We've made calls all morning to let you know that the wedding is canceled.
01:21:21The guests, the banquet, the church, the decorator.
01:21:25And can I help?
01:21:27We've got it covered.
01:21:31Where's Miriam?
01:21:33She's packing.
01:21:42What do you want?
01:21:45Are you leaving today?
01:21:49No, you've thought about it twice.
01:21:51It can't be fixed.
01:21:53I guess.
01:21:55I have to finish packing.
01:21:57In silence, if you don't mind.
01:22:00The plane leaves soon.
01:22:08There are things that neither of us can change or erase.
01:22:12And if we could, I don't know if you'd want it, but if you did, I'd be fine with it.
01:22:21I wish...
01:22:24I could let it all go.
01:22:43The car is here.
01:22:45Take care, Noah.
01:22:48You can call me, you know.
01:22:50Whenever you want.
01:22:51Oh, um...
01:22:59Goodbye, Fiona.
01:23:03Let's go.
01:23:10We don't want to be late.
01:23:32Goodbye, Bruce.
01:23:50How do you feel?
01:23:52I don't know.
01:23:54I'm trying to figure it out.
01:23:56I don't want to be hated, but...
01:24:00I don't control it either.
01:24:02No one could hate you.
01:24:06You know, I...
01:24:08From the first day we met, I couldn't help but be away from you.
01:24:13From me?
01:24:16Look, everything you've done, everything you work for...
01:24:20You inspire me.
01:24:22And, um...
01:24:24You deserve to be successful and happy.
01:24:30It's very kind of you, but...
01:24:36I don't want to hurt you.
01:24:42I don't feel hurt for you, like you say.
01:24:46I worry about you.
01:24:48And I admire you.
01:24:53And I'm falling in love with you.
01:24:57I'd be crazy if I didn't feel it.
01:24:59Does it bother you to know?
01:25:04I'm fine knowing that.
01:25:08I've never felt that I could be honest about who I am or my life.
01:25:14Be me...
01:25:16Without expecting to be despised.
01:25:20Until today.
01:25:23You're amazing.
01:25:25Did you know?
01:25:27I don't care.
01:25:46Well, one of the advantages of non-return policies is this.
01:25:51How nice.
01:25:52Help me with this.
01:25:54It looks delicious.
01:25:55And this is mine.
01:25:57Yes, and with this sun, you have to eat fast.
01:26:00Don't you care that it's the wedding cake?
01:26:01I don't care, it's my cake.
01:26:03Don't do it.
01:26:04And what are we celebrating?
01:26:06The future.
01:26:08It's full of possibilities.
01:26:10I like that.
01:26:12For the future.
01:26:24Super, I went from being the boyfriend to the chaperone.
01:26:54I love you.
01:26:56I love you too.
01:27:24I love you too.
01:27:54I love you too.